Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 597: Dawn of Light (please recommend this chapter)

After hearing what her grandfather said, Chen Ying'er raised her head and said with tearful eyes: But now, the demon hunting group is either helping to defend the city, or fighting them in the hinterland of the demons. How can there be a strong enough demon hunting group to find him? Ah! Moreover, if you write to the Holy Alliance, I don’t know how long it will take for the Holy Alliance to respond.”

Chen Hongyu smiled bitterly and said: What can we do? I will write to the Exorcist Pass at the same time and ask them to send some assassins. There is no other way. Ying'er, don't you understand in your heart how likely he is to survive? Is it slim?

Chen Ying'er pursed her lips. Just when she was about to cry again, a respectful voice came from outside, Your Majesty, the acting paladin chief of the Knights Temple has come to pay his respects.

Acting Paladin Commander? Although Chen Hongyu was upset about Chen Ying'er, he didn't dare to neglect the words Acting Paladin Commander. The Knights Temple is the first of the six major temples. Although the acting paladin captain may not be among the best in the Knights Temple, his power is definitely among the top, even more than some deputy temple masters who lack real power.

Please come quickly. Chen Hongyu said immediately.

Chen Ying'er on the side stopped crying at this time and said eagerly to Chen Hongyu: Grandpa, this acting paladin has come just in time. Please ask him to send a few paladins to help find him.

Chen Hongyu said in a deep voice: Child, calm down. Isn't grandpa anxious? That's my grandson-in-law too! Let me meet the acting paladin captain first. The paladin captain of the Knights Temple has actually been replaced. It seems that Han Qian will stay with the Holy Alliance. You and your grandma will go to the inner room and wait for a while.

Yes. Chen Ying'er agreed humbly, and then she helped her grandma to the inner room.

This is the place where Chen Hongyu works and where he and Granny Sanshui live. The room is very large, with a large living room outside, a bedroom and a quiet room dedicated to practice.

Soon, sonorous footsteps were heard outside, and the voice of the person who had previously responded sounded again, Your Majesty, the acting paladin has arrived.

Please come in. Chen Hongyu's expression has returned to normal.

Accompanied by sonorous footsteps, a tall knight wearing a fine gold base armor walked in from outside.

Chen Hongyu was surprised to see that the acting paladin commander was not only wearing a military uniform, he didn't even take off the mask on his face. He suddenly felt a little unhappy in his heart. This was not a battlefield. The battle situation in the Soul Temple was stable. The acting paladin leader came to see him and dressed up like this. It was really not polite enough.

The Acting Paladin Commander of the Knights Temple, No. 12, Jinjin No. 12, has met Palace Master Chen. He hesitated for some inconveniences and did not take off his mask. Please forgive him. A clear voice came from inside the armor.

So young? This was Chen Hongyu's first reaction. Before he could speak, an exclamation came from inside. It was Chen Ying'er's voice. The next moment, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, Chen Ying'er, wearing the soul holy clothes, rushed out of the room like the wind, and even Granny Sanshui didn't stop her.

You, you are... Chen Yinger came to the adamantine base knight and asked with a trembling voice.

Seeing her, the adamantine base knight became surprisingly excited, Ying'er, Ying'er, you're here too. That's great. It saves me the trouble of looking for you. As he said this, the adamantine base knight The knight raised his hand and lifted off his mask, revealing an extremely young and even more handsome face. Isn't it none other than Long Haochen?

Chen Ying'er has worked with Long Haochen for several years and is very familiar with his voice. Therefore, she had heard Long Haochen as soon as he opened his mouth. Then he rushed out from inside desperately.

Boss... As if she was seeing a relative, as soon as she called out the word boss, Chen Ying'er threw herself into Long Haochen's arms and burst into tears.

Chen Hongyu was dumbfounded as he watched on the sidelines. He had no idea how this trick happened. Even the master of the Soul Temple, a ninth-level psychic with extraordinary wisdom, could not understand the situation in front of him at this time.

Grandma Sanshui also came out of the inner room and came to Chen Hongyu. When she saw Long Haochen, she was no less surprised than Chen Yinger. She whispered in Chen Hongyu's ear: This young man is Long Haochen! Why is he He came and became the acting paladin captain.

