Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 392 Kill all the way south (Part 1)

There were only two waiters in the restaurant, both humans, who were busy serving food. When they saw Long Haochen coming in, no one came to greet him.

Long Haochen strode towards the golden bird demon. When he came to the dining table, he raised his hand and knocked lightly on the table.

The golden bird demon was stunned for a moment. He was enjoying eating and drinking when he was suddenly disturbed, and he was obviously not in a good mood. However, he was shocked when he looked up and saw Long Haochen's slightly raised face.

You know, when Long Haochen disguised himself as the Moon Demon Clan, even the members of the Moon Demon Clan couldn't recognize him, let alone this golden bird demon.

The purple eyes and extremely handsome face are completely the characteristics of the Moon Demon Clan. Seeing Long Haochen's cold eyes, he quickly stood up and asked tentatively: Are you...

Long Haochen raised his hand and waved his Moon Demon Viscount's token in front of his eyes. He said in a deep voice: Come out with me.

Seeing the token there, the golden bird demon's last doubt disappeared. He quickly stood up and followed Long Haochen out of the hotel.

Many demons around saw this scene, but they didn't even dare to breathe. Although they did not see Long Haochen's appearance, even a big figure like the Golden Bird Demon was recruited away, so one can imagine what kind of existence he was.

After leaving the hotel, Long Haochen stopped at the door of the hotel. The golden bird demon asked cautiously: Lord Viscount, what are your orders?

Come here. Long Haochen waved to him coldly.

The golden bird demon hurriedly came to Long Haochen's side. He was still feeling sorry for his food at this moment, praying that Long Haochen's instructions would be simpler so that he could go back and finish the food, otherwise he would definitely take advantage of the guys next to him.

Looking at the golden bird demon with a low eyebrow in front of him, Long Haochen's eyes revealed a hint of coldness. He raised his right hand and put it on his shoulder, saying, Do you know your guilt?

Ah? The golden bird demon raised his head in surprise and looked at Long Haochen. At this moment, the alarm in his heart suddenly rose, but it was already too late.

Long Haochen's right hand pinched his thick neck like an iron pincer, and Sen Han's sword intent disappeared in a flash. In the shocked eyes of the golden bird demon, the pupils suddenly became blurred.

Is Long Haochen's right hand so easy to touch? That's the aria of the Goddess of Light! A sword intent penetrated deep into the brain of the Golden Bird Demon, shattering his brain into pieces. He died suddenly and couldn't die anymore, but he couldn't even scream.

A sixth-level strong man fell into the hands of Long Haochen. This had little to do with his strength. The key was that Long Haochen looked too much like a Moon Demon clansman.

The cloak was slightly unfolded, blocking the view from the other side of the street. The eternal melody's golden light shone, and the body of the golden bird demon had been quietly pocketed.

Without stopping for a moment, Long Haochen turned around. He was going to meet Lin Xin and Han Yu.

Long Haochen ended the battle without attracting any attention, but his companions were not so peaceful.

The time of noon was very conducive to Long Haochen's actions. Because this time is the time for the demons to eat. Demons, unlike humans, only eat twice a day, especially high-level demons.

Therefore, the goal of everyone in the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 is basically to eat.

Although Lin Xin's appearance is not as good as that of Long Haochen, he still has no problem pretending to be an ordinary Moon Demon. Moreover, his target is easier to find than Long Haochen. Because this golden bird demon is eating at a roadside stall.

It can be seen from this that although the demons are powerful in combat, they are far inferior to humans in terms of socioeconomics and civilization. They are outsiders after all. In the Temple Alliance, it is almost impossible for a sixth-level strong man to squat at a roadside stall and eat.

The food of the golden bird demon is very simple. There is a big pot with some kind of meat stewed in the broth. Some minced meat is thrown into it, and it is cooked and then taken out to eat. This man was accompanied by four great bird demons who ate with him.

Lin Xin and Han Yu looked at each other, and Han Yu nodded to him. A faint layer of blue flashed across Lin Xin's eyes, and then, the loud sound of the phoenix's cry echoed throughout the street.

Why is the spiritual furnace said to be powerful? Because the spiritual furnace has an advantage that ordinary skills cannot match, and that is instantaneous casting. Moreover, almost all the abilities of the spiritual furnace can increase in power as the owner's strength increases. These are the fundamental reasons why the spiritual furnace is powerful.

When the huge blue fire phoenix suddenly rushed towards the golden bird demon, all the demons on the street couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded. After all, the golden bird demon was a sixth-level strongman. When he realized something was wrong, he reacted immediately. He pulled a big bird demon with both hands, and at the same time, he used his spiritual power with all his strength, and dazzling electric light swirled around his body.

However, the arrival of the Blue Fire Phoenix was too sudden, and that was all he could do.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Xin's mouth, and the blue light in his eyes was even brighter. I saw that the blue fire phoenix suddenly lifted up into the air for a few minutes, and then fell violently. It actually completed a quick and short rising and diving process in the air.


