Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 586 Is this a gang fight? (Down)

It seems that the Aria of the Goddess of Light is now like an orange-red jelly that is transparent, shiny, and full of alluring flavor. The Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light are green and emerald in color, full of vitality, like the color of new buds.

Thick golden light mist rose again, and strong golden flames rose in the light mist in an instant. Long Haochen tried his best.

Facing Haoyue's attack, Crossel's strength seemed to be obviously suppressed. His 100% ability was directly reduced by 20%, and he became extremely cautious.

The two swords pointed at the sky and the ground, and the dark blue light spread from his eyes again, and the whole person just spun on the spot. It turned into a black beam of light and collided with two combined magics.

The gap in cultivation was clearly evident at this moment. The wind and fire vortex was broken first, and the powerful cutting power and the burning of the fire dragon were completely unable to penetrate into the black light pillar.

But the ice spear that dropped from the sky flashed past, disappearing without even leaving any residue.

The black light converged, and Crossel staggered back. On his left shoulder, there was a small dark purple dot. His left arm also hung down softly.

Haoyue's attack actually hurt him. This is really unbelievable. Haoyue's seventh-level peak cultivation level actually hurt the ninth-level Demon God of Insight.

The magic of the other three heads is all for paving the way for Xiao Zi's poison. Xiaolan sent ice in, and the ice instantly turned into water. Although only one drop quietly penetrated Crossel's defense, the terrifying paralyzing poison completely paralyzed even the left arm of this ninth-level powerhouse.

Demon gods have extremely high resistance to toxins, but Haoyue's poison is obviously extraordinary. Under the effect of this paralyzing poison, Crossel's arm will need some time to get rid of the poison before it can return to normal.

But Long Haochen didn't move. He was still gathering momentum, and it was the four holy guards who launched the attack.

Crosell only felt his body sink, and then, a crystal light fell from the sky above his head, which was a diamond-like spear.

At the same time, a circle of icy blue halo instantly enveloped him, and the cold ice ring exploded instantly, producing extreme chills. Two figures, one red and one green, took this opportunity to suddenly jump up and launch an almost crazy violent attack. offensive.

However, it was precisely because of Haoyue's paralyzing poison that Crossel completely calmed down. Although Haoyue's attack caused damage to him, it also made Crossel discover that the creature in front of him that made him fear was not as powerful as himself. It was in this situation that his ability as the God of Insight into the Demon came into full play.

In such an unfavorable situation, Crosell's calmness is absolutely terrifying. Stomping his left foot heavily on the ground, a layer of black light suddenly burst out from his body, forcibly melting the ice ring of Holy Guard 11, and at the same time slowing down the diamond spear piercing above his head. The long knife in his right hand was lifted up, and this blow could be described as extremely wonderful.

A huge 270-degree arc light blade bloomed out. The front end of the light blade went straight towards Long Haochen and cut into it. The top end just met the diamond spear. As for Holy Guards No. 10 and No. 12, who were attacking from behind, his six wings seemed to come alive, blocking high and low, blocking all the attacks of the two holy guards.

The crystal golden light turned into a drop of water and struck the black curved light blade. The light blade that attacked Long Haochen was shattered when it struck the golden water drop like a teardrop.

This was Yating's attack again, and after this attack, Yating's face became obviously pale. Her cultivation is equivalent to that of an eighth-level junior light magician. She relies on her own cultivation to block the attack of a ninth-level strongman. The power of this magic can be imagined.

Tears of the Goddess of Light, an eighth-level single-target magic, could only be cast with the help of the aura of Long Haochen's Divine Favorite, Yating. Moreover, this skill is already beyond the level for her to use. Tears of the Goddess of Light is at the peak level of the eighth level.

Not only was Crosell's attack blocked, but the long knife in his hand also had a touch of gold, which was rapidly dissolving his dark spiritual power.

Don't forget, Long Haochen has another advantage in the Tower of Eternity, which is spiritual power supply. Except for the light attribute and the death attribute, there are no other attributes here that can be supplemented by elements.

At the beginning of the battle, Crosell didn't notice much, but as the battle progressed, he already felt that something was wrong. In other words, the more his spiritual power is consumed, the less it will consume.

However, don't think that a protracted battle will be more beneficial to Long Haochen if he cannot replenish his spiritual power. Crossel's attack cannot be evaded, and the four holy guards can have little effect in front of him. With insight into the Demon God's ability, it is impossible not to discover that one's own spiritual power cannot be restored. Once he is forced to a critical moment, he will definitely jump over the wall and fight back with all his strength. Therefore, Long Haochen had to improve his cultivation to a strong enough level to deal with him before he jumped over the wall.

