Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 393 Kill all the way south (Part 2)

This is the terrifying power unleashed by the combination of the legendary Light Power Pill and the Purple Fantasy God Thunder Spirit Furnace. Crush, crush, adsorb and triple blast.

In terms of explosive power, in the Commander-level No. 64 Demon Hunting Group, as long as Long Haochen doesn't need to gather momentum and Cai'er doesn't need the Reincarnation Spirit Furnace, no one's explosive power can surpass Sima Xian. Even Lin Xin's Blue Fire Phoenix Soul Furnace can't compare to the full explosion of his Light Power Pill.

In this operation, the one who fought the longest was Wang Yuanyuan.

Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian fought in similar ways. After discovering the target, they went up to it with the Shield of the Giant Spirit God. However, the golden bird demon she faced was a little different from other golden bird demons. The wings on its back slightly exuded a dark golden sheen.

After Wang Yuanyuan saw the golden bird demon, he remembered its location, then turned around to hide himself and took out the Shield of the Giant Spirit God. The Space Gate Spiritual Furnace exploded.

With a flash of silver light, she appeared behind the golden bird demon, and the giant spirit god's shield inlaid with four empty silver crystals slashed out fiercely.

In Wang Yuanyuan's opinion, his sudden blow could probably break the golden bird demon's shield in half.

However, the reaction of this special golden bird demon was extremely fast. The moment Wang Yuanyuan appeared behind him to attack, the wings of the golden bird demon suddenly popped out and collided with the shield of the giant spirit god. Moreover, he did not try to hit him head-on, but used the giant spirit god's shield to The powerful attack power of the shield jumps out.

With two click, click sounds, the golden bird demon screamed, and the wings behind his back were completely shattered. The shield of the giant spirit god finally struck him, and a mouthful of blue-purple blood with golden light spots flowed from this golden beast. The bird demon spurted out wildly from its mouth. However, as his body flew out, he also took out his own lightning spear shining with a faint dark gold color.

Wang Yuanyuan was slightly startled, he was not dead? However, of course she would not stop at this time. The spiritual wings behind her suddenly spread out, and in a flash, she rushed in front of the golden bird demon, and slashed out with the shield of the giant spirit god.

The golden bird demon suffered the most because Wang Yuanyuan's attack came too suddenly. The instantaneous transfer of the Space Gate Soul Furnace made it unable to effectively resist the previous attack. Moreover, as a bird demon, his wings were fully The strength of the bird demon that was broken and unable to fly would be greatly reduced.

Ding The lightning spear pierced the side of the Giant Spirit God's shield, and the powerful electrical spiritual power actually made Wang Yuanyuan's body numb. If it were her before, she would lose her attack connection this time. However, the current Wang Yuanyuan's external spiritual power is even more powerful than the golden bird demon in front of him. How could a little paralysis restrain her?

The attack of the Giant Spirit God's shield remained unchanged, and at the same time it was slightly raised, deflecting the lightning spear of the golden bird demon upwards. He stepped forward with his left foot, and the shield surface directly hit the golden bird demon. There are spikes on the shield of her giant spirit god's shield. Moreover, at this moment, the shield surface was already shining with silver light.

Roar—— The golden bird demon was indeed extraordinary. In such a critical situation, he roared and a strong lightning storm suddenly erupted from his body. The powerful current flew in all directions, so much so that the surface of his body was instantly carbonized. However, the intensity of this fatal blow has reached level seven or above.

The bird demon belongs to the Kuli clan and does not have the blood of the demon god. Therefore, its status among the demon clan is only in the middle range. Among them, the most powerful is the golden bird demon. However, among the golden bird demons, there is a small probability that they will evolve. Only about one out of every hundred golden bird demons may evolve to the seventh level and become a dark gold bird demon. And among the entire Kuli tribe of bird demons, there are currently not a hundred golden bird demons.

Wang Yuanyuan's luck was not sure whether it was good or bad. The one she met was actually a golden bird demon that had begun to evolve. It was much stronger than ordinary golden bird demons, but it had not yet fully evolved. The dark gold level is the sixth level peak powerhouse.

Speaking of which, this golden bird demon was quite unlucky. If there was a real competition, even if Wang Yuanyuan could kill it, it would take a long time. There are many cities where demon gods are stationed here. Even if this semi-dark golden bird demon cannot be defeated, there is still hope of running away or waiting for reinforcements. Unfortunately, he encountered the Space Gate Spiritual Furnace. Losing the ability to fly, what would happen even if he truly evolved to the Dark Gold level?

The lightning storm that erupted with this semi-dark golden bird demon's desperate attack was indeed powerful. Wang Yuanyuan felt that his whole body was paralyzed. This kind of indiscriminate attack cannot be avoided by any skill. However, at the same time as this bird demon erupted, the silver light on Wang Yuanyuan's shield also blasted out.

As early as when hitting the opponent with the shield, the skill has already been activated, the air-splitting cannon!

The Shield of the Giant Spirit supported by four empty silver crystals has completely entered the legendary level. The power of the skills attached to the legendary equipment can be imagined.

