Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 595 The Wrath of the Lich King (Part 2)

He didn't know what powerful skills the Lich King would display next, so it was absolutely right to prepare a prayer of light.

The purple light groups were much more powerful than the previous bubbles. They were not only highly corrosive, but also had terrifying impact. After Long Haochen withstood dozens of them, the defensive power of the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield still forced him and his companions to retreat continuously, and the concentrated spiritual power of the conjoined spirit enhancement slid down at a terrifying speed. If this continues, Long Haochen's prayer of light spell will never be completed.

At this moment, a ray of purple light refracted from the six-pointed star in the sky and landed on Long Haochen. In an instant, Long Haochen felt his blood surge all over his body, and an indescribable force suddenly burst out from his body. This force had nothing to do with his inner spiritual power, causing his skin to turn completely purple-gold, and his retreating steps also He stopped suddenly and forcefully kept the shield wall in front of him.

This strange power felt like external spiritual power to Long Haochen, an ultimate external spiritual power. The strange purple-gold color is even rendered on the Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield, as if adding a protective layer to this artifact-level shield.

The purple light group emitted by the Lich King had no effect when it struck the hexagram in the sky. The hexagram exuded layers of rich purple energy and dissolved all the purple light groups.

However, at this moment, deafening roars sounded in the air. Huge figures appeared one after another in the cracks torn apart by the Lich King.

The bone dragon, whose head was made of pale bones and whose eyes were beating with dark purple flames, just emerged from the crack and rushed towards Long Haochen and Haoyue.

That's hundreds of bone dragons! The Bone Dragon is one of the ultimate undead creatures.

There is a certain gap between ordinary bone dragons and real giant dragons, but every bone dragon is also an undead powerhouse at the peak of the eighth level. They have powerful soul power and physical abilities. In Long Haochen's world, the hundreds of bone dragons that appeared out of thin air could only be rivaled by the Demon God Emperor's heaven-defying demon dragon army.

Long Haochen and his companions couldn't help but change their expressions. And the even more terrifying scene is yet to come. The Lich King's purple-black realm silently covered these bone dragons, causing their bones to turn purple-black. The bone dragons that were all at the peak of the eighth level before actually broke through to the ninth level. For a time, the sky was covered with clouds. Go straight to Long Haochen and the others.

After completing this terrifying summons, the Lich King was still chanting the spell. She flew into the sky again, raising her staff high in the face of the bright moon's purple hexagram. It seemed that the purpose of so many terrifying and powerful bone dragons was to make Long Haochen and the others unable to stop her spell.

At this moment, Long Haochen's mind changed and he made an instant decision. Under the surprised eyes of his companions, he took the initiative to end the conjoined spirit enhancement, turned around quickly, and shot out five palms in an instant.

Each palm brought up a golden light, teleporting Cai'er, Wang Yuanyuan, Lin Xin, Zhang Fangfang and Han Yu, together with Lord Evil Eye, all back to the Tower of Eternity.

At this time, the bone dragon had already begun to pounce down. But Long Haochen strangely stopped paying attention to Haoyue and suddenly stood up, with bright golden light bursting out from the four wings behind him, flashing at the speed of light.

He flew up towards the bone dragons, and flew up closely in the six purple beams of light released by Haoyue. The speed of light flash was so fast that in almost a flash, he was high in the sky and came face to face with the bone dragons.

Without the amplification of the conjoined spirit, Long Haochen's strength has been greatly reduced at this moment, falling to the ninth level. However, he took his flying skills to the extreme.

It could be clearly seen that he was tossing and turning in mid-air, exerting his light speed flash at all costs at the expense of his spiritual power, and forcefully broke through the gaps between the bone dragons.

After all, these bone dragons had just been summoned, and they were slightly delayed when they pounced. Facing Long Haochen's breakthrough, the bone dragons closest to him immediately launched attacks, but Long Haochen dodged and avoided most of them. Only one bone dragon's bone claw hit the sun and moon snail shield.

Although the Bone Dragon has reached the ninth level by virtue of the Lich King's domain, the eighth level Long Haochen and the artifact-level defense of the Sun and Moon Snail Shield are not so easy to break through. What's more, after adding that purple-gold layer to his body, his external spiritual power was surprisingly strong. He actually knocked the skull dragon aside, and his figure was already lifted higher into the sky in a flash.

A golden band of light flashed again, haunting the Lich King without any fancy. Traction.

The moment Long Haochen activated the speed of light flash, Yating clung to him from behind. After a series of tossing and turning, Long Haochen finally came within a hundred meters of the Lich King.

