Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 378 Holy Guard No. 12 (Part 2)

Sima Xian finally raised his head, with a few grains of rice still stuck on his face, Who said I gave up? I am getting more and more courageous with every setback. Doesn't she like bald heads? Brother Yao, I will go with you today, Why don't I get a fake hood? I don't like priests, so I'm going to wear armor today. It turned out that in order to show that he was very polite, this guy specially changed into a priest's robe yesterday and went to the Holy Alliance Auction House with Lin Xin.

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help but laugh. Han Yu chuckled and said, Come on Sima, we will support you mentally and pick off your little white flower as soon as possible.

Sima Xian is not ugly. On the contrary, he has a masculine handsomeness. His face is resolute and tough, and his strong and stalwart figure can easily give people a sense of security.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: I think you don't need to wear a fake hood, it's better to show your true colors. Otherwise, even if you really catch up, if people find out that you are not like that, won't you still have to make a story? ?”

Wang Yuanyuan nodded and said: Brother Youyao is right. Since you are pursuing someone else, you must first be sincere. Without sincerity, how can we talk about anything else?

Sima patted his bald head and said with a look of sadness and anger: So it's so difficult to pick up a girl! I think the leader is pretty easy too!

What did you say? Cai'er, who had been silent all this time, slowly raised her head.

Uh..., I didn't say anything. I'm full. After saying that, the bald man ran away.

Cai'er turned to Long Haochen and said, Is it really easy? Then I will make it more difficult for you. I'm full too. After saying that, he stood up and went back to the room. Long Haochen didn't see it. When she left, there was a smile in her eyes.

Watching Cai'er go away in stunned silence, Long Haochen said with an innocent face: Didn't I get shot even while I was lying down?

Lin Xin chuckled and said: Boss, I'm not a troublemaker! But if Sima provokes a discord between you and the deputy captain like this, I wouldn't be able to bear it if I were you.

Long Haochen stood up suddenly, glanced at Lin Xin lightly, and said, I don't have to bear it! Then, he shouted towards someone's room, Sima Xian, come practice close combat with me.

Han Qian, the deputy leader of the Temple Alliance, the deputy leader of the Knights Temple, and the Paladin Commander, is in a good mood recently.

Ever since the genius Long Haochen appeared in the Knights Temple, he has focused most of his energy on Long Haochen and the demon hunting group he belongs to, besides handling various affairs in the temple.

After Long Haochen and the others successfully passed the exam and became a commander-level demon hunting group, Han Qian was really worried for a while. Although he is Long Haochen's ancestor and holds a high position in the Temple Alliance, the existence of the Demon Hunting Group has its own independence, and even Han Qian cannot easily interfere in the affairs of the Demon Hunting Group.

The purpose of Han Qian sending a seventh-level Templar to examine Long Haochen was simple, hoping that they would not pass the examination of the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group to take on more difficult tasks. Didn't the Alliance just give you one million meritorious deeds? Be honest for a while and settle in for a while. However, he did not expect that Long Haochen would be so powerful that he could defeat the Templar Knights without any suspense by relying on his sixth-level strength.

In desperation, Han Qian had no choice but to use any other means. Just when he thought that Long Haochen and his demon hunting group would take on another mission and leave the Holy City in a short time, Long Haochen and his friends unexpectedly I chose to retreat and hang a retreat sign outside the villa to avoid being disturbed by the outside world. Moreover, only four months had passed since this retreat.

How could this discovery not make Han Qian happy? The excellence of these children did not over-inflate their confidence. In this case, they could also choose to accumulate their own strength and practice in seclusion to consolidate what they had learned. It could be said that they already had the mentality of a truly powerful demon hunting group. These young people are actually more stable than many established demon hunting groups.

Yes, Long Haochen and the others have indeed been in retreat for more than four months, and they are still in retreat. They have no plans to end their retreat process in a short time. However, today is also an important day for them.

tower of Eternity.

Long Haochen, Cai'er, Han Yu, Sima Xian, Wang Yuanyuan, Han Yu and Chen Yinger fought in a row.

Boss, who will come from us? Sima Xian asked Long Haochen eagerly. Not far in front of the seven people, it was the red skeleton who had been fighting and training with them, fully training their melee capabilities. It was through constant battles with this strong skeleton that everyone gradually mastered some of the mysteries of ancient martial arts. And today is also the day when they are determined to break through all the tests on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

For more than four months, under Cai'er's reminder, Long Haochen decided to lead his partners to focus on cultivating inner spiritual power, calming their inner impatience, experiencing the changes in their own strength since breaking through to the sixth level, exercising their acquired skills, and pursuing the legend. The purchase of equipment and the use of heaven-defying dragon clan magic crystals combined with various precious medicinal materials to boil water and soak the body.

