Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 628 The arrival of the bright moon (Part 2)

The golden light flashed, and the next moment, they reappeared in the Demon Garo Province. A faint purple light filled Long Haochen's clear golden eyes, and then, a ray of purple light spread in front of him.

The soft purple halo soon covered an area of ​​more than ten meters in diameter, and a huge figure appeared.

Six pairs of eyes filled with coldness, eyes of different colors slowly opened, and a calm and chilling aura spread from its huge amethyst-colored body. Except for Long Haochen, everyone else immediately felt chills all over their bodies when they saw its cold eyes. Like falling into the ice abyss.

It wasn't until these six pairs of eyes fell on Long Haochen that their expressions changed. Very obvious changes. Friendly and excited. Almost instantly, the six heads came up and knelt in front of Long Haochen, caressing him gently, as if they were trying to please him.

Chen Ying'er took a deep breath and said in shock: Haoyue's temperament has changed so much! Noble, arrogant, and cold, its scales are so beautiful, so charming! When Long Haochen and her grandfather Chen Hongyu summoned Haoyue. , Chen Yinger was already unconscious. So this was the first time she saw Haoyue after everyone broke up. As a summoner, she knew the best about Warcraft, but looking at Haoyue, as a soul saint, she could not feel that Haoyue had any affinity for her. In other words, as the spokesperson of the Beast God in the human world, she was unable to communicate with Haoyue, let alone gain Haoyue's approval. What does it mean that the Soul Saint cannot communicate with the monster? Moreover, Haoyue's cultivation level has just entered the eighth level! It's not even the top level of Warcraft.

However, Chen Ying'er didn't feel surprised by this. Even her grandfather didn't know what Haoyue's limit was, let alone her current knowledge. Moreover, the stronger Haoyue is, the better it is for their team. Naturally, she wouldn't have any bad feelings because Haoyue ignored her.

Gently patting Haoyue's head, Long Haochen said: Let's go. Everyone follow me and get on Haoyue's back.

Han Yu said in surprise: Captain, I'm afraid this will expose Haoyue? The amethyst scales on Haoyue's body are so obvious that even at high altitude, it is easy to be discovered due to the refraction of sunlight.

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said: We just want the demons to find out. Otherwise, how can we attract the Demon God Emperor back? We may have to hide and seek with the Demon God Emperor for a long time. He said this with confidence. It's so domineering, playing hide and seek with the Demon God Emperor.

Although Haoyue's body did not continue to grow after evolving into six heads, its length had already exceeded fifteen meters. Even Long Haochen's eight people could get on its back without feeling crowded at all.

Haoyue's six big heads were raised, its huge wings spread out, and its thick and powerful limbs suddenly kicked off the ground, pushing its huge body into the air. In an instant, the ground was blown up by the strong wind brought by its wings. The next moment, Its magnificent amethyst-colored figure has rushed into the air. Under Long Haochen's instructions, he headed south.

As soon as Haoyue flew away, a green light spread from Xiaoqing's head, covering Haoyue's own body and Long Haochen's group.

Levitation, a levitation technique that can greatly reduce weight. This wind magic that was supposed to be a single target was actually used directly by Xiao Qing to produce a group effect. After the weight was reduced, Xiaoqing flapped his wings and his speed greatly increased, flying towards the distance like an amethyst meteor in the air.

Sitting on Haoyue's back, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group felt very stable, but they were not comfortable. Because Haoyue exudes a unique aura, it has a strange sense of oppression for each of them. It also exuded a hint of coldness from time to time, making them very uncomfortable. This feeling didn't exist before. Even when Haoyue evolved five heads, it never happened.

Cai'er quickly told Long Haochen this feeling. After thinking about it for a while, Long Haochen realized that this should have an important relationship with Haoyue's own bloodline power.

After evolving the sixth head, Haoyue's bloodline power was obviously greatly stimulated. This is also the most obvious change in addition to the growth of the sixth head and the addition of an additional attribute. Therefore, everyone's discomfort can only be due to this.

However, for this raid, everyone could only endure it for a while. Long Haochen asked Haoyue to restrain her blood aura as much as possible, and finally the impact on everyone was not so great.

Haoyue's flying speed was extremely fast. At first, Long Haochen thought that it would definitely not be able to match Star King in terms of speed. But soon Long Haochen realized that he was wrong. With the blessing of Xiao Qing's wind magic, Haoyue's speed became faster and faster, completely surpassing the level of Star King. Flying at an altitude of several thousand meters, they had already seen Jialuo City in just half an hour.

Our target is the Demon Temple in Jialuo City. When the bright moon comes down, we will try our best to destroy the Demon Temple's buildings and the demons inside. But don't go outside the Demon Temple. Ying'er, Lin Xin, you two, don't leave. Haoyue's back. Ying'er, don't take action yet. If the enemy is strong, you can finally use summoning magic to cut off the rear.

