Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 629 The arrival of the bright moon (Part 2)

A strange scene appeared. Under the shocked gaze of the leopard demons, the moment the protective shield came into contact with the purple color, it suddenly melted away like a layer of snow that had been splashed with boiling oil. Then Haoyue's huge body directly hit the top of the Leopard Demon Palace.


The violent roar was accompanied by earth and rocks flying everywhere, and the entire Jialuo City trembled from the deafening bang. Haoyue actually smashed into the Leopard Demon Palace so forcefully.

A big hole was smashed out of the top of the Leopard Demon Palace, and the thick and powerful limbs crashed to the ground, right in the hall of the Leopard Demon Palace. The huge concussive force caused large cracks to appear on the hard ground underfoot, but Haoyue seemed to be fine. The six big heads are like six magic cannons, spraying attack magic around crazily.

A solid fortress is always the easiest to breach from within. The same is true for the Leopard Demon Palace. The outer shield is powerful, but who would arrange a defensive shield inside? Under the continuous bombardment of Haoyue's storm-like six-series magic, the Leopard Demon Palace was suddenly in a mess.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group felt dumbfounded. Haoyue is too tough. Originally, they were all ready to break through the shield of the Leopard Demon Palace, but who knew that Haoyue roared and then just smashed in. At this time, they all felt a sense of joy in their hearts. Haoyue's attack method is really enjoyable.

Especially Chen Ying'er, who jumped up on Haoyue's back with excitement. Yang Wenzhao was severely injured. Although the injury has begun to improve now, it is impossible to fully recover within one or two months. Naturally, this hatred must be attributed to the demons. At this time, they actually directly attacked a demon city and the capital of a province. And in this way, it was really enjoyable.

Haoyue's series of violent magic bombardments actually made those powerful Leopard Demon clansmen dare not rush in directly. The building of the Leopard Demon Palace is really solid. Although large areas were damaged in the violent roar, it did not collapse as a whole.

At this moment, several yellow figures jumped in from the surroundings, and the strong dark aura instantly turned into layers of black light shields to resist Haoyue's magical bombardment.

Haoyue's eyes narrowed, and the six big heads roared at the same time again. Suddenly, the purple intention reappeared, and the strong men of the Leopard Demon Clan who released the black light shield suddenly stiffened one by one, and the defensive magic in their hands also stopped. Haoyue's six heads were hit with a series of magic again. The bodies of these leopard demons, who were at least the sixth level and above, were immediately torn to pieces by the magic.

Lin Xin swallowed his saliva, looked at Long Haochen and said: Boss, why do I feel that we don't need to take action? Haoyue can handle this alone!

Indeed, under the full power of Haoyue's six heads, there was no room for them to interfere. Haoyue's magic almost covered the entire hall of the Leopard Demon Palace. As long as they jumped from Haoyue's back, they would probably be affected.

Long Haochen's eyes were also full of surprise. After evolving into six heads, Haoyue's magic power increased greatly, and its spiritual power seemed to be endless. While releasing magic, Long Haochen could feel a large amount of The elemental feedback was re-injected into Haoyue's body, quickly restoring its spiritual power. After just a short while, the hall of the Leopard Demon Palace already looked a bit like a ruined building. How could there be any flavor of the Demon Temple?

Don't worry, a stronger Leopard Demon Clan is coming. Everyone is ready to fight. Long Haochen shouted in a deep voice.

Just as Long Haochen was speaking, suddenly, a yellow figure flashed like lightning and headed towards Haoyue. This yellow light came so fast that it arrived in front of Haoyue in almost a breath. Moreover, when it accelerated in the air, it effectively evaded Haoyue's magic and slipped through the gap, leaving a slight trace behind. Distorted yellow light and shadow.

It was a leopard demon, with golden hair all over his body, as moist as water. A pair of yellow crystal eyes revealed cold murderous intent. The front ends of the thick and powerful arms each popped out sharp claws that were more than a foot long. The moment they reached Haoyue, the wings behind them suddenly folded, and they changed direction and rose upwards. Both claws directly dug into Xiaoguang's eyes. .

Whether it's speed, strength, or reflexes, this leopard demon is much more powerful than the previous ones. The sharp dark aura is like substance. The sharp claws even caused a harsh roar in the air. That is already close to the power of Ling Gang.

The disadvantage of the Leopard Demons is their poor defense, but their speed and attack power are their strengths. This leopard demon brought this advantage into full play.

Facing this sudden sneak attack, Haoyue seemed to not see it at all, and how to release the magic. Pay no attention to it.

A ray of orange-red light suddenly shot across the front almost the moment before the Leopard Demon's attack was about to fall on the little bald head.

