Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 627 The arrival of the bright moon (Part 1)

Haochen... Yang Wenzhao's voice choked up just by saying these two words. I was speechless for a moment. With mixed feelings, he couldn't help but lower his head slightly, unwilling to look at Long Haochen's handsome and perfect face.

Yang Wenzhao, Han Yu, and Long Haochen were all high-ranking disciples of the Knights Temple. Since Long Haochen had lived with his mother since childhood, his circumstances were naturally very different from theirs. But Yang Wenzhao and Han Yu have something similar, that is, arrogance.

The Knights Temple is the first of the six major temples. Their own families and their respective talents have cultivated their pride that has penetrated into their bones since childhood. That's why Yang Wenzhao inadvertently offended Chen Ying'er, and it was because of this pride that Han Yu lost miserably to Long Haochen in the preliminary stage of the Demon Hunting Group selection.

The pride between the two is the same, but the difference is that Han Yu showed it more obviously, so he suffered the consequences of pride earlier. Yang Wenzhao is much calmer than Han Yu. As the direct grandson of the leader of the Temple Alliance, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the first prince of the Temple Alliance. But he never oppressed others with his status. Instead, he worked harder than ordinary people in order to one day continue his grandfather's glory.

If Long Haochen hadn't been born out of nowhere, as long as he could survive and grow smoothly, he would most likely become the heir to the Knights Temple. And it was precisely because of the tremendous pressure that Long Haochen put on him that he worked harder.

However, Long Haochen's talent was far beyond his, and Long Haochen's own efforts were even greater than his. Therefore, he could only watch as the gap between himself and Long Haochen widened. This feeling has always been suppressed in Yang Wenzhao's heart, making him often emotionally unstable.

This time he and Duanyi's two demon-hunting groups acted together, but they suffered a devastating blow from the dragon-riding demon god Asmodeus. This was a really heavy blow to Yang Wenzhao. When he was captured by Asmodeus, he tried to commit suicide, but Asmodeus stopped him. At that time, Yang Wenzhao knew that he was playing tricks. Regardless of whether it was his fault that the demon hunting group was wiped out, as the group leader, he had no shirking responsibility. Even if he survived at this time, he knew that he would never be able to reach the top position of the Knight Temple. How can we not feel disheartened?

If Chen Ying'er hadn't been taking care of him these two days, his mood would be even worse. It was Chen Ying'er's forgiveness that gave him the courage to continue living. But when he saw Long Haochen at this moment, various emotions intertwined in his heart, and his mind was suddenly greatly shaken.

Thank you, Haochen. The grace of saving my life will always be engraved in my heart. Yang Wenzhao adjusted his emotions and said sincerely.

At this moment, he had completely lost all comparison with Long Haochen. He had already learned from Chen Yinger that Long Haochen was the acting paladin leader. Eighth level, he is already eighth level?

Yang Wenzhao's gratitude came from the bottom of his heart. Although he might never be able to surpass Long Haochen, this time Long Haochen not only saved his life, but also enabled him to reunite with Chen Ying'er and gain Chen Ying'er's love. forgive.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: You should thank Ying'er. Ever since she learned the news that you were captured, she has been restless. We just happened to meet each other.

Yang Wenzhao sighed, It was me, I ruined the lives of my friends. If it weren't for my decision, there wouldn't be that action. I have no shame to see grandpa, no shame to return to the mission tower of the Demon Hunting Group. Haochen, When my injuries are better, I want to leave here. I will leave my life to the demons.

What nonsense are you talking about? Chen Ying'er said angrily: Is your life cheap? I've almost lost my temper in the past two days, but you are still so stubborn and stubborn. How do you want me to say hello to you? ? Go to hell, go to hell! As she said this, Chen Ying'er turned around and ran away, throwing herself into Wang Yuanyuan's arms not far away and crying loudly.

Looking at her, Yang Wenzhao's eyes dimmed, but he didn't call her to stop, he just remained silent.

Long Haochen frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: Brother Yang, I know that this incident has hit you hard. But have you ever thought about it, your life does not just belong to you. We have worked hard to save you. Why did you and Brother Duan be rescued? It wasn't to let you die again. You are all the leaders of the younger generation of our Knight Temple, and you have unlimited development potential in the future. Could it be that just because of a setback, you were devastated? Are you worthy of Grandpa Yang? Are you worthy of Ying'er? If you want to die, I won't stop you, but if you die like this, then you are a complete coward.

I'm not a coward. Yang Wenzhao yelled, because he was too excited and touched the injury, and his face turned pale in pain.

