Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 377 Holy Guard No. 12 (Part 1)

Walking out from behind the counter, Long Haochen and the other three looked very calm, and it was unclear whether they had gained anything. Although the demon hunters outside the counter were very curious, no one came up to ask questions. This was the rule, don't inquire about other people's secrets. Moreover, what these handsome demon hunters are actually more curious about is the age of Long Haochen and the other three. After all, they still look too young. Generally speaking, it is normal to become a handsome demon hunter around the age of thirty, but these three do not look like they are thirty years old, and they should be far behind.

Boss, why did we buy those two pieces of legendary equipment? Lin Xin lowered his voice and asked in Long Haochen's ear. At this time, the excitement on his face had disappeared and was replaced by worry.

The two pieces of legendary equipment cost 570,000 merit points, and the one Lin Xin purchased himself cost as much as 320,000 merit points. Long Haochen had said before that Wang Yuanyuan and Han Yu would be given priority.

Long Haochen said: Have you not noticed yet? Legendary equipment is not so easy to buy. It is not that we can buy whatever we want. I have seen some shops and legendary equipment is in very short supply. It is even possible that except for the official ones in the trading center, Except, no one else will sell it. In this way, our plan must change, buy what we can buy first, and equip whoever can be equipped first. Merit is just a number, equipment is the real thing Here I am.

Lin Xin said doubtfully: But, what about the Pride of Ice and Snow? None of us can use it!

Cai'er on the side suddenly whispered: You are usually very smart, but now you are stupid. Because no one is willing to spend the inspection fee of 10,000 gold coins, so these demon hunters who are buying things don't know the official What is legendary equipment? If we can’t use it ourselves after buying it, isn’t there any other demon hunter who can use it? You can just set up a stall to exchange for the legendary equipment we need, and fill it up with merit according to the equipment attributes given by the other party. . In this way, at least we will have a chance to acquire legendary equipment!

That's right! Lin Xin suddenly realized it. He slapped his forehead, laughed, turned around and ran away, eager to set up a stall.

Just as Long Haochen expected, others searched the third floor of the trading center but failed to find suitable legendary equipment, and Lin Xin's stall setting up was not smooth either. What he wants to exchange for the Pride of Ice and Snow is naturally space or light legendary equipment, but the number of space attribute legendary equipment is scarce, and light attribute legendary equipment requires many people. There are many people paying attention to the Pride of Ice and Snow, but no one exchange.

However, in general, something has been gained this time, at least Lin Xin's strength has been further enhanced. As he possesses the fire spell that comes with the Blue Fire Phoenix Soul Furnace and the Fire Crystal Staff, Lin Xin's role in the team continues to increase. His strength is enhanced by the Fire Dragon Wings, which is also quite good for the entire team. increase.

It was not until the evening when there was still no other harvest that everyone returned to the villa. After dinner, Lin Xin and Sima Xian slipped out. Lin Xin naturally went to give the dragon crystal to Ye Weiyang. Sima Xian's euphemistic name was to protect his safety, but his real goal was naturally...

bedroom. Cai'er and Long Haochen sat opposite each other. Seeing Long Haochen thinking, Cai'er asked, Are you still worried about the equipment?

Long Haochen's brows relaxed a little, and he smiled and said, Yes! I didn't expect that I couldn't spend my meritorious deeds.

Cai'er shook her head and said, Actually, you don't have to be like this.

Huh? Long Haochen's eyes revealed a hint of inquiry.

Cai'er said: Don't you think you are a little too eager for quick success? Since the establishment of our demon hunting group, although we have experienced several difficulties and obstacles, the speed of growth has been staggering. In just one year, we have grown from A sergeant-level demon hunting group has been promoted to the commander-level. In fact, what we need now is not to continue to improve our strength at such a high speed. Maybe our cultivation is still stable, but everyone's mentality is a little impetuous.

After hearing her words, Long Haochen suddenly showed a thoughtful expression, nodded and said, You are right, go on.

Cai'er said: Everyone of us now has at least Brilliance-level equipment, and there is still a lot of merit left. Yes, it would be good to equip everyone with legendary equipment. But with our current strength, legendary equipment may not be powerful. Everyone can use it. It is indeed better to exchange merits for immediate combat power, but merits are not just needed to exchange for equipment. Moreover, there are many directions in which we can improve now. I think what we need most now is to improve our strength. In addition, there is still a period of stability. As for the replacement of Legends, we can wait until our cultivation reaches level seven before fully replacing them.

