Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 394 Kill all the way south (Part 2)

Cai'er said: How about we also assassinate the leader of the Yak tribe? That is at least a king-level mission. If we complete the mission beyond the level, we should get more rewards.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: No, it's too risky. We are not sure of defeating the eighth-level powerhouse yet. Moreover, after reaching the eighth level, there is a huge gap at each level. The peak of the eighth level The inner spiritual power of a strong man can even reach as high as one hundred thousand, which is definitely not something we can fight against. To be on the safe side, we should complete the mission as soon as possible and withdraw from the Jacques Province.

No one else gave any advice. Long Haochen's arrangements had always been prudent and he would rarely take risks unless necessary. Even though their current strength had made a qualitative leap, as the leader, he was still very cautious.

While they were talking, suddenly, a large rumble came from ahead.

Because of the sand blown up by the strong wind, they couldn't see what kind of demons were coming from far away. But judging from the sound, they were only a few miles away, and there were quite a few of them.

Hidden. Long Haochen raised his hand, and everyone quickly moved aside and found a small bag to hide. Without him saying anything, Cai'er had quietly slipped out, entered the invisible state, and explored the direction of the sound. Scouting is one of the tasks of an assassin.

Captain, do you want to kill the shit out of him? Sima Xian chuckled and already took his own Light Power Pill.

After entering the territory of the demons this time, he was the one who performed most dazzlingly. With the power of light, he had killed many powerful demons, including a seventh-level demon. Although the seventh-level demon was restrained by others at the time, Sima Xian was able to kill it with one strike. One can imagine how terrifying the attack power of his Light Power Pill is now.

Long Haochen waved his hand and said: First let's see which tribe of demons they are and how many there are. Don't act rashly.

Because the wind and sand were so strong, each of them wore a veil on their face and wore large earth-yellow cloaks. They were crawling behind the dirt bag, making it difficult to spot them even from the sky.

Not long after, Cai'er had already drifted back, her spiritual wings converged, and she whispered to Long Haochen: It's the Yaks, they are chasing a demon hunting group.

Ah? Our people? Long Haochen said in surprise.

Cai'er nodded and said: The Yaks dispatched at least thousands of people, led by two eighth-level Yaks leaders, and there were as many as thirty to forty sixth-level Yaks leaders. They were chasing them. That demon hunting group should be king-level. They are fighting and retreating. But judging from their appearance, the situation is not good. Because none of them are using spiritual wings. They are also stained with a kind of purple mucus. If this continues, I'm afraid they won't be able to hold on any longer. I vaguely saw a purple-black figure in the sky, following the yak demon below. The purple-black figure was probably sprayed out by it. It is estimated that there are forbidden Netherwings. ability.

All the partners' eyes fell on Long Haochen. The question they faced now was: to save or not to save.

There is no doubt that this Yak army is extremely powerful. There are two eighth-level Yak leaders sitting in charge, and with so many Yak demons, there is no chance of fighting them head-on. However, the enemy is chasing a king-level demon hunting group!

Long Haochen turned around and looked at his friends, Save, we are likely to face a huge crisis. If we don't save, our robe may fall here. What do you think?

Boss, come on. Sima Xian was the first to show a strong fighting spirit.

Everyone also nodded to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: Cai'er, I'll leave that guy in the air to you. If I guessed correctly, it should be the Spore Demon, a sixth-level aerial auxiliary expert of the Demon Clan. This Spore Demon itself is not very powerful in combat. , but extremely annoying. They can spit mucus over a wide range. Once contaminated, it is difficult to clean, and they will lose the ability to release spiritual wings and their speed will drop significantly. They are an important auxiliary unit in the Demon Air Force. Go and kill it. , and then join us to ensure a retreat. After killing the spore demon, we will take action here. Break into the enemy's formation from the flank. Without a head-on collision with the enemy, it is enough to give our robes a chance to escape. . After the deed is accomplished, immediately fly into the air and escape. Among the Yaks, only the strong ones of level six or above have the ability to fly. The only ones who may cause us trouble are the two leaders of level eight Yaks. Everyone must listen. I command, and at the critical moment, I will cut off the rear. You will follow Haoyue and leave, and then I will teleport to you through Haoyue. As long as there is enough time to activate the transmission of the eternal melody, we will be safe. No one wants to be wary, do you understand?

Ying'er, you're like this... He confessed a few words to Chen Ying'er alone.

He had to make his arrangements clear, otherwise with the relationship between his partners and him, who would be willing to let him cut off the queen in the end!

Cai'er nodded, and the black spiritual wings appeared again, and the body disappeared through the air in a flash, and the body became invisible during the upper body process.

