Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 598 Duel (Part 1)

The morning light. Chen Hongyu couldn't help but be moved when he heard these four words, and Granny Sanshui's eyes were filled with surprise. They all could hear the lofty ambition contained in Long Haochen's name.

After hearing these four words, the struggle in Chen Ying'er's eyes became calmer.

When Long Haochen proposed the title Dawn of Light in front of Chen Zidian, even the members of their own demon hunting group only regarded it as a lofty ambition, and even took a hundred years to achieve it. Completed aspirations.

However, just a few years have passed, and Long Haochen, who is only twenty years old this year, has already told her that they will soon have the title of Dawn of Light. An unparalleled sense of glory instantly rose in Chen Yinger's heart. Soft milky white spiritual power suddenly emanated from her body. You could feel a sudden explosion of spiritual power in the air. The next moment, Chen Ying'er had actually recovered her ability to move and rushed to Long Haochen's side.

Captain, are you telling the truth? Can we really have the title? Chen Yinger grabbed Long Haochen's arm and shook it vigorously. Although she doesn't take external objects very seriously. However, as a demon hunter, the demon hunting group to which you belong can obtain the title. This honor is so sublime that even Chen Hongyu and Grandma Sanshui are a little jealous.

You must know that in the six thousand years of human history, the number of demon hunting groups that can obtain the title has never exceeded twenty, and there are only two title-level demon hunting groups in existence.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Although our strength is far from being able to match the title of the title-level demon hunting group, we are indeed about to have a title of our own.

Great, this is great. Captain, no matter what, I have to return to the team, and I want to fight with everyone. I must. As she said that, Chen Yinger suddenly turned around and faced Chen Hongyu.

Grandpa, you can't stop me. You have no power to prevent a demon hunter from returning to his team. Do you know? In the past few years, under the leadership of the team leader, we have gone through life and death and made outstanding contributions to the alliance. . In the team, I have always been a burden to everyone because I cannot cast summoning magic at all. However, my partners have never expressed any dissatisfaction with me. They always protect me at all times. A safe place. Especially the leader. Whenever we encounter a strong enemy, the leader is always at the front and withstands the enemy's most powerful attack. But every time this time, I can only watch helplessly from behind. Watching everyone fight but unable to do anything. Now, I am finally a real summoner, and I finally have my own power. At this time, how can I leave my team? How can I be so selfish? Grandpa, no one can stop me. Not even you, unless you kill me, otherwise, I have to return to the team no matter what, and I have to be with my friends.

Chen Ying'er's words were sincere, and tears burst out of her eyes again, but her words were extremely firm and there was no room for change.

Granny Sanshui's expression was obviously hesitant. She had also been a demon hunter, and of course she understood how deep the relationship between demon hunters and their partners in the same team was. It was cultivated through countless births and deaths, and that love of robe and glory was often more important than the close relationship with family members. Between them, there were countless times when they would go all out to rescue each other, even risking their lives. At this moment, Chen Ying'er was crying and complaining, and for a moment, her heart couldn't help but become confused. Look at Chen Hongyu. Although Chen Hongyu is afraid of his wife, as the master of the Soul Temple, he has a strong sense of the overall situation.

Looking at Long Haochen and his tearful granddaughter, Chen Hongyu's face gradually regained his composure, and he said sternly to Long Haochen: I'm sorry, Captain Paladin, I take back what I said before, and I didn't say anything I said in excitement. I apologize to you. Congratulations on receiving the title Dawn of Light.

For many years, no matter which one of the six major temples, all professionals have been making sacrifices for everyone. I don't know how many parents watched their children go to the battlefield, but in the end they were the only ones to welcome them back. The corpse, even the corpse is incomplete. As the master of the Soul Temple, I understand how glorious Ying'er is as a demon hunter. I should not stop her. Yes, in my heart, there must be a Selfishly, I only have one granddaughter. However, I will never stop her from returning to the team because of this selfishness.

Having said this, Chen Hongyu pointed to the Soul Saint Cloth on Chen Ying'er's body, Please see, Commander Paladin, the dress Ying'er is wearing now is called the Soul Saint Cloth. It is the only artifact in our Soul Temple. In This artifact is inlaid with one hundred and eight elixirs. They were left behind by one hundred and eight ninth-level psychics in our Soul Temple for thousands of years. This holy garment can be said to have consumed our souls. It took dozens of generations of efforts in the temple to finally complete it. And from the day it was completed to now, only Ying'er can actually wear it. Because her innate inner spiritual power exceeds ninety, and she has She has the physique of a saint with a soul. Like you, she is also a favored one by God.

