Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 646 Star Demon Tower (Part 1)

This divine sword is filled with the breath of creation and life. The combination of light and water gave birth to this sword of creation. It does not have the seven colors of ordinary artifacts, but has its own unique color. Because of this, it has completely surpassed the realm of ordinary artifacts.

Faced with such an attack, even the Demon God may not be able to completely resist it. The two ninth-level Star Demons no longer bothered to release magic to protect the Star Demon Tower. They could only barely hold up an orange light shield and retreat quickly.

Roaring finally remembered that in the capital of the demon clan, in the core area of ​​the star demon clan, an indescribable powerful light suddenly burst out. The two ninth-level star demons spurted blood at the same time and flew back, their protective shields shattered once again.

Even Long Haochen himself didn't expect that his attack on these two star demons would have such a powerful effect. It's a pity that this is in the Star Demon Palace, otherwise, as long as he and his friends go all out to attack a few more times, these two Star Demons will definitely not be spared.

This was the first time Long Haochen used this divine sword of life and creation. It was also one of his biggest trump cards. Its power was far beyond his judgment. Long Haochen was now absolutely sure that even if the Light Sword God Ye Wushang was resurrected, his weapons would never be as powerful as the divine sword in his hand.

The soul of life and creation is Yating, and its essence is the perfect combination of the aria of the goddess of light, the blue rain, and the hibiscus of light. Is it a true artifact, or something that transcends ordinary artifacts. Although it cannot be compared with the super artifact like the Tower of Eternity, it is still close to the level of the true strength hidden by the Sun and Moon Snail Shield.

This fusion sword was understood by Long Haochen after he killed the Leopard Demon God. This understanding was brought to him by Yating. As a synthetic spiritual furnace, Yating's role has always been more of a support, but only Long Haochen knows that among all the spiritual furnaces he and his partners have, none of them can compare with Yating. Because Yating is a spiritual furnace with wisdom.

In terms of the spiritual furnace level, she has surpassed the level of the first-level spiritual furnace and entered the level of the wisdom spiritual furnace. Of course, compared with the real legendary wisdom spiritual furnace, Yating may still be far behind, but she has Haochen's help has been tremendous.

The meteorite has been being absorbed by the two divine swords to strengthen their bodies. Yating told Long Haochen at that time that the two divine swords have a strong compatibility, which is why she proposed to use the two divine swords to strengthen their bodies. An important reason for improving the quality of Excalibur together.

However, after all, these two divine swords are not refined in a complete set, and their quality and temperament are different. How can they truly complete the fusion of two swords? For this, Yating has been working hard silently. After knowing that she finally found the key point of fit, she told Long Haochen the good news.

Light and water are the two elements necessary for life, from which creation and life are born. The extremely high degree of compatibility between the two divine swords makes it possible for them to fuse. And Yating herself is the catalyst for this integration.

After merging with the Holy Spiritual Furnace, Ling Yating possesses the gestation ability of the Holy Spiritual Furnace. Therefore, the two divine swords have always been able to absorb meteorites from the sky through her gestation. In a sense, it was precisely because of Yating's gestation that these two divine swords changed completely. Therefore, they all have a very high affinity for Yating.

Yating is not a human being. Even if she looks like an entity, she is not an entity after all. Therefore, when she appeared as a sword spirit, she acted as a catalyst in the true fusion of the two divine swords. The two divine swords that had absorbed the meteorite finally completed their union for the first time.

This is how the Sword of Creation and Life was born.

Long Haochen couldn't care less about the magic that this sword brought to him now. Under the heavy collision, the door where his target was located was finally knocked open. Without any hesitation, Long Haochen and his friends rushed in instantly.

From the beginning of the operation to now, it can be said that everything has gone smoothly, and his prepared sword Xingyu just now even severely injured two ninth-level star demons, which was an unexpected surprise. Now it seems that they really have a chance of success.

Long Haochen rushed in first, but Wang Yuanyuan and Zhang Fangfang did not follow immediately. Instead, they stood guard at the door and only rushed in after knowing that Lin Xin, Chen Ying'er, Han Yu and Sima Xian rushed in. And quickly closed the door of the Star Demon Tower.

Outside, the two ninth-level star demons had erupted with extremely sharp roars, but no matter how they released the distress signal, Long Haochen and the others had finally entered the star demon tower!

A gray figure silently watched everything happening in front of the Star Demon Tower in a dark corner. It could be seen from his clenched fists that he was very nervous at this time.