When-- there was a crisp explosion. The Leopard Demon's body bounced up in response. A pair of sharp claws made a wild horse parting mane motion. Both claws released four jet-black light blades, and they swept towards Long Haochen who had blocked his attack.

The golden light on Long Haochen's body was flashing at this moment, which was the revenge of light brought about by Shen Yu's block. Just now he received the attack from the leopard demon, and his body was slightly shaken. He immediately judged that this golden leopard demon had an eighth-level cultivation level.

He tapped his toes on Haoyue's back, and an orange-red light blade swept up like a sword. The moment the light blade appeared, it brought out a six-foot sword light. I saw the orange-red light curling up in the air, and all the black The light blade was immediately twisted into pieces. Immediately afterwards, Long Haochen's body suddenly froze in the air, and the aria of the goddess of light floated forward.

This sword is as invisible as an antelope hanging its horns. The sword's intention is not sharp, but even somewhat gentle. However, the eighth-level golden leopard demon was shocked to feel that he was completely unable to dodge. It's not even possible to retreat. With its speed, it can't escape the sword's will at all.

With a low roar, the Golden Leopard Demon's sharp claws instantly turned into a golden color. His body quickly spun around and slashed out at Long Haochen with both claws. The spiritual power released from the sharp claws turned into a dark golden color.

Keng—— The crisp sound appeared simultaneously with the golden leopard demon's scream.

How many powerful demons has Long Haochen faced? He has challenged more than five demon-god level beings alone. Although he did not win every time, he had fought against so many strong men, so how could he be stopped by this eighth-level leopard demon.

The seemingly gentle sword intent burst out the moment it came into contact with the golden leopard's claw blade. The clanging sound was exactly the aria of the goddess of light that instantly shattered the claw blade.

However, this golden leopard demon is indeed powerful. After Aria, the Goddess of Light, smashed its claw blade, although it left a deep blood mark from its chest to its thigh, she was unable to kill it with one sword. You know, this is the sword intention released by the divine sword. Being able to block this blow without dying, this leopard demon is quite powerful.

Feeling the deepening affinity between the goddess of light's aria and him, Long Haochen didn't even look at the leopard demon that was chopped away by him. The orange-red light blade flashed again. This time, the sword glow was blazing, and the light was shining brightly. Zhan Jian brought out a half-moon slash and directly caught up with the body of the leopard demon. Split it in half instantly. An eighth-level demon warrior was killed in the hands of Long Haochen, who was also at the eighth level.

This is both a gap in strength and a gap in equipment. Long Haochen's equipment was all above the epic level. The Aria of the Goddess of Light and the Snail Shield of the Sun and Moon can be converted into artifact levels at any time. Coupled with his understanding of the sword's intention. Even the Dragon Riding Demon God Asmod had to deal with it carefully, and was injured in the hands of Long Haochen in the end. Let alone such an ordinary golden leopard demon.

However, at the same time as the golden leopard demon was activated, golden figures rushed in one after another. Black light blades intertwined in the air, intercepting Haoyue's magic bombardment to a great extent. The magic suppression was blocked, and a large number of leopard demons also poured in from the outside.

After blocking Haoyue's magic attack, at least eight other golden leopard demons rushed into the hall. Seeing the mess in the Leopard Demon Palace, these leopard demons roared angrily. However, they only surrounded Long Haochen and others, but were not in a hurry to launch an attack.

Haoyue's magic stopped, and his cold eyes looked around all the leopard demons. Low incantation chants began to sound rhythmically from its six big heads.

Of course, Long Haochen knew what Haoyue was going to do. He immediately floated down on Xiaoguang's head and stopped it in his heart from continuing to chant the spell.

Haoyue is going to use the six-attribute chaotic element stripping! Regardless of the large number of leopard demons present, if Haoyue were to strip away the six-attribute chaotic elements, except for those eighth-level golden leopard demons who might not die, the other leopard demons would definitely be wiped out.

However, peeling off this level of chaotic elements would also put a heavy load on Haoyue. This was a stronghold of the demon clan, and Long Haochen had no intention of launching teleportation here. Therefore, Haoyue must maintain her physical strength. Moreover, he has already sensed that there is really an enemy he wants to encounter in this Leopard Demon Palace.

Do it. Long Haochen waved his hand and jumped off Haoyue's back first, entering the territory of the demon clan. He no longer needed to hide his identity. Four golden spiritual wings stretched out behind his back, rushing towards the enemy like a golden arrow.

In addition to Chen Ying'er and Lin Xin, others also jumped off Haoyue's back. With Haoyue's protection, the two legal professionals did not need to worry about their safety.

Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian, Zhang Fangfang, Han Yu, and Cai'er rushed in different directions from Long Haochen. Behind everyone, spiritual wings spread out, releasing a powerful aura of pressure.


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