Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 636: Kill the Demonic Pillar with Sword!

At this moment, Long Haochen finally understood what that purple color was. That is the idea of ​​destruction! If we say, his light element is already the purest in the Holy Demon Continent. Then, this aura of destruction coming from Haoyue is the most advanced existence of all destructive thoughts.

Is destruction an attribute? Long Haochen didn't know clearly, but he definitely understood that this aura of destruction was by no means comparable to any attribute he knew now.

The other members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group were also looking at Long Haochen, and their feelings were different again. When Long Haochen was illuminated by six rays of purple light spit out by the bright moon. His whole body exuded an indescribable purple-gold light.

That majesty is like a god suspended in front of his followers, like a king standing proudly above his subjects. In this majesty, there is also unparalleled arrogance and strength.

At this moment, everything about Long Haochen turned purple-gold, but it was different from the purple-gold color when Haoyue merged with his body. This purple-gold color is completely his own, whether it is spiritual power or spiritual wings.

Long Haochen could feel that he was only initially experiencing this pure and terrifying destructive intention, but even so, he also found that his power seemed to be different. What frightened him was that the light element in his body was not the purple-gold color produced by merging with this destructive idea. Rather, it was caused by being completely forcibly enveloped by the idea of ​​destruction.

The one favored by the Goddess of Light, the Son of Light's light element attribute didn't even show a trace of struggle. What level is this destructive thought? Perhaps, it is not a real spiritual power, like a physical attack, at least not yet. But its existence carries supreme pressure. The pressure of the Demon God Emperor was more substantial, but Long Haochen vaguely felt that even the Demon God Emperor might not be able to gain the upper hand compared to this destructive intention. Of course, this is just a comparison of ideas.

The aria of the goddess of light had already appeared in Long Haochen's hands, and the purple-gold sword light was hesitating. The blade of the sword even made a slight buzzing sound.

Every time Long Haochen used the Aria of the Goddess of Light to fight, he could clearly feel the joyful excitement of this divine sword in battle. But at this moment, when the idea of ​​destruction was really injected into it, Long Haochen was surprised to find that the buzz of the aria of the Goddess of Light was no longer excited, but trembling.

The purple-gold sword light does not belong to the artifact level, but it seems to have a quality, a quality of destruction, which completely restrains the quality of the Demon God Pillar.

Ah—— Long Haochen roared, raising the Aria of the Goddess of Light above his head with both hands. In an instant, a strong purple-gold light burst out from his body, and the purple intention injected by Haoyue also stopped at this moment.

The next moment, Long Haochen felt that the blood in his body was boiling, and something seemed to be merging wonderfully.

The terrifying sword intent caused a strange phantom to appear behind Long Haochen. The phantom turned out to be himself, but it had a pair of eyes that were completely different from his.

They were a pair of eyes full of coldness, with evil charm in the coldness, and endless arrogance and contempt for all living beings.

Broken-- The goddess of light arias and slashes forward, with the bright and magnificent purple-gold sword light, she strikes the Leopard Demon God's Demonic Pillar boldly.

Puff—— The sword blade sank into the Demonic Pillar until it reached the end.

At this moment, the illusory figure behind Long Haochen quietly disappeared, as if it had completely merged with his body.

An unprecedented sense of power burst out in Long Haochen's body. He felt as if his whole body was on fire. He roared again, Ah——, ah——, ah——, ah——

The purple-gold color spread rapidly, and the fifty-seventh demon pillar of the demon clan that was originally dark red quickly turned into the same color. The next moment, crack lines began to appear from where the Light Goddess Aria had cut, and spread in all directions.

The six heads and twelve eyes of Haoyue were all staring at Long Haochen, and their eyes revealed the light of hope. But at this moment, Long Haochen clearly felt a strange power flowing into his body along the aria of the goddess of light. This power instantly merged into his own power, and in just an instant, the fusion he had felt before appeared. The purple-gold light on his body also became looming.


The Demon God Pillar shattered and turned into countless purple-gold rays of light that scattered in all directions, but seemed to have no entity. There was only a terrifying wave of spiritual power sweeping around.

Haoyue roared again, Ziyi reappeared, and the aftermath of the spiritual power that appeared after the demon pillars were damaged was immediately suppressed. And Long Haochen also fell from the sky.

Haoyue turned back to look at the people of the Dawn of Light and growled at them. At the same time, a golden light lit up on Xiaoguang's head, and he picked up the falling Long Haochen and pulled it to him.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group did not dare to neglect and quickly returned to Haoyue's back. Haoyue raised his head and roared, six streams of breath spurted out, and bombarded the top of the hall. He kicked his limbs on the ground, spread his huge wings, and took everyone into the air. He was as strong as when he came, and he broke through forcefully. The restraints on the hall roof rushed into the sky. Flying into the distance amidst the roars of countless leopard demons.

Long Haochen was lying on Haoyue's back, as if he had lost his mind, but his right hand was still holding the Aria of the Goddess of Light tightly. There is even a purple-gold light looming on the body.

Cai'er hurriedly went up to help him up, but Xiaoguang suddenly turned around and growled at Cai'er.

You want me not to touch him? Cai'er asked doubtfully.

Xiaoguang nodded to her, and then turned around again. His huge wings flapped suddenly, his speed increased sharply, and he headed towards the distance.

Cai'er naturally understood the feelings between Long Haochen and Haoyue. Haoyue had asked him to destroy the Demon God Pillar before. It obviously had its intention and it would never harm Long Haochen.

Everyone has experienced countless battles. Although the battle just now made their hearts swell, they all knew clearly what was most important now. They all sat cross-legged on Haoyue's back, trying to restore their spiritual power. To facilitate changes at any time. Although the demon army has been attracted to the front line by the holy war, this is the inside of the demon clan after all, and it is possible to encounter the demon army again at any time.

