Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 379 Holy Guard No. 12 (Part 2)

Pushing his left foot on the ground, Long Haochen suddenly shot forward with the power of the sword. The ripples of light in his hand turned into a strong white color almost instantly. Then, a white light shot out through the sword, straight into the air. Run towards the red skull and hit it.

The sword turns white, so it is naturally the Holy Sword, and that little bit of white light is the special attack in the Holy Sword state, Shenghua!

Even the red skeleton did not dare to underestimate Shenghua's attack power. In desperation, it had no choice but to use its shield to protect itself. With a loud bang, Shenghua's powerful attack power made it take a step back again. At this time, Long Haochen had already arrived in front of it.

The Brilliant Holy Shield had been put away, and in Long Haochen's hands there was only a ripple of light shining with the brilliance of the Holy Sword.

Shura cut.

In an instant, Long Haochen seemed to have entered a special state, revealing an extremely fierce sword intent. He used the simple Shura Slash to feel as if his body and sword were united. He could clearly see that with his body as the center, a white halo with a diameter of five meters converged inward in an instant.

Because Long Haochen's connection was too fast, the red skeleton had no time to attack him, so it could only defend with its shield. At the same time, it turned its body slightly to the side, and the shield met the attack from the side, trying to relieve the force and then immediately counterattack.

However, it underestimated the power of Long Haochen's sword. The essence, energy, and spirit that were raised to the extreme in that moment filled Long Haochen's sword with invincible aura.

The meaning of the sword was what Long Haochen gradually understood from the aria of the Goddess of Light. The reason why he didn't use the divine sword was because he didn't want to destroy the red skull's body.

Boom—— The shield was shattered, and the red skeleton was actually blown away by this sword. And because its body was facing Long Haochen diagonally before, it also made a half-turn in the air while flying out. attitude.

The four wings spread out behind Long Haochen finally flapped at this moment, and the lightning-like golden color disappeared in the air. He kicked the red skull on the waist, and at the same time, the ripples of light broke the red skull and held the bone knife. The next moment after completing these two actions with his right hand, Long Haochen in the air half-turned and extended his elbow, and the tip of his right elbow hit the red skull's throat hard.

This series of blows was almost completed instantly. In the next moment, one person and one skeleton were suddenly separated. The red skeleton was thrown three feet away and hit the ground. The right hand holding the bone knife has also separated from the body and fell to the ground.

Looking at this extremely exciting battle, everyone in the Commander-in-Chief Demon Hunting Group No. 64 showed eagerness in their eyes. They won, and after nearly a year, they finally defeated the powerful Red Skull. Moreover, in a one-on-one situation, Long Haochen did not let Yating and Haoyue assist him in fighting. This is respect for the strong.

Woo-- The red skull seemed to groan, supporting his body with his left hand and slowly getting up from the ground.

Long Haochen once again released the glorious holy shield from the eternal melody to block it in front of him, preparing to continue fighting.

The red skeleton did not attack again. It stared at Long Haochen for ten seconds. It slowly nodded to him, then knelt down on one knee and bowed to Long Haochen. Actions.

This is? Long Haochen looked at it in surprise, Senior, you don't need to be like this.

Master, Saint Guard No. 12 reports to you. A low and vicissitudes of voice sounded from the mouth of the red skull, In any world outside the Tower of Eternity, any creature that wants to harm you must step on my broken bones.

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge body of the red skeleton suddenly turned into a ray of red light and flew straight towards Long Haochen. In the air, his body became smaller and smaller. When he arrived in front of Long Haochen, he had turned into a small figure. A cluster of red flames disappeared into the eternal melody in the next moment.

Long Haochen only felt a slight heat in his chest. When he opened his clothes and looked down, he could clearly see a small cluster of red flames beating slightly on the white skull gem emitting golden light of Eternal Melody.

Holy Guard No. 12?

Looking at the ground where the severed hand, bone knife and shield fragments had disappeared without a trace, Long Haochen couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Boss, what's going on? Is it a skill or an increase in spiritual power? Sima Xian asked excitedly. They all saw the red light, but did not hear the voice of Holy Guard No. 12, so they all thought it was the same as before.

Long Haochen shook his head and said with a bitter smile: I'm afraid, I will be forced to become a necromancer. After he repeated the words of Saint Guard No. 12, he said: If I guessed correctly, I am now It should have the ability to summon the red skeleton as a guard. Wait a minute, I'll give it a try.

As he spoke, Long Haochen slowly closed his eyes. The next moment, a red light flashed, and the tall red skeleton Holy Guard No. 12 had appeared in front of Long Haochen, with its previously broken arm and broken shield. It has fully recovered, and its fiery and wild aura is slowly blooming.

Long Haochen opened his eyes and found that his soul seemed to be connected to the red skeleton, and it could completely follow his orders to fight. Moreover, it has a certain degree of self-awareness, which is the fighting instinct that Long Haochen and the others have seen before.

