Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 395 The Powerful No. 64 (please vote for the big chapter)

Yating had quietly appeared behind Long Haochen, and it was she who had emitted the light magic before.

The Yak Mo is indeed one of the powerful melee weapons of the Demon Clan. It is very powerful in both long-range attack and melee combat. Immediately, more than ten yak demons came towards Long Haochen to greet him.

Long Haochen wanted a quick victory, and even wanted to complete the mission they planned to complete right here, so naturally he would not hold anything back.

The heavy swords of both hands swept out at the same time, the light rippled and the light slashed the sword.

At this time, you can see the difference between the two heavy swords in his hands. They also have sharp sword intent. However, the Ripple of Light on the left only killed three Yaks, while the Aria of the Goddess of Light on the right spit out a long three-dimensional sword. The terrifying light blade of ten feet is invincible wherever it passes. At least more than ten Yak demons were cut in half under this sweep.

Not to mention enemies, even Long Haochen himself did not expect that the Aria of the Goddess of Light could be so powerful.

When they completed the mission before, they had never been involved in a group battle. Only then did Long Haochen realize that the power of the divine sword in a group battle could be so terrifying.

Aria of the Goddess of Light can spit out a six-foot sword light under normal circumstances, let alone with the injection of pure light elements from Long Haochen.

At first, after this divine sword was sealed, countless people tried to open its seal but all failed. Even the ninth-level experts came back defeated. Why? It is because what is needed to open this divine sword is not huge light spiritual power but extremely pure light spiritual power. Therefore, Long Haochen could succeed.

With the support of this monstrous sword power, Long Haochen was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. He flapped his wings behind his back and dived directly into the enemy group. Immediately afterwards, an unparalleled golden vortex erupted in the center of the Jacques.

Punishment Knight's seventh-level skill, Blade Storm.

Although Long Haochen's cultivation level has not yet reached the seventh level, he is a favored person of the gods, and he can still use some not too powerful seventh level skills to cross levels. Because his spiritual power is fully supported by Yating.

At this time, if you look carefully, you will find that behind the rapidly rotating Long Haochen, Yating is pressed tightly against his body, as if she has melted, and circles of golden ripples are just coming from Yating. It spread out from the body, absorbing a large amount of light elements in the air and then injected them into Long Haochen's body.

Blade Storm is a powerful group combat skill. It can be said to be an upgraded version of Warrior Whirlwind. The stronger the spiritual power and the stronger the weapon, the greater its power.

When Long Haochen used this skill, the area within ten feet in diameter completely turned into a golden ocean. The more than twenty Yak Demons who bore the brunt were instantly strangled to pieces by the terrifying golden light.

With a loud roar, Haoyue's huge body rushed over. The thick and big tail swept out, flying several Yak demons violently. Immediately afterwards, its four big heads were like magic cannons at the head of a fortress, and powerful magic burst out one after another.

Han Yu, Sima Xian and Wang Yuanyuan jumped off Haoyue's back. Sima Xian rushed to the front, blocking the enemy in front of Haoyue so that he could use his actual magic stably. Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan were on the left and right.

Lin Xin did not use attack magic. Instead, he became a defender. Fire element shields flashed in the air at an almost instantaneous speed to help his friends resist the enemy's attacks.

This was the first group battle they faced after entering the territory of the demon clan. Seeing Long Haochen's terrifying outburst, everyone's heart was aflame with fighting spirit.

This is also their first full-scale outbreak. Sima Xian swung the Power Ball of Light in his hand. Even if he didn't use the Purple Fantasy God's Thunder Spirit Furnace, wherever this terrifying metal ball passed, there would be only a series of shattering explosions. Its power was even greater than that of Long Haochen. Bladestorm's Bladestorm is not much different. Moreover, don’t forget, he didn’t use any skills! It all relies on the power of the Light Daliwan and his own powerful strength.

The shield of the giant spirit god in Wang Yuanyuan's hand is also opened and closed. There is no need for the inlay of the empty silver crystal, and no yak demon can block the heavy blow of the shield of the giant spirit god.

