Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 398 Long Haochen in the strongest state (Part 2)

After recovering their spiritual power, Haoyue and Lin Xin rushed out. Haoyue was not in the same weak state as Long Haochen after burning his spirit. Moreover, with its evolution, its own recovery ability seemed to have been greatly enhanced. At least so far, Long Haochen has never seen the extent of Haoyue's limit. During the previous fusion process, he just felt that his body had reached its limit and could no longer maintain the fusion state with Haoyue.

Haoyue and Lin Xin rushed out, naturally to plunder the magic crystal. Lin Xin thought he was very fast, but compared to Haoyue, he was a scumbag!

Haoyue rushed out with a very simple movement. He rushed over and stepped on the body of Yak Mo. The body was shattered. He opened his mouth and sucked it, and a magic crystal entered his belly.

Although Lin Xin even collected the corpses, his speed was not as fast as it.

However, Haoyue was still very kind. At least he left the magic crystal of the eighth-level leader Jacques to Lin Xin. Whether it was left for the team to use or handed over in exchange for merit, it was their biggest gain after entering the demon clan this time. of harvest.

The strong performance of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 made the defeated Yak Demons dare not look back. Hundreds of corpses on the ground were quickly robbed with the joint efforts of Lin Xin and Haoyue.

As for the battlefield on the other side, the recovered Sima Xian, Wang Yuanyuan, Han Yu and Cai'er rushed over to assist the king-level demon hunting group. Although they could not kill another Jacques leader, the opponent had no fighting spirit. , and soon retreated in defeat.

The battle was finally over. The king-level demon hunting group in the distance was much more exhausted than Long Haochen and the others. Even if they came to thank Long Haochen and the others, they no longer had the strength to do so. They collapsed to the ground unable to move.

Long Haochen sat cross-legged on the ground, summarizing the course of the previous battle. I secretly sighed in my heart that the strength of myself and my friends has increased!

In the past, when facing powerful eighth-level enemies, they had no other choice but to use the conjoined spirit-enhancing pill. But this time, he was killed openly and head-on. Even though it was much calmer than when he first dealt with the Zombie King. Maybe, even if he doesn't use his strongest state, he can kill that guy with the cooperation of his friends. I never expected that the power of this divine sword would be so terrifying after Yating was integrated into the Aria of the Goddess of Light.

Although Long Haochen only felt the power of the epic equipment for a moment, it was deeply imprinted in his mind. Not even an eighth-level powerhouse could stop him from attacking with all his strength. Without the tyranny of the Light Goddess Aria, even if he was in his strongest state, he would not be able to directly hit his opponent hard. At the same time, he also felt that weapons that reached the level of the Aria of the Goddess of Light were no longer limited to additional skills, and were entirely based on their own strength. That kind of indestructible sword intent, even if you block its body, you will be hurt by the sword intent.

Eighth level, when can I truly become an eighth level powerhouse?

Long Haochen quietly took out the inner spiritual power detection gem from Eternal Melody and slowly poured spiritual power into it. A number emerged that surprised him.

Nine thousand seven hundred and eighty-two.

ah! Already more than nine thousand seven hundred? No wonder, no wonder I was able to break through to the eighth level after merging with Haoyue and using my spiritual burning ability. It turns out that my own cultivation level is already close to the seventh level.

Long Haochen hadn't checked the value of his inner spiritual power for a long time, and when he tested it, he was immediately given a big surprise. The speed with which the God-Blessed One cultivated made him fully feel the benefits it brought.

This time, the reason why he chose all the killing missions was for a simple purpose, which was to help Cai'er complete the awakening of the God's Favored One. There is no doubt that as a saint of reincarnation, she can only awaken the favored one on the killing battlefield.

This is a secret room. The secret room is not big, only about ten square meters. But if you look carefully, you will find that the roof, walls and floor of this secret room are all made of crystals as black as ink. To be precise, this secret room is The secret room was originally carved out of a huge black crystal.

In the center of the secret room, there is a cluster of deep purple light looming. If you look carefully, you can see that it is emanating from a person.

The soft purple halo constantly repeats the process of diffusion and convergence.

Suddenly, the purple light became solid, and two substantial purple lights shone, looking extremely strange in this dark space.

It was a pair of eyes, a pair of eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate the world.

Substantial eyes shone on the black crystal directly in front of him, and a series of Puff sounds came out.

The slender body is suspended in the sky, standing with legs straight. Under the purple light on his body, one could vaguely see his slightly pale but very handsome face. But at this time, there was a strong look of surprise on this face.

Is it its aura? Fengxiu murmured to himself, and a sharp look flashed across his eyes.

Huang Shuo.

