Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 602 The Strength of the Soul Saint (Part 2)

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Okay, okay. Stop bickering. Lin Xin did lose, but Ying'er, he was afraid of hurting you before and didn't use his strongest skills. Otherwise, he will still treat you. There is a certain threat. Did you create the summoning magic just now? I have never even heard of it.

Chen Ying'er said proudly: Yes! I created it myself, inspired by Haoyue's Chaos Element Stripping. I can't use its kind of magic. But I was thinking, can I use summoned beasts to complete the combined magic? I After many experiments, I finally succeeded. Those earth dragons just now were my first batch of test subjects. They were all created with magic crystals. I can summon them at any time when I need them. The reason why magic chanting takes time It's longer because the earth dragons I created usually evolve. Their disadvantage is that they don't have much fighting instinct. But I refined them into puppet-like summons. Like McDull, as I As their strength increases, they will continue to evolve.”

Chen Ying'er said it very simply, but others couldn't help being shocked after hearing her words. It was an earth dragon with six elemental attributes. It was created with magic crystal and summoning magic. You can imagine how difficult it was. In other words, Chen Ying'er can not only summon monsters, but also create monsters.

I am the Soul Saint. This is the exclusive ability I have after becoming the God's Favorite, soul granting. As long as I am willing, I can even give souls to earth and stone. However, the amount of soul granting is limited. It consumes my own soul power when I use it, so I can't use it too much. The advantage is that the summoned beast that I have given a soul to will definitely be able to evolve as my cultivation progresses.

After hearing her explanation, everyone was a little dazed. It is a little difficult to understand the abilities of Chen Yinger, the soul saint. But if you think about it carefully, you can't help but feel horrified and moved.

Create a monster and give it the potential to evolve. This ability may not be very effective at the beginning, but as Chen Ying'er's cultivation improves, the magical beasts she creates will surely become more and more powerful. When she reaches the ninth level in the future, won't she have a group of powerful magical beasts that are not allowed to be summoned using spiritual power but can be directly used by her?

Moreover, because these magical beasts themselves were created according to Chen Ying'er's ideas, the compatibility between them and Chen Ying'er's control over them are far beyond the comparison of ordinary summoned beasts. With six attributes of the same type of monsters and mixed magic, Chen Yinger, as the Soul Saint, has undoubtedly gone far beyond the scope of an ordinary summoner.

After Long Haochen pondered for a moment, he said: Ying'er, can I understand that your ability as a soul saint is equivalent to giving you a batch of more natal summoned beasts?

Chen Ying'er chuckled and said, That's about right. I've only been awakened for a short period of time, and I'm not yet proficient in applying this ability. The most I can do with Soul Grant is control these six monsters.

Long Haochen said: The singing speed when you summon them is a bit slow. It would be ideal if this problem could be solved. Also, what if they die in battle? Can you resurrect them? Moreover, even if they are resurrected, , whether they can continue to have the ability to evolve, rather than evolve again.”

Long Haochen's question can be said to be to the point. Although Chen Ying'er's ability is strong, if it is restricted by these aspects, it will need many prerequisites to support it in order to be effective in battle.

Chen Yinger thought for a while and said: The singing time is not a problem. I have a way to shorten the singing time. Moreover, I just created these little dragons not long ago, and the fit needs to be further improved. As they evolve and interact with me As the compatibility increases, the singing speed will decrease sharply. When I become strong enough in the future, summoning them will really be like summoning McDull. However, they cannot die. If they die, everything before will be lost. All my efforts will be in vain. I can only start all over again. Of course, whether the creature given by my soul is created by myself or not, the ability after being given will be related to my ability at that time. In other words, my strength The stronger it is, the stronger the magical beast endowed by the soul will be.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Then you have to work hard. I think your ability still has great potential for development, and its future role will definitely be much greater than what you have seen so far.

Chen Ying'er said with some pride: Of course, she is definitely a useful member of our Dawn of Light Demon Hunting Group.

Long Haochen said: Since we have come to this trial ground, we just want to practice our tactics so that we can accept your grandpa's test tomorrow. Although the partners in the team absolutely trust each other and have a tacit understanding developed in the past. But after two years of experience, everyone's strength has improved to varying degrees, and with Zhang Fangfang joining the team, they still need to work together to bring out the strongest strength through cooperation.

