Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 4 Squire Knight Assessment (4)

Through the sunlight falling between the shadows of the trees, Long Haochen saw clearly the appearance of one of the men in black, and he almost shouted in surprise. Because that man's face was actually covered with black hair, and his yellow eyes looked particularly ferocious, but his nose was constantly twitching and smelling.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the woods, That's it. Since you are chasing us, there is no need to go back.

A crystal clear light quietly appeared in the air, with a graceful arc that flashed several times quickly in the woods like lightning. The bodies of the seven or eight men in black who were chasing them all froze, and the next moment they all fell to the ground.

Long Haochen felt his eyes blurred as a masked man in white suddenly appeared not far ahead, and then, a shocking scene appeared in his field of vision. He didn't see how the man in white moved. Thousands of lights spurted out from his chest. In an instant, it seemed as if the entire forest was lit up by this light. Long Haochen was so shaken that he couldn't open his eyes.

When he saw everything in front of him clearly, he was shocked to find that all the men in black who had fallen to the ground had disappeared, leaving only the man in white standing there quietly.

All this happened so fast, it was almost a blur before Long Haochen's eyes, and everything had settled, as if those ferocious-looking people had never appeared before.

The man in white slowly turned around, looked in the direction of Long Haochen and the mute girl, and said calmly: Come out.

Long Haochen's heart tightened. It was obvious that the other party had discovered him. At the same time, he also saw the eyes of the man in white. They were a pair of eyes without any emotion. His eyes were black, but his pupils seemed to be gray. His shoulder-length black hair was simply tied back, and his simple white outfit did not have any decoration.

The power of the man in white made Long Haochen tremble in his heart. After all, he was only nine years old. However, when he looked down and saw the pale face of the little mute girl under him, a surge of blood suddenly turned into courage.

He shook his head gently at the little girl to signal her to be quiet, then he put his hands on the ground and jumped out of the bushes. At the same time, he drew out the wooden sword from his back.

The man in white stood there without moving, but even so, Long Haochen could instinctively sense that the man in front of him was much more dangerous than the most powerful beast he had ever seen.

Long Haochen didn't say a word, but held the wooden sword tightly with both hands and stared at the man in white in front of him. He just hoped that the man in white in front of him didn't notice the little mute girl.

We should go back. The voice of the man in white was devoid of any emotion, but these simple words made Long Haochen feel as cold as ice and snow.

At this moment, there was a whoosh, and a petite figure appeared in front of Long Haochen. He was surprised to find that the extremely fast figure that he had not seen clearly was actually the little mute girl whom he had protected before. .

She is so fast! Long Haochen was stunned.

The little mute girl opened her arms and blocked Long Haochen with her thin body. She stared at the man in white in front of her firmly and stubbornly, and shook her head at him vigorously.

The emotionless eyes of the man in white seemed to move, and the next moment, his body also moved, like an elegant white light flashing. And the little mute girl right in front of Long Haochen actually started to move, and the speed was equally fast.

Long Haochen's powers of observation were far superior to those of his peers, but he could only see clearly that there seemed to be a short dagger in the little mute girl's hand, and her body made several irregular movements as she rushed forward. It moves like a fierce little tiger. Just for that speed, you probably need more than 20 spiritual powers to possess it, right?

Unfortunately, there was obviously an insurmountable gap between the little mute girl and the man in white. It only took one breath before everything became quiet.

The dagger in the little mute girl's hand disappeared, and her whole body was clamped under the arm of the man in white. How the man in white did it, Long Haochen didn't see clearly at all.

Let her go. Long Haochen shouted, taking a very standard knight step, and slashed at the man in white with the wooden sword in his hand. At this time, he simply forgot how terrifying the person in front of him was, and he only wanted to save the little mute girl.

A huge force came, and Long Haochen rolled down instantly with his wooden sword, and his consciousness instantly fell into darkness. The man in white just raised his hand.

The little mute girl clamped under her arm struggled violently, and the man in white was suddenly startled, because he suddenly felt that the little girl's body under his arm began to radiate a scorching temperature, and a layer of dark red light began to emit from her skin. emerged below.

Be quiet, I won't hurt him. The voice of the man in white finally had some human emotions, as if he was helpless.

The little mute girl stopped struggling and looked up at the man in white.

The man in white nodded to her, took a step forward, and came to Long Haochen. He squatted down and started groping Long Haochen's body with one hand, not even letting go of his pretty little face. .

After a moment, the man in white frowned slowly, He has average qualifications, but his bones are not developed enough. His temperament and qualifications are more suitable for being a knight. As he spoke, he let go of the little mute girl.

The little mute girl made a few quick gestures to him.

The man in white said: His future achievements? It's hard to say. From a qualification point of view, being able to become an earth knight is incredible. However, he is only eight or nine years old and can possess the ten codes of knights: mercy, With these four qualities of bravery, perseverance, and sacrifice, future achievements will be limitless. An excellent knight, especially a guardian knight, often has higher requirements for character than qualifications.

The little mute girl pointed at herself, then at Long Haochen, and then made a few more gestures.

The man in white nodded and said, Well, his courage just now is indeed enough to deserve this reward.

A ball of white light quietly lit up from the chest of the man in white. It could be vaguely seen that the white light took the shape of a small stove, with a faint cyan flame shining in the stove.

The man in white stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand, lightly touched the green flames and then quickly landed on Long Haochen. He used a wiping technique to bring up a stream of green flames.

After a moment, the green light and the white light converged together and submerged into the body of the man in white, but his eyes were obviously a little tired.

Okay, I used the power of the spiritual furnace to help him sort out the twelve canons, burn out the impurities in the twelve canons, and at least increase his potential to a higher level. Your trial this time is over, let's go back .

As he spoke, the man in white slowly stood up and waved to the little mute girl.

But the little mute girl quickly walked up to Long Haochen, took off a blue ring with a golden forget-me-not pattern from her hand, and put it on the middle finger of Long Haochen's left hand. Strangely enough, as soon as the small ring was placed on Long Haochen's finger, it expanded a bit on its own, completely fitting his finger.

Cai'er, you... The man in white exclaimed in a low voice. But what he received was the persistent and stubborn gaze of the little mute girl. She arranged the wild vegetables that Long Haochen had picked before and placed them beside him before returning to the man in white.

The man in white frowned, and after being silent for a long while, he slowly nodded, took the little mute girl's hand, stood up, and disappeared deep into the woods.

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