Who is Long Haochen? Chen Hongyu felt that this name was somewhat familiar, but for a while he couldn't figure out who the owner of this name was.

Grandma Sanshui met Long Haochen at the original Demon Hunting Team selection competition. Now Long Haochen is much taller than before, looks much more mature, and his appearance is more handsome. If it weren't for Chen Ying'er's boss voice, she might not have dared to recognize him.

You're stupid. You're the genius boy from the Knights Temple. The leader of Ying'er's group of demon hunters! The one who destroyed the Demonic Pillar of the Snake Demon God Andumari.

After hearing Granny Sanshui's words, Chen Hongyu realized that the young man in front of him was Long Haochen, the Son of Light, known as the greatest genius in the history of the Knights Temple.

Long Haochen comforted Chen Ying'er while apologetically saluting the two elders again.

Granny Sanshui stepped forward slowly, smiled and nodded to Long Haochen, and then pulled Chen Ying'er up from his arms. Although Chen Yinger and Long Haochen were once part of a demon hunting team. But in the eyes of Grandma Sanshui, her granddaughter is no worse than this Son of Light. What's more, Chen Ying'er has a fiancé. If she is too close to Long Haochen, it won't sound good if word spreads about it.

Boss, you have to save him! Although Chen Ying'er was pulled away by her grandma, she still couldn't help but say.

Long Haochen was stunned, and Grandma Sanshui on the side had already scolded: You girl, why can't you be calm at all? This acting paladin captain is here to see your grandfather.

Chen Ying'er looked at Long Haochen aggrievedly and said, Boss, I'll talk to you later. You must help me.

Long Haochen couldn't help but feel pain in his heart when he saw the tears on her pretty face. Nodded without hesitation. Although Chen Ying'er is actually older than him, when we were in the same team, he always regarded Chen Ying'er as his younger sister. Chen Ying'er has a straightforward personality. Although she is the weakest, she is never timid no matter what kind of danger she faces. This was the first time Long Haochen had seen her crying so hard.

Chen Hongyu had been looking at Long Haochen with a slightly doubtful look. At this time, Chen Ying'er calmed down, and he slowly said: Captain Paladin, Ying'er is rude, please don't take offense. You have just been promoted to Paladin Commander. Of?

Long Haochen naturally understood what the psychic meant, and immediately took out the token and his grandfather's letter and handed it over.

After reading Long Tianyin's letter, Chen Hongyu showed a bit of regret on his face, and said lightly: I understand what Brother Tianyin means. The Holy Knight Commander can stay with us first.

Long Haochen said: Palace Master Chen, we may not be able to stay here for long. After leaving here, we will continue to the priest's temple to meet up with the last partner.

The light in Chen Hongyu's eyes flickered slightly and he said: Captain Paladin, I'm afraid something will disappoint you. Now that your demon hunting group has been disbanded, I have no intention of letting Ying'er rejoin the demon hunting group. She must stay in the temple.”

Huh? Long Haochen was shocked, and so was Chen Yinger.

Ever since Long Haochen came out of seclusion, he had met up with several friends one after another. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. Chen Hongyu actually disagreed to let Chen Ying'er return to the team.

Chen Ying'er was about to speak, but Granny Sanshui held her down and even blocked her ability to speak with spiritual power. She could only look at her grandfather and Long Haochen anxiously.

Chen Hongyu said: The Holy Knight Commander can represent the Knight Temple, I won't hide it. Ying'er's innate spiritual power is over 90, she is the Soul Saint of our Soul Temple, and she is the only one in the history of the Soul Temple. A genius who has inherited the Holy Cloth of the Soul. Therefore, she must stay in the temple, pass on my mantle in the near future, and become the next master of the Soul Temple. Therefore, her status is relatively special and she is not suitable to continue. Become a demon hunter and go on an adventure.

After hearing what Chen Hongyu said, Long Haochen fell silent. He turned to look at Chen Ying'er. Although Chen Ying'er was restrained by her grandma, her anxious eyes told Long Haochen a lot.

Long Haochen said: Palace Master Chen, do you want to listen to Ying'er's own opinion? If she doesn't want to become a demon hunter anymore, I will never force her. But, you also know that a demon hunting group is composed of various professions. , without Ying'er, we wouldn't be a complete demon hunting group.