Yes. Chen Ying'er nodded, and the proud smile on her pretty face faded, and a hint of sadness quietly flashed through her eyes.

Long Haochen's observation was so keen. When he saw this, he comforted him: Don't worry, Ji people have their own destiny, they will be fine.

Chen Ying'er pursed her red lips, But, they have been captured for so long, are they really going to be fine?

Lin Xin came over and said, Have you not always rejected Yang Wenzhao? Why is he more anxious than anyone else when he is captured?

Chen Yinger surprisingly did not confront him tit for tat. She raised her head slightly, looked into the distance, and murmured: I've known him since I was very young. He was a few years older than me. At that time, we all lived in the Holy City. , we can see each other often. I call him brother Wen Zhao, and he calls me Ying'er. In his spare time, he always takes me out to play and eat delicious food. If anyone dares to bully me, he will always do it for me. I stepped forward and beat the other person like a pig's head. He was nicer to me than my own brother. I was still young at that time, so I said, Brother Wen Zhao, I will marry you when I grow up. He said: Okay, then I will wait for you. grow up.

Who would have known that what we children said would be heard by the adults. Brother Wen Zhao's grandfather proposed marriage to my grandfather. My grandfather was very happy and agreed, and our marriage was completed.

Later, as I got older and spent more time practicing, the opportunities for us to meet became less and less. He became more and more calm and powerful, but I, because of my own The reason is that I can’t even use a summoning magic. At that time, my grandfather didn’t tell me the secret of the Soul Saint. I always thought that I would never be able to become a powerful summoner, so I felt very inferior.”

Once, he took me out to play, and I met some guys from the Warrior Temple who made rude remarks. We were still very young at that time. Although Brother Wen Zhao was already very strong, he still couldn't beat those guys who were older than us. Many young people. In the end, he was beaten up. At that time, I saw the deep dissatisfaction in his eyes. I was still young at that time, so I said, Brother Wen Zhao, don’t be sad, wait until I grow up. Yes, I will definitely protect you.

At that time, he turned his head and looked at me with a very strange look. I will never forget that contempt. I asked him, why are you looking at me like that? He said, there is no way you can protect me. Yes, only I can protect you. Although I lost today, I will never lose in the future.

I asked him why I couldn't protect him? He just smiled and didn't say anything. It was that time that I was very, very sad. Maybe you think this is nothing, but to me, it was extremely heavy. A blow. He is the person I am closest to and care about most besides my family. And that was the moment when I felt most inferior. His contempt and silent ridicule deeply hurt my heart. Since then , I will never pay attention to him again.”

After hearing Chen Ying'er's story, everyone couldn't help but feel a little more pity in their surprise. As the granddaughter of the master of the Soul Temple, she couldn't even use a summoning magic. One can imagine the pressure Chen Ying'er endured. Perhaps what Yang Wenzhao did was nothing serious and there was no malice, but in that situation and at that time, his behavior caused great harm to Chen Yinger.

Lin Xin said: Are you hurting your self-esteem? Then since you ignored him, why are you still so anxious now?

Chen Ying'er said angrily: Do you think everyone is as heartless as you? Just because I ignore him doesn't mean I don't have him in my heart. I have been paying attention to his situation, and I swear, unless one day I can Defeat him, or I won’t marry him and let him wait until his hair turns white, hum!”

Lin Xin's body trembled, A woman's anger is really terrifying. However, I guess he may not be able to beat you now.

Chen Ying'er's eyes turned red, and she said with tears in her eyes: But, I don't even know if he is still alive now. What's the difference between whether he can be beaten or not?

Wang Yuanyuan said: Silly girl, you are really stubborn. Just such a trivial matter has made you hold a grudge for so long. No wonder you have always ignored him and are not even willing to join his demon hunting group. You are really good at it. ! Don’t worry, we will definitely do our best to find him and fulfill your wish to defeat him.”

Chen Ying'er choked and said: I..., I don't want to defeat him now. As long as he is still alive, I will forgive him and never hold grudges again. But now I don't know where he is. Is he still alive?

After Long Haochen thought for a moment, he said, Ying'er, are there anyone from the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce here at Ten Thousand Beasts Pass?


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