The purple-gold light on Long Haochen's body continued to flash, but in fact, he did not lose his mind. What he lost was control of his body. He only felt that his body was undergoing some strange changes and was changing. This change is not spiritual power. Because, after he smashed the Demonic Pillar, his spiritual power had regained its light attribute.

Could it be that this is a closer fusion between me and Haoyue's bloodline? Long Haochen thought secretly in his heart. All he can do now is relax his mind and body and let this integration continue naturally. What he didn't understand was why this fusion was created after he seemed to have obtained part of the power of the Demon God Pillar.

Haoyue's flight took a long time this time. He was flying southward. It lasted for a full two hours before he slowly landed in a valley.

After floating to the ground, Haoyue's broad back suddenly shook, and the violent shock force immediately shook everyone off their backs. Without even looking at the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, Xiaoguang had already emitted another golden light and rolled up. Long Haochen's body. And carefully let it fall on the ground in front.

Six big heads gathered around Long Haochen. If you look carefully, you can find that there is a worried look in each of the eyes of these six big heads. I don't know what I'm worried about.

Especially Xiaoguang, his mood seemed a little unstable, and he didn't make a low whine from his mouth.

Time passed minute by minute, and after three full hours, the purple-gold color on Long Haochen's body completely faded away, and everything seemed to be back to normal again.

Because of the protection of Haoyue's six heads, no one in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group could get close to him, let alone know his condition. The most anxious person was naturally Cai'er. If she hadn't known for sure that Haoyue would never harm Long Haochen, she would have rushed over by force.

Yeah. Long Haochen hummed, turned over and sat up. However, his first action was to look at Haoyue blankly, with confusion in his eyes.

In the past few hours, he could be said to be completely ignorant of the changes in his body. At this moment, he only felt that everything was back to normal. He was still himself, and his spiritual power was still the same. It has not been strengthened or weakened. It seems like nothing has changed. But in his subconscious, he deeply understood that something must have changed in him. And this change is closely related to Haoyue, so it should be a good change.

Haoyue, what happened to me? Long Haochen asked doubtfully.

Haoyue gently shook her head at him. The way the six big heads shook together was a bit funny, but the kindness and gentleness in its eyes immediately softened Long Haochen's heart.

All six heads lowered their heads and came close to Long Haochen, gently groping his body. Long Haochen could only touch them one by one.

I know you must be doing it for my own good. But why don't you tell me what's going on? Long Haochen asked Haoyue more than once about his origins and abilities. But every time Haoyue looked at him pitifully and refused to say anything.

This was the case again at this time, especially Xiaoguang, who leaned his head over and kept rubbing against Long Haochen's body. But Long Haochen caught the worry in its eyes.

Xiaoguang, what are you worried about? Long Haochen asked softly.

Xiaoguang shook his head again, and then his eyes suddenly became determined. His eyes swept over the other five heads majestically, and then he let out a low growl.

The other five heads also roared without hesitation, as if they were taking an oath.

Long Haochen didn't understand what they were doing at all. Xiaoguang was telling the other heads something and making them agree to something. Does it have anything to do with me?

At this time, Long Haochen was confused. After Xiaoguang received affirmative replies from the other big heads, his expression seemed to relax. He looked at Long Haochen with soft eyes, and an idea flashed in his mind.

Master, we will protect you at all times. We will never betray you.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Long Haochen could ask further questions, Haoyue had turned into a ball of purple light, disappeared in front of him, and actually teleported away.

Won't you betray me? How could Haoyue betray me? But what does it mean when it speaks? For a moment, Long Haochen couldn't help but feel a headache. As his strength increased, his Haoyue seemed to become more and more mysterious.

Boss, are you okay? As soon as Haoyue left, everyone from the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group immediately came over. They all looked at him with concern.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: I'm fine. It should be Haoyue who allowed me to incorporate some of its power. It won't say exactly what happened, but it's definitely not a bad thing.

Hearing what he said, everyone immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions relaxed, and the excitement that had been suppressed before was revealed.

Boss, we have really killed another demon god! How many of the seventy-two demon pillars of the demon clan have we killed? Not counting those who have not destroyed the demon god pillars, there are two. This is the fifty-seventh pillar. Demon God, I'm afraid we have another million meritorious deeds in our account. How many meritorious deeds do we have now! Even Han Yu, who had always been calm, couldn't help but jump up excitedly at this time.

Long Haochen chuckled and said, I don't know how much merit there is. However, I feel that we should interrogate someone properly.

After hearing what he said, everyone's eyes were focused on a certain bald man almost instantly. Surprised with doubts, but mostly excited.

Hehehehe. Sima Xian laughed triumphantly, patted Lin Xin beside him on the shoulder, and said: Brother Youyao, isn't your famous saying that brother has medicine? I will also have a famous saying in the future, brother has money!

Lin Xin asked curiously: Where did you get the money?

Sima Xian laughed and said: I don't have any money myself, but I can make a living! My wife is rich!

What, you have a wife? This immediately attracted everyone's curiosity.

Wang Yuanyuan whipped out his Bloody Storm, and said aggressively: This bald man really needs to be interrogated. For two years during the jihad, we have been going through life and death every day. It's good for him. Not only did he find a wife, he also exchanged a shot with a cannon. Also Don’t recruit based on reality.”

Sima Xian laughed out loud again, but didn't say anything. His face was even more showy and looked like he didn't deserve a beating.

Cai'er raised the death sickle in her hand slightly, Do you want to be beaten by a group of people?

Uh..., don't, deputy captain, I said it's not okay? Do you still remember the little white flower in the Holy City?


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