Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 596 The Wrath of the Lich King (Part 2)

But no matter what, she failed. Is there one more chance or two? The Lich King himself didn't know that the six-headed Haoyue had already had such a powerful suppressive effect on her in terms of breath. Therefore, if he wanted to discover it next time, he would have to wait until it evolved again. But, after evolving again, can I still control it?

The deep feeling of powerlessness gradually turned into extreme fear, and the Lich King looked up to the sky and let out a scream again.

tower of Eternity.

When Long Haochen and Haoyue returned here, Long Haochen only felt that the skirt of his vest was soaked with cold sweat. The battle just now was too dangerous. If not for Haoyue's help, he would have died. There was no way he could abandon Haoyue and teleport back to the Tower of Eternity. What kind of existence are undead creatures? Her necromancy magic is very different from that of the necromancy demon Samikina, but it is more direct and terrifying. Especially the summoning scene of hundreds of skull dragons at the end was really shocking. If the bright moon hadn't frightened those bone dragons, he would have been torn to pieces.

However, thinking about it in reverse, such a terrifying undead strongman will have obvious fear of Haoyue, and will even suppress his strength because of Haoyue's aura. It is conceivable that Haoyue's ancestors or previous lives have left her with such painful consequences. Reminisced. Haoyue, how far will you evolve in the future?

Looking at Haoyue's six big heads and its amethyst-like scales, Long Haochen touched it gently. Haoyue's six big heads immediately came over, especially the newly born earth attribute Big Head Xiao Huang, and rubbed against him again and again.

In front of Long Haochen, the pressure that Haoyue had before was gone at all, and he still looked like a child. However, Haoyue's evolution also significantly improved Long Haochen.

The internal spiritual power increased by about 3,000, and more importantly, the external spiritual power changed. After calming down, Long Haochen carefully realized it. He found that there seemed to be a powerful force in his blood. This kind of power It was very similar to Haoyue's aura, and it should be the purple-gold layer that appeared on his body before. This power is integrating with his body and gradually becoming part of his external spiritual power. Since there was a blood contract between him and Haoyue, the power from Haoyue merged with his body very quickly. According to Long Haochen's estimation, the entire integration process will be completed in less than ten days. At that time, he himself didn't know to what extent his external spiritual power could be enhanced. But the increase in external spiritual power may be measured in units of tens of thousands. More importantly, the external spiritual power that Haoyue helped him improve seemed to have something in common with his internal spiritual power.

After Haoyue made out with Long Haochen, she crawled on the ground of the Tower of Eternity and fell into a deep sleep. She was obviously very tired. This evolution also consumes a lot of energy on it.

Long Haochen's friends didn't know what kind of thrill he and Haoyue went through in the end. After all, they only teleported back for more than ten seconds before Long Haochen teleported back together with Haoyue. How did they know that if Long Haochen Fu Ling hadn't helped Haoyue fight for the last few seconds and blocked the Lich King's final attack that might threaten Haoyue, they might never have come back.

Haoyue fell asleep, and they all came to Long Haochen. Han Yu said with some worry: Captain, Haoyue's evolution seems to be getting more and more difficult. The undead creature just now is as powerful as the top ten demon gods. Comparable to, or even surpassed. The opponents we have to face next time will probably be even more powerful.

Lin Xin said: Haoyue has been evolving for longer and longer now. Maybe the next evolution will be a few years later. By then, don't we still have the ability to help it resist strong enemies? The boss is all at the eighth level. I’m a knight, and in a few years, I might reach the ninth level.”

Wang Yuanyuan chuckled and said: I didn't expect that you are still an optimist. Boss, Haoyue has also evolved. Can we go find Ying'er?

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said: It's time to join them. However, after thinking carefully these days, I decided that next we will go to the Ten Thousand Beasts Pass where the Soul Temple belongs and the Zhennan Pass where the Priest Temple belongs. Try not to take action. Especially me, I will no longer participate in the battle against the demons.

Hearing what he said, his friends were all stunned. You know, as demon hunters, their most fundamental task is to fight against the demons!

Long Haochen said: Since the end of my retreat, I have fought against the demons in Yulong Pass, Exorcism Pass, Jialing Pass and Southeast Fortress. In almost every fortress, I have performed well. And I have performed well. It's a bit too prominent. In Yulong Pass, he severely injured the undead demon Samikina because of the Tower of Eternity. In Exorcism Pass, he helped Great Ancestor Sheng Yue kill the flame lion demon An Luoxian, and he and Cai'er Together we killed the Green Demon Cavalry. At Jialing Pass, we also relied on the prayer of light to temporarily withstand the super forbidden spell of Hell Demon Marbus, buying time for the defense of Jialing Pass. When we got here, we killed Insight again. Demon God Crossel.”