Han Yu's fighting power on the other side was equally strong. The legendary giant sword of Red Blood Crazy unleashed a burst of blood wherever it passed.

Just in the short time they rushed into the enemy's formation, hundreds of Yaks had already died. In other words, their mission is nearly completed.

Long Haochen and the others appeared very suddenly, and it was not until this moment that the Jacques in front of them reacted.

The two leading Jacques leaders roared angrily, and a dozen sixth-level Jacques commanders immediately appeared behind them and led the army to attack back and attack Long Haochen and others. The two Jacques leaders led the remaining 20 or so Jacques commanders to continue to pursue the king-level demon hunting group.

Undoubtedly, the two Jacques leaders reacted quickly and adjusted quite well. However, they still underestimated Long Haochen and others who came out from behind.

In fact, not only did they underestimate the handsome Demon Hunting Group No. 64, but even Long Haochen and the others underestimated themselves.

The fourth-level strong men should have been able to at least withstand their own attacks in their minds, but after the battle actually started, they discovered that these fourth-level yak demons were like paper under their attacks.

One year of seclusion has brought about earth-shaking changes to the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64. The external spiritual power has been greatly improved, the internal spiritual power has been steadily improved, the mentality has been calmed, the equipment has been enhanced, and everyone has Spiritual Furnace, their overall strength is even comparable to that of the demon hunting group that has just been promoted to the king level.

A bursting fireball with a diameter of one meter erupted from the small fire mouth and exploded in the distance. Dozens of yak demons were caught in the flames.

Xiao Qing kept spitting out wind blades one after another. Unlike Xiao Huo, the magic it activated was not very strong, but it was like having eyes. Each wind blade found a Yak Demon to attack specifically. Their throats are vital.

Xiaoguang spurted out a golden light, connecting it with Long Haochen, constantly injecting its own light attribute into Long Haochen's body through the glorious world.

Xiao Lan raised her head arrogantly, the butterfly-shaped horns on her head emitted a faint blue light, and large swaths of ice cones were sprayed around. Not only can it effectively kill the enemy, but it can also reduce the enemy's speed.

It can be said that Haoyue can now be used as four magicians, and they are all sixth-level magicians.

In this case, by the time the dozen or so sixth-level commander-level yak demons rushed over, the casualties of ordinary yak demons had already exceeded 200. And it is still increasing rapidly.

After a charge, Long Haochen quickly returned to his companions. Seeing the dozen or so Jacques leaders rushing towards them, he snorted coldly and strode towards them.

A black figure appeared silently beside him at this moment. Long Haochen turned around and saw that Cai'er nodded slightly to him. The two of them almost went hand in hand to kill the dozen or so Jacques commanders.

A group of purple-black liquid suddenly fell from the sky, and the liquid spread out in large puffs in the air. However, this time it was not aimed at the demon hunting group, but fell with incomparable precision on the two eighth-level Jacques leaders and them. He led more than twenty Jacques to lead him.

The speed dropped sharply and the wings became heavy. The originally extremely advantageous speed of these powerful yak demons disappeared instantly.

Roar—— Leader Jacques looked up into the air in disbelief, just in time to see the huge purple-black figure squirming and preparing to spit out a second mouthful of mucus.

There is no doubt that this is naturally the transformation of the piglet McDull. It slightly adapted to the ability of the spore demon, and then launched an attack from the air.

The leader on the left, Jacques, roared angrily, pointed his spear at the sky, and a jet-black light rose into the sky, heading straight for the little pig McDull. At that moment, the air seemed to be torn apart, and the sky darkened amid the harsh roar.

The dazzling golden light suddenly flashed, and the sharp bright holy fire collided with the black light in the air. Although it could not completely defeat the black light, it also caused it to lose its locking effect. It was the knight from the king-level demon hunting group who took action.

The moment McDull was locked by the eighth-level leader Jacques, his whole body stiffened and he was about to turn back and run away, but suddenly he felt the pressure of the lock disappear, and his fat body twisted in the air, and he immediately dodged the attack. Its dodge ability was developed through training with the red skeleton of Saint Guard No. 12.

With a pop, another mouthful of thick purple-black mucus spurted out. This time, it was naturally aimed at the Yak army on the other side.

