Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 46 Starry Unicorn (4)

Long Haochen was stunned and said: Then what kind of magical beast should I look for to become my mount partner?

Starry Unicorn said: You need a partner with the same talent as you. How can such an existence be restricted to the Holy Mountain of Knights? Although the environment here is good, unless we sign a contract, otherwise we will There is no real freedom. You can never leave here.”

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, Then how do you want me to find it?

Starry Unicorn said: There is no chance at all. In this knight's holy mountain formation, there is a core teleportation array. Every once in a while, new monsters will be teleported over. If those humans can let you directly If you choose through the teleportation circle, you may be able to get a suitable partner. But you may also get a low-level partner.

Thank you. Long Haochen said a little disappointed.

The golden light was withdrawn, and the Starry Unicorn nodded to Long Haochen again, then turned its attention to its own people.

The apprentice of a loser is also a loser. It's ridiculous that he still wants to get a mount like the Starry Unicorn. A disdainful voice sounded. In the forest, a figure walked out.

Long Haochen's eyes narrowed, and the look in his eyes suddenly became a little more angry.

What came out of the forest was a huge monster that was two feet long and one foot five tall.

This magical beast is red in color, covered with thick scales, its head is in the shape of a dragon, and its body is extremely strong. There is a person sitting on its back. Isn't it the same Gui Wu who entered the Holy Mountain of Knights before Long Haochen?

Red-armored earth dragon, a sub-dragon species, a seventh-level mid-level monster. However, the red-armored earth dragon in front of him was obviously still underage. Although it cannot fly, its combat effectiveness on the ground is extremely powerful. Fire attribute.

In just a few days, this ghost warrior had found his own mount. Judging from the level, this red-armored earth dragon is of the same level as his father's dragon eagle.

You are not allowed to insult my teacher. Long Haochen shouted in a deep voice.

Oniwu snorted disdainfully, Not convinced? Okay! Come and duel with me. Don't worry, I won't kill you. At most, I will just break your limbs. As he spoke, a light flashed on his hand, and his left hand It was a shield, and a spear as long as two feet long appeared in his right hand.

There are generally only two attack weapons for knights. In addition to the heavy sword, it is a spear. Not to mention already owning a mount, Guiwu was confident enough to defeat Long Haochen even without the red-armored earth dragon.

Taking off his shield and drawing his sword, Long Haochen was not timid when faced with Oni Wu riding a red-armored earth dragon. Just as he was preparing to accept Oniwu's challenge. Suddenly, a golden light shot out from beside him.

The dazzling golden light instantly enveloped Oni Wu and the red-armored earth dragon. The King of Starry Unicorns from before appeared proudly beside Long Haochen.

There was obvious fear in the red-armored earth dragon's eyes, and Guiwu also felt the strong oppression, and his heart was filled with horror.

Could it be that he has really been recognized by the Starry Unicorn? No, this is not possible.

But Oniwu was not a fool. How could he dare to compete with the powerful monster at the eighth level in front of him? He almost immediately used his spiritual power to activate the token. The rich red-gold light spread instantly. A flash of light teleported him and the red-armored earth dragon away.

The changes in front of him surprised Long Haochen. The King of Starry Unicorns slowly lowered his head and rubbed his shoulder. His soft eyes seemed to say that the dignity of the Son of Light was not something that the clown could offend. .

Herod let out a long cry. After one more look at Long Haochen, the Starry Unicorn suddenly ran out. The Starry Unicorns that had been drinking water followed closely behind. They spread their wings behind them and led them. It soared into the sky with a dazzling golden light and disappeared among the mountains in the blink of an eye.

Standing on the spot somewhat dullly, Long Haochen did not immerse himself in the loss for too long. Because a magical beast like the Starry Unicorn is the most suitable to become a knight's mount, both Long Xingyu and Ye Hua have told him the characteristics of this magical beast in detail.

Star unicorns are a symbol of light. They are kind and gentle by nature, and they never lie. They will defend their partners with their lives, and they will not kill their enemies. In the Temple Alliance, the prince charming in the hearts of girls is riding on this shining unicorn!

If it hadn't lied to me, then I probably wouldn't have gained anything from this trip. I can only try my luck through the teleportation circle, or I can hunt the monsters myself and tame them in the future.

Both paths are highly uncertain, but there is no doubt that the former will have more opportunities. After all, by obtaining Warcraft partners through the magic circle, there is also the possibility of obtaining strong ones. But hunting monsters is impossible. With his current level of cultivation, he can only fight against level five low-level monsters at most. Even the eighth-level peak Star Unicorn said that it was not worthy of his talent. How could he be willing to just hunt the fifth-level monster Long Haochen?

What's more, his goal is his father, following in his father's footsteps to become a Divine Seal Knight. If the future Divine Seal Knight only has a level 5 monster as his mount partner, wouldn't it be a big joke in the world?

After just thinking for a moment, Long Haochen made the final decision. Take a gamble.

Although the decision had been made, Long Haochen did not teleport out of the Holy Mountain of Knights immediately. He could not tell the old man guarding the Holy Mountain what the Starry Unicorn said. In that case, the fact that he has the physique of the Son of Light will be exposed.

Therefore, he can only continue to stay here for thirty days. Moreover, although he believed in the words of the Starry Unicorn, he was still a bit lucky after all. What if a level nine monster takes a fancy to him?

Reality is always cruel, and the words of the Starry Unicorn were true. In the next more than twenty days, Long Haochen almost traversed the entire Knight Holy Mountain Mountains, and also entered several ninth-level monsters on the way. Domain, but these monsters didn't even look at him and drove him out. One of the highly aggressive monsters almost severely injured him.

Thirty days passed in a blink of an eye, and the token in Long Haochen's hand glowed with a red-gold halo. The light spread and turned into a circle of light that enveloped him. The next moment, the light flickered and the scene in front of him changed.

When the scenery became clear again, the first thing Long Haochen saw was his teacher. Ye Hua was waiting anxiously. It had been thirty days. Long Haochen had not taken the initiative to teleport for thirty days, which meant that he had not found a suitable mount for him. But how is this possible? He has the physique of a son of light! How could there be no Warcraft showing closeness to him?

The disabled old man was also there. Seeing Long Haochen being teleported out alone, he frowned slightly, with some doubts in his single eye. At less than fourteen years old, he has the cultivation of a great knight. Those monsters should be vying to be his partner! Could it be that his vision is too high?

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