Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 588 Insight into the Demon God’s Parasite (Part 2)

The figure that was only two feet tall also had six black wings behind it. His head was very large, occupying almost half of the body. There were only a few sparse yellow hairs on the top of his head. His eyes exuded a dead white color. His limbs were extremely thin, and his body Also, in sharp contrast to the huge head, the yellow teeth exude a fishy smell. A faint dark aura continued to flow out of him.

There were at least a dozen bone-deep scars on his body, and even a corner of his huge head was cut off. You could see the white grooves inside that were crawling like insects. It was as disgusting as you want. Especially his voice became extremely hoarse, sounding like a crow croaking.

You... Long Haochen stared blankly at this unknown creature and was speechless for a moment.

The two-foot-tall man chuckled, I am Crossel, the Demon God of Insight! To be precise, I am Crossel's true form. Among the seventy-two demon gods, my strength is nothing, but when it comes to In terms of survivability, few of them can compare with me. What you killed was just my parasite. Speaking of which, it is really difficult to cultivate such a parasite. You need to find an almost perfect body among you humans. Only then can I be satisfied. Then it will take me several years to completely occupy it and transfer more than 90% of my own strength into the parasite. However, no matter how difficult it is, it is worth it, at least the parasite is so perfect. , and it is my second life. The skill you just had is indeed terrifying, even comparable to the top thirty-six demon gods. Unfortunately, all you can kill is my parasite.

From the sound of your voice, you should be young. I hope you are handsome enough. You have even used the sacrifice skill. It must be difficult for you to lift a finger now. Take off the mask on your face and let me see Look, if you can satisfy me, although your soul will be obliterated, at least your body can be integrated with mine. What an honor it is for you!

At this point, Crosell couldn't help laughing, but the laughter was full of cruelty and cruelty.

He hated Long Haochen. It was extremely difficult to cultivate a parasite. Once the parasite was killed, it would take at least five years for him to regain his original strength, and his vitality would also be severely damaged. It will take ten years for the vitality to be completely restored.

Therefore, at this time, Crosell was completely in the upper hand, and he was in no hurry to kill Long Haochen. He would not give up until he was tortured to the point of death.

Long Haochen seemed to be very scared, and his body was trembling slightly. He let go of Lan Yu and the Hibiscus of Light with his left hand, slowly raised it, and took off his mask.

At this moment, he really couldn't even raise his hand. The double consumption of merging with Haoyue and sacrificing skills brought him to the point of being at the end of his rope. Yating and Haoyue were equally weak and fell into a deep sleep. The four holy guards were too frightened by Crossel's menacing power to dare to appear. In front of him, it seemed that there was only one dead end.

The mask was taken off with some difficulty, revealing Long Haochen's pale but still extremely handsome face.

The Son of Light itself is synonymous with perfection. Although the appearance of the original parasite of the Demon God Crossel is handsome, it is far behind Long Haochen. Both appearance and temperament are worlds apart.

Therefore, when Crosell saw Long Haochen's handsome appearance, he was stunned. The previous anger was instantly replaced by ecstasy. With his insight, he could naturally see that Long Haochen was a hundred times stronger than his previous parasite. His temperament and body are so perfect. If you can use him as your parasite, then maybe it will be worth spending another five years to recover!

Just when Crosell was dancing excitedly, suddenly, a flash of crystal orange-red electricity shot out without warning. The orange-red brilliance was so magnificent, like a rainbow piercing the sky. In an instant, It penetrated Crossel's head.

Crossel's excited eyes suddenly became dull, and his body staggered back a few steps before falling to the ground. Isn't it the aria of the goddess of light that runs through his head?

That fierce and epic orange-red light is also the magnificent brilliance of this divine sword!

Long Haochen's body collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, and the clothes under the fine gold base armor were completely soaked with sweat. At this moment, he was so weak that he couldn't even lift a finger.

However, his eyes were still fixed on Crossel. It was not until a dark blue crown-like light burst out of his body and flew to the side crazily that Long Haochen finally He breathed a sigh of relief.

The appearance of the Demon God's Crown means that the Demon God Crossel is really dead.

Your ability is indeed beyond my expectation. You are worthy of being one of the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan. Long Haochen sighed. Although he could not move, he could still speak.