Ding—— The diamond spear in the air shattered instantly, but it also caused Crosell to pause slightly. The four holy guards and Yating's magic managed to buy Long Haochen a lot of time.

A little undead creature dares to act arrogantly in front of me. Crosell was blocked one after another, and he had already activated the real fire. He narrowed his eyes slightly, and a layer of dark blue light suddenly rippled from his head, heading towards The four holy guards charged away.

And at the moment when his dark blue light rippled, the four holy guards suddenly became panicked and suddenly turned into four streams of light, blending into the eternal melody and disappearing. Even so, when passing by the dark blue ripples, the light they turned into became a bit dim.

When the four holy guards first appeared, Crossel was fighting Long Haochen and didn't pay much attention to them. But he soon discovered that these holy guards were actually undead creatures supported by the souls of strong men. As a spiritual demon, he is the innate nemesis of undead creatures.

The source of power for all undead creatures is soul fire, and what his spiritual magic is best at is destroying soul fire. Therefore, his spiritual attack was a devastating disaster for the four holy guards. Their soul fire was far from enough to compete with Crossel, and they fled in a panic. Otherwise, once the soul fire was extinguished, they would never be able to resurrect.

The emerald-like brilliance shot out from the sky like rain and fog. The suddenly rising figure glowed with a strong purple-gold luster, but the bright moon like a hill had disappeared out of thin air.

Armor, fusion. Long Haochen's strongest combat power exploded.

Just gathering momentum, Long Haochen's realm will not reach the ninth level after all. Only with the help of the Haoyue Armor can he fully display the power of a pair of heavy swords in his hands, and can he be in the same position as the Demon God of Insight Crossel Fight on the same level.

At this moment, the paralyzing poison in Crosell's left arm had not yet been completely eliminated, and he could only face Long Haochen's attack with one arm. That emerald light like rain and mist was the Demon-Destroying Flash created by Long Haochen.

The color of life brought by the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light has enveloped all the routes that Crossel can dodge. Aren't you able to predict my attack? Well, let’s go head-on!

Crosell raised the long knife in his left hand, and the nine knife shadows merged into one in the air, and the harsh collision sounds continued to sound.

The two bodies missed each other. Crossel was hit by Long Haochen's sword at least three times, leaving three small blood holes on his body, all on his left shoulder. Dark blue blood flowed out and dripped. There was a series of popping sounds on the ground.

Long Haochen didn't pay the price. Crossel's strong judgment allowed one of his nine swords to swipe across Long Haochen's chest armor. However, the adamantine base armor that turned into purple gold was only slightly dented and immediately returned to normal, without even triggering the life sharing of the soul chain.

Crosell's eyes narrowed slightly, but his drooping left arm moved. He deliberately let Long Haochen stab him, in order to hit Long Haochen, and at the same time to detoxify himself.

The blood was flowing and he had begun to feel a little sensation in his left arm.

Long Haochen's attack did not pause. When the two sides reached a point, he tapped the tip of his left toe, and his whole body rushed towards Crossel again like a purple-gold lightning. The Aria of the Goddess of Light in his right hand burst out with unparalleled dazzling brilliance, crystal clear. The clear orange-red spirit gang came out from the sword, bringing up a sky-shattering rainbow in the air and slashing towards Crossel. It was the speed of light combined with the Shura slash.

But the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his left hand seemed to have disappeared, and the green light disappeared. But it's vaguely more threatening.

There was a hint of panic in Crosell's eyes, and he was even more panicked because he could tell what Long Haochen was going to do through his insight technique. Because he couldn't resist this blow.

After merging with Haoyue, Long Haochen was strong enough to fight him head-on. Long Haochen couldn't last long, but Crossel couldn't recover his spiritual power here either! Therefore, it is difficult to say who will win and who will lose.

He raised the long knife in his right hand. At the same time, Crosell's body suddenly became illusory. Eight phantoms separated from his body. As soon as each phantom separated, it immediately became like a real entity. Spread around.

When-- In the violent roar, Crossel's body collided with the spiritual aura cut out by the goddess of light Aria, and immediately exploded. Wanting to blend into his clones. But at this moment, a little bit of the turquoise luster disappeared.

Crosell only had time to hit the green light with the handle of the long knife in his right hand, but it was only slightly deflected. He twisted his body with all his strength to avoid the vital point as much as possible.

Shura thorn! Blue Rain and Shura Thorns issued by the Hibiscus of Light.


Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. It's so hot, so hot. Turn on the air conditioner. My whole body feels uncomfortable. Don't turn it on. It's too hot and I can't stand it. The most difficult day of the year is here.

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