Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 637 A bold plan (Part 1)

Little white flower? No way? Lin Xin's eyes widened instantly, and his long dark green hair was thrown back, as if he was looking at Sima Xian as a monster.

Not just him, except Zhang Fangfang, everyone else looked at Sima Xian with equally shocked eyes. They all knew who the little white flower Sima Xian was talking about.

The future heir of the Holy Alliance Auction House, Feng Linger.

Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Ying'er repeated Lin Xin's words almost in unison, No way.

Who is Feng Linger? He is the heir to the Holy Alliance Auction House! Once she inherits the Holy Alliance Auction House in the future, it is not an exaggeration to say that she will be the richest person in the entire Temple Alliance. Although the big auction house and the Holy Alliance itself are inextricably linked, even the managers still control terrifying wealth.

What's more, Feng Ling'er is stunningly beautiful and has a pure temperament like an orchid in an empty valley. Who would have thought that Sima Xian actually succeeded?

Sima Xian looked so proud that he wanted to look at the sky with his nostrils, What do you mean you can't do it? This pastor is handsome, elegant, tall and mighty. Although he has no hair, my heroic temperament is still deeply attracted to me. I married my little white flower. When we are together, we are a match made in heaven. It is natural. She loves me so much. Hahahaha.

Han Yu put a hand on Lin Xin's shoulder and said to him: Do you think this guy is in need of a fight?

Lin Xin nodded in agreement. Not only them, except Long Haochen and Zhang Fangfang, everyone else looked gearing up.

Sima Xian's smile suddenly faded, and he crossed his arms, What do you want to do?

Wang Yuanyuan shouted: If you don't recruit them from the ground up, you really want us to take action!

No! Can't I just recruit you? In front of everyone's power, Sima Xian immediately surrendered, put away his smug look, and said honestly: Listen to me, this is what happened. . Didn’t I return to the Priest’s Temple? The holy war has begun, and God knows if there is a future. Maybe I will die in Zhennanguan in a few days. So I thought, even if I die, I will Let me give her an explanation! I promised her when I left. So, I wrote her a letter. Then I devoted myself wholeheartedly to the jihad.

But who knew that after a while, when I was immersed in the hard battle every day, she actually wrote me a reply. Although she scolded me in the letter, she told me to live well. So, I suddenly I feel that my courage has greatly increased, and my combat power has soared! I don’t know how many demon cubs I have killed. I don’t know how many demons’ blood I have to stain every day with my powerful pill of light. That’s a great pleasure. We are not discipline priests. It’s for nothing.”

Tell me the important point. Cai'er paused the Death Scythe in her hand and shouted with a threatening look.

Sima Xian quickly ended his bragging, I didn't have the illusion that Little White Flower would accept me at that time, but this is always a good start! Brother Yao taught me that as long as you try, you will have a chance. If you don't try at all, The probability of success was zero. Then I wrote her another letter about my current situation in the Exorcist Pass. From then on, we started exchanging letters. Don’t mention it, I am in Zhennan every day Guan was fighting fiercely with the demons, but my little white flower was still in my heart. This made me cherish my life even more. Strangely enough, under such circumstances, my strength grew very quickly, and my mentality also changed. I wasn’t affected by the war at all. Maybe it’s because I have something to hope for in my heart.”

Then we kept chatting like this every time we wrote letters. I found that Xiao Baihua seemed to be interested in me, so I tried my best and mentioned it. Then she didn't refuse and said she would come. Look at me at Zhennanguan. Hehe.

She really went? Lin Xin asked.

Sima Xian said proudly: Of course. And I went there several times. Didn't you teach me that you have to be bold, careful, and thick-skinned to pick up girls? The first time she went there, she sneaked into the city I just happened to see my brother's heroic performance in killing the enemy. Hehe, I was really lucky that time. Let's go to Zhennan Pass. There is a female magician who has been working with me who is interested in me. I defeated the demons once. Attack. She ran over to wipe my sweat. Then, the little white flower appeared...

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but show a look of lingering fear on his face. It was obvious that the situation at that time frightened him enough. At least it's extremely embarrassing.

What do you think happened to Xiao Baihua at that time? Sima Xian said mysteriously.

Lin Xin said: Is there any need to say that? I will go over and slap you in the mouth, then call you a scumbag and then turn around and leave.

Bah! Sima Xian said disdainfully: Do you think everyone is as petty as you? My little white flower is so open-minded and full of ambitions. I saw her suddenly appear at that time, plus the girl beside me Existence, I can’t even mention how embarrassing it was. At that time, I just wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it. Even if it was a one-on-one fight with the Demon God, it would be much better than the situation at that time!

