Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 397 Long Haochen in the strongest state (Part 2)

This feeling is extremely painful to anyone. Leader Jacques roared angrily and thrust his spear into the ground suddenly. Immediately, the indiscriminate black light spread out like a whirlpool. He thought to himself, I'll see how you can hide this time.

Yes, facing this all-round attack, Long Haochen could not dodge it no matter what, but at this moment, his body suddenly froze in the air, holding the Aria of the Goddess of Light in both hands, and slashed down boldly. The dark golden heavy sword bloomed with blazing white light, and at that moment, Long Haochen's hands clearly turned into transparent gold.

Golden light flashed, and black light spread out from it, streaking along the sides of Long Haochen's body. And at this moment, behind him, a huge figure bumped directly into him, it was Haoyue.

Not only that, a long and clear chant was heard, golden light shone, and a figure rushed directly towards the goddess of light Aria.

The one that hit from behind was Haoyue. The ten-meter-long Haoyue was running wildly with an intimidating momentum. At this moment, both it and Long Haochen had a layer of purple light radiating from their bodies. Especially their eyes, that strange purple light made even the eighth-level leader Jacques feel trembling inside when he saw it.

As Long Haochen's whole body trembled violently, rich purple light filled his body, and an indescribable and terrifying pressure that far surpassed that of ancient monsters instantly erupted from his body.

Leader Jacques only felt that his momentum was stagnant. With his eighth-level cultivation, he was unable to connect with the attack at this time. Instead, he took a few steps back in shock. The six Jacques commanders who rushed up with him and just followed his footsteps were all weak.

The black figure appeared behind them at this moment, and the black light cut through their lives easily like the scythe of death. It was Cai'er who had been hidden in the air before, who took action.

Long Haochen's body underwent drastic changes, and the Brilliant Holy Armor completely turned purple. Not only that, the armor itself was undergoing earth-shaking changes. The originally very simple plate armor became gorgeous, with two dragon-head-like protrusions bulging out from the shoulders on both sides. The armor on the back turned up like scales, turning into layers upon layers, with protruding thorns constantly coming from Long Hao. The joints protruded outwards, and the thickness of the armor at least doubled. The magnificent patterns were unprecedented, and they were definitely not the totem of the high elves or any ancient race.

The most distinctive feature is Long Haochen's chest. Nine purple light patterns extend from bottom to top, covering his shoulders, chest and most of the front body. You can vaguely see that at the end of the nine light patterns are nine groups of purple light, like nine faces, exuding a strange and powerful aura.

The purple-gold light pattern on Long Haochen's forehead became extremely shiny, and his black hair completely turned purple. His originally handsome face lacked a bit of pure light, but had a bit of aloofness and enchantment. Even the divine sword Aria of the Goddess of Light in his hand was covered with a layer of purple.

Fusion, yes, the fusion of Long Haochen and Haoyue. However, this fusion obviously has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

If their previous fusion was just a semi-finished product that could only increase Long Haochen's strength to a certain extent, then this time's fusion is a finished product. The aura exuding from Long Haochen's body was obviously much stronger than before.

The armor turned purple, but the spiritual power bursting out from his body was still golden. The noble and gorgeous purple-gold color became the color of the spiritual power exuded by Long Haochen at this time.

Not only his body has changed, but also the Aria of the Goddess of Light in his hand. Isn't it Yating who threw herself into the divine sword?

Burning Spirit, this ability belongs to both Long Haochen and Yating. It is a powerful skill produced by the combination of the spirit furnace synthesis and the body of Long Haochen's divine favored person. Yating's Burning Spirit acts on equipment, while Long Haochen's Burning Spirit acts on himself.

At this moment, when Yating flew into the aria of the goddess of light, the power of this divine sword was finally awakened. It will never be able to withstand the injection of burning spirit from Yating like the original Punishment of Light.

The fierce sword intent burst out from Long Haochen's body like the beginning of the world, and then, the dazzling purple-gold flame also instantly rose from Long Haochen's body.

At this moment, Long Haochen finally showed his strongest fighting state on the battlefield, merging the twin burning spirits of Haoyue and Yating.

Not to mention the enemy, even his friends felt a sense of fear at this moment, because they could no longer feel the extent of Long Haochen's strength at this time.

The four wings that were rendered purple-gold by the purple light suddenly flapped, and Long Haochen rushed toward the leader of Jacques like a purple meteor. In the previous series of tests, he found that the cultivation level of this leader Jacques was still far behind that of the young moon demon he faced back then. When he uses his strongest state, he really has a chance to kill him with the help of his friends.