Wang Yuanyuan's whole body was surrounded by electric light, and he stood there and fell into paralysis, while the semi-dark golden piano demon was violently blasted away. His chest was completely collapsed, and although he was not dead yet, he collapsed to the ground and could not get up.

At this moment, a dark light and shadow flashed past, and the body of the semi-dark golden bird demon froze, and the next moment his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

There was a flash of light and the body disappeared. A slim black shadow quietly came to Wang Yuanyuan, pulled her arm, and the two quickly disappeared from the street.

The piercing screams soon sounded in those cities, and the whole city was boiling. A large number of demon troops began to search the whole city.

As one of the most important races in Narik Province, four golden bird demons were assassinated and one golden bird demon was missing. In an instant, the high-level officials in Naduo City were shocked. The demon god sitting here immediately ordered the city gate to be closed and the entire city was searching for human spies.

When the order was given and the city gate was closing, the Yueye Merchant Group happened to arrive in front of the city gate and prepared to leave the city.

The last time the Yueye Merchant Group was attacked in Narik Province, the anger of the Demon God Emperor has not yet completely subsided. After reporting to the Demon God, the demon generals guarding the city carefully searched the merchant group and let them leave.

It was strange that they could find them. After Long Haochen and the seven people reunited, he sent the others to the Tower of Eternity, while he disguised himself as a servant to restrain his aura. His youthful appearance became his best cover. After following the business group out of the city smoothly, he teleported his friends back.

When they were reunited, everyone couldn't help but high-five each other. Only Lin Xin looked a little unhappy as he endured the backlash from the spiritual furnace.

The first mission is completed. By killing five golden bird demons and handing in their magic crystals, we can get 30,000 merit points. If we don't hand in the magic crystals, we can get 10,000 merit points.

Long Haochen was also in a good mood at this time. After a small test, their first handsome-level demon hunting group mission was completed. It had only been two days since I left the Temple Alliance. Of course, the task of hunting down five golden bird demons is a relatively simple one among all their tasks.

The Moon Night Merchant Group's itinerary was still heading southeast, heading straight to the Central Province of the Demon Clan, because that was the most prosperous place and the goods could be sold at the best prices.

The Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 followed the business group all the way deep into the demon clan. With the help of the map and the information from the Yueye Business Group, they completed five more missions.

Of course, they don't take action every time the Yue Ye Merchant Group arrives. That would make it too easy for the Yue Ye Merchant Group to become a target of suspicion. They usually pass through a city during the Moon Night Merchant Group, complete tasks in the city, and then catch up with the Moon Night Merchant Group. During this period, there were mostly near misses and no real resistance was encountered.

One-third of the sixteen missions have been completed. However, as the Moon Night Merchant Group is about to enter the central province, it is time to say goodbye.

It was not because there was no goal for them to complete the task in the Central Bank Province, but Long Haochen decided to start with the easier tasks and then the more difficult ones, completing the simpler tasks first before entering the Central Bank Province.

Watching the caravan gradually go away, Long Haochen said: We can only rely on ourselves for our next actions. Our next target is in Jacques Province, let's go.

The Yaak Province is located on the north side of the central central province of the Demon Clan, adjacent to it. There is a tribe of demons stationed here, called the Yak tribe, and the Yak province is named after this.

The Yaks, like the Kuli bird demons, are not a race of demons. Their people are also called Yaks. It is also considered a powerful melee race among the demons, but because the total number of the tribe is not large, it is rarely sent to the battlefield. They usually stay in the Yaak Province to defend the north of the central province.

The seventh task that Long Haochen and the others were about to face was to kill one hundred Yak demons.

Yakomo itself is a fourth-level strongman, but he is lucky enough to gather in groups. Among the group, the most powerful ones are eighth-level beings. The commander level also has sixth level strength. Completing this task is not easy, at least it is much more difficult than the tasks Long Haochen and the others faced before.

The entire Yakmo clan is only five or six thousand. It is not easy to kill a hundred Yaak Demon Queens and escape unscathed without the Yaak clan leader noticing or causing trouble to them. Especially this time, they didn't have the Yueye Merchant Group to investigate, so they had to rely on themselves for everything.

According to the map, it only took them half a day to enter the Yak province.

It is not much different from other provinces of the Demon Clan. In the area ruled by the Demon Clan, the land is very barren, with few fields and even very few forests. When the wind blows, the sky is filled with yellow sand, creating a desolate scene.

Long Haochen tightened his big cloak and said to Cai'er beside him: If we continue north for two to three days, we should be able to enter the city of Dayak, the capital of the Yak province. Almost all the Yak people have gathered in the city . This is a good thing for our actions, but it will be more troublesome to escape. After the mission in the Jacques Province is completed, we will go all the way east and proceed to the next mission.


The climax is approaching, and during the double period, Lao San urgently needs everyone’s double monthly ticket support. I am working hard to write and try to have another big explosion before the double end, which will probably be around May 6th.

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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