After a few simple instructions, Long Haochen patted Haoyue's neck. He and Haoyue connected with each other, and saw the huge amethyst-colored body suddenly transformed into a purple meteor and swooped straight into Jialuo City.

Any demon god in the demon clan is qualified to build a demon temple. It's just that the specifications are different. For every twelve people, the specifications increase by one level. The Demon God Emperor's Demon Palace is undoubtedly the most magnificent Demon Temple.

Although Long Haochen was not sure whether Leopard Demon God Osei was in Jialuo City, no matter whether he was there or not, as a party guarding the demon god, his demon temple must be built in Jialuo City. And it must be the best building in Jialuo City. Therefore, even if it was their first time coming here, during Haoyue's dive, they directly locked onto the location of the Leopard Demon God's Demon Temple.

This Demonic Temple is located in the center of Jialuo City. The huge palace is tens of meters high and covers an area of ​​at least more than 10,000 square meters. At the front of the huge palace, there is a leopard-head entrance. The fiery red leopard head has a big mouth. There were dark magic lines spreading from his forehead all the way back.

This is the Demonic Temple of the Leopard Demon God Osei, the Leopard Demon Palace!

All demon temples are built according to the requirements of the demon gods themselves. They contain magic circles set up by their ancestors to enhance their cultivation and strength. Therefore, it can be said that the demon god in his own demon temple is the most powerful. Unless there are special circumstances such as war, their Demon God Pillars will generally be in their own Demon Temple.

A group of amethyst-colored objects suddenly appeared in the sky and swooped down, immediately attracting the attention of the Leopard Demon Clan in Jialuo City.

Leopard demons above level six have the ability to fly. More than a dozen yellow figures rose from Jialuo City and headed towards the sudden amethyst-colored light group.

Leopard Demons are generally about two meters tall. Those of level six and above can grow wings on their backs and evolve into giant Leopard Demons. The body is like a human, but it has the head of a leopard and has yellow hair all over its body. The more powerful the leopard demon is, the thicker and moister its hair will be.

Roar—— A thundering roar sounded loudly, and then, six different colors of light could be seen bursting out from the huge amethyst color almost at the same time. The big leopard demon that took off to investigate suddenly turned into a ball of blood mist in the air. Terrifying spiritual pressure fell from the sky.

Large fireballs, ice arrows, wind blades, light blades, falling rocks and dark purple poison balls fell from the sky, sweeping towards the Leopard Demon Palace like a violent storm. It was Haoyue who showed off her power.

Don't underestimate the low-level magic it emits. The same magic it uses is much more powerful. The compression degree of each magic is more than three times that of normal.

However, the Leopard Demon Palace is, after all, the temple of the Leopard Demon God Osei, and the sudden attack immediately triggered the defensive array of the Leopard Demon Palace. A pitch-black halo suddenly spread from the Leopard Demon Palace, turning into a huge black light shield that completely enveloped the entire Leopard Demon Palace.

The dense magic bombardment caused ripples of various colors on the black mask, but did not cause substantial damage to the mask.

The reaction of the leopard demons in Jialuo City is quite fast. If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that there are a large number of leopard demons running from all directions. In the Leopard Demon Palace, the Leopard Demon also appeared.

The demon hunters of the Temple Alliance have launched attacks on Jialuo City before, but this is the first time they have attacked so blatantly and forcefully from the front. You must know that such an attack is not just facing a Leopard Demon Palace, but all the Leopard Demons in the entire Jialuo City.

Although the number of members of the Leopard Demon Clan is not very large, there are still tens of thousands. Jialuo City is the fundamental place of the Leopard Demon Clan, and almost all the most powerful Leopard Demons are here. There are more than a dozen powerful people above level eight. Usually, there is also the Leopard Demon God Osei. Moreover, Jialuo City is not a border city! Even if such a frontal attack succeeds, they will still have to face the encirclement and suppression by powerful demons coming from all directions.

Haoyue's swooping figure reached the top of the Leopard Demon Palace in a blink of an eye. Its previous attack magic failed to cause substantial damage to the dark defense shield of the Leopard Demon Palace. At this time, its appearance has been clearly seen by the leopard demon below.

A dragon with six heads? As Haoyue grows wings, the shape of its head and horns change, it no longer looks like a lizard, but more like a dragon.

Just when all the Leopard Demons had great confidence in the defensive shield of the Leopard Demon Palace, they believed that Haoyue would be bounced away. Haoyue's six heads roared again.

A layer of purple meaning spread out from its body in an instant and collided with the shield of the Leopard Demon Palace.


The plot is awesome, everyone should be stronger too. Let our recommendation votes and monthly tickets go up together. Second update!

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