Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 626 The Demon God Emperor’s Mental Detection (Part 2)

His terrifying mental power would make even Agares tremble. He knew very clearly that although he was the second demon god of the demon clan, even if he added the star demon god Vasak, the undead demon god Samikina and the hell demon god Marbus, he would never be a match for the Demon God Emperor.

Not to mention that humans don't know how powerful the Demon God Emperor is, even they, the Demon Gods, don't know where the Demon God Emperor's ultimate strength lies.

As the most powerful Demon God Emperor in the history of the Demon Clan, no one knows Fengxiu’s true thoughts in his heart.

The terrifying mental power soaring to the sky slowly subsided, and the Demon God Emperor slowly opened his eyes. A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Your Majesty, have you found anything? Agares asked immediately after seeing his expression.

Fengxiu smiled calmly and said with a slight reproach: How many times have I told you, no matter who is in front of you, you should call me brother, not your majesty. We are brothers.

Agares smiled and said: The etiquette cannot be discarded. As the second demon god, I must set an example. The majesty of the eldest brother will always be supreme in the demon clan.

Fengxiu smiled and shook his head, You, you, do whatever you want.

Agares saw that Fengxiu was in a good mood and said, Brother, have you discovered anything?

Fengxiu nodded slightly and said: That little guy is really cunning. He only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. It should be caused by the teleportation treasure that Abao mentioned. I can't capture his spatial position. I'm afraid. It’s an artifact-level teleportation object.”

Agares nodded and said: It is exactly what the third brother predicted. It seems that it is not easy to catch him. He is not strong, but he is cunning enough.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu showed a trace of sadness in his eyes, What a pity.

What a pity? Agares looked at Fengxiu with some confusion, Brother, why do I always feel that you don't want to kill this person in your heart?

Fengxiu's eyes were a little lonely and she shook her head, So what if you don't want to kill? It's not the same as killing. Compared with the eternity of our clan, one person is nothing. Even if this person is A Bao, he will still die.

When he said this, his eyebrows suddenly jumped, and a sneer appeared on his handsome face.

These immortal human beings really think highly of me! There are at least three demon hunting groups ambushing around. All of them have individual strength of more than 200,000 spiritual powers. Are they afraid that I will attack the exorcism gate? How do they know, In my eyes, what does an exorcism test mean?

Agares's eyes flashed coldly, Brother, do you want me to teach them a lesson?

Fengxiu shook his head and said: No need, these guys are very cunning. They will not attack us easily until the last moment. I am too lazy to pay attention to them. I will get it after I finish handling the matter in front of me. After taking the position of God, I naturally have to clear them out. Do you know why I have never dealt with them? Because I want to make humans feel at ease and make them think that I am really watched by their people. This balance cannot be easily Destruction, otherwise, it will not do us any good if the human race is exhausted.”

Agares nodded slightly and said: The goal of this holy war has basically been achieved. Brother, when will we end it? Our losses have been huge in the past two years. However, the population base has basically been adjusted.

Fengxiu asked: How is the situation in the east? After Andumari's death, the snake demon clan was leaderless, and the Demon God Emperor specially sent another demon to take charge.

As the largest source of food supply for the demon clan, the sea to the east is extremely important.

Agares said: The current situation is not bad. You ordered to accelerate the development of fishing for marine life. The food provided this year is about 30% more than last year. In addition, the jihad has caused a sharp decrease in the population of our tribe. It is not a big problem to maintain it for the time being. . And you have been encouraging reclamation and planting over the years. Those humans are quite obedient, and food production is increasing every year.

Fengxiu nodded and said: That's good. We must continue to work hard to capture the craftsmen in the Temple Alliance. After the Holy War is over, this is our most important thing in the future. Also, further encourage mankind Fertility, only after the number of humans domesticated by our race reaches a certain level can we destroy the Temple Alliance. I hope to see the unification of the continent in my lifetime.

Agares smiled and said: Big brother has been around for thousands of years, but he is still young.

Fengxiu said calmly: I am no longer young. However, if I can stabilize my position as a god, it is not impossible to rule forever. After I kill Long Haochen, this holy war will be over. Humanity will also have vitality this time. A serious injury is enough to shock them.


Long Haochen had been running wildly in the wilderness for two days and two nights. In order to conceal his pure light element as much as possible, all he could rely on was his legs.

After running wildly for a day, he could no longer feel the Demon God Emperor's mental detection, and was obviously out of the range of the Demon God Emperor's mental detection. But even so, he did not dare to stop at all. For them, the more important thing is yet to come. It was necessary to attract the attention of the Demon God Emperor in the shortest possible time.