The first real collision occurred between Long Haochen and Chief Jacques.

The goddess of light's aria struck hard on the dark spear in the hand of leader Jacques. Both sides bounced back at the same time, but no one took advantage. In other words, Long Haochen's attack intensity and physical strength at this time have increased to a level that is almost the same as that of the eighth-level leader Jacques.

Chief Jacques lowered his head and glanced at his spear. He was shocked to find that the thickest part in the center of the spear was split in half. What shocked him even more was that a deep streak appeared from his right shoulder to his left rib. of scars. The scales rolled back, already damaging the flesh and blood. There was even an extremely weird energy pouring into it. No matter how much he used his spiritual power to dispel it, he couldn't do it. It was not just a simple light spiritual power, but also a terrifying aura full of destruction and destruction.

Of course it was not the heavy sword in Long Haochen's hand that hurt Leader Jacques, but the sword intent of the goddess of light's aria, which was a mixture of the sword intent of Long Haochen and the power of Haoyue.

When the Divine Sword regained its own sword spirit, its power was blatantly upgraded from the legendary level to the epic level. An epic piece of equipment can undoubtedly change a war! If Long Haochen was not in a state of fusion with Haoyue, even if Yating merged with the goddess of light Aria, he would not be able to use it.

Go to hell. Long Haochen shouted, turning the complex into simplicity, stepped out of the void, and slashed Shura.

The misty purple-gold color rippled in the sky with a strange luster that twisted space, and the rich purple-gold color seemed to swallow up everything around it at that moment.


The spear was broken and people were flying. Although Leader Jacques had tried his best to resist it, the Aria of the Goddess of Light that was elevated to an epic level was really terrifying. The tyrannical destructive power, the condensed sword intent that seemed to open up the world, destroyed his weapon almost instantly, and also sent his body flying.

At the critical moment, Chief Jacques only had time to turn his head slightly and avoid the most critical head, but half of his body was still blown away by the sword. The entire left side of the body, including the shoulders, arms, Dalian's ribs and the two right hooves below were all blown away by the purple-gold slash.

At this moment, a huge metal ball appeared from the sky, perfectly catching the flying body of leader Jacques in the air, smashing, crushing, adsorbing and triple blasting in a crazy explosion.

It was pitiful that the tyrannical strength of the eighth-level leader Jacques was just blown into pieces, with no bones left.

However, after striking this sword, Long Haochen could no longer maintain his previous state. His body swayed and Haoyue's huge body was separated. His face was pale, and he was holding Haoyue and breathing heavily.

Long Haochen, who had entered the strongest state, had even crossed the eighth level threshold. However, he could only maintain this state for a few seconds. At this time, he fell into deep weakness. Especially after using Burning Spirit, even though he had practiced for a long time and experienced the changes of Burning Soul, he still had to rest for at least three or four days before he could fully recover.

Yating has also been separated from the Aria of the Goddess of Light. The purple-gold color on the divine sword has disappeared. Yating also looks very sluggish and directly merges into Long Haochen's body and disappears.

At this time, the members of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 did not take action again, but quickly gathered together. Immediately afterwards, a layer of dazzling red-gold light envelope enveloped them all. Even Haoyue quickly curled up to keep himself within the five-meter-diameter light barrier. Others even had to sit on him to avoid being abandoned by this red-golden light.

Han Yu's Blessing of Light Spiritual Furnace and Blessing of Light skills are activated.

Rich various attribute elements are injected into everyone's body at an astonishing speed, rapidly recovering their own consumption. That refreshing feeling made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

This Light Blessing Spiritual Furnace is really easy to use. Bathed in the red golden light, everyone except the weak Long Haochen restored their spiritual power to its peak state in a very short period of time. Even physical fatigue is greatly reduced.

On the other side, although the king-level demon hunting group is still very difficult to resist, there is no danger of defeat yet, especially after the leader Jacques was killed here. Jacques Mo was already panicking. They were completely unable to launch attacks calmly anymore. Even the remaining eighth-level Jacques leader was not angry but fearful after seeing his companions killed.

It was too fast. From the time Nayak leader rushed over to his death, the whole process only took a few minutes. If the opponent can kill an eighth-level person, he can naturally kill the second one. In his opinion, the humans who came later were obviously more powerful than those who came first! ——

Uh, the update is a little late, sorry. We didn’t make it to the top six. It’s my fault. I didn’t see the gap between us and the front. I haven’t written down the fourth update, but there are still three updates. Two updates in a row. Thank you for your support.

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