Chen Ying'er chuckled and said, Then your thoughts at that time were similar to Brother Youyao's?

Uh... Sima Xian said helplessly: Don't expose me, okay? Just listen to me. Anyway, at that time, I felt numb, as if I made a mistake when I was a child and was caught by the teacher, and even Seriously. But what I didn’t expect was that Xiao Baihua didn’t get angry at me. Instead, she walked up to me gracefully, took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped the stains on my face, and then she held my arm Arm, say to the female magician, thank you for taking care of my bald head.

I was stunned at the time, standing there stupidly, as if completely stupid. At this moment, the demons attacked the city again, and a wolf demon was thrown directly into the city by a trebuchet, right next to us , he slashed at Xiao Baihua with one strike. I didn’t think too much at the time, so I quickly pulled her and blocked her with my back. Damn, that wolf demon was so cruel. He slashed into my muscle with one strike. It was very difficult to pull it out later. I just used the Powerful Pill of Light to hit it with an iron ball and a meat ball.

Xiao Baihua told me later that she originally planned to get angry at me. But when she saw that I subconsciously blocked the knife for her, she couldn't get angry anymore. As for what happened later, I won't tell you. Anyway, I am extremely happy.

Han Yu murmured: How could this happen? Sima can do this?

Sima Xian's proud look came up again, Why can't I succeed? Let me tell you, I now have a deep understanding of what it means to not look at a person's appearance. Don't look at how pretty my little white flowers are, and they are always beautiful. She looks like a lady. But deep down she doesn’t like handsome guys, she just likes macho men like me.”

Lin Xin pointed to the Light Power Pill in his hand, So, Xiao Baihua made this thing for you?

Sima Xian smiled and said: Of course. Isn't she worried about my safety? I can't leave the battlefield. When she came to me for the first time, she prepared the materials, and then brought three of us Alliance master forger. I asked them to re-forge the Light Power Pill for me. Although the name has not changed, this thing is much more powerful now than before.

As he spoke, Sima Xian lifted up his Light Power Pill and slapped his right hand on the side. Suddenly, a window appeared on the side of the Light Power Pill, and the flashing core of the purple electric light was exposed again.

There was purple light inside, and it was still hard to see clearly, but the surging spiritual power was quite violent.

Sima Xiandao: The current Light Power Pill is completely tailor-made for me. A large amount of some kind of alloy is added to the body material. I can't remember the name. I just remember that it seems to have metals like fine gold. In addition, There are also a lot of precious metals. Then it forms its body. Then, inside is a magic circle, which was made by asking a magic god to help, using six magic crystals from level 10 thunder and lightning monsters. Xiaobaihua said, thunder and lightning system There are very few magic crystals. Even at the Holy Alliance Auction House, there are only a few pieces at level 10. I have used them all. As for other changes, they are all made in production. Anyway, the power of the Light Power Pill is now stronger than before. There are more. The Purple Fantasy Divine Thunder Cannon, the Purple Thunder Crazy Lightning, and the Purple Thunder Condensation I used before were all created by me after improving the Light Power Pill and combining them with my own abilities. It’s awesome!”

Long Haochen, who had been listening quietly, said: So, your Purple Fantasy Divine Thunder Spirit Furnace should have evolved at least once. Moreover, the backlash is not that strong. It should be related to another epic piece of equipment on your body. Bar.

Sima Xian was much more honest when facing Long Haochen, Yes, the boss is very discerning and can see the mystery in me at a glance. As he spoke, he opened the priest's robe on his upper body, revealing his solid chest. I saw that he was wearing a red soft armor next to his body. The soft armor exuded a faint orange-red brilliance. It was obviously an epic piece of equipment.

This is called Red Dragon Armor, Xiao Baihua said. It is made from the soft skin of a real red dragon's lower abdomen using a special method. It has a very strong defensive effect. At the same time, it can greatly weaken any negative attributes. Although it does not Any amplification effect, but it is particularly suitable for me. It can filter at least 80% of the backlash of my Purple Fantasy God Thunder Spirit Furnace, so I can use it much more easily. Moreover, because I use it more times, My ability to withstand the Purple Fantasy God's Thunder Spirit Furnace is also constantly increasing. After taking the Anaconda Body Strengthening Pill made by Brother Youyao, coupled with the Thunder and Lightning Body Tempering, my external spiritual power should now reach 30,000 to 40,000. .”

Lin Xin looked at the two epic pieces of equipment on Sima Xian with wide eyes, and murmured: Finding a rich wife will save you decades of hard work!


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