The battle just now left a deep impression on him. Although he was not injured, the level of danger in the battle just now was even more dangerous than when Cai'er, the Favored One of the God of Death, awakened. At that time, Long Haochen could at least control the time of leaving through the eternal melody. But just now he was really close to the end of his rope.

Crosell was so cunning that his body turned out to be a parasite, but his true body was hidden within the parasite. To be able to escape through the parasite at the critical moment was something that Long Haochen and no one could have imagined. I'm afraid those demon gods don't know Crossel's ability.

When Long Haochen saw that Crossel was still alive, he felt a little desperate. He could feel Crossel's strength at that time. The parasite was killed, which greatly weakened Crossel. Moreover, his body was also severely damaged.

In terms of spiritual power, Crossel is at most equivalent to a seventh-level cultivation level. Having lost 90% of his strength, he is already very weak. Especially his body, which has always been parasitic in that tall and handsome body, has deteriorated seriously, and his external spiritual power is infinitely close to zero.

However, Crossel like this was fatal to Long Haochen who could no longer move at all.

At this life-and-death moment, Long Haochen tried his best to calm down. He knew that he only had one chance, and it was also his last chance.

Crossel relaxed, relaxed because of Long Haochen's physical condition. With his ability to see through the demon god, he could completely feel how weak Long Haochen was, so he didn't have the slightest intention of taking precautions.

Long Haochen took off his mask to find the best chance for himself. Although Crossel was very vulnerable at the time, once his final attack was resisted, there would be no possibility for him to survive. . The exhaustion of spiritual energy in his body left him with no way to fight against Crossel. He didn't even dare to teleport. If his physical state were transmitted through the eternal melody, he would probably be torn apart by the turbulence of time and space.

As expected by Long Haochen, Crossel, who had lost his parasite, was in great need of a new body. When he saw Long Haochen's appearance, his excitement lowered his vigilance to a minimum. At this time, Long Haochen launched his attack.

Shenghua! Punishment Knight's powerful amplified attack skills. Long Haochen used his own mental power to divide the Shenghua skill into two parts. One part inspired the aria of the goddess of light, and the other part became its thrust, which penetrated Crossel's head and succeeded in one blow.

Where does the power of this holy flower come from? Speaking of which, Long Haochen was full of gratitude to the Holy Moon Knight. Isn't his Holy Flower skill a direct inheritance from the Holy Moon Knights of the Assassin Temple? Long Haochen would always store such a skill in his body in case of emergency. There are certain restrictions on grafting and grafting. Skills that are too powerful and overbearing cannot be stored, otherwise they will harm your body. Shenghua is what Long Haochen thinks is the most useful. It has huge spiritual power, is conducive to transformation and amplification, and can produce unexpected effects. Therefore, under normal circumstances, he now stores the Holy Flower in his body.

Unexpectedly, today, he saved his own life by relying on extravagant storage. Crossel revealed his trump card at the right time, but his biggest mistake was not killing Long Haochen immediately.

Long Haochen won this battle by luck, and Crossel's final conspiracy was only a little bit successful. At this time, Long Haochen was still full of fear when he recalled the process just now.

The seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan are really not that easy to deal with! This is the 49th ranked Demon God. What about the one ranked higher? How powerful will it be?

Long Haochen still deeply remembers the powerlessness he felt when he was trapped by the undead demon Samikina. If Samikina had not encountered the Tower of Eternity unluckily, Long Haochen would have died in the battle long ago.

After learning from the pain, Long Haochen slowly closed his eyes to rest. The overdraft of his body took time to recover, and so did the spiritual power in his body. Crosell was dead and had plenty of time to recuperate. As for the Demon God's Crown, it's no wonder it can escape.

This is the Tower of Eternity. Without Long Haochen's teleportation, any creature that comes in can't get out. Unless the Demon God's Crown can reach the level of a super artifact, there may be a chance.

Therefore, Long Haochen was not in a hurry, and just let him hit the wall by rushing around in the Tower of Eternity.

After resting for half an hour, Long Haochen had the strength to sit up. He took a few pills refined by Lin Xin to restore his physical strength, and then practiced to restore his spiritual power.


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