Three demon gods have died because of me. Demons are not fools, and my fine gold base armor is too conspicuous. They must have noticed me, and even guessed something. Moreover, every time I When you appear on the battlefield, the number of companions around you will increase. I conceal my appearance, but your appearance is seen by the demons. As long as a careful person analyzes it, the demons can easily guess that it is me. Appeared. If the Demon God Emperor confirms his guess, then he is likely to lead the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, Moon Demon Clan and Star Demon Clan to invade in a large scale. But this is what I least want to see now. The Demon Clan will find out sooner or later. My existence, but I hope it is within the demon clan. In this way, the six major fortresses will not be affected. Therefore, in the future, we will try our best not to take action again and keep a low profile until we meet Ying'er and Sima. , sneak into the territory of the demon clan and then use it to its fullest.

After listening to Long Haochen's analysis, Zhang Fangfang and Han Yu immediately expressed their support, and others also understood. That's right, now is not the time to show off. Although they had killed several demon gods, relatively speaking, they were all ranked low and not too terrifying opponents. The Demon God's Crown has not escaped, which will result in these Demon Gods not appearing for the time being. However, as long as their Demon God Pillars are still there, this Demon God's position will be passed down. Therefore, the most important thing for them is to sneak into the demon clan and destroy the demon pillar as much as possible.

At that time, although they will be extremely majestic in the demon territory, the Temple Alliance will be more stable. There are only a few of them. No matter how powerful the demons are, it is not easy to find them in the huge territory.

The Pass of Ten Thousand Beasts, the Temple of the Soul.

Chen Ying'er stood there blankly, looking a little sluggish. The Soul Saint Cloth with one hundred and eight elixirs and countless silver patterns embroidered into Warcraft patterns exuded soft spiritual power fluctuations.

In front of her, there were two old men sitting. One of them was her grandmother, Granny Sanshui, and the other was even more incredible. She was the master of the contemporary Soul Temple and Chen Ying'er's grandfather, a psychic. Chen Hongyu.

That's it, Ying'er, you have to express your condolences. The possibility of him surviving is very, very low.

No, it won't. He must still be alive, must still be alive. Chen Ying'er suddenly shouted, but tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably. There was a letter in her hand, but at this moment, her body was shaking uncontrollably. Emotions were almost out of control.

Granny Sanshui sighed and said: My child, we have fought against the demons for so many years and have experienced too many life and death. Think about it. We will continue to ask for this hatred from the demons.

No, grandma. I'm going to find him. Chen Ying'er suddenly raised her head, with an extremely determined light in her eyes.

Nonsense. Chen Hongyu shouted, and his majestic aura immediately shocked Chen Ying'er, Are you still a three-year-old child? Don't you know the consequences of going to him alone? Don't you know the consequences when you inherit the Soul Saint Cloth? For a moment, your life no longer belongs to you alone.”

Chen Ying'er said stubbornly: I can take off the Soul Saint Cloth.

Nonsense. Chen Hongyu stood up suddenly. He was not tall, but he had an indescribable magnificence.

In addition to being a soul saint, you are also my only granddaughter, Chen Hongyu. Have you ever thought about us? If something happens to you, will your grandma and I not go crazy?

After hearing these words, Chen Ying'er's stubbornness finally softened, she rushed forward a few steps, threw herself into the arms of Granny Sanshui and cried loudly.

Looking at his granddaughter who was crying bitterly, Chen Hongyu shook his head helplessly, You girl! You have such a stubborn temper. You obviously like others, but you have to act dismissive. Now you feel uncomfortable.

Grandma Sanshui comforted her granddaughter and glared at Chen Hongyu angrily, You still have the nerve to say that? You're not like an old man like you. I still remember your virtue when you chased me. You have to live to save face and suffer the consequences.”

The master of the Soul Temple, who was still aggressive before, was helpless in the face of his wife, and sat down angrily. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: We in the Soul Temple are all summoners, and we are the worst at detecting such things. Ying'er, you have to stay calm. Grandpa immediately responded to the Holy Alliance and asked the Holy Alliance to dispatch demon hunters. Regiment to find him. If possible, rescue him.


Ying'er is about to return to the team! In order for Ying'er to return to the team, please vote for your precious monthly votes and recommendation votes. The Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 will be renamed in the next chapter, and at the same time, they will also embark on a new journey.

What are their names? Remember? Take a guess.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. The next chapter will be a 4000 word chapter.

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