Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 587 Insight into the Demon God’s Parasite (Part 1)

Poof. Dark blue blood burst out, leaving a long blood mark on Crossel's waist. Although the demon gods' external spiritual power is powerful, their defense is not enough to protect themselves when faced with attacks from epic weapons.

However, although Crosell was hit by this, he still retreated smoothly, and the other eight clones swarmed up, each of them was exactly the same, mixed with Crosell's entity, and then quickly separated.

Long Haochen narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted disdainfully. He suddenly closed his eyes and made an upward motion with the goddess of light in his right hand. A little red light flew out as if it had eyes. At the same time, a golden streak of light flew out. The light and shadow suddenly flew behind Long Haochen, and a golden light connected with Long Haochen. At the same time, a white light shot out, chasing the previous red light point and flew towards one of the nine Insight Demon God Crossel.

You forgot that knights have a skill called locking, and you also forgot that knights have a spiritual furnace called holy guidance. Long Haochen's clear voice echoed on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

The red light soon fell on Crossel, and then the white light also became the bridge between him and Long Haochen.

Pushing the ground with his right foot, Long Haochen rose up again. At the same time, a layer of scarlet light also lit up on his body.

He already felt that the time when he and Haoyue were fused together were passing quickly, and there were not many attacks left to maintain his strongest state. He must kill his opponent in a short time, otherwise, he really has no choice but to find a way to escape.

sacrifice. Long Haochen had not used this skill for a long time, but he finally used it this time.

It was also a sacrifice of skills, but Long Haochen was surprised to find that the increase produced this time was more powerful than ever before. This is because of the improvement of his own external and internal spiritual power. The body's endurance is stronger, and the potential as a favored one by God is also greater. The stimulating effect of sacrificing skills on him will be greater.

Two light blades burst out from the front of the Aria of the Goddess of Light, Blue Rain, and Hibiscus of Light. The solid spiritual agang looked no different from the sword body itself. The terrifying spiritual power caused both swords to emit a slight buzzing sound.

The loud roar of the dragon then rang out from Long Haochen. He didn't care about the other eight clones at all, and rushed straight towards the locked Crossel body.

The golden light dragon rushed out horizontally, and the two divine swords were like the two bright and dazzling eyes of the light dragon. They were the disciplinary knight's skill, Dragon Strike.

Just when the Dragon Strike was about to hit Crossel, suddenly, the figures of the nine Crossels twisted at the same time. Then, the Dragon Strike transformed by Long Haochen hit the Holy Spirit Furnace and the locked one. Under the influence, he suddenly turned his head and hit a figure on the side.


The nine figures merged into one, and Crossel staggered back. Although his eight clones did not confuse Long Haochen, he quickly transferred his body at the last moment, which restrained Long Haochen's attack to a certain extent. But even so, the attack power of Long Haochen in the sacrificial state was too powerful . The various increases added together can only be described as terrifying.

Fortunately, by this time Crosell had regained mobility in his left arm. Although it was still a little stiff compared to his right arm, it was still better than fighting Long Haochen with one arm.

Dodge and attack, Long Haochen's offensive broke out instantly. With the gradual deepening of his understanding of the sword's intention, he was now able to integrate the sword's intention into his skills. When the two holy swords are completely victorious, any skill used will have extremely terrifying power.

The two swords slashed the sun, one was orange, the other was green, and two blazing suns appeared in the mid-air at the same time, falling towards Crossel like meteors catching up with the moon.

Crossel raised a pair of long knives with all his strength, and dark blue light mixed with his own dark spiritual power burst out, forming a thick dark blue light shield like a shield as he raised the long knives.

Boom, boom... Amidst the two violent roars, Crossel retreated as if he was electrocuted. The black light shield shattered, leaving a huge gap on the long knives in both his hands. The unmatched spiritual power of the sword caused his body to be covered with a layer of green and orange brilliance.

Crossel raised his head and sprayed a mouthful of dark blue blood towards Long Haochen. The blood was mixed with a large amount of orange-red and turquoise spiritual power. There was a series of popping sounds in the air.

Long Haochen's sword intent was ejected from his blood to neutralize its destructive power. This shows that Long Haochen's sword intent has actually invaded Crossel's body.

Long Haochen was unyielding, and the purple-gold figure caught up with Crossel in an instant as if it was sliding on the ground. Both swords raised the Demon-Slaying Flash at the same time, and countless lights and shadows covered Crossel.

Crosell's face was pale at this time. He shouted loudly and squatted down suddenly. Then, a layer of dark light suddenly rushed out from his forehead, covering his body like a giant egg. .