The magic crystal of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon is more powerful than imagined. After using some rare medicinal materials to remove impurities and dark attributes, Long Haochen and others can feel its powerful effect of cleansing the marrow and relaxing tendons every time it is soaked. Whether it is strength, flexibility, defense, or attack, they have all been comprehensively improved.

However, every time it is used, the size of the magic crystal will become smaller until it completely disappears. For more than four months, they have used three magic crystals from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon, and everyone feels that the increase in external spiritual power has been minimal. Only then did he stop soaking. However, these external spiritual powers were not improved in vain, but the auxiliary drugs used cost them nearly four million gold coins and 150,000 meritorious deeds.

Only two more pieces of legendary equipment were added. As everyone wished, one of them was a legendary epee for Han Yu, and the other belonged to Chen Ying'er and was a legendary jewelry called a prayer necklace.

The legendary epee was obtained by adding 100,000 merit points to the Pride of Ice and Snow, and then adding the prayer necklace and Long Haochen purchased a brilliance-level epee and some secret skills. Now the total remaining merit of the team is only 50,000. About. The seemingly many millions of contributions have been squandered by them.

For more than four months, they can be said to have been consuming these merits. Naturally, they have almost consumed them now...

Let me do it. This senior skeleton has taught us what aggression is like fire. I hope I can truly defeat him in a one-on-one situation, and it will not be in vain that he has been with us for so long. Long Haochen said in a deep voice.

Everyone had no objection and spread back slightly to give him enough space.

With the Brilliant Holy Shield in his left hand and the recently purchased Ripples of Light heavy sword in his right hand, Long Haochen strode towards the red skeleton standing proudly like a mountain.

The two sides quickly approached, and behind Long Haochen, golden light shone, and his dazzling four wings had been stretched out. When he approached within twenty meters of the red skull, the flames in the red skull's eyes flashed instantly, and the three-meter tall body suddenly rushed towards Long Haochen like a jet of flames.

Long Haochen did not flinch, his steps suddenly accelerated, and he rushed towards the red skull, but he did not have the ability to charge or attack.

The distance between the two sides quickly shortened, and when it was close to five meters, the red skeleton suddenly made a squatting movement, and the huge bone knife in his hand went straight to Long Haochen's neck very lightly.

Long Haochen had fought against him countless times, so he naturally knew that the red skull's squatting movements had endless tricks. The forward pace remained unchanged, but the pace slowed down a bit and became much more agile. He suddenly bent down and retracted his arms a bit, dodging the red skull's knife.

The red skull exerted force on its legs, and its body suddenly rose up, making a half-turn. At the same time, the shield in its left hand swept towards Long Haochen with an overwhelming force.

The red skull itself was large, and its shield was extremely generous. This sweep made Long Haochen feel that he could not avoid it.

Of course, Long Haochen could fly with his spiritual wings, but he didn't do that. In the Tower of Eternity, the height is also restricted. If he flies up forcefully, it will be difficult to control himself from hitting the forbidden air barrier in the air.

What is unimaginable is that Long Haochen, who was unable to dodge, actually made an action that was almost impossible to do in battle. Creeping.

Yes, the moment the red skull shield was swung out, he actually crawled to the ground. The huge shield almost brushed past his back.

The shield's backlash against the ground caused Long Haochen to bounce up the next moment he was lying on his knees. The ripples of light burst out with thousands of rays of light, shrouding the red skeleton that had temporarily lost the protection of the shield. It was the destruction of the skull. Magic flash.

It can be said that Long Haochen's response to these attacks can be described as wonderful. As his external spiritual power was enhanced by the dragon crystal, his flexibility was greatly enhanced, which was enough to support him in making many actions that he could not do before.

The red skeleton was not panicked by Long Haochen's surprise attack. The huge bone knife instantly made a diagonal slashing motion, which turned out to be Shura Slash. That's right, it used Shura Slash with one hand. And he still caught the momentum brought by swinging the shield.

In many battles with the Red Skull, the most profound thing Long Haochen and his companions learned is that no action is redundant in battle.

However, this time, the red skull clearly miscalculated, and the thousands of points of cold light suddenly condensed into one point, directly hitting the edge of its bone knife.

There was a crisp sound, and the red skeleton's huge body was so shocked that he took a step back, so that he could not make the next move with the shield in his left hand. At this time, Long Haochen, who was in passive defense, launched a full-scale counterattack.


Please vote for recommendations. Let's start from around the 30th of the end of the month, and let's keep breaking out for a few days. I always have to rush on May Day. The third child worked hard to write. It will definitely look better later! ! !

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