Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 603 The Strength of the Soul Saint (Part 2)

Hearing his question, Chen Ying'er's eyes suddenly lit up, Yes! We can ask them for clues. Yueye Chamber of Commerce has them, and they are now the largest free merchants. I will go find them right now. She was about to go out as she said that. run.

Long Haochen hurriedly grabbed her and said: Ying'er, don't mess with your rules. Let's do a simple practice of tactics first, and then I will accompany you to the Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce. With the token Yue Ye gave me , we should be able to get their help. We must at least know the current situation of Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi before we can set off. At the same time, we must also pass your grandfather's test while waiting for the news. By the way, before you competed with Lin Xin just now It seems that you have a way to control your grandfather's domain?

Chen Ying'er nodded and said: Our summoner's domain almost all exists for the purpose of amplifying the summoned beasts. Almost all high-level summoners have their own natal summoned beasts. Therefore, the amplification of the domain is either inclined to the natal summon. Beasts to enhance the highest strength, or to amplify all summoned beasts. My grandfather's field is the former, mainly amplifying his own summoned beasts. There is another way to use my soul grant, which is to act on hostile monsters, which will It produces a very strong weakening effect in a short period of time, which makes it easier for me to conquer it. Grandpa is much stronger than me. Even with the Soul Saint Cloth, I cannot weaken his summoned beast too much, but I can greatly The degree of this offsets the increase in the field.”

Long Haochen suddenly said: So that's it, your soul saint's ability is indeed practical.

Chen Ying'er said: We summoners believe in the beast god. According to legend, the beast god's rank cannot be compared with the elemental god, so it is difficult to truly perform miracles. The Soul Saint is a magical beast sent by the beast god to the human world. Guide. So basically the abilities of the Soul Saint are directly aimed at Warcraft. Judging from our current cultivation level, the increase is very objective, but when the cultivation level becomes stronger, the increase will not be as obvious as it is now.

Wang Yuanyuan said curiously: Ying'er, what is your grandfather's summoned beast? I now feel that with you, a little traitor, we have a great chance of winning!

Chen Ying'er snorted and said: It's not that easy. My grandfather is the person who knows the most about Warcraft in the world today. As a psychic, I have never seen his limits. Think about it, from the beginning of the Holy War to now, so After a long time, our beast barrier is impregnable. The total amount of beast tide we summoned even exceeds that of the demons. Even the eight demon gods outside can't force grandpa to use his strongest power. It's really difficult for us to defeat grandpa. Difficult, we can only delay as much time as possible. The biggest weakness of our summoners is that our ability to kill with one hit is very weak. As long as we can delay it for enough time, we can prove to grandpa that we have enough strength. I will try my best to delay Grandpa’s natal summoned beast, Sister Xingxuan, likes me the most, and she will definitely not be willing to do anything cruel to her.”

Sister Xingxuan? Lin Xin asked doubtfully, Isn't your grandfather's summoned beast a humanoid monster?

Chen Ying'er smiled mysteriously and said: Of course not. However, Sister Xingxuan is a girl. You can't hurt her then. I'm telling you...

the next day.

Early in the morning, Long Haochen and others came outside the Soul Temple and looked up at the sky, waiting quietly.

According to the time, he should be back. Long Haochen murmured. They are all waiting for the return of Han Yu and Sima Xian. Long Haochen knew the Star King's flying speed very well. The distance from Ten Thousand Beasts Pass to Zhennang Pass was not that far. It had already been a day and a night. If Han Yu could successfully pick up Sima Xian, he should be back.

Yesterday, Chen Yinger had made an appointment with her grandfather to have a competition at noon today. Based on her understanding of grandpa, Chen Hongyu has a strong sense of time. If they are late, grandpa's impression may be greatly reduced, thereby making the assessment more difficult.

If it weren't for the tight time limit of rescuing Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi, they could have taken it easy and waited for Sima Xian and Han Yu to return. But time waits for no one! If they set off later, the danger for Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi will increase.

Long Haochen has been contacted by Yueye Chamber of Commerce, and the chamber of commerce has agreed to help them investigate Yang Wenzhao's situation. The Moon Night Chamber of Commerce has its own method of transmitting messages, and it should not take long for the news to come back.

At the same time, Long Haochen also learned a piece of news from the Yue Ye Chamber of Commerce. After Abao led the Demon Hunters to besiege them last time, Yue Ye immediately proposed to terminate the engagement when he returned to the Demon Clan, even though the Moon Demon God personally persuaded them. Win her back. Her reason was simple. How could a man who would kill her and regard his enemies as more important than himself become her husband? Perhaps, as the prince of the demon clan, Abao did the right thing, but Yue Ye would never want to marry such a husband, even if it meant killing her.