Amidst a series of harsh buzzing sounds, the dome instantly became riddled with holes. But a strange scene appeared. The same light and shadow suddenly appeared in the dome. The previous dome shattered, and then the dome broke open. Crossel suddenly rushed out, and his long knife went straight towards Long Haochen and swept away. .

With Crosell's ability to discern the devil, he could certainly see that Long Haochen's special state would never last long, so he had been passively defending before. As long as he delayed it for enough time, Long Haochen would definitely not be able to survive. The attack breaks itself. However, he soon discovered that this method was not effective. Complete passive defense allowed Long Haochen to unleash his fighting power, and he was about to be unable to resist.

Therefore, after using the secret method to resist Long Haochen's demon-killing flash, Crossel immediately launched a counterattack. Attack is the best defense.

However, just when Crosell was about to counterattack, this time he failed to predict Long Haochen's next move. Long Haochen, who was supposed to continue his attack, suddenly turned into a stream of light and quickly retreated. The speed of light flash was used to retreat, and the speed was also extremely fast. Crossel's attack immediately fell into the air.

Amidst the loud roar of the dragon, a huge green dragon rushed out from Long Haochen's left hand. It was the time when Crossel's attack was too late to change his moves. Moreover, the pressure he endured under Long Haochen's previous series of attacks was too great, and he was locked by Long Haochen, making it impossible to dodge.

Amidst the fierce roar, a pair of long knives in Crosell's hand suddenly broke. Although his two long knives were not at the level of epic level, they were still close to each other. It was destroyed under Long Haochen's series of attacks, which made Crossel feel very distressed. However, a long knife must be a long knife. Even if it is broken, about half of it is still above the handle. So Crosell did not abandon it, but tried to use the long knife to solve the predicament in front of him.

The huge impact produced by the green dragon made the Demon God of Insight spurt out blood again. What shocked him even more was that the green dragon actually entangled his body, and the strong binding force made it impossible for him to rush out for a while.

Light and Rain Twin Dragons, Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus come with additional skills. Long Haochen had been holding back until now and finally launched the attack that decided the outcome. After a series of blows and weakening, he believed that Crossel was no longer enough to stop his final offensive.

The two swords were separated on both sides of the body. Long Haochen took a deep breath, and the last spiritual power in the sacrificial state was instantly gathered. Two shocking lights of green and orange suddenly came out, and he cut crosswise.

Cross Slash was definitely a very common skill among Long Haochen's disciplinary knight skills. However, with the use of the two divine swords in his hands, he can turn simplicity into complexity and decay into magic. It produces an effect similar to that of two swords combined.

After Long Haochen used that effect for the first time, he also tried to use other abilities to bring out the effect of combining two swords. However, it turns out that at least with his current cultivation level, only the Cross Cross Slash can make these two swords. The divine sword reached a fitting intersection.

Two dazzling rays of light shine at the same time, and the powerful spiritual energy merges in the air. A buzzing sound like celestial music echoed in the air. The aria of the Goddess of Light coincides with Blue Rain and Hibiscus of Light again. Emitting that faint blue light. Just like the sky illuminated by the first ray of light in the morning, the combination of water and light means life. This sword is like searching for the secret of the origin of life. The leisurely blue light and the criss-cross slash finally merged into one point and sank lightly into the chest of the Demon of Insight, Crossel.

With the improvement of strength and understanding of abilities, Long Haochen's strongest blow after multiple increases has been significantly improved than before.

Crosell's body, which was struggling with all his strength, suddenly froze. His eyes also became dull, and the binding force of Guangyu Shuanglongyin, no, it should be called Guangyu Bilongyin now, gradually dissipated.

Boom - Countless blue lights burst out from Crossel's body, and the light of dawn that burst out from the darkness instantly shattered his body into pieces.

At this time, Long Haochen, who had exhausted all his strength, sat slumped on the ground. Haoyue was released from his body and immediately returned to his own space. Yating was also submerged into Long Haochen's body. Long Haochen's strongest state could be maintained for such a long time, and Yating's increase was indispensable.

The pair of divine swords had lost their luster in Long Haochen's hands, and he no longer even had the strength to take them back into his body. However, Long Haochen's eyes did not soften due to Crossel's explosion. Instead, they showed intense shock.

I didn't expect that, human being. Crosell's sarcastic voice sounded. Among the broken corpses, a small body with a height of only two feet emerged.

It was precisely because Crossel's aura did not disappear that Long Haochen did not relax his vigilance. The situation in front of him was completely beyond his expectation. Crossel was obviously dead, but why did a smaller version of it appear again?


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