Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 47 Long Haochen’s Mount Companion (1)

In addition to Ye Hua and the old guardian, Guiying, Guiwu and his son were also there.

After Oniwu was frightened by the Star Unicorn and teleported out, he felt uneasy. Especially after hearing his father talk about the bet with Ye Hua, his uneasiness became even more intense. He quickly told what he saw and heard when he saw Long Haochen.

Guiying was also shocked. If Long Haochen got a mount like the Starry Unicorn, his son would never be a match. So, the father and son were lucky enough to stay and practice outside the holy mountain, waiting for Long Haochen to come out and see what kind of mount he had obtained.

They have been waiting for more than twenty days. Seeing that the time is running out and Long Haochen has not yet appeared, Guiying's face has been full of smiles these days, and he often tries to tease the anxious Ye Hua.

At this time, seeing that Long Haochen really returned empty-handed, Guiying couldn't help but feel relieved. He laughed and said to Ye Hua: Brother Ye Hua, don't forget our bet. I'll wait for the Demon Hunting Group selection competition. Looking after you. Wu'er, let's go. As he said that, he deliberately asked Oni Wu to summon the red-armored earth dragon, and galloped away with Oni Wu with a look of disdain and arrogance.

There was a trace of anger on Long Haochen's gentle and jade-like face, and he watched the ghost father and son leave coldly. He had already remembered this shame in his heart.

Nothing gained? Ye Hua said bitterly. He never expected that his apprentice would follow in his footsteps and even be worse than him.

Long Haochen lowered his head and said, I'm sorry, teacher, I disappoint you.

The old man protecting the mountain asked doubtfully: You are so talented, how come you don't gain anything? Are all those monsters blind? It's really strange.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said: I don't know why this is happening. I traveled across the entire holy mountain and encountered many magical beasts, but none of them wanted to get close to me.

The old man sighed and said: You don't have to worry too much. Those warriors without powerful mounts can also become strong men. Although mounts are very useful to us knights, they do not mean everything. How do you choose now? Either In the future, you can hunt Warcraft by yourself, or try your luck with me. However, you have to know that to use the teleportation circle to attract mounts, you must first conclude a contract during the process of attracting. Only the Warcraft that has concluded a contract with you will Being teleported over. Although we knights can change mounts, if we want to violate the equality contract, our mount partner must die. Your teacher and I can help you with this, but once you do this, you will definitely Leaving a shadow in your heart will be very detrimental to your future cultivation.

Long Haochen said without hesitation: Senior, I am willing to try my luck with you.

The old man nodded and said: Okay. But don't have too much hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. At this point, he seemed to think of something from the past, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

A golden token appeared in the old man's hand, and with a wave of his sleeve, a golden light curtain enveloped the three of them. Above the light curtain, six strange symbols appeared one after another, and the surrounding space instantly became distorted.

Long Haochen vaguely understood that the old man used the power of the magic circle to teleport at will within the Holy Mountain of Knights through a special method. It seems that the reason why they were able to detect the entry of outsiders was closely related to this magic circle.

The golden light shone, and Long Haochen couldn't help but close his eyes, stimulated by the strong light. He was surprised to find that during the transmission process, the funnel vortex in his chest suddenly started to rotate violently, at least ten times the usual speed.

However, this process only lasted for about ten seconds, and the vortex rotation speed suddenly decreased and returned to its original state. Long Haochen opened his eyes, and the surrounding scenery had changed.

This turned out to be a cave, with pieces of light golden gemstones inlaid on the cave walls. A faint golden light illuminates everything here.

The light element in the cave is not strong, far less than that in the Holy Mountain of Knights, and at most it is slightly stronger than the outside world.

This cave is very huge. Looking up, the top is at least twenty feet away from the ground. The entire cave is irregularly circular. Looking at it, the diameter is at least more than a hundred feet, and it is like a huge square.

But it was empty here, no one was there.

Long Haochen lowered his head and looked at the ground. He was surprised to find that there were trapezoidal grids on the ground. These grids were closely connected to form huge rings that converged towards the center of the underground square. In every grid, there was a symbol that he didn't recognize at all. At this time, these symbols are dim.

Don't read it, don't say you can't understand it, us old guys can't understand it either. This is ancient elven script. The script of an extinct ancient race. I don't know how our ancestors of the Knight Temple discovered it. Mysterious, many parts of this huge magic circle in our Holy Mountain of Knights are completed with the help of the magical spells of ancient elves. This is one of the teleportation magic circles. Through this place, it can be instantly connected to other parallel spaces, and the magic circle operates It consumes a huge amount of energy at a time, so you only have a quarter of an hour. If within a quarter of an hour, you can't find the aura that is close to you to complete the contract, then you may really have to leave empty-handed this time.

There was some regret in the old man's voice. He had only seen a talent like Long Haochen's in his life. It would be a pity if such an outstanding young man could not own a powerful mount.

Thank you, senior. Long Haochen saluted the old man respectfully.

The old man nodded and said: Go to the center of the teleportation formation and sit down. You will feel something after I activate the formation.


Long Haochen followed the old man's instructions and strode to the center of the underground square. Here, it is a circle about three feet in diameter, with the largest symbol in the center.

This symbol looked a bit like the character ru, but it was twisted. For some reason, when Long Haochen saw this huge character, the Holy Spirit Furnace in his chest jumped slightly.

Sitting down cross-legged, Long Haochen put aside his distracting thoughts. This was his last chance.

Ye Hua was no less nervous than Long Haochen. The veins on his clenched fists were exposed, and his nails dug into his palms unconsciously.

The old man slowly raised the golden token in his hand. Ye Hua could clearly see that in just an instant, the old man's right hand holding the token turned into a transparent bright gold, as if his palm had turned into a gem.

The body of radiance, the symbol of the seventh-level Templar, turns itself into a part of the light element. A powerful Templar can even turn his entire body into a body of radiance. In this state, they can instantly double their output of holy light attribute spiritual power. Although it can only last for a short time, both attack and defense are doubled. What is the concept?

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