Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 635 The power of the morning light! (Down)

The seventh level versus the eighth level is almost impossible to resist without absolute equipment suppression. This is exactly what happened at this time. The shield wall collapsed, but it still blocked the Golden Leopard Demon for a while.

Just as the Golden Leopard Demon was preparing to continue its attack, it suddenly felt a heat all over its body and turned around subconsciously.

What he saw was countless golden-red flames sweeping towards him from all directions at the same time, literally covering its body.

These golden-red flames were transformed by the flame sword that Zhang Fangfang slashed before. This is his self-created skill, the Holy Fire Cage!

Zhang Fangfang's mount is of fire attribute. Although he can also release the fire of light, it takes time to condense. He is able to merge the flames of his mount with his own light, which requires him to have an extremely astonishing level of compatibility with his mount. At the same time, you must have strong control.

The golden leopard demon trapped in the Holy Fire Cage suddenly let out a scream, and the powerful combination of light and fire elements burned and corroded it extremely.

Zhang Fangfang raised the epee in his right hand high, and a faint red light flashed from his body, burning spirit! Immediately afterwards, a ray of holy white light shot out from the tip of his heavy sword and struck hard at the Golden Leopard Demon who was temporarily restrained by the Holy Fire Cage.

Amidst the loud noise, the Golden Leopard Demon was blasted directly back to the ground, with golden-red flames still burning all over his body. His body was shaking violently.

The light of judgment! Knight's eighth-level single-target attack skill can be learned by both Guardian Knight and Punishment Knight.

The attack intensity of the Light of Judgment itself is not too strong, at least not very strong among eighth-level light magic, but the Light of Judgment has a very strong purifying effect. In other words, if the enemy has a dark attribute, then the power of the light of judgment will be extremely powerful. If it is not a dark attribute, it will be much worse.

Zhang Fangfang relied on his instant Burning Spirit to cross the level and use the Light of Judgment skill. At the same time, another figure separated from behind him.

If you had paid close attention to him from the beginning of the battle, you would have discovered that the figure that looked exactly like him had already appeared when he was riding the six-legged Pegasus. It's just that because it stayed close to Zhang Fangfang, the golden leopard demon couldn't see it.

Light of Judgment is an eighth-level skill. Even with Burning Spirit, Zhang Fangfang would never be able to cast it instantly! The chanting of the incantation was completed by the figure behind him. This is the other person Zhang Fangfang separated from his unique second life spiritual furnace.

The second life spiritual furnace has no equipment, but it has 80% of Zhang Fangfang's strength. With his cultivation level, he cannot complete the spell. But after several years of hard training and fighting, Zhang Fangfang has completed an evolution of this spiritual furnace. Not only can the clone of the second life spiritual furnace have 90% of his own strength, but also can instantly burn the spirit. Connect the two spiritual powers together. As a result, his cultivation level was raised to the seventh level peak state in a short period of time. Coupled with the instant burning spirit, the light of judgment appeared naturally.

More importantly, when he was hit by the light of judgment while imprisoned in the Holy Fire Cage, the Holy Fire Cage also mutated and turned into the Holy Fire Judgment.

Judgment of Holy Fire is also an eighth-level knight skill, but it is an eighth-level disciplinary knight skill. Among all the long-range single-target attack skills of disciplinary knights, Judgment of Holy Fire is the top one.

The entire battle process was completed in a very short time. Even the strongest knight present, Long Haochen, couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene. Zhang Fangfang's series of attacks can be described as stunning and stunning.

It seems simple, but in fact it is a perfect fusion of wisdom and strength. With the seventh-level, fifth-level and sixth-level cultivation, he broke out the Holy Fire Judgment that even the Paladin may not be able to use. His understanding of knight skills has reached a superb level.

There is no doubt that Zhang Fangfang and Long Haochen have taken different paths. Long Haochen pays more attention to improving himself and improving his abilities. Zhang Fangfang, on the other hand, gained great strength by understanding knight skills and performing them in his own way.

The six-legged Pegasus rushed down with two Zhang Fangfang and pounced on the golden leopard demon below. The golden leopard demon that had been hit by the Holy Fire Trial could never be his opponent.

There is no doubt that Zhang Fangfang has used all his strength to gain an overwhelming advantage against an eighth-level demon in such a short period of time. There were others in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, and he didn't need to fight so hard. However, he must prove himself. Prove yourself useful to this team. Although he had that relationship with Wang Yuanyuan, as a knight, how could he stay in such a team just relying on nepotism? He wants to prove to everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group that he has the strength to stay in this team.

In two years of holy war, his improvement has not been much, but that does not mean that he has no potential. In recent times, he has accumulated a lot of experience, and his strength is increasing at an alarming rate.

Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang blocked two eighth-level golden leopard demons respectively. There was no blocking force in front of Haoyue. When he rushed into a huge hall again, a tall demon pillar suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The Demon God Pillar is thick but not slender. It is only a dozen meters high and is not even close to the top of the hall. But the cross-sectional diameter is at least three meters away. On the dark red Demon God Pillar, the light has dimmed a bit at this time, but the leopard-shaped dark patterns can still be seen faintly.

Haoyue, it's up to you. Long Haochen and his friends jumped off Haoyue's back one after another. Without his order, everyone had already blocked the intersection behind them.

Seeing this demon pillar, Haoyue's eyes suddenly became excited, and an indescribable emotion burst out from it. There is excitement and excitement, pain and sadness, and even more resentment.

The six big heads looked up to the sky and let out a roar. Haoyue's body seemed to be on fire. The amethyst-colored scales bloomed with dazzling amethyst-colored light, and layers of purple meaning continued to bloom from it.

Although these purple rays are not aimed at the members of the Demon Hunting Group of Light Dawn. But except for Long Haochen, everyone else still felt chills in their bodies. He couldn't help but mobilize his spiritual power to resist.

Perhaps sensing the aura of Haoyue, the fifty-seventh Demon God Pillar of the Leopard Demon God suddenly lit up. The intense dark red light spreads outward like a halo.

Standing next to Haoyue, Long Haochen felt as if the Demon God Pillar had come to life, and its tyrannical and fierce pressure increased instantly. However, behind this fierceness, there is something faintly like a lustful inner feeling. Is it afraid?

The dark red halo immediately dissipated when it came into contact with Haoyue's purple halo. At this moment, Haoyue's six eyes all turned into crystal clear purple again. The two front paws grabbed the ground forcefully, and low roars continued to come from Haoyue's mouth.

Demon God Pillar, another Demon God Pillar appeared in front of it. Haoyue's roar continued for a long time. It is full of endless anger.

Long Haochen's eyes turned purple at some point, and nine purple light patterns slowly emerged on his forehead. The surface of the body's skin, which was hidden under the adamantine base armor, was already rippling with a layer of purple-gold luster.

As Haoyue's roar intensified, Long Haochen was surprised to find that he actually felt a surge of power, and the spiritual energy in his body seemed to be burning. Even the spiritual light emitting from the adamantine base armor on his body has completely turned purple-gold.

Such a strong aura, Haoyue seems to have undergone a qualitative change after possessing six heads! It is far from being as simple as improving from the seventh level to the eighth level.

The cultivation level of the eighth level primary level? No, absolutely not. The power hidden in Haoyue's bloodline is really terrifying.

It was precisely because he had a part of Haoyue's bloodline that Long Haochen's feelings became clearer. Back then, he used his own blood to change Haoyue's attributes at the Holy Mountain of Knights. After Haoyue survived, he used his own blood to feed Long Haochen. Because of this, they established a close connection like a blood contract.

Long Haochen's improvement will promote the improvement of Haoyue's cultivation. On the contrary, every time Haoyue evolves, Long Haochen will also receive huge benefits.

The last time he destroyed the Demon God Pillar of the Snake Demon God Andumari, Haoyue was still at the five-headed cultivation level, and his state was somewhat similar to now, but there is no doubt that Haoyue has become more powerful this time.

The purple halo became stronger and stronger, and the light of the Demonic Pillar of the Leopard Demon God that was suppressed quickly shrank, and the aura of fear became more and more obvious. Layers of strange light patterns continued to spread from the Demon God Pillar, and then rose into the sky.

Long Haochen's heart moved. Is this a signal that the Leopard Demon God's Demon God Pillar is asking for help from other Demon God Pillars?

At this moment, the thought from Haoyue suddenly appeared in his mind.

What? You want me to do it? Long Haochen looked at Haoyue in surprise.

Haoyue's six big heads also looked at him at the same time, and all twelve eyes nodded to him with deep gazes.

Okay. Long Haochen understood that Haoyue must have a reason for asking him to do this. As his figure flashed, Long Haochen floated out, with four spiritual wings spread out behind him.

At this moment, Haoyue's six big heads shined brightly at the same time, all opened their big mouths, spitting out strong purple light, and injected it into Long Haochen's body from behind.

Long Haochen's whole body trembled. In an instant, he suddenly felt that he had changed, and it seemed that he was no longer a human being. An indescribable majesty burst out of him. At this moment, Long Haochen felt that his thoughts had increased hundreds of times. In his spiritual consciousness, he seemed to have returned to the black and red world to which Haoyue belonged.

Thoughts and sight are without eyes, it is a feeling of looking down on all living beings and feeling aloof. It seems like you can destroy everything with just a raise of your hand.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. How about we play a little game today? Let’s do it quietly. In addition to the two guaranteed updates, one update will be added for every 100 monthly tickets. It's the middle of the month. The third child knows that everyone doesn't have many votes, so he reduces it to 100. 100 is the third update, and 200 is the fourth update. Hehe, don’t do too much, or you’ll be stressed out. Be gentle.

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