Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 5 The mysterious new instructor (1)

Well... Long Haochen slowly woke up from his coma, blinked his eyes, and his eyelashes that were long enough to make any girl envious fluttered twice before he gradually came back to his senses.

He suddenly turned over and sat up from the ground, Am I okay? Looking at his unharmed body, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

There was silence all around, except for the sounds of some insects and birds in the woods.

Lowering his head, Long Haochen saw the wild vegetables neatly placed beside him at a glance. He was stunned for a moment and rubbed his temples.

Could it be that I fell asleep just now and everything was just a dream?

Hey, what is this? At a glance, he saw an extra ring on the hand that was rubbing his head. The blue ring exudes a smooth color, not a metallic luster, but a porcelain-like jade luster. A pale golden forget-me-not pattern surrounds a circle, and a transparent gemstone the size of a grain of rice is set on it. The gemstone is completely embedded in the ring, and you can only touch the smooth surface of the ring with your hands.

The inner ring of the ring is gold, with a slight bulge close to the finger, but there is no feeling at all when it is worn on the hand.

Long Haochen was stunned. He immediately realized that everything that happened before he fell into coma was true. But because of this, his mind was full of questions.

What is the relationship between the little mute girl and the man in white? Also, how did the man in white make those ferocious-looking pursuers disappear? Who gave him this ring?

For Long Haochen, who was only nine years old, these questions were obviously a bit complicated, and he couldn't get the answers at all.

Turning over and standing up, he subconsciously turned his gaze to the place where the previous pursuers disappeared. He suddenly realized something was wrong.

Quickly stepping forward, Long Haochen saw that all the grass on the ground that was originally covered with grass had disappeared and turned into a piece of land. Moreover, the land had obviously sunk a bit, and the outermost grass was still left. There are some scorched marks. The same color as the land that has lost its grass.

Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, I'd better go home and cook wild vegetable soup for my mother. Long Haochen touched his arms and saw that the essence-building liquid was still there, and he suddenly felt much more at ease. He picked up the wooden sword next to him and walked home.

However, he stopped as soon as he got the wooden sword because he discovered a magical phenomenon. His wooden sword seemed to have become lighter, as light as a feather.

You must know that although the wooden sword in his hand is not the heavy sword used by real knights and is made of wood, it is still a solid hardwood and weighs seven or eight kilograms. When he first joined Odin Zidian, he had to practice for more than a month before he could use this sword stably with both hands.

The wooden sword has become lighter? No, it’s still the same! Could it be that my power has become stronger?

While thinking about it, Long Haochen held the sword in both hands and made a sprint forward motion, slashing forward with the wooden sword in his hand. Suddenly, a whine sounded, and the strength of the sword really startled him. And his hands are quite stable. He clearly felt that there seemed to be endless strength in his limbs. After jumping a few times, it seemed as if his body had become lighter like the wooden sword.

This is a power that requires at least twenty spiritual powers, right? Long Haochen couldn't help but think of the little mute girl's cold and stubborn face again in his mind, and murmured: Did you bring these to me? I'll go to the Zidian tomorrow to test my spiritual power. How much. Anyway, the stakes for evaluating spiritual power are always there.

The young man's heart is not too complicated. Although what happened today caused Long Haochen some trouble, he forgot all about it when he thought that his mother could drink the Pei Yuan Liquid to nourish her body. After all, the little mute girl was just a passerby, and he just prayed for her secretly, hoping that she would be safe.

A small courtyard, two thatched houses, a few shelves with hanging melons and vines, and some dried vegetables, this is Long Haochen's home.

Mom, I'm back.

The door of the hut opened, and a woman in Jingchai cloth came out of the hut. Looking at Long Haochen running back excitedly from outside, a smile suddenly appeared.

She is Long Haochen's mother Bai Yue. Long Haochen's appearance is almost as if she was carved out of the same mold. Although Bai Yue is dressed simply and has experienced a lot of hardships, her stunning appearance can still give anyone a strong shock. The only difference between her and Long Haochen is the color of her eyes. Her eyes are black, but Long Haochen's are clear blue.

However, it is precisely because of this beauty that makes life more difficult for the mother and son.

Because of this beauty, Bai Yue, who was alone with her son, was harassed countless times. Although she solved them one by one, how could she live like that?

In desperation, even after arriving in Odin Town, she had no choice but to build her home in the most remote corner. My daily livelihood is just to earn a meager income by washing clothes in a laundry full of women.

Chenchen, I'm back. How was today's exam? Bai Yue smiled and hugged her son who ran in happily. She is very tall, and only nine-year-old Long Haochen only reaches her chest level.

Feeling the softness and freshness of his mother's body, Long Haochen said happily: Mom, I passed the exam.

Bai Yue smiled slightly and said, I knew Chenchen was the best. Go and wash up, and mom will make lunch for you.

Long Haochen jumped out of his mother's arms, I'll do it. I picked some wild vegetables and made soup for you.

As he spoke, he walked straight to the smaller hut next to him. When he reached the door of the hut, he couldn't help but look back at his mother. For some reason, he felt that his mother seemed very happy today. You know, my mother rarely speaks, let alone praises him. On weekdays, more often than not, he would see his mother in a daze alone. Only when facing himself will he show a little tenderness, but he rarely speaks.

Bai Yue watched her son walk into the kitchen and murmured: Chenchen, I'm really sorry for you. But... She sighed softly, and there was a bit of struggle in her eyes, but she still suppressed it after all. He suppressed his inner impulse.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Long Haochen got up, ate breakfast cooked by his mother, and headed to Odingzi Palace.

After falling asleep last night, the scene that happened during the day appeared in his dream again, as if he also dreamed of the scene where the little mute girl put the ring on his hand. So much so that when he got up in the morning, he couldn't wait to confirm how much spiritual power he had achieved.

Because he came very early, when Long Haochen entered the Oding Palace, no one else had arrived yet. There is nothing precious in the Odin Palace, so there is no need for anyone to guard it. What's more, instructor Balza, who is a quasi-knight, lives in the back.

Quickly walking to the wooden pier where yesterday's assessment was held, Long Haochen took off the wooden sword on his back. He deliberately came early today to prove whether his guess was correct. Test spiritual power.

The wooden sword was slowly raised. Long Haochen concentrated his attention, moved his feet forward and back, took a deep breath, and slashed with all his strength with the wooden sword in his hand.

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