I asked Grandpa Ying, in the handsome demon hunting group, it is quite good for a team to have a legendary piece of equipment, but what about us? In addition to Lin Xin's piece, your Aria of the Goddess of Light , my Sword of Samsara, Sima’s Daliwan of Light, which is about to be forged, will definitely be promoted to Legend. After Yuanyuan’s Shield of the Giant Spirit is inlaid with empty silver crystal, it is no problem to advance to Legend. We already have it. Five pieces of legendary level or above equipment. Moreover, all of us have spiritual furnaces, and six of us also have synthetic spiritual furnaces. I dare say that if the handsome demon hunting group holds an internal competition, we can even get the final Champion. Today you even defeated a seventh-level Templar by yourself! Han Yu didn't even make a move during the whole process.

Having said all this, I want to tell you that our current strength is quite strong. Therefore, you don't have to worry about improving everyone's strength.

Long Haochen nodded silently and said, Then what do you think we should do next?

Cai'er said: According to your original plan, we can continue to look for legendary equipment. Just let Lin Xin set up a stall for half an hour every day. A piece of legendary Pride of Ice and Snow is enough to attract attention. As long as he Go at a fixed time, some people want to change it out sooner or later. Internally, we can start to use the remaining dragon crystals to enhance everyone's overall external spiritual power. At the same time, everyone should practice their own spiritual power. Instead, we should enter the Tower of Eternity again Wait for a while. Just focusing on cultivating inner spiritual power can gradually dissipate the impetuousness in our hearts and gradually calm down. We need such a period of time to recuperate. At the same time, we can also give some of our merits to everyone in exchange for ourselves Required skills. After reaching the sixth level, we always need some powerful secret skills to enhance our strength. This is also a way to improve our immediate combat effectiveness. And I think it is better to work on skills than equipment, because once you learn the skills, you can use them forever. Keep using it.”

Looking at Cai'er, a smile gradually appeared on Long Haochen's face, You're right, you should have told me this earlier!

Cai'er shook her head gently and said: There is nothing wrong with your decision and plan. What's more, you are the leader of our handsome No. 64 Demon Hunting Group. We are just discussing it in private, you Don't tell them I gave you advice. A good team is best just to have one voice, even if we...

At this point, her pretty face blushed slightly, but she didn't say any more.

Long Haochen took Cai'er's hand and said softly: You are really my good wife! Can you let me hug you?

No. Cai'er exclaimed, floated to the ground, and hid aside. Ever since they confessed to each other at the place where the Soul Furnace was synthesized in Dream Paradise, she had become much shyer than before, and she refused to let Long Haochen get close to her easily.

Long Haochen scratched his head helplessly, Don't run away! Am I going to force you to do it?

Cai'er chuckled and said, I hate it, who is your good wife? You are only fifteen years old and you are so bad.

Long Haochen chuckled and said, I don't know who insists on sleeping in the same bed as me. It seems like this person is younger than me.


early morning.

Long Haochen, Cai'er and their friends sat around the living room to have breakfast as usual.

Sima Xian was holding a large bowl of porridge, and he was snoring, snoring as he ate.

Chen Ying'er couldn't help but whisper to the table and said: Bald man, please pay attention to your image, okay?

Lin Xin chuckled at the side and said: Just ignore him, he is depressed.

Long Haochen said: By the way, yesterday you gave the dragon crystal to Miss Ye Weiyang, what did she say? Also, what happened to Sima?

Lin Xin said: Miss Ye didn't want our dragon crystal. She said, you are right, the divine sword should not be measured by money. If you can bring its glory back, Miss Ye will be very satisfied. If If we are really willing to compensate, let us do something for her when she asks for something in the future.

Long Haochen frowned. He would rather pay the price of a dragon crystal than make a promise to the other party. After thinking for a while, he said: Then you make another trip today and tell her that it is okay to promise her something, but it can only be done by myself and cannot involve our team.

Okay. Lin Xin agreed.

Long Haochen looked at Sima Xian, who was still trying to eat, and gave Lin Xin a questioning look.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: He! He was shocked. He saw the little white flower, but he was told directly: I don't like bald heads, let alone bald priests. Then he left without a trace. Look at him, don't you think, he is turning grief and anger into food.

Chen Ying'er chuckled at the side and said: Sima, you won't give up just like that. It's not that easy to chase girls! However, I don't think you have much hope of pursuing that little white flower. Beauty and the Beast , the contrast is too strong. Hehe.


Please vote for recommendations. I started to explode at the end of the month, and by then my monthly ticket was worth the big cat’s fat ass. hey-hey.

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