Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 396 Long Haochen in the strongest state (Part 1)

At this moment, on the hill in the distance, three monsters of different shapes, two at level five and one at level seven, were running down at the same time, heading towards the battlefield. Chen Yinger was sitting on the back of the level five monster.

Long Haochen had told her to use the Gate of Creatures before, just to cut off the queen. According to his plan, once the rescue was completed, he would use the spore demon transformed from McDull Piggy to restrict the enemy's flying ability, and then use Chen Yinger's summoned monster to cut off his own rear, giving his friends time to escape.

However, no one expected such a change on the battlefield. The army of more than a thousand Yak Mo actually collapsed under their attack. The battlefield was changing rapidly. When Chen Ying'er saw the situation clearly on the battlefield, she naturally refused to lag behind and rushed over with her summoned monster to join her friends and fight together.

The eighth level was the eighth level. Although leader Najak was affected by the mucus spitted by the spore demon, he was still very fast. His hooves flew and he rushed straight towards Long Haochen and the six others.

In the process of charging forward, circles of black light spread under his feet, and the scales on his body were covered with a layer of pitch black darkness. Tiny black flames began to burn around the body, burning the nasty mucus, while also crazily increasing the momentum of the Jacques leader.

The dark spear was glowing with light. When he saw that he was still less than fifty meters away from Long Haochen and the others, the Jacques leader looked up to the sky and roared. There was a faint black light and shadow spreading out behind him, like a figure that could swallow everything. The black hole opened its mouth behind him.

Half-turning around, the right arm holding the spear stretched back, and then threw it fiercely towards Long Haochen and the others.

Strangely enough, it looked like a black spear flying out like a sky-shattering rainbow, but Leader Najak still held the spear body in his hand.

Be careful, it's Ba Tianyin who kills you.

The knight from the ace demon hunting group in the distance shouted loudly, but he was too busy taking care of himself right now and couldn't help Long Haochen at all.

In order to avoid being injured before, the two leaders of the Yaks did not use their full strength, but this time it was obviously different. Their subordinates were suddenly defeated, and the two eighth-level powerhouses all became angry. Although their status among the demons is not as respected as that of the demon gods, as the first and second chiefs of the Yaak tribe, they almost rule the entire Yaak province.

Although among the twenty-four provinces of the Demon Clan, the Yaak Province is the smallest in terms of area, but it is also one of the twenty-four provinces! At this time, they were made so passive by so many dozen humans, killing and injuring a large number of their capable subordinates. It is strange that these two clan leaders were not angry.

The moment the pitch-black spear was thrown, the sky suddenly darkened, and even the yellow sand rolled up by the strong wind collapsed to both sides in an instant. It felt like the Shura Slash splitting the spiritual power, except that The scale is much larger.

The terrifying and powerful pressure caused a chilling feeling in everyone's heart, and everyone even felt that the Ba Tianyin killing was aimed at themselves. The skill launched by the eighth-level powerhouse was indeed terrifying. The almost twisted black spear shadow could not even clearly see its trajectory.

However, at this moment, Long Haochen rushed forward proudly, and a white light shot out from behind him, accurately landing on the eighth-level leader Jacques. It was the pulling skill of the Holy Spiritual Furnace.

Facing a strong enemy and rising to the challenge, this is the courage that a Guardian Knight must have. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the Guardian Knight will always be the first to charge forward.

Throwing his left hand back, the ripples of light fell into Yating's hands. Long Haochen held the Aria of the Goddess of Light in both hands. His forward body suddenly stopped in mid-air. Then, his whole body seemed to enter a strange state. Realm, it seemed that he made an upward movement very slowly.

One-on-one, yes, Long Haochen had to defeat the powerful attack of the eighth-level Yakomo with his own abilities alone.

At this time, the most obvious change on him appeared in the Aria of the Goddess of Light. The original rich sword light on the sword suddenly converged, and the sword turned into dark gold again. Along with his upward movement that seemed to have a mysterious trajectory, Long Haochen felt as if he was using this heavy sword to gently lift the bride's veil.

If there is a real swordsman here, he will be shocked by this scene. What Long Haochen performed was no longer just a simple fusion of body and sword, but also a fusion of heaven and man. The meaning of the sword is inherent, condensed and never dispersed. Deep into the essence of sword use. Maybe he doesn't have any gorgeous swordsmanship, but since he obtained the Aria of the Goddess of Light, his understanding of the sword is no longer what it was at the beginning.


Darkness and dark gold came into contact out of thin air. Long Haochen's whole body was shaken, and his body flew back several meters in the air. He only stopped the momentum after hitting Haoyue's huge body. However, the dark spear shadow was forced to fly away by him and flew straight into the sky.

Yes, it's not a head-to-head fight, but a challenge.