They are too courageous. No wonder I keep feeling something is wrong. They actually targeted the Star Demon Pillar. But, can they succeed? This is too dangerous.

Taking a deep breath, the gray figure continued to remain silent, but his mind was in an indescribable confusion.

Terrifying spiritual power fluctuations circulated in the air, and Long Haochen's eyes flashed as he looked forward.

The first thing he felt when he suddenly entered the Star Demon Tower was that it was unreal, just like when he first entered the Tower of Eternity. Different from the grandeur of the Tower of Eternity, the illusory feeling in this Star Demon Tower is full of mystery.

Everything exuded a dark golden color. Under their feet were huge dark golden magic circles, engraved with many symbols that Long Haochen and the others had never seen before. They can be sure that these symbols are by no means ancient elven script, but a special kind of magic runes. These runes spread from the ground to all the walls of the surrounding Star Demon Tower. And in the center of this Star Demon Tower, a giant pillar that requires four people to hug stands erected there.

From the outside, the Star Demon Tower did not seem very big, but when they actually entered the place, Long Haochen and the others were surprised to find that the area inside the Star Demon Tower was actually large enough to be compared with the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground. On the giant pillar that connected the sky and the earth, a layer of dark golden light was slowly emitting. On the pillars, there are orange stars shining.

These stars are either big or small, illusory or substantial, and almost every one of them has a different color and size. But at a glance, you will still feel that they are a whole.

The strange magic fluctuations gave people a feeling of seeing the future. At this moment, Long Haochen felt as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him. That feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.

Is this the Star Demon Pillar? Boss, hurry up. Sima Xian on the side shouted impatiently.

Long Haochen suddenly woke up from that strange feeling. How could I be immersed in this feeling? While Long Haochen blamed himself, he quickly sent a summons to Haoyue. They finally arrived here, and everything went so smoothly. The next step was to cooperate with Haoyue and go all out to destroy the Star Demon Pillar in front of them. After completing the attack, Long Haochen would teleport all his partners back to the Tower of Eternity, and then If he thinks of a way to break out, he can go as far as he can. After all, it is obviously best to be able to stay away from the Star Demon Palace and then teleport back to the Tower of Eternity. After all, he can only reappear in the same place where he disappeared before.

Of course, this is the best plan. If nothing can be done, they will have no choice but to teleport away.

This was Long Haochen's complete plan. He mobilized almost all the powerful demons in the heart of the demon city to attack in the east and west, attack the enemy's necessary rescuers, and then attack the Star Demon Tower with lightning speed.

The whole plan is coming to an end here, and now it's up to Haoyue.

But..., Haoyue did not appear.

In just an instant, Long Haochen froze, and his whole body trembled violently as if an electric current was passing through him. because……

The summons failed.

Yes, he actually failed in the process of summoning Haoyue.

This was the first failure in history since Long Haochen and Haoyue concluded the contract. He couldn't find Haoyue's existence, couldn't establish their blood-based connection, let alone bring it into this world. The connection between them was inexplicably and unconsciously severed.

How can it be? When Long Haochen was planning this operation, he had careful plans and response methods for all possible problems, but he never thought that the connection between himself and Haoyue would be interrupted.

But this situation occurred at this moment, in such an important and embarrassing situation.

Seeing Long Haochen's body trembling, Cai'er, who was clinging to him, quickly stepped out and said, Haochen, what's wrong?

The shock in Long Haochen's eyes was seen by every member of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group. Their hearts sank at the same time, and a strong sense of foreboding spread instantly in each of their hearts.

I can't contact Haoyue. I can't summon it. Long Haochen almost lost his voice. With his leadership position in the team and his many years of experience, at this moment, his heart was still confused.

This is the heart of the magical city! It is also the core Star Demon Tower in the Star Demon Palace. At this time, if such a problem occurs, it may be devastating to them.

At this time, a strange voice slowly sounded, You are finally here. I have been waiting for you for a long, long time. Welcome, Long Haochen, the spokesperson of Austin and Griffin.


Actually, I should have stopped at this chapter to whet my appetite. However, as a kind person, how could Lao San do this? Not only does it not whet your appetite, but it also has six chapters in a row, making everyone happy to watch it. At the same time, Lao San would like to say here that if we can reach seventh place on the monthly vote list, we will add two more updates. If we reach the top six, we will add two more updates. In other words, if the monthly ticket can reach the sixth level, it will be ten updates.

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