With her cultivation level reaching the sixth level and her own invisibility connection, under double invisibility, she can remain semi-invisible even when flying rapidly with her spiritual wings. As long as the enemy's cultivation level is lower than hers, there is no fear of being detected.

Long Haochen had great confidence in Cai'er. The spore demon was just a sixth-level demon. Without the support of other arms, it was a scumbag.

Just as Long Haochen arranged everything, the rumbling in the distance was getting closer and closer, and the air was filled with yellow sand. Long Haochen and the others could only barely see clearly several figures moving forward quickly in front of them, and there were a lot of figures behind them. Spears flew out one after another, and the harsh sound of breaking through the air echoed in the air.

Yakomo itself has a centaur mentality. Its upper body is very similar to that of humans, except that it has black scales on its chest, abdomen and back. Its face is longer than that of humans, and it is very ferocious. The lower body has four hooves like a horse, and is good at using spears and throwing spears.

The situation of the humans in front was indeed very bad. Falling behind was a knight, and his mount was a powerful earth dragon that was more than seven meters long. Rays of golden light continued to shine from his body, resisting most pursuits. Others were riding various different monsters, obviously mounts summoned by the Summoner. It was precisely because of this that they were able to escape all the way.

Although ordinary yak demons cannot fly, their speed on the ground is extremely fast. Each yak demon carries at least four spears, which are constantly thrown forward and then picked up again. Those with wings on their backs are the leaders of the Yaks. The first two were extremely tall, giant yak demons with an overall height of more than three meters, and they were the two eighth-level powerhouses. Although they only have one spear, they are extremely huge. With each blow, a thunderous roar erupted in the air.

The earth dragon of the human knight already had many injuries, but the knight was indeed strong. With the treatment of the priest, the support of the magician, and the harassment of the assassins, he was able to block the two eighth-level Jacques. The leader's mad attack. Moreover, if you look closely, you will find that this knight's silver armor is extraordinary. He has been hit by the enemy several times, but he acted as if nothing happened.

Mithril pedestal armor, Mithril pedestal knight.

The Demon Hunting Group is the most elite existence in mankind. The King-level Demon Hunting Group is already a mid-to-high level among all Demon Hunting Groups. Going from Commander level to King level is a qualitative leap and requires one million merits. To upgrade, that's not easy.

Although this mithril pedestal knight is not yet at the eighth level of strength, he is at least at the peak level of the seventh level. The heavy sword and heavy shield in his hands are opened and closed, and his strength is extremely powerful.

Before their eyes, this vanguard team of Yakomo had already chased the king-level demon hunting group and rushed through the soil bag where Long Haochen and the others were hiding.

Long Haochen gestured to Chen Ying'er.

Chen Ying'er nodded, immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and started chanting a spell. The illusive and soft white light spread outward around her body. In that soft halo, Chen Yinger's whole body fell into a strange rhythm.

She was not allowed to use magic before because she was afraid that the two eighth-level Jacques leaders would find out. Chanting was perfect at this time.

At the same time, in the shining purple light, Haoyue's huge figure appeared beside everyone, and Han Yu also summoned his evil eye.

Long Haochen raised his head and looked into the sky.

With a shrill scream, a huge, round-shaped creature with six fleshy wings fell from the sky. This guy's body is at least five meters in diameter. If it weren't for six wings, he probably wouldn't be able to fly at all. Its huge body hit the ground directly.

McDull, come on. Long Haochen shouted.

The piglet McDull is extremely fast and jumped up after swallowing a magic crystal. With a flash of light in his small eyes, he locked onto the dead spore demon that had fallen to the ground. The next moment, amid the strong surge of purple-black light, McDull had risen into the sky and was rising into the sky. During the process, his body changed rapidly and turned into the appearance of a spore demon.

Go up. Long Haochen shouted, with four wings shining behind him, he rushed out at the lead. Everyone else got on Haoyue's broad back, leaving only Chen Ying'er, who was chanting a spell, and rushed straight towards the Yak Demon army from the flank. Rushed over.

Yak Mo's reaction was quite slow. Upon discovering the enemy, dozens of Yak Mo immediately turned around and threw their spears towards Long Haochen and the others.

The dazzling golden light suddenly burst out, and Long Haochen accelerated instantly like a golden meteor. At the same time, large swaths of golden light burst out from behind him and fell straight into the Jacques Demonic Array.

Without using the Brilliant Holy Shield, at this time, Long Haochen had released the Ripple of Light in his left hand and the Aria of the Goddess of Light in his right hand, rushing into the enemy group like a golden god of death. Wherever it passed, all the spears were turned into ashes by the tyrannical light element.


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