The orange-red brilliance of the goddess of light's aria appeared again with the sword intention of integrating the body and the sword. At the same time, the strongest seven-color golden light emitted from the sun and moon god's snail shield.

At this time, Long Haochen's eyes were shining with light, but he was extremely calm and calm.

The Bone Dragon Legion is terrifying, but even more terrifying is the Lich King. All he has to do is stop the Lich King's spell.

Haoyue was evolving and could not communicate with him, but Long Haochen could feel its emotional changes. When those bone dragon legions appeared, Haoyue's mood did not fluctuate at all. But when the Lich King appeared in front of the six-pointed star again and started singing, Haoyue's mood swing became extremely violent.

Long Haochen immediately made an accurate judgment on which one was lighter and which was heavier. He teleported his friends away first to ensure their safety.

Being pulled in front of Long Haochen again, the Lich King burst out with an angry scream. She never expected that Long Haochen would make such a judgment and have the ability to break out of the siege of the bone dragon.

At this moment, at least four bone dragons were chasing Long Haochen and attacking him. However, the Lich King's spell was finally interrupted!

Boom—— A circle of intense purple-black light burst out around Long Haochen's body. It blasted away his sword intent. The terrifying explosive force directly caused Long Haochen to spit out a mouthful of blood. However, he also completed the shield wall's defense against himself.

The Sun and Moon Divine Snail Shield shining with colorful golden light is so solid. At that moment, the Snail Shield of the Sun and Moon God not only withstood the magical bombardment of the Lich King, but also withstood the impact of the four-headed bone dragon four times.

Relying on the powerful defensive power of the purple-gold layer on his body and the Sun-Moon Divine Snail Shield, Long Haochen managed to hold on. But at this time, he was also in a desperate situation. Surrounded by four-headed bone dragons and a Lich King with extremely powerful undead magic, he now had no way out.

At this moment, a deafening roar sounded from below.

A strange scene appeared, there were hundreds of skull dragons! After hearing this roar, their bodies all stagnated. Even the Lich King's body was condensed.

In the sky, the huge purple hexagram exploded, and the huge purple halo spread instantly, encompassing the entire battlefield.

The flames beating in the eye sockets of each skull dragon became extremely violent, giving the impression that they might be extinguished at any time. They curled up their bodies desperately and guarded their soul flames with all their strength. Let alone an attack, it looked like it was very difficult to even protect oneself.

With a flash of purple-gold light, Long Haochen disappeared into thin air amid the siege. When he appeared again, he had landed on Haoyue's back.

Haoyue, who transformed into a dragon, has completed its evolution. That roar was made by his six heads together. Xiaoguang, Xiaohuo, Xiaoqing, Xiaolan, Xiaozi, plus Xiaohuang who was just born with a horn like a cracked tomato on his head. The six big heads are full of power.

After evolution, Haoyue was only around the eighth level of a human powerhouse in terms of spiritual power, but the purple energy emitting from it made such a huge bone dragon army and even the Lich King feel fear.

Six pairs of cold eyes focused on the Lich King. The Lich King screamed again, and the cloak on her body actually turned into a black mist and dissipated, revealing the body inside.

She has a perfect female figure, a completely exposed body, but with a skull, waving her bone staff downward crazily. Thousands of intense purple-black rays of light came straight towards the bright moon.

Roar-- He roared again, and the strong purple intention rippled again, and the Lich King's attack suddenly turned into nothing in front of the purple intention. Haoyue flapped its huge wings and took Long Haochen to fly up boldly, smashing into pieces a bone dragon that was desperately protecting the soul fire. The next moment, golden light shone, and it disappeared into the dark night sky together with Long Haochen.

No - the Lich King roared crazily. Her anger made all bone dragons tremble. However, she still failed and watched Haoyue complete another evolution. Has a sixth head.

Her failure was not because she was not strong enough. Facing the purple aura exuded by Haoyue, she did not even use 50% of her strength. In the end, she summoned the Bone Dragon Legion and tried her best to resist the fear and trembling in her heart before she reluctantly cast the spell. of. Otherwise, how could they possibly stop this powerful undead monarch with only Long Haochen? Even in the world that Haoyue belongs to, the Lich King's cultivation is among the top!

After the extreme anger, there was coldness, and an indescribable chill spread in the Lich King's heart. She couldn't describe the feeling in her heart at this time, but she could vaguely feel that the extremely terrifying Austin and Griffin seemed to be back. Before Haoyue and Long Haochen left, the moment when six pairs of purple eyes stared at her was deeply imprinted in her memory. The fear from the depths of her soul even caused the Lich King to explode his cloak.

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