Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 604 Challenging the Psychic (Part 1)

Han Yu pressed Sima Xian's shoulder with one hand and continued: Also, this guy Sima has been chattering all the way back, asking questions about this and that. Star King is already very resistant if he is not annoyed to death by him. .”

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but burst out laughing. Long Haochen walked up to Star King, raised his hand and pressed it on its back, injecting a mellow light element into the tired Star King's body, Thank you for your hard work, Star King.”

Star King raised his head slightly, rubbed his horn against Long Haochen's hand, and looked at him with gentle eyes.

Since following Long Haochen, Star King has definitely gained more than what he has paid for. It sincerely admired Long Haochen. It is now absolutely certain that if it continues to follow Long Haochen and is affected by the pure light element in his body, it will definitely evolve into a sacred unicorn.

A faint light flickered, and a gentle smile appeared in Long Haochen's eyes, You should rest first.

Star King nodded, the light flickered, turned into a piece of starlight and disappeared from the place.

Didn't you say you want to test us? Where to start? Let's go, come here. Sima Xian shouted loudly, and the strong fighting spirit gushing out from him made everyone feel excited.

Lin Xin laughed and said: You still have the same virtue, you haven't changed at all. The competition won't start until noon, why are you in a hurry? Don't let Ying'er and her grandfather slap her to death.

Sima Xian snorted and said: Brother Youyao, if you are not convinced, let's have a fight first. Let me tell you, I have broken through the seventh level now, the seventh level and the third level. What about you? Don't tell me that you haven't yet A breakthrough!

Lin Xin said disdainfully: Only level 3? Are you embarrassed to show off? I'm already at level 7 and level 5. In terms of talent, you are far behind.

Are you already at level five? I don't believe it. Sima Xian looked unconvinced.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: We are finally reunited. Before the competition begins, let's get familiar with each other's cultivation. It will be easier to cooperate. Just tell us your level.

Lin Xin and Sima Xian had already said this, and Han Yu said: I am also at level seven and level five. His cultivation has always been second only to Long Haochen and Cai'er. However, Lin Xin was stimulated by Li Xin, coupled with his own powerful talent and the attraction of the fire element to the fire element, so he was able to catch up.

I am also at level seven and level five. It was Wang Yuanyuan who spoke this time. Her originally lagging cultivation level had been completely improved through the desperate killing.

Listening to them reporting their grades one by one, Sima Xian couldn't help but widen his eyes, No way, my cultivation level is the lowest now? Ying'er, what about you? Naturally, he would not place his hopes on Long Haochen and Cai Cai. Er's cultivation is weaker than his.

Chen Ying'er's eyebrows suddenly stood up when he heard this question, Bald man, what do you mean, what's wrong? Do you think I must be weaker than you? Let me tell you, I am also a seventh-level and fourth-level girl, and I am only a little stronger than you. . Moreover, I just beat up Brother Youyao. If you are not convinced, you can give it a try.

Although she said this, her eyes were full of smiles.

Sima Xian said with a depressed look: No way? I have worked very hard! Don't do this! I don't want to be the last one.

Lin Xin pretended to comfort him and said to him: Okay, don't be depressed. Ordinary people can't compare with geniuses. Don't you still understand this?

Bah. Level doesn't mean everything. Captain, deputy captain, what about you?

Cai'er said: I am now at the seventh level and the sixth level. Her spiritual power is not improving faster than her friends. The main reason is the impact of amnesia on her. As a God's Favorite, she could have improved faster. However, in the past two years, she has spent more time recovering various previous abilities under the guidance of the Holy Moon, especially her understanding of the assassin's abilities. . It can be said that Cai'er now feels like she has accumulated a lot of experience. She is equivalent to learning the abilities of an assassin all over again. Moreover, there is always something suppressed in her heart. If the memory cannot be restored, it will have more impact on her future practice. On the other hand, if her memory can be restored, then she will definitely grow explosively.

Long Haochen said: I didn't calculate my level, because I haven't evaluated my spiritual power for a long time. My current spiritual power should be between 40,000 and less than 50,000. It's about the eighth level and the third level. It looks like. I’ll test it again when I have time.”

As soon as the words eighth level and third level came out, everyone's eyes were a little straightened. Although they also knew that Long Haochen, who was wearing a fine gold base armor, must have broken through the eighth level, but to hear what he meant , the inner spiritual power is clearly close to 50,000! This gap is too big. Apart from him, Cai'er, who has the strongest cultivation among the others, still has less than 20,000 spiritual powers. In other words, the spiritual power of Long Haochen alone was equivalent to that of two or three of them. Moreover, this cannot be calculated by simple addition and subtraction. Perhaps, they can defeat Long Haochen by joining forces, but if Long Haochen wants to withdraw from the battle, they may not be able to stop him.

