Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 6 The mysterious new instructor (2)

Poof——, click……, bang——

Three different voices appeared almost one after another, but the differences were particularly obvious. The first sound was naturally made by the wooden sword chopping on the wooden stake, but the second sound was the sound of the wooden sword breaking. Yes, the wooden sword couldn't withstand Long Haochen's chops and broke in the middle. Fortunately, it wasn't completely broken, so he didn't get hurt by the bounce.

The last sound was the collision of stone beads falling back. Long Haochen, who was still maintaining the chopping action, could clearly see that the highest position it had bounced up from before had suddenly reached the twenty-five mark.

Is this true? It's true, the broken wooden sword has proved it. Balza once told them that the maximum endurance of the wooden swords they used was twenty spiritual powers.

Although Long Haochen didn't have much idea about becoming a knight, being promoted from a first-level squire knight to a second-level squire knight overnight still gave him a shocking surprise.

Huh? A soft hum woke up Long Haochen. He subconsciously looked back and was surprised to find that at some point, there was a middle-aged man behind him.

Although Long Haochen was startled, he was not afraid. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him curiously.

The middle-aged man is tall and slender, with black hair and black eyes. He has a dignified appearance and his eyes are particularly bright. Handsome cannot be used to describe him, majesty is more suitable. With his simple cloth and stern face, Long Haochen could feel an invisible pressure from him. It's like a towering mountain with no peak in sight.

After a brief moment of surprise, the middle-aged man quickly returned to normal, frowned slightly, and looked at Long Haochen.

Who are you? Long Haochen asked curiously.

The middle-aged man said calmly: You passed the squire knight test yesterday. From today on, I will be your new instructor. You can call me Teacher Xingyu.

Long Haochen hesitated and said, But, I have never seen you.

Xingyu said calmly: Your name is Long Haochen, you are nine years old this year, and your mother's name is Bai Yue. Am I right?

Long Haochen nodded.

Xingyu's eyes suddenly became a little more serious, We'll talk about it when Balza comes. As he spoke, he didn't say anything more. He just moved his lips in one direction slightly.

After a while, the sound of rapid footsteps sounded, and Long Haochen saw Balza running over quickly, with a look of strong shock and respect on his face.

Hello, instructor. Long Haochen saw Balza and immediately gave him a knight's salute.

But surprisingly, Balza did not return the greeting as usual, but walked quickly to Xingyu and said respectfully: Sir.

Xingyu nodded, Tell him that I am his new instructor.

Yes. Balza hurriedly said to Long Haochen: Master Xingyu comes from the Knights Branch Hall of Haoyue City. From today on, he will be your knight instructor for the next three years. You must listen to Master Xingyu's guidance in everything. Xingyu. Lord Yu is a true knight.”

Oh. Long Haochen agreed obediently. In fact, he didn't even know the difference between a quasi-knight and a real knight. But since you are a new instructor, you can just practice with the new instructor.

Teacher Xingyu. While thinking, he said hello to Xingyu obediently. Compared with his peers, his mind is indeed much more mature and stable.

Well, let's go. Xingyu said as he naturally took Long Haochen's hand and walked out. But before he took a step, his eyes vaguely passed over Long Haochen's beautiful little face, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

Xingyu's hands were big, with long fingers and broad palms, almost covering Long Haochen's hands. Warmth and safety, this is what Long Haochen felt.

Teacher Xingyu, aren't we practicing here? Long Haochen couldn't help but ask after leaving the Odingzi Palace.

Xingyu said: This is not suitable.

Sensing the coldness in Xingyu's tone, Long Haochen was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions.

Balza watched them leave and muttered to himself with a bit of surprise: I don't know what this gentleman's identity is. Was that just a voice transmission? At least an Earth Knight must have such an ability. No, maybe the Radiant Knight? Oh my god!

Xingyu led Long Haochen out of Odin Town. As soon as he left the town, Long Haochen suddenly felt a warm, rich and huge energy coming from Long Xingyu's hands. The next moment, it was like soaring clouds and mist. A strange scene occurred.

Every time Xingyu's toes tapped on the ground, he would float forward at least ten feet. In just a few breaths, Odin Town was already far behind them.

To Long Haochen, this speed was like lightning. All he could do was hold Xingyu's hand tightly, for fear that he would fall out.

Soon, they passed through the forest where Long Haochen had picked wild vegetables yesterday, and climbed a mountain peak along the back of the forest. Long Haochen was familiar with this place, after all, he grew up here. This mountain is called Mount Odin by the people of Odin Town. But because there are often wild beasts in the mountains and the forests they passed through before, and even monsters have appeared, so few people come here. He also visited the foot of Odin Mountain half a year ago out of curiosity. There he saw an unknown beast and was so frightened that he ran away. From then on, Long Haochen never went deep into the forest, let alone Mount Odin.

Teacher, there are wild beasts here, and there may be monsters. Long Haochen reminded him kindly.

However, Xingyu didn't seem to hear his words at all. Instead, he went a little faster and took him directly to Mount Odin. Even while climbing the mountain, his speed did not slow down. The surrounding scenery quickly passed by from both sides, and the strong wind blew Long Haochen's hair scattered.

Mount Odin is not very high, only about two hundred feet tall. It only took them a while to reach the top of the mountain.

Three small wooden houses appeared in Xingyu's sight. There was no yard, only three isolated wooden houses. And judging from the newness of the wood, it was obvious that they had just been built not long ago.

Xingyu didn't stop until he reached the wooden house, and led Long Haochen into the largest room in the center.

When you push the door open and enter, a faint smell of wood comes from the wooden house. It is not unpleasant, but has a slight aroma. The wooden house in the center was the largest, but it only had the simplest furnishings, a wooden bed without a bedding, a wooden table, and two wooden chairs. It's that simple, even simpler than Long Haochen's home.

Sit down. Xingyu pointed to the chair, pulled one out and sat down.

Long Haochen sat down obediently. Although he was young and didn't have much experience, he could feel that his teacher was very powerful. Amid the tension, there was also a bit of excitement.

First tell me what you encountered yesterday? Why did your spiritual power double? Xingyu asked calmly, his face expressionless, but his words brought some invisible pressure to Long Haochen.

Yesterday was like this... Long Haochen didn't feel that he had anything to hide, so he recounted everything that happened yesterday.

Listening to his words, Xingyu only frowned slightly once during the whole process, and didn't express anything else.

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