Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 625 The Demon God Emperor’s Mental Detection (Part 2)

Although their voices were not loud, the companions around them heard them clearly. Their eyes looked at Long Haochen and Cai'er in unison, and they couldn't help but have mixed feelings in their hearts. Even as strong as Wang Yuanyuan, he couldn't help but have red circles in his eyes.

Will this day really come? The demons are so powerful. As members of the title-level demon hunting group, can they finally have such a beautiful destination? Perhaps, in the next battle with the demons, they may not be able to survive. For a moment, everyone felt something was stuck in their throats, but the same yearning arose in their hearts.

In order for more humans to enjoy this happiness, they must fight against the demons to the end. The belief in my heart became stronger.

Patting Cai'er on the back, Long Haochen helped her sit up straight and stood up. How he wanted to hug Cai'er like this and be immersed in this happiness! But he couldn't. There were too many things to do. He looked at his friends and said, It's almost time. I'm going to investigate the movements of the demons. As long as it is confirmed that the Demon God Emperor has indeed brought people to the Exorcism Pass, we will Immediately set out to go deep into the demon clan and let the Demon God Emperor know our approximate whereabouts in order to eliminate the danger of the exorcism pass.

Cai'er immediately opened her eyes and stood up, I'll go. I can be invisible, which makes it easier to detect.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, under the level of mental detection of the Demon God Emperor, it is difficult for your invisibility effect to work. It's better for me to do it. Once I find something wrong, I can teleport back immediately. I will definitely do it. careful.

Cai'er wanted to say something more, but Long Haochen held her shoulders down. He signaled everyone to continue practicing and immediately started the teleportation.

In a flash of golden light, Long Haochen appeared at the place where they were teleported.

There was still empty wilderness all around. After thinking for a moment, Long Haochen took off the fine gold base armor on his body, put on a large cloak, and ran towards the demon camp of Exorcism Pass without flying.

Naturally, he did this to reduce the emission of his own light aura as much as possible. Whether it was the adamantine base armor or his spiritual wings, the aura of light element was too strong.

Just when he had just run less than a thousand meters, suddenly, a mental pressure like the weight of Mount Tai suddenly swept from one side. The moment Long Haochen was enveloped by this spiritual pressure, he felt as if the blood in his body was about to freeze. Purple-gold light suddenly burst out from his body.

This was the increase Haoyue had on him after he evolved his sixth head. In a sense, his strength was already mixed with the power of Haoyue's bloodline.

Without even a moment's hesitation, Long Haochen activated the Tower of Eternity in an instant. With a flash of golden light, he had returned to the Tower of Eternity. His face was pale.

From leaving to returning, it only took a few minutes. Everyone was surprised to see Long Haochen suddenly come back.

It's the Demon God Emperor. Long Haochen said almost without hesitation. I felt his mental detection. Yes, it must be him. I recognize his spiritual aura. What a powerful spiritual power. If he was the mental detection that he promised to release in the exorcism level, then his strength is really terrifying. We are at least six or seven hundred miles away from there. But his mental power seems to be only a few steps away.

That feeling of complete invincibility is really terrifying. Long Haochen felt as if he had been severely suppressed by a mountain just now. Until now, my brain is still a little dizzy.

Seeing his pale face, everyone couldn't help but change their expressions in horror. A mental detection conducted hundreds of miles away could actually inflict such a heavy mental blow on Long Haochen, who was already capable of killing low-level demon gods. How powerful could the Demon God Emperor be? Although they all have a high opinion of the Demon God Emperor, after all, they have never had a face-to-face confrontation with the number one demon king. At this moment, they couldn't help but look at each other, their hearts filled with shock.

Boss, what should we do next? Sima Xian asked.

Long Haochen had calmed down at this time and said in a deep voice: It is urgent to go deep into the demon clan. Just now, because I was unprepared and did not expect that the Demon God Emperor's mental detection could reach such a long distance, I did not use my mental power to protect myself. With such a long distance, even if he could feel my presence, he would not be able to confirm my identity in such a short period of time. You are all in the Tower of Eternity, with me as the base point for teleportation. Wherever I go, I can send everyone Where to teleport to. No matter how powerful the Demon God Emperor is, his mental power detection still has a range. I immediately set off, using my mental power to protect myself and move closer to the inside of the demon clan with all my strength. I will enter the inside of the demon clan first. As long as I pass One battle will let the Demon God Emperor know that we have penetrated deeply into the Demon Clan and lead him back to the Demon Clan.

In fact, the best way is for them to stay and practice in the Tower of Eternity. The Demon God Emperor's use of such a wide range of mental detection will definitely not be small on himself. With ten days or half a month, his detection will naturally not be all the time. . It would be safest to leave at that time.

