Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 48 Long Haochen’s Mount Companion (2)

Soon, Ye Hua discovered that it was not just the old man's hands that had turned into radiant bodies. The few sparse white hairs on his head had also turned into gold. Then, his head became transparent. , the huge sacred aura as vast as the sea burst out like an explosion, and the oppressive Ye Hua quickly retreated, until he clung to the outermost stone wall before stabilizing his figure.

The complete version of Brilliant Body? Ye Hua almost exclaimed.

This body of brilliance can be used by seventh-level Templars, but the higher the level of cultivation, the wider the area of ​​​​the body covered by the body of brilliance. Only when the entire body completely turns into a bright crystal shape can it be called the complete version of the radiant body. This is the symbol of the ninth-level Templar! In other words, the one-eyed old man in front of him was either a more powerful eighth-level paladin, or at least a ninth-level peak templar. Such a being, if placed outside, could at least become the master of the main hall of the Knights Temple.

The size of the area covered by the radiant body does not affect its effect, and it can only double the attack power at most. However, the higher the cultivation level, the longer the radiant body lasts.

The old man shouted low, and the huge bright spiritual power after being promoted by the radiant body was suddenly injected into the golden token. Suddenly, a rich golden halo spread instantly.

Wherever the golden light passed, the ancient elven writings in the trapezoidal grids on the ground seemed to be ignited, shining one after another. Suddenly, strong and strange magic fluctuations began to appear in the entire cave.

Ye Hua leaned against the wall, staring at the magnificent scene in front of him without blinking. The strange feeling seemed to make him touch the door to break through three thousand spiritual powers.


The moment all the ancient elven symbols were ignited, thousands of light patterns rippled from these ancient elven symbols, and the strong golden light made the entire cave extremely shiny.

Long Haochen only felt his body shake, as if countless huge bright energy penetrated his body. At the same time, the Holy Spiritual Furnace in his chest also fluctuated violently. Under the guidance of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, part of the thick light element from the outside world was quietly retained when it passed through Long Haochen's body, causing his funnel-shaped vortex to swirl.

Thousands of golden light patterns began to rotate in one direction as they soared upwards. It looked like a huge golden tornado, but there was no slight fluctuation in the airflow here, only the huge and terrifying The light element that fills people with fear.


There was another violent buzz, and light patterns gathered at the top of the cave. A huge circular golden vortex appeared there. At the same time, from this vortex, a golden light fell from the sky, and it will sit in the center of the teleportation array. Long Haochen enveloped it.

The voice of the one-eyed old man rang in Long Haochen's ears, The selection has begun. There will be countless auras of monsters appearing in your perception. From these auras, look for an equal contract of use that has close feelings for you. Remember, You must look for the breath that is closest to you, otherwise, the contract will not be successful, and naturally it will not be able to be brought into our world.

Long Haochen could clearly hear everything the one-eyed old man said, but he did not answer because he was already immersed in a strange feeling.

The moment the golden beam of light fell, Long Haochen felt as if his soul had left his body and entered a strange world.

This is a world with billions of light points, which converge into light clouds floating around him. At this time, he seemed to be the center of the world. Wherever he looked, there would be countless light spots emanating from the light cloud for him to review.

However, there were too many light spots, all colorful, and each light spot had a different aura. For a quarter of an hour, he firmly remembered that he only had a quarter of an hour. There is only one chance to choose.

Not daring to think too much, let alone waste any time, Long Haochen randomly selected a cloud of light and quickly filtered the aura coming from those light points.

He didn't know that each of these light clouds was a parallel space, and those light spots were the auras emitted by the monsters in the parallel space. The ancient formation he was in was a powerful existence that communicated with the parallel space. It is also the core of all teleportation formations in the Holy Mountain of Knights.

Cold, fear, resistance, anger..., he felt a variety of emotions coming from him, and each emotion seemed to have a certain impact on his mental power. It's just that the impact is not strong. With his strong mental power, his perception speed is extremely fast. Almost every moment, the breath coming from dozens of light points will be filtered by him.

The benefits of innate mental abnormality are undoubtedly evident at this time. If it were another person, he might not be able to get even one-tenth of what he chose.

As time passed by, Long Haochen's mood became more and more anxious. He could feel too little affection, and most of the light transmitted to him was fear. It seemed like they were afraid of him.

The quarter of an hour was almost up, and Long Haochen clearly felt that everything in front of him was gradually becoming illusory.

No, no, I must find my partner. Long Haochen roared unwillingly in his heart. My perception suddenly became a little clearer.

Inside the cave. The old man has been observing Long Haochen. The reason why he only has a quarter of an hour to choose is because this is the limit that Long Haochen's own spiritual power can bear. The reason why only great knights can come here to withstand the power of the magic circle is because this level of spiritual power is required to withstand the consumption. Moreover, they must be young people under the age of twenty. Once the age is exceeded, the magic circle will instantly backfire.

At this time, a quarter of an hour has come, but the golden light emanating from Long Haochen's body has not completely faded. His face looks a little pale, but he still clenches his teeth to support it.

What a strong willpower. The old man secretly marveled. He knew very well that although people in the magic circle could not feel the consumption of their own spiritual power, as long as their bodies could no longer bear it, they would naturally break away from the teleportation magic circle. Only with strong willpower to stimulate one's own potential can one stay a little longer.

Found it. Just when Long Haochen's eyes became illusory and his will became a little blurry, he subconsciously shifted his gaze and landed on another light cloud. A strong sense of intimacy and joy instantly spread into the depths of his soul.

Without any hesitation, Long Haochen instantly activated the mark of the equal contract. Ye Hua had given this mark to him a long time ago, and it was completely communicated and marked with mental power. As long as the other party agrees, it will succeed. If the other party disagrees, there will be no backlash. It is the most peaceful magical contract. Time is running out, and he doesn't even have time to get excited now.

The brilliance shone, and the communication was completed instantly. The atmosphere full of kindness and joy seemed to be more anxious than him, and the contract between the two parties was reached in the next moment.

The light spots gradually disappeared, and the large light clouds also faded, and everything turned golden again. In the blazing golden light, Long Haochen only felt that there was something in front of him. And this extra breath was full of intimacy for him.

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