Everyone looked at each other, no one knew whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

They all know the disasters that the Necromancer once brought to the mainland. Long Haochen is a knight with the physique of a son of light! If he really became a necromancer, it would be too ridiculous, and it would be absolutely unacceptable to the Temple Alliance. However, Holy Guard No. 12 has already entered Long Haochen's eternal melody on its own. Can it still be driven out? Even Long Haochen couldn't completely control his eternal melody!

Haochen. Cai'er held Long Haochen's hand, Actually, I think you are thinking too much. Nothing in this world is completely good or evil. Even the necromancer can be Light system, what else is impossible? With this power, you don’t have to use it. Moreover, this red skeleton with the soul of the strong does not have the slightest breath of death. If you summon him, you will only It's to deal with the demons. If you use him to kill the demon invaders, what other psychological burden do you need?

Han Yu nodded and said: The deputy captain is right. Although this Tower of Eternity was left by the Holy Law God of the Dead, Electrox. However, it does not have any hostility towards you or us. On the contrary, it is here. With its help, our strength continues to improve. As long as our true intentions remain unwavering, worldly opinions don't matter. What's more, we can completely conceal its existence very well.

Sima Xiandao: Yes! More than 70% of the demon hunting group's final destination is in the territory of the demon clan. Maybe one day we will die there. Boss, don't think so much, take it. Just accept it. Let’s move forward and see what else is on the first floor.”

With the support of his partners, Long Haochen's face relaxed a little. In fact, after so long, he himself had figured it out, but he didn't want to cause disharmony in the team because of this incident. He still underestimated the trust his friends had in him, and no one had any intention of questioning him.

The spiritual power is connected with the eternal melody, and Long Haochen's thoughts move slightly. Holy Guard No. 12 has turned into a red light and hidden in it. It seems that it itself will be nourished by the eternal melody.

Keep the formation and keep moving forward. Long Haochen shouted. Holding the Brilliant Holy Shield and the Ripple of Light, he took the lead and walked in front.

Ripple of Light, a brilliant-level heavy sword, has very powerful skills. When it launches an attack, it will bring up ripples of spiritual power like a shadow, as a second additional attack. The power is about one-third that of a direct attack.

In other words, when Long Haochen attacks with the Holy Sword, the additional power of the second attack is one third of the Holy Sword. This is also an important reason why Holy Guard No. 12 was completely unable to stop Long Haochen's offensive. Of course, Long Haochen also understood that if Holy Guard No. 12 had a set of equipment of the same level as his own, it would not be that easy to defeat him. After all, Long Haochen learned combat skills from him.

This time, they sneaked for a full twenty meters before there was a reaction in the Tower of Eternity. Moreover, it seemed that they were getting closer and closer to the end of the first floor. They could vaguely see the innermost part of the first floor. It is a tall statue.

A ray of crystal blue light fell from the sky. In the blue light, a skeleton that looked no different from Holy Guard No. 12 slowly rose from the ground. An icy blue halo seemed to be injected into its body instantly. However, its body did not It did not expand like the Holy Guard No. 12, but only maintained a height of about 1.8 meters. However, its bones completely turned dark blue, and two blue soul fires beat violently in its eye sockets. In his right hand, a long-handled staff appeared quietly.

Be careful of magic skeletons, everyone. Long Haochen shouted, and at the same time, his body charged towards the blue skeleton like an arrow, increasing his speed to the maximum almost instantly. He had a hunch that this should be the last level of the first level of the Tower of Eternity. After passing this level, everything on the first level of the Tower of Eternity would be presented to their eyes.

The blazing red-gold flames instantly rose from around Long Haochen's body, illuminating every detail in the Tower of Eternity. He was not only trying to compete with opponents who were obviously ice-type, but also to illuminate the surroundings for his friends. All circumstances are in order for everyone to deal with the attack of the blue skeleton.

There is an essential difference between the blue skeleton and the red skeleton in the sixth level. When its soul fire was ignited, it did not make any sound, but appeared extremely calm. Facing Long Haochen's charge, its body slid backwards as if it was sticking to the ice. At the same time, with a light finger of the staff in its hand, a thick cloud of ice mist had already covered the sky and covered Long Haochen. And arrived.

Hey, it's time for me to show off my power. Lin Xin's excited voice sounded, and a layer of blue flame suddenly appeared in front of Long Haochen, as if he radiated it on his own.


Recommended votes, yes or no. Hand it over, hand over your monthly ticket too, it’s the last few days. It’s so unpleasant to see the big cat’s big butt dangling in front of me, hehe. By the way, the post I made in the Qidian Ten Years topic includes a photo of me and the big cat. You can check it out. It seems to be on the fifth or sixth floor of the post.

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