Listening to Long Haochen's angry scolding, Chen Ying'er stopped crying. She turned around and saw Yang Wenzhao troubling his injuries. She couldn't help but want to go over, but was held back by Wang Yuanyuan. Wang Yuanyuan winked at her and shook his head.

Long Haochen sneered, Are you not a coward? If you are not a coward, are you going to end your life like this? Escape is the most cowardly sign. Think about it carefully, how did your friends die? Do you want to die? Can you? But is your escape worthy of them? Aren't you afraid that they will stab you in the back in another world after death? Are you going to die before your friends' revenge is avenged? Asmodeus, the dragon-riding demon god, even doesn't He will never remember you again, and he will even be glad that he didn't kill you, a coward who didn't even dare to take revenge.

I know that in your heart, you have always wanted to surpass me and become the number one person in the younger generation of the Knights Temple. Come on! I'm waiting. Are you ready to give up now? Could it be that the Divine Seal Throne of the Knights Temple is Is there only one? Yuan Yuan, you grab Ying'er, I'll throw Yang Wenzhao out now and let him fend for himself. He's going to die anyway, there's no need to wait for his injuries to get better.

No one expected that Long Haochen would say such harsh words, so that everyone was dumbfounded and completely speechless for a while.

Long Haochen's cold voice penetrated deeply into Yang Wenzhao's heart like a sharp sword.

No - Yang Wenzhao shouted, I want to live. I want to live. I haven't avenged my friends yet, so I can't just die. His eyes had turned blood red, Dragon Rider Demon God Asmodeus, he is mine. I must cut him into pieces to avenge my friends and let their souls rest in peace.

And me. Duanyi, who had been silent before, also spoke up, Half of Asmode's life is mine.

When Long Haochen saw that the fire was almost done, he snorted coldly, turned to his friends, and said in a deep voice: What are you looking at? Didn't I ask you to prepare? As he said this, he also winked at everyone.

Yes! Including Chen Ying'er, all the members of the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group, including Zhang Fangfang, all agreed eagerly. In a position where Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi could not see, Sima Xian and Lin Xin were gesturing to Long Haochen. Chen Ying'er also breathed a sigh of relief. After looking at Long Haochen gratefully, she didn't rush back to Yang Wenzhao. She walked aside and sat down to practice.

Now is obviously not a good time to pay attention to Yang Wenzhao. It is best to let him calm down and calm down.

Cai'er accompanied Long Haochen to the distance and sat down, and said with a low smile: This is the first time I know that you can be so mean in your words.

Long Haochen said helplessly: There is no way, haven't you noticed their eyes? They are dim and dull. The death of their partners has dealt a huge blow to them both. The closed mind is the most difficult to cure. If you don't use strong medicine, , it can’t awaken their fighting spirit at all. Although it only uses hatred to inspire their courage to live. But at least it can let them survive and figure it out slowly in the future. They are not stupid, they should be able to figure it out.

Cai'er nodded, looked at Long Haochen's tired look, and said, You should rest quickly. Should our actions be delayed a little? You are too tired.

Long Haochen shook his head resolutely and said: No. Every extra minute we delay here will increase the chance that our great-grandfather will face the Demon God Emperor's attack. We must let the Demon God Emperor know as soon as possible that we have penetrated deep into the Demon Clan. . Moreover, there is only one Demon God ranked fifty-seven in Jialuo City at most, so he will not pose much of a threat to us. After saying this, he immediately closed his eyes and began to enter a meditative state.

Although Cai'er knew that Long Haochen did this more for the alliance and for the entire human race, it was her family members who were in the exorcism test after all! Seeing that Long Haochen was so tired and refused to rest, how could she not dare to move? At the same time, I was also secretly praying for my great-grandfather and parents. The Demon God Emperor must not attack the exorcism pass!

If she knew that there were at least three powerful demon hunting groups composed of legendary powers watching outside the camp where the Demon God Emperor was stationed, she wouldn't be so nervous. How could the Temple Alliance not restrain the Demon God Emperor? Perhaps, these three demon hunting groups combined are no match for the Demon God Emperor and the demon gods around him. But if they attack the Demon God Emperor with all their might, even Fengxiu, the strongest Demon God Emperor in history, will have to think about it.

Two hours passed quickly. When Long Haochen opened his eyes again, his friends had already gathered around him. Without further conversation, Long Haochen said directly: Let's go.

As he spoke, his eyes glanced at Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi in the distance. They were both sitting cross-legged in meditation, apparently beginning to recover from their injuries through practice. This is definitely a good start.

A faint smile appeared on Long Haochen's face, and he activated the transmission of the eternal melody.


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