After listening to Long Haochen's words, Sima Xian's depression was wiped away, Haha, although my spiritual power is the weakest, the gap between everyone and the boss is so big, I have a psychological balance. But boss, can you Don't do this, you will destroy our confidence.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Actually, not all of my current spiritual power is obtained by my own cultivation. A lot of it is due to luck. In fact, this is also the case. It didn't take long after he broke through to the eighth level. In addition to his own talent and the opening of multiple spiritual apertures, his power has increased so quickly. What's more important is the feedback given to him by the Tower of Eternity after it devoured the realm of the Undead Demon God Samikina, and the subsequent improvement given to him by Haoyue after his evolution. Almost 10,000 spiritual powers come from this.

Chen Ying'er said: Boss, I saw that Star King was very tired just now. Will he be able to play later?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: Star King will not be on board later. As a knight, I cannot bring two mount companions into the competition.

Chen Ying'er's bright eyes suddenly revealed a look of surprise, You mean, you want to let the bright moon shine?

Long Haochen nodded and said: Listening to you telling about your grandfather's natal summoned beast, I have a feeling that Haoyue should have a certain restraint effect on it. Moreover, there is nothing to hide in front of your grandfather. Palace Master Chen Didn’t you promise us that there will be no bystanders in this competition except your grandma and Brother Zhang?”

In order to truly gain Chen Hongyu's recognition, Long Haochen decided not to let him appear in this battle after discussing with Zhang Fangfang. Otherwise, it would seem a bit too stingy. Long Haochen and his demon hunting group are already overstretched because they have Han Yu, a retinue knight. If Zhang Fangfang is added to the group, it will become three knights, which is too many.

Long Haochen said sternly: After we pass this assessment, we will have a good chat about what happened in the past two years. Now, everyone is practicing individually, and let us stay in the best condition to meet Palace Master Chen's assessment.

Yes. Everyone raised their chests and responded loudly at the same time.

Two hours later.

The Beast Pass, the Soul Temple, and the Colosseum.

The so-called Colosseum is actually a name for the trial venue. And it will only appear in the Soul Temple.

Because all Soul Temples are summoners, summoned beasts often escape control during trials. Therefore, there are obvious differences between the trial ground here and those in other major temples.

The first is the size of the trial field. The Great Colosseum in the Soul Temple is almost the largest trial venue besides the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground. The entire Colosseum is circular, surrounded by high platforms that are ten feet high. Grandstands surround the perimeter. The walls of the high platform are all protected by magic circles. Completely for World of Warcraft. As long as the Warcraft enters the Colosseum, unless the staff here take the initiative to release it, it is impossible for them to rush out from here, even if it is a tenth-level Warcraft equivalent to a ninth-level human being.

This shows how amazing the defensive power of this Colosseum is.

Chen Hongyu naturally had a purpose in choosing the place where he would test Long Haochen and the others. If it was a smaller training ground, he would be afraid of danger. Only the defense here can allow his strength to be fully exerted, and there will be no leakage of spiritual power or confiscation.

There are only two entrances to the internal competition venue of the Colosseum, facing each other.

At this time, the entrances on both sides are open. At the entrance of Dongfang, Chen Hongyu walked in slowly. Today he was wearing a white summoner robe, looking fresh and refreshing.

After being bullied by Long Haochen and others that day, Chen Hongyu had promised them not to use any equipment in today's assessment. But he insists on using the field.

Although he was the master of the Soul Temple, Chen Hongyu did not underestimate Long Haochen and the others. On the contrary, he almost regarded the seven Long Haochen as equal opponents. Although these children are very young, they have created miracles more than once. Especially Long Haochen, he was able to make the entire alliance fight against the demons for his sake, which shows how important he is to the Temple Alliance. At a young age, he has already assumed the important task of serving as the acting paladin leader of the Knights Temple. This is not something that ordinary people can do. Moreover, he also personally admitted that so far, he had killed three demon gods and defeated the demon god pillar of the snake demon god Andumari. Is this something ordinary people can do? ——

Ahem, be prepared mentally after reading what I say below!

Well, isn't it the end of the month? We haven't had any major outbreaks recently, so I wasn't particularly embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass. But when I thought about it, I would definitely try my best to break out on August 1st, and I would gain some confidence again.

But, how can we remind everyone to vote for our divine seal? Ever since, I thought of a little shameless method. Well, don’t mind that!

I see a lot of people asking me when I will restore Cai'er's memory. Well, I decided that if everyone can vote more monthly, it will be next month! I promise to let Cai'er regain her memory next month. Look, it's only a few days until next month, right? Next month's episode will be one of the two biggest highlights of the book, along with one at the end. Therefore, I feel quite confident in asking for a ticket. Come on, vote more. Tonight at 12 o'clock, I will also do a third update to warm up the outbreak next month. Leaders, is it okay?

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