In order to distance himself from the Demon God Emperor, Long Haochen kept heading southeast. In two days, he had passed through a Demon Clan province and arrived at the Jialuo Province located in the north-central part of the Demon Clan.

Among the twenty-four provinces of the Demon Clan, the central province is not actually located in the middle of the Demon Clan. The northwest corner of the continent is occupied by the Temple Alliance, and the Demon Clan occupies other vast areas. From the perspective of the entire continent, the central province is actually located in the east-central part of the south-central part of the continent. The closest place to the central province of the demon clan is the southeastern fortress where the Warrior Temple is located, while the Exorcism Pass is far away. But the Demon Clan is extremely vast, and Long Haochen was as comfortable as a fish in water when he entered the Demon Clan alone. Under such circumstances, it would be too difficult for the Demon God Emperor to find him.

Long Haochen's running for the past two days was not in vain. During the wild running, his energy and blood surged, and since he could stimulate the movement of his inner spiritual power, his internal injuries were basically healed. Entering the Jialuo Province can be regarded as entering the inside of the demon clan, and he can breathe a sigh of relief. Next, we need to make some noise to let the Demon God Emperor know about it.

He took out the map Yue Ye gave him from Eternal Melody, spread it out and looked at it. This extremely detailed map not only records the terrain, cities, but also the situation of the demon race stationed in various places. Of course, with jihad in mind, things should change now.

The Garo Province is conveniently located. Its capital, Garo City, is located at the chokepoint. According to the map, a demon god is stationed here. The Leopard Demon God Osei ranks fifty-seventh among the seventy-two demon gods. The commander of the Leopard Demon Tribe is stationed in the Garo Province.

The Leopard Demons are not the main fighting race among the demons because they are small in number, but they are also very unique. Although they are not as tough as the Bear Demons and Ox Demons in battle, they are extremely fast and good at sneak attacks. , the attack power is also very amazing. Belongs to a race that values ​​both speed and attack. The overall number is similar to that of the Yaks, but because they have the bloodline of the demon god, they surpass the Yaks in strength and status.

This was the Leopard Demon Clan. Long Haochen had set his sights on the target, but he didn't know whether the 57th-ranked Leopard Demon God Osei was in Jialuo City.

Regardless of whether he was present or not, Long Haochen had decided to use this raid to tell the Demon God Emperor that he had penetrated deeply into the Demon Clan.

Inciting the eternal melody, the next moment, Long Haochen has returned to the Tower of Eternity.

Everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was practicing on the spot, and Long Haochen's return made them all wake up from their training immediately.

Haochen, how are you? Cai'er stepped forward and asked, and others also gathered around. Only Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi were still lying on the ground, but they were both conscious now. After two days of recuperation, at least they would not fall into coma easily.

Long Haochen said: I have gone deep into the Demon Clan and have now entered the territory of Jialuo Province. Everyone, please prepare. Our teleportation location is in the north of Jialuo Province, about four hundred miles away from its capital, Jialuo City. Jialuo City This is our first goal. We will set off in two hours.

Although he had recovered from his injuries after traveling for two consecutive days, he was still quite tired mentally. After all, he was always in a state of mental stress and always needed to rest and adjust before taking action.

Everyone nodded. Seeing Long Haochen's safe return proved that they had completely gotten rid of the Demon God Emperor. How could they not be excited to go deep into the demon clan again and launch an attack? Everyone couldn't help but get excited.

Long Haochen walked to Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi and squatted down, Brother Yang, Brother Duan, how are your injuries? Are you feeling better?

Seeing Long Haochen, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi couldn't help but have mixed feelings. After they were defeated by the dragon-riding demon Asmodeus, they never thought about the possibility of surviving. Unexpectedly, they were rescued by their biggest rival in the Knights Temple.

Back then, when everyone had just taken the demon hunter assessment, Long Haochen's cultivation level was not as good as the two of them. Time passed by. Although they had not seen Long Haochen for a long time, their deeds were still unknown to them. We all know it very clearly.

The first person in human history to smash the Demon God Pillar triggered the Demon God Emperor to launch a holy war against the entire Temple Alliance, which the Alliance supported. Killed the devil. Each of these is so shocking, and they are all their insurmountable peaks!

Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi are also extremely talented knights. They were geniuses when they were young. If they were placed in the past era, they would have been the most valued training targets of the Knight Temple. But they were born in the same era as Long Haochen. This is destined that they can only become foils for the Son of Light.



At 12 o'clock tonight, there will be four more updates. We sincerely request monthly and recommended votes. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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