After all, Long Haochen is only at the sixth level. Although his inner spiritual power is not far from ten thousand, he will always be a sixth level radiant knight until he breaks through ten thousand. Even with the legendary equipment, it is impossible to fight head-on with an eighth-level powerhouse. However, he relied on his own strength to take over the skill of Tyrant Yin Killing.

Speaking of which, his sword is very simple. It changes the trajectory of the enemy's attack and cuts off the connection between the enemy's thoughts and skills. But how can it be so easy to actually sit up? This is the perfect combination of his own strength and sword intent. It seemed like a simple challenge, but it was the fusion of Long Haochen's understanding of sword intent and ancient martial arts since he went into seclusion.

Leader Najak was shocked when he saw Long Haochen deflecting his attack. He never expected that this guy whose spiritual power fluctuation was far less than that of the other knight could actually take his attack. And he was able to provoke Ba Tianyin Miesha so skillfully.

With strong murderous intent filling the air, Leader Jacques roared again, slightly spreading his wings behind his back, stomping on the ground with all four hooves, and charged with all his strength. Since long-range attacks cannot kill the opponent, then close attacks are the best option. Under the influence of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, his current target can only be Long Haochen.

Long Haochen took a deep breath and calmed down his surging Qi and blood. The substantial increase in external spiritual power was indeed very beneficial. His physical endurance is much stronger than before. Otherwise, even if the opponent is launched to attack, he may be injured.

The four wings on his back spread out, and with a sudden beat, he pushed Long Haochen's body to rush out. Behind him, Yating turned over lightly, turned into a golden light and chased after Long Haochen. In a sense, she was a part of Long Haochen's body, so it was easy to keep up with his speed. The other members of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 also quickly followed suit.

Cai'er disappeared into the air again. The powerful pill of light in Sima Xian's hand was whistling and hovering above his head. Purple light shone in his chest, and there was a faint smell of burning, but it was the backlash of the Purple Fantasy God's Thunder Spirit Furnace. .

Wang Yuanyuan quietly installed four empty silver crystals on his Giant Spirit God's Shield. Han Yu just put away his shield and held the Red Blood Wildness with both hands.

They are ready for this difficult battle. This is also the first time that they have relied solely on their own strength to face an eighth-level powerhouse.

In Dayak City, Long Haochen would never choose this way, but it was different here. It was in the wilderness and they couldn't be beaten. They also had the ability to escape. In this case, why not try to fight head-on with the eighth-level demons? Only such strong men can truly test the extent of their current strength.

Drink-- Leader Jacques roared angrily, raised his two front hooves, and suddenly landed on the ground. Suddenly, the rich black air flow went straight towards the charging Long Haochen. At the same time, the spear in his right hand had transformed. Thousands of black lights shot out, heading straight towards Long Haochen to envelope him.

Approaching within ten meters of the eighth-level leader Jacques, Long Haochen suddenly felt that the air had become thicker. The rich dark element actually completely excluded the light element, and there was also a strong wave of energy coming from the leader Jacques. The suction force pulled his body. The tyrannical momentum and coercion accompanies its attack like a mountain of oppression.

Eighth level, this is the eighth level. The last time he faced the eighth-level moon demon, Long Haochen took the conjoined spirit-enhancing pill, so the feeling was not very obvious, but this time it was different. Facing the eighth-level leader Jacques alone, the huge The pressure greatly affected his willpower. This is the gap in strength, the absolute suppression of spiritual power. If it weren't for the fact that Long Haochen's own spiritual power was the purest light attribute, it would have been difficult for him to even think about fighting against this eighth-level powerhouse.

The lower two wings among the four wings are shot down hard, while the upper two wings remain unchanged. Long Haochen's body suddenly rose several meters while rushing forward. Just in time to avoid the dark air flow generated when leader Jacques stamped his front hooves on the ground. At the same time, Long Haochen's whole body once again lit up with that strange dark golden light. His body and sword merged into one, and he shuttled in and out of the shadow of leader Najak's spear. The aria of the Goddess of Light in his hand continued to sound out seemingly lightly, and he I am like a small boat in the stormy waves.

Leader Jacques felt the most profoundly. He always felt that this human being should fall instantly in front of his attack. However, every time he felt that he was about to kill his opponent, the heavy sword in his opponent's hand could always hit him. The key position of the spear's power can always be used to change the direction with the help of its own spiritual wings to avoid the danger of death.

At this time, Long Haochen was following him like a shadow, rippling in the shadow of the spear. However, he refused to fight head-on with the leader of Nayak. He relied solely on his skills to tremble with him, but this eighth-level powerhouse was unable to unleash his strongest power. The attack power comes.


The strongest state! Asking for a monthly ticket! Double, do you have a second monthly pass? Grant it to me.

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