Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 599 Duel (Part 2)

No. Before Long Haochen could speak, Chen Ying'er flatly refused. Grandma, we are already a title-level demon hunting group, and you no longer have the power to stop us. I must go with the boss and the others, and we will definitely carry out the mission.

Chen Hongyu's eyes flashed and he said in a deep voice, Okay. You can go, but you must use your strength to prove to me your ability to protect yourself.

Chen Ying'er was stunned. She didn't expect her grandfather to agree so happily, How to prove it?

Chen Hongyu said solemnly: As long as you and your friends can defeat me, I will admit that you have the ability to protect yourself.

This is impossible. Chen Ying'er immediately understood that grandpa was going through a curve to save the country! On the surface, he agreed, but he used another method to embarrass them. Chen Hongyu is also one of the veterans of the Temple Alliance, a powerful third-level psychic. The inner spiritual power is as high as 300,000.

Of course, for summoners, spiritual power is not the absolute factor that determines strength, because summoners are more important than the summoned objects, and spiritual power is their necessary backup support. Therefore, in the Soul Temple, the ninth level strong ones are the most numerous among the six temples. But their overall strength is not the strongest. Summoners usually practice spiritual power in addition to summoning magic, and have no other skills. They specialize in spiritual power, so they are naturally much stronger in this aspect.

To put it simply, if Chen Hongyu, who has 300,000 spiritual power, faces Long Tianyin, who has more than 200,000 spiritual power, he will definitely lose. However, if facing thousands of enemies on the battlefield, Chen Hongyu's role would be much greater than Long Tianyin.

Chen Hongyu said with consternation: In that case, don't mention leaving anymore. Don't I know about the little calculation in your mind? If you are asked to return to the team, you will immediately go with them to rescue Yang Wenzhao.

Yang Wenzhao? Long Haochen couldn't help but feel moved when he heard this name. In their Demon Hunting Group selection competition, he, Yang Wenzhao, and Duan Yi were hailed as the three greatest hopes for the young generation of the Knights Temple. But I haven’t seen Yang Wenzhao for a long time. And Yang Wenzhao is not only Chen Ying'er's fiancé, but also the grandson of Yang Haohan, the divine seal knight who is the master of defense and coordination of the Knights Temple.

Ying'er, what's going on? What's wrong with Yang Wenzhao? Long Haochen hurriedly asked Chen Ying'er.

Hearing his question, Chen Ying'er's eyes suddenly turned red again, He, he was captured by the demon clan, and his life or death is unknown.

It turned out that after the holy war began, the two demon hunting groups commanded by Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi entered the demon clan to fight behind enemy lines.

Among the new generation of demon hunting groups, they are among the best. Overall, the quality of the group members is not much worse than that of Long Haochen and others. Through the constant use of magic in the war with the demons, his strength has improved greatly. In addition, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi are both smart people, thoughtful and capable of commanding. There has been a lot of prosperity within the Demon Clan for a long time. Many difficult tasks were completed.

With the passage of time and the improvement of their actual combat capabilities, these two demon hunting groups have become handsome level demon hunting groups after Long Haochen and others.

Although they followed different routes, the four demon hunting groups headed by Long Haochen, Lu Xi, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi were all now at the commander level or above. Their demon hunting group was established less than five years ago, which can not but be said to be a miracle in the history of the demon hunting group.

However, something happened to the two demon hunting groups commanded by Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi.

The Holy War has been going on for almost two years. They have been fighting within the demon clan and only return to the alliance for supplies almost once a year. Not long ago, when they intercepted and killed the Demon Clan's transportation team within the Demon Clan, they had a very detailed plan and complete tactics. The foolproof mission encountered Waterloo. The reason is simple. They were unlucky enough to meet a demon.

Speaking of which, this has something to do with Long Haochen. The demon god they encountered was preparing to enter the front line and then go around to the Exorcism Pass for reinforcements.

Among the armies of demons stationed outside several major human fortresses during the Holy War, the eight demon gods outside the Exorcism Pass are the weakest in overall strength. The commander-in-chief is nothing more than Sidi, the love demon. When Long Haochen and the others were in the Exorcist Pass, they helped the Exorcist Pass kill two demon gods. Sidi himself was also seriously injured. Under such circumstances, the demons naturally had to treat the Exorcist Pass very seriously. Pay attention and immediately send a demon god to follow the transportation team to supplement the power of the demons at the exorcism pass.

And this demon's ranking is still quite high, within the top twenty-four. He is a senior demon clan strongman.