Summoners are different from you knights. No matter how powerful the Summoner is, his body is fragile. Our Soul Temple cannot live without Ying'er, so I can't let her take risks anymore. Give her another ten years, she will definitely Becoming the true mainstay of our Soul Temple, by that time, she will play a much greater role on the battlefield against the demons than she does now. Therefore, as the master of the Soul Temple, I must stop She returns to the team, I hope you can understand.

No, grandpa, you can't stop me. Captain, teleport me away quickly. In that case, even grandpa can't find me! Chen Ying'er shook Long Haochen's arm and asked him to teleport herself to the Tower of Eternity. go.

However, Long Haochen did not do this because he could understand Chen Hongyu's mood at this time. Isn't Chen Hongyu now just like Yang Haohan at the end of his retreat? Long Haochen saw all the struggles they had at that time. Ninety innate spiritual powers are of unparalleled significance to any temple. It means that a shockingly strong man, even one who can fight against the Demon God Emperor, is about to be born. With such a strong person leading the way, no matter which temple it is, it will definitely prosper extremely. As the master of the palace, it is understandable that Chen Hongyu wants to keep Chen Yinger.

Moreover, Chen Hongyu is right. Chen Ying'er is a summoner no matter what, and he and Cai'er are both God's Favorites. However, their survivability is much stronger than Chen Ying'er, especially him, who has the Tower of Eternity. existence, you can teleport to another space at any time to avoid the enemy's pursuit. So in the end, Long Tianyin and Sheng Yue were relieved to let them regroup.

Ying'er, calm down. Long Haochen patted Chen Ying'er on the shoulder, and she calmed down. However, the eyes she looked at her grandfather and grandma were a bit wary, which made Chen Hongyu feel angry. However, I was secretly amazed that this young man named Long Haochen was quite capable. He knew his granddaughter's temper all too well. Chen Ying'er's stubborn character was very similar to his. If she wasn't really impressed, how could she be so obedient? At least when she is around her, this precious granddaughter is not so easy to talk to.

Palace Master Chen, I can understand your concerns. However, Ying'er is a member of our team and we need her. What I can promise you is to protect her safety as much as possible. As the leader, I will protect everyone. The duty of my partner is unshirkable, and I will do my best to do this. As long as I am alive, I will never let the enemy harm her.

Chen Hongyu said solemnly: So, do you think your strength is enough?

Long Haochen said: Palace Master Chen, our team is a whole. At least among the demon hunting groups at the same level, I dare say that our survivability is the strongest. Back then, senior Chen Zidian once gave us an epic Level equipment, called Soul Chain, you should have heard Ying'er say it. Soul Chain has the ability to share life. In other words, it is difficult for me and my friends to be killed by the enemy in a surprise attack. We can all help our partners. Share the damage. Not only that, almost every member of our team now has equipment of legendary level or above. Currently, we have two artifacts and four pieces of epic level equipment. This is without counting Ying'er's Soul Saint Cloth. , I am very confident in my ability to protect myself. The two artifacts he mentioned naturally refer to his Sun and Moon Snail Shield and Cai'er's Death Scythe. The four epic pieces of equipment are Soul Chain, Eternal Melody, Aria of the Goddess of Light, Blue Rain, and Hibiscus of Light.

The Tower of Eternity was not within the scope of Long Haochen's calculations, because apart from teleportation, he really did not want to borrow any power from the Tower of Eternity. And the Eternal Melody was only regarded by him as an epic piece of teleportation equipment.

Two artifacts and four epic pieces of equipment? Chen Hongyu's facial muscles twitched obviously. Are super equipment so worthless? How old are they?

For a moment, Chen Hongyu didn't know how to continue to refute Long Haochen.

Grandma Sanshui saw her husband's hesitation and said: Weapons are always foreign objects. Only when one's own strength is strong enough is the most important thing to protect oneself. Although Ying'er has broken through the seventh level now, she still has many abilities. Insufficient. Captain Long, how about this, we can allow Ying'er to return to your team, but you must ensure that you cannot enter the demon clan to perform tasks within a certain period of time. It is best to stay in the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. The same goes for participating in the Holy War. Contribute to the alliance.”


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. Dawn of Light is finally going to use this name. I feel like I've been waiting for a long time.

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