A huge blue fire pillar rose into the sky, and the blue fire phoenix returned instantly.

In the firelight, the four large bird demons were instantly carbonized. Amidst the screams of the golden bird demon, its body twitched violently, and its huge body became charred black almost instantly. How could his body bear the terrifying high temperature? Back then, even the eighth-level zombie king was forced back by a single blow from the blue fire phoenix.

At this moment, a tall figure quietly came behind the golden bird demon struggling in the flames of the heart. The golden red light flashed away. The golden bird demon's struggle suddenly stopped. His head was chopped off. The tall figure raised his toes, and the golden bird demon The bird demon's head flew straight towards Lin Xin like a blue cannonball.

A ball of blue flame rose up and instantly wrapped around the head of the golden bird demon. The fire went out and the head was put into the magic storage device. Lin Xin turned around and left. Han Yu who put away his heavy sword quickly followed, and in the blink of an eye In the meantime, the two of them disappeared into an alley.

From Lin Xin's attack to the end of the battle, the entire process was completed in just a few breaths. The assassination process was clean and tidy, and he returned quickly after it was over.

At this time, Lin Xin's face was very pale, his fists were clenched tightly, and his body was even trembling slightly, but he gritted his teeth and endured it, and headed towards the caravan under the protection of Han Yu. After continuous training since seclusion, his ability to withstand the backlash of the spiritual furnace has become stronger and stronger.

The backlash of the Blue Fire Phoenix Spiritual Furnace is different from that of the Samsara Spiritual Furnace. The backlash of the Samsara Spiritual Furnace is almost irresistible. However, the backlash of the Blue Fire Phoenix Spiritual Furnace is a kind of training for Lin Xin. With constant attempts and experiences, his own spiritual knowledge has improved. The bearing capacity of the furnace will become stronger and stronger. Only in this way can the future evolution of the spiritual furnace be promoted.

Just as Lin Xin's side ended the battle, Sima Xian's side also completed its mission.

Sima Xian faced more enemies than Lin Xin and Han Yu. Six big bird demons and a golden bird demon dined together, also in the restaurant.

Sima Xian would not trick the golden bird demon out before taking action like Long Haochen did. After confirming that the target was in the restaurant, as soon as he entered the door, he took out the evolved Light Power Pill from his magic storage device.

The dark golden light power pill exuded an oppressive and terrifying aura, and the thick iron chain also lengthened from the original three feet to five feet.

The huge metal ball went straight towards the golden bird demon with a terrifying roar and smashed it over.

This golden bird demon sensed something was wrong the moment Sima Xian entered the door. The murderous intent in him was too strong. Therefore, when Sima Xian launched the attack, he had already jumped up, trying to dodge the attack of the Light Power Pill. At the same time, a golden lightning spear also appeared in his grasp. The six big bird demons also rushed out quickly and attacked Sima Xian from different directions.

Sima Xian held the thick metal chain in his right hand and shook it hard. The powerful pill of light actually lifted up and hit the golden bird demon again.

This is a restaurant after all, and there is no room for the golden bird demon to fly high. It can only turn around and at the same time, a golden lightning bursts out from the spear and hits the light power pill.

However, when the golden bird demon's talent lightning fell on the Light Power Pill, it disappeared instantly, as if it was swallowed up. Immediately afterwards, the golden bird demon felt a huge force like a mountain approaching. In desperation, it had no choice but to block it with the spear in its hand.

However, at this time, the six big bird demons had also rushed to Sima Xian, and each stabbed him with their spears.

Go to hell. Sima Xian roared, and a huge white light pillar suddenly burst out from his body, covering the six big bird demons and their weapons.

A terrifying scene appeared. Six large bird demons were instantly ignited by milky white flames, and they all fell to the ground with screams. Their spears did hit Sima Xian, but they only pierced the outer cloak.

Holy Spirit! Priest's sixth-level attack and body protection skills. It consumes a lot of spiritual energy, but it has a super purifying effect. In order to achieve a quick victory, Sima Xian directly activated this powerful skill.

While he was killing six big bird demons, the golden bird demon had also been in close contact with the Light Daliwan.


Without any suspense, the spear shattered and the demon flew. What was even more terrifying was that flying with the Golden Bird Demon was the Powerful Pill of Light, which directly hit him and smashed the roof of the restaurant. But the golden bird demon was not knocked away, but seemed to be stuck to the Power Pill of Light. It can be clearly seen that the purple light is swirling around the light power pill, and then, boom, boom, three loud noises, three groups of purple light burst out on the golden bird demon one after another.

Then, there will be no golden bird demon anymore...

A golden magic crystal surrounded by electric light was adsorbed on the Light Power Pill. Sima Xian pulled the chain, and the Light Power Pill returned to his hand and turned away. But the golden bird demon didn't even leave any ashes behind.


I just want to be in the top three. If I reach the top three in monthly tickets, the third child will definitely have the strength to explode. I feel so weak now!

Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes. I'll think about the plot carefully, and I'll write it better later.

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