My subordinate is here. A deep voice echoed from outside.

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu said coldly: Give me an order to send ten groups of demon hunters to search the north of the Central Province, focusing mainly on the Yaak Province. Any monsters with three or more heads will be killed. Bring the body back to me.

Yes, Your Majesty. Do you have any other instructions?

After Fengxiu thought for a moment, he said, Please ask the Star Demon God to come see me.


In less than a quarter of an hour, soft footsteps sounded, and an orange-red figure walked quickly. He stopped about ten meters away from Fengxiu, bowed slightly, and said, Brother.

His voice was very soft and melodious, even sounding a bit charming and ethereal.

This is a man whose whole body exudes orange-red brilliance. His figure looks similar to Demon God Emperor Fengxiu, but he is slimmer. His handsome face can be compared with that of the Moon Demon God Agares, but his face is a little pale, giving him a slightly weak feeling. His orange-red eyes seem to have a layer of hazy mist, and his smooth orange-red hair Her long hair spreads down from the back of her head, spreading to her calves like an orange-red waterfall. The most peculiar thing is that there is an orange six-pointed star mark on his forehead.

If Lin Xin saw his hair, he would definitely jump with envy.

Vashak, how is your recovery going? Fengxiu asked harmoniously. Apparently, he was very friendly to the man in orange.

If someone underestimates this orange man because of his weak appearance, then he will definitely be the most unlucky person in the world. Because, this man looks weak, handsome and even a little pitiful, but he is actually the Star Demon God Vasak, who is known as the prophet and great prophet of the demon race. The third-ranked existence among the seventy-two demon gods.

From a human perspective, Star Demon God Vasak is the number one magician of the demon clan. He is one of the few demon gods who purely uses magic among the seventy-two demon gods of the demon clan, but there is no doubt about his power. In a sense, his status in the demon clan is even more important than that of the Moon Demon God Agares. Even the Demon God Emperor must be cautious when facing his great prophecy.

But Star Demon God Vasak rarely appears on the battlefield. He is the brain of the demon clan, or the brain of the Demon God Emperor. There are only a few people among the demon clan who can call the Demon God Emperor his elder brother. However, the only two brothers that Demon God Emperor Fengxiu truly recognizes in his heart are Agares and Vasak.

Probably 80% recovered. Star Demon God Vasak's voice was still so sweet and sweet.

The Demon God Emperor's expression turned slightly serious and he said, You should have felt it just now. Your perception is not as far away as mine, but it should be clearer. Is it really him?

Star Demon God's face seemed to become paler, but he nodded without hesitation.

Fengxiu's eyes narrowed slightly, as if a purple lightning flashed in his eyes, He is here, but shouldn't he be restricted by the laws of space and unable to leave there?

The Star Demon God sighed softly and shook his head, and the long orange hair on his back swayed gently in a wavy pattern, I don't know what's going on. But I am sure that he is far from being able to reconcile with him now. Compared to the beginning. Otherwise, he might have come to us long ago. Moreover, I am sure that he must know that we are in this world. Brother, destroying him is the most important thing for us at the moment.

At this time, the Demon God Emperor seemed a little hesitant because of the Star Demon God's words. He clenched his fists subconsciously and murmured to himself: How can I not believe the prophecy you made at the cost of your life? It's just that it It seems to be able to block my precise exploration, but it only occasionally reveals something extraordinary, so how can we find it?

The Star Demon God said lightly: The sun-like meteorite descends into the world, bringing with it a growing purple meaning. When the sun shines in the light of God, the darkness will be gradually dispelled. The dawn of dawn shines in the northwest, and the purple meaning When the Lord comes again, whether the seventy-two cages can suppress the light of the sun and destroy the purple spirit in its infancy will determine the ownership of the cages and the ownership of the world.

This is the prophecy that the Star Demon God obtained at the cost of his own life force.

The Star Demon God continued: According to the prophecy, there are two people who will bring us devastating disasters. Ziyi is naturally him, but we don't know who the sun-like meteorite is yet. It is very likely to be a rising star. Human beings must pay more attention to the situation of human beings. The young human that Abao met in Dream Paradise last time was very suspicious. If there is a chance, he must be killed. Moreover, according to the prophecy, this human being There may also be a relationship with him, and a close relationship. If so, it will be easier for us to target.

After hearing his words, the Demon God Emperor was stunned, He? Could it be him?

Brother, did you think of something? Star Demon God looked at the Demon God Emperor in surprise.

The Demon God Emperor shook his head gently, with a trace of thought in his eyes.


The third update is completed. Please vote for me. Looking back, there will probably be at least one more outbreak in the past few days.

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