Kicking off the ground with his left foot, Long Haochen jumped up, and thrust straight out with the Aria of the Goddess of Light in his right hand, colliding with the tip of a spear led by Jacques.

A strange scene appeared. The tough spear of Commander Jacques was destroyed in front of the spirit bead of the Aria of the Goddess of Light. Then, thousands of lights and shadows erupted in front of Commander Jacques.

Even though it has scales on its body and is supported by strong dark spiritual power, how can it withstand the demon-killing flash launched by the goddess of light Aria? The body instantly turned into a sieve of blood.

The rising Long Haochen lightly flapped his right spiritual wing, and his body was only slightly to one side in the air before he passed by the Jacques commander. The heavy swords of both hands were swung at the same time, and Shura slashed with both swords.

After such a long period of practice, he was finally able to use the powerful skill of Shura Slash with one hand.

At the same time as he issued this blow, a fierce white light suddenly released outwards with his body as the center, covering all the dozen or so Jacques commanders who rushed over.

However, this skill was not issued by Long Haochen, but by Yating, who had been chanting a spell for a long time.

Seventh-level magic of the light system, shocking with holy light.

Using magic beyond the level is nothing to Yating, who is a light element elf. It just takes a little longer to chant the spell. If this magic is used against ordinary enemies, it can only temporarily frighten them, and at the same time be affected by the light. Attribute damage. You can't move for up to two seconds.

However, when Holy Light Shock faces enemies with dark attributes, its power will increase exponentially. Especially when facing opponents whose strength is not as good as magic, the effect is extremely powerful.

It can be clearly seen that all the Jacques commanders were ignited with a layer of milky white flames. They were preparing to attack Long Haochen and Cai'er. Amidst the shrill screams, their bodies twitched violently and fell into a trap. In the dazed state due to the shock effect.

If you look down from the air, you can see that after a burst of white light, one golden and one black, two figures passed through the crowd like flowing clouds and flowing water. Then, corpses fell into these two light shadows. after.

All thirteen sixth-level Jacques commanders were wiped out.

The two figures of gold and black merged together. Long Haochen and Cai'er looked at each other, both seeing the surprise in each other's eyes.

Although they were confident in killing these dozen Jacques commanders, they did not expect that the process would go so smoothly. Even without Yating's magical help, they would not face too many difficulties. And with Yating's magic, killing these Yaks commanders is as easy as killing ordinary Yaks.

It is not easy for any army to maintain its fighting spirit when more than a quarter of its number is defeated by the enemy without damage.

Under the tyrannical offensive of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64, the Yak army finally collapsed. Scattered in all directions.

At this time, the two eighth-level Jacques leaders on the other side were also in shock, and at the same time they were in a dilemma.

Of course, Long Haochen and the others would not chase ordinary Yaks demons, but would attack the strong Yaks in front of them, because their original purpose was to rescue Pao Ze. But I didn't expect to be able to defeat the Yak army. The fleeing yak demons didn't even care about their leader. Just run for your life. This situation is almost impossible to occur in the army of the Temple Alliance.

The ace demon hunting group on the other side no longer ran away, but stopped to block the attacks of these powerful yak demons.

In this team, the most powerful ones are the Mithril Pedestal Knight and Summoner. Relying on the summoner's continuous summons, which cost a lot of spiritual power, they managed to withstand the attacks of these powerful Yaks, and were attacked from both sides by Long Haochen and others.

The two eighth-level Jacques leaders kept roaring and gathering up the defeated Jacques. At the same time, they separated one person and led the six Jacques commanders towards Long Haochen and the others.

Form up. Long Haochen shouted. What he is about to face is an eighth-level demon. This is also the second time he has faced an eighth-level opponent. Of course, we cannot face them in a scattered formation like before.

Yating was suspended in the air, standing on top of Xiao Guang's head among Haoyue's four heads, chanting spells with Xiao Guang, and injecting powerful light spiritual power into Long Haochen. At the same time, the entire Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 took action. In their eyes, there is only one target, the eighth-level leader Jacques. As for those sixth-level people, what do they count?


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