As a result, the two demon hunting groups commanded by Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi hit the iron plate. Although this Demon God did not carry his own Demon God Pillar, his own strength was far beyond what they could contend with. The end result is tragic. The two demon hunting groups were almost completely wiped out. Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi were seriously injured and taken prisoner. The only ones who escaped alive were the assassins from Duan Yi's team. He came back with a message.

The location of the accident was the closest to the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass. The assassin also died of his injuries after sending the news back.

How could Chen Ying'er not be anxious after getting this news? I panicked for a moment. And this news just arrived yesterday. Originally, Chen Hongyu and Granny Sanshui had no intention of telling Chen Yinger the news, but she discovered it by coincidence.

After listening to Chen Ying'er's story, Long Haochen's face suddenly became very ugly. Not to mention that they are all members of the Demon Hunting Group, Yang Wenzhao and Duan Yi are both rare talents for the Knights Temple! In the future, there will be talented knights who may challenge the Divine Seal Knights. They were caught, no matter from which angle, Long Haochen had to rescue them. Even if they may not be able to succeed with their current strength, he must still try. Yang Haohan's care for him has always been borne in mind by Long Haochen. Without the support of the Knight Temple Master, he might have been sent to the Demon God Emperor by the Alliance before the holy war began.

Taking a deep breath, Long Haochen looked at Chen Hongyu and said in a deep voice: Senior, I agree with your proposal just now. I am willing to challenge you with my partners. However, I hope your conditions can be relaxed. Facing us These juniors, can you at least not use the equipment?

Chen Hongyu did not expect that after thinking about it, Long Haochen would actually agree to his obviously bullying test. For a time, there was no room for change. However, he couldn't help but feel an appreciation for Long Haochen in his heart. This young man decided to lead his team to challenge himself, which meant that he had made up his mind to rescue Duan Yi and Yang Wenzhao.

If his granddaughter didn't join him, Chen Hongyu wished that a powerful demon hunting group would do this. However, how could he let Chen Ying'er take risks when his granddaughter was involved? However, what he said before has been spoken, and it is impossible to take it back now. As the master of a palace, how can he go back on his words?

Okay, I won't accept your challenge without equipment. The time is up to you. It will be in the Colosseum of my Soul Temple.

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said: Palace Master Chen, we and Ying'er have not seen each other for a long time. Please allow Ying'er to reunite with us. It will also make it easier for us to plan our tactics.

Yes. Yes. However, if you want to leave the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass just like this, then you will always be considered an unwelcome person by my Soul Temple. At the same time, I will also use the power of the temple to stop you. .”

Long Haochen said: Don't worry, such a situation will never happen. After saying that, he gave Chen Hongyu a standard knight's salute, put on his mask again, and walked out with Chen Ying'er.

Boss, I... As soon as she went out, Chen Ying'er grabbed Long Haochen's arm again. With mixed feelings, she couldn't help but cry again.

Long Haochen touched her head and said, Silly girl, why are you crying? Could it be that the tasks we faced before were easy? Even if it weren't for your fault, if I learned that Yang Wenzhao and Duanyi were captured by the enemy, I would definitely We will go all out to rescue them. You need to calm down first, and we can take a rest so that we can face your grandfather's test. You are the most familiar with Palace Master Chen, and I still need you to explain it to everyone.

Yeah, yeah. Chen Ying'er nodded repeatedly. She didn't know why, but after Long Haochen's arrival, her uneasiness and anxiety were significantly reduced. This is a habit that was established when I was with Long Haochen in the past. It seems that as long as the leader is here, all problems will not be a problem. That sense of security was gradually formed over a long period of time, and it was deeply ingrained in Chen Yinger's heart.

Long Haochen took her to the Soul Temple to arrange a resting place for them, and it was natural to have a refreshing meeting with her friends again, especially between Chen Ying'er and Wang Yuanyuan, they were good friends and sisters. Seeing each other again, they screamed with excitement. It caused everyone's emotions to get excited.

The joy of reunion was quickly diluted by reality. After her emotions calmed down, Chen Ying'er recounted what happened before.

After listening to her story, everyone's eyes fell on Long Haochen, waiting for his decision.

Long Haochen said: We must pass the test of Palace Master Chen, otherwise, he will not let us take Ying'er away. Han Yu, I have to trouble you to make a trip. You can ride Star King and make a trip to Zhennan. Guan, get Sima back. Only by concentrating all our strength can we win this competition.

Han Yu nodded and said, Okay, then I'll go right away.

Long Haochen took him to the open space outside and summoned Star King. After a few words of instruction, Han Yu immediately set off towards the south on Star King.


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