But no! What if the Demon God Emperor can't find them and expresses his anger at the Exorcism Pass? Not to mention an Assassin's Temple, even a Knight's Temple might not be able to stop the Demon God Emperor's attack. The Demon God Emperor's eyes are on Long Haochen and Haoyue. Only if they appear within the Demon Clan can the Demon God Emperor be attracted back.

Boss, is this too dangerous? Chen Yinger said worriedly.

Long Haochen said: It's okay. Even if the Demon God Emperor confirms my identity, as long as I don't fight with him, there won't be much danger if I teleport back as soon as possible. It's just me, and I can do it now Achieve instant communication and teleport back from the Tower of Eternity. You can rest assured to practice here. I will be fine. For the sake of the alliance, I will also be extremely careful.

No one tried to persuade him again. Long Haochen was always reliable and rarely did anything he was unsure of. He has proven this on countless missions. Although everyone was worried about his safety, they had absolute trust in him.

The golden light flashed again, and Long Haochen teleported out again. This time, during the teleportation process, he mobilized all his mental power to protect his body. As soon as he returned to the Holy Demon Continent, he immediately ran with all his strength in the opposite direction, diagonally heading towards the interior of the Demon Clan.

The Demon God Emperor's mental detection is still there. In a competition of mental power, Long Haochen was no match for him, but he used all his mental power to protect his body. At such a long distance, the Demon God Emperor's perception of him would never be too strong.

Long Haochen ran at full speed while feeling the intensity of the Demon God Emperor's mental detection with all his strength. Soon, he understood why the Demon God Emperor could detect a distance of more than 700 miles with his spiritual power like a miracle.

The Demon God Emperor's mental detection is not omnidirectional, but shines in one direction like a beam, and then sweeps horizontally. In this way, his mental power is concentrated in one direction, and the scope of exploration will naturally be much larger. However, even so, the terror of the Demon God Emperor made Long Haochen feel chilly in his heart. His confidence in defeating the Demon God Emperor in the future has been slightly shaken.

In the past few years, Long Haochen's strength has been growing rapidly, but at this moment, he was shocked to find that the gap between himself and the Demon God Emperor was still huge! No wonder grandpa said that about him.

Long Tianyin once told Long Haochen that the contemporary Demon God Emperor is the most powerful one in the six thousand years since the Demons came to the mainland. It is very likely that he has truly exceeded one million spiritual powers and reached the ninth level. , and even entered the legendary tenth level.

What is level ten? The tenth level is a god! Moreover, the demons do not originally belong to this world and are not subject to the constraints of this world on gods. What exactly that level is is not recorded in the Temple Alliance's classics, because no human being has ever reached that level.

There is still a long way to go to defeat the Demon God Emperor, Long Haochen thought in his mind as he galloped into the distance. Sure enough, as he judged, although the Demon God Emperor's mental detection would fall on him every once in a while, it would be twisted and slipped away by his extremely concentrated mental power on the surface of his body. This feeling was like Long Haochen was a stone being swept by a mental probe.

The Demon God Emperor's mental detection has never been enhanced, which means that he should not have discovered Long Haochen's existence. Even so, Long Haochen did not dare to let down his guard at all, and still concentrated on feeling the changes around him. If there was the slightest disturbance, he would immediately teleport back to the Tower of Eternity.

Outside the Exorcist Pass, there is a demon camp.

In a huge dark purple tent that had just been built, the Demon God Emperor sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, and his hands making a strange movement in front of him.

This huge tent is at least 500 square meters and very spacious. But there were only two powerful demons in the entire camp, the Demon God Emperor and the Moon Demon God behind him.

Moon Demon God Agares stood quietly behind the Demon God Emperor, his eyes flashing with divine light, and he glanced around from time to time.

It has been more than once or twice that human demon hunting groups have sneak attacked the Demon God Emperor. Although compared with the Demon God Emperor, the strength of those humans is nothing to fear, but they always have endless ways to assassinate him. Therefore, even the Demon God Emperor had to be careful.

The terrifying spiritual power emitted by the Demon God Emperor first rushed into the sky through the tent, and then spread to the surroundings. Otherwise, if the demons in this demon camp were swept away by his terrifying mental power, they would probably collapse to the ground and dare not move.

As the second Demon God of the Demon Clan, Agares's strength is the closest to that of the Demon God Emperor among the Demon Clan. But it was precisely because of this that he understood the terrifying power of the Demon God Emperor. The strength of the Demon God Emperor has long surpassed the category of demons, but has reached the level of gods.


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