Regarding this matter, the Demon God Emperor did not express his position, and even Abao was silent. After all, everything happened for a reason, and Abao was not unreasonable! Therefore, in the end, the engagement, although not dissolved, was postponed indefinitely. It is said that Abao has gone into seclusion again. He is training hard to improve his own strength.

This news was just an interlude, and Long Haochen didn't pay much attention to it, but he didn't know that because of this incident, Abao's hatred for him increased even more. As the crown prince of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, Abao's hard work now even surpasses that of Long Haochen. In the near future, Po, who is like a fateful opponent, will definitely try his best to find Long Haochen's whereabouts after he comes out of seclusion.

If you don't come back, you won't have time to rest. Chen Ying'er was also very anxious. If Sima Xian and Han Yu could come back together at this time, they could rest and rest, and at the same time have time to discuss strategies and tactics. But as time passed by, they still were not seen.

Long Haochen took a deep breath, turned to his companions and said, Everyone must be prepared to fight against Palace Master Chen without the two of them. This assessment cannot be delayed, and we must persevere.

Yes. Everyone nodded at the same time, including Zhang Fangzai. After becoming a member of the Dawn of Light, Zhang Fangfang consciously positioned himself. He positioned himself simply as Wang Yuanyuan's vassal. Normally he would never make any suggestions or opinions, and would just do whatever Long Haochen told him to do. Moreover, he has been in a good mood recently. Ever since Long Haochen brought Cai'er and the others to meet Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Yuanyuan seems to have been reborn. His whole person is full of energy, and even his attitude towards him is much better. This is considered to be a formal recognition of the relationship between the two.

For Zhang Fangfang, the death of his original demon hunting team mates was a big blow to him. Now being able to integrate into Wang Yuanyuan's demon hunting team is like fulfilling his wish, and he can still be by Wang Yuanyuan's side. . He was very satisfied.

At this moment, Long Haochen suddenly raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the sky in the distance. The sky was empty and cloudless. Just when everyone was wondering what Long Haochen was looking at, a small golden light spot appeared in the distant sky. And it magnified in the eyes of everyone at an alarming speed. Isn't it the Star King who has returned?

Two people were sitting on Xing Wang's broad back. The person in front of him was Han Yu, but he couldn't block the majestic figure behind him. A big bald head emerged from the back of his head, shining brightly under the sunlight. , no weaker than the light element emitted from Star King.

Coming, coming, they are really here. Lin Xin jumped up excitedly. Sima Xian's return means that all the members of their handsome No. 64 Demon Hunting Group are finally reunited. It also means that their demon hunting group has all the members. Only in this way can they be the real Dawn of Light demon hunting group! Even if one person is missing, it is not complete.

In the past, Lin Xin often quarreled with Sima Xian, but in fact, the two had a very good relationship. When seeing the bald man again, Lin Xin could not suppress the emotions in his heart, and could not help but jump up and down and wave in the air.

Long Haochen's handsome face was slightly red with excitement, and he clenched his fists tightly. He came back, Sima and Han Yu came back, and we were finally together again. At this time, he only felt that no matter what difficulties they would encounter ahead, they would definitely break through.

Star King's speed is too fast, and it has been flying rapidly in order to get back in time. So when it landed on the ground, its steps staggered due to its cultivation, and a layer of steam like a faint golden mist rose from its body.

Sima Xian was the first to jump off the back of the Star King, laughing loudly and rushing towards the crowd with open arms, followed closely by Han Yu. At this moment, everyone in the Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group was extremely excited. Except for Cai'er, whose mood swings were slightly smaller, everyone else couldn't help but rush forward amidst the cheers and hugged each other tightly.

They were reunited, finally reunited. Whether it's Commander-in-Chief No. 64 or Dawn of Light, they finally become complete again.

Zhang Fangfang stood aside and looked at them with deep envy in his eyes. Recalling his comrades who died in battle, tears couldn't help but fall from the corners of his eyes. For the sake of the Alliance and humanity, countless demon hunters have perished on the battlefield with the demons. It has been six thousand years. When will humans be able to truly drive away the demons?

Lin Xin punched Sima Xian hard, Why are you so slow? We are so anxious.

Before Sima Xian could speak, Han Yu couldn't help but said: Slow? Is this still slow? It's almost exhausting Star King. Star King has been flying at full speed and has reached its limit. If you want to say slow, then It's Sima's problem. It's not like you don't know how much this guy weighs. If it was a normal flight, Star King could easily carry the two of us, but in rapid flight, with such a huge increase in weight, the speed Naturally it will be affected.”

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