Chen Hongyu said calmly: It's simple. There are many powerful young men in my Soul Temple, so just let the Holy Knight Commander choose one. I will respond to the Holy Alliance and make an exception for your team to change.

Even Granny Sanshui said he was stubborn. It is easy to imagine the temper of the master of the Soul Temple. As long as something he has determined is rarely changed.

Long Haochen looked at Chen Ying'er helplessly, but saw that her eyes changed even more dramatically, and she was already crying anxiously.

Palace Master Chen, please think twice. As the master of the Soul Temple, you have no right to order demon hunters.

Chen Hongyu's face condensed, Captain Paladin, please pay attention to your identity. You are not qualified to talk to me like this. You can go out.

Expulsion order. Compared to the Master of the Magic Temple, Li Zhengyi, the Master of Chen's Hall had a much worse attitude towards Long Haochen. Of course, the more important reason for this was because of Chen Ying'er's relationship.

Long Haochen frowned slightly and said, No, you are wrong. I believe that I am qualified to talk to you. In addition to the Holy Knight Commander, I also have the title of Demon Hunting Group.

Chen Hongyu was stunned and said, Young man, be careful what you say. Not everything can be used as a banner. How old are you? What level of cultivation do you have? Why do you have the title of the Demon Hunting Group?

The title in Long Haochen's mouth naturally meant the top title-level demon hunting group. That is the supreme honor of the Demon Hunting Group! It is also the most noble among all demon hunting groups. The leader of the title-level demon hunting group definitely has the same status as the masters of the major temples.

Long Haochen said calmly: If I remember correctly, according to the alliance regulations, there is a situation where you can obtain the title of Demon Hunting Group in advance without reaching a certain level of cultivation. This situation is to make sufficient contributions to the alliance. .”

Chen Hongyu said coldly: You mean you destroyed the Demonic Pillar of the Snake Demon God Andumari? Yes, this achievement can indeed give you such an honor. However, destroying Andumari's Demonic Pillar is just one side of your words. Alliance It has not been confirmed so far. You are a bit arrogant by adding the title of Demon Hunting Group to yourself without permission.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, I am not referring to this contribution. There is no rule in the rules of the Demon Hunting Group that you can obtain the title by destroying the Demon God Pillar. However, there is such a rule in the rules of the Demon Hunting Group. One. If a demon hunting group kills more than three demon gods, they will be eligible to receive the title in advance.

Chen Hongyu was shocked, You mean, you have killed more than three demon gods?

Long Haochen stepped on the ground with his right foot, and the golden light turned around, taking off the fine gold base armor on his body. He lifted up his sleeves and revealed his merit token.

The record of the merit token is not false. Palace Master Chen can find someone to check it. We have attacked the snake demon god Andumari, the green demon riding demon Seer and the insight demon god Crossel several times. And the last blow was done by me. of.

Hearing what he said, Chen Hongyu couldn't help but change his expression, and so did Granny Sanshui beside him.

The two of them had heard Chen Yinger describe the process of killing the snake demon god Andumali in detail, but they didn't expect that Long Haochen could actually kill the two demon gods again.

Killing Andumari can be said to be lucky, but can he be lucky every time he kills the demon?

Moreover, Long Haochen was right. According to the rules of the Demon Hunting Group, they are now indeed qualified to obtain the title, and they can no longer conduct the Demon Hunting Group's level evaluation. This title will follow them forever. And being able to become a member of a title-level demon hunting group is a glory that even exceeds the status of the temple master.

After all, the temple master is the ruler and commander, or the one in control. But title-level demon hunters are absolute heroes in the Temple Alliance!

Chen Hongyu's expression relaxed slightly, and he asked subconsciously: Then what are your current titles?

Long Haochen said in a deep voice: When I left the Southeast Fortress, I asked the Master of the Warrior Temple Qiu Yonghao to certify on my behalf and formally apply to the alliance for the title. Once, when we were in the Exorcism Pass, we saw the Demon God The legendary powers of the Demon Hunting Group. At that time, Master Chen Zidian once asked me if I would inherit their titles in the future. I refused. Simply killing demon gods cannot bring peace and peace to mankind. Development. At that time, my partners and I decided on the future title. This title is called: Dawn of Light.


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