Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 376 Two Legends

Little brother, I have some good equipment here, do you think you need it? As he said that, the middle-aged man shook his hand and threw a small wrist guard to Long Haochen.

Long Haochen is now at the sixth level of cultivation. He can feel the level of this equipment just by his senses. This is just a piece of spiritual-level equipment. When put into the hand, it feels slightly heavy.

Brother, what is the purpose of this equipment? Long Haochen asked curiously.

The middle-aged man said: It comes with adsorption skills. Even though it is only at the spirit level, its effect is very useful in some specific situations. It comes with adsorption skills, which can last for ten minutes by consuming a little spiritual energy. It can allow you to The hand with the wrist guard has an adsorption effect on any smooth surface. Unless you release it yourself or your arm is cut off, it will not let go. Of course, every time you release it and activate it again, you will need to pay more. A little spiritual power.”

Long Haochen said doubtfully: Aren't we sixth-level professionals all able to fly? This adsorption ability...

Before the stall owner could explain, Cai'er had already taken the wristband from Long Haochen's hand, nodded and said, We want this piece of equipment, how much merit does it have?

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said: Sure enough, I still have some sense. Not much, ten thousand meritorious deeds.

Okay, please wait a moment. Cai'er handed the wristband back to the stall owner. After a while, he called Lin Xin over. Without counter-offering, he directly paid 10,000 merit to buy the wristband, and Put it on your left wrist.

After leaving the stall, Long Haochen couldn't help but ask: Cai'er, is this spirit-level equipment really worth ten thousand merit points?

Cai'er smiled slightly and said: Maybe it's not worth it, but it's a good thing that even money can't buy. Among the equipment, it is a rare equipment. Rare equipment is equipment that comes with some very special skills. This protector The skill attached to the wrist is not adsorption. According to the stall owner, the skill attached to it should be called absolute adsorption. Don’t think that we can adapt to any environment with the ability to fly. Many times, this absolute adsorption ability can save lives. . Let me give you a simple example, if we are in a restricted air environment or underwater, how much effect can our spiritual wings play? Also, when facing Warcraft, with absolute adsorption, I can always keep myself Continuously attack the enemy at the most painful position. In short, you must not miss this good thing when you encounter it. You will see its specific effects later.

As they talked, the two of them arrived at the official counter on the third floor of the trading center and brought Lin Xin over directly.

There were quite a few people in front of the official counter, and there were also quite a few receptionists behind the counter. Long Haochen and the others crept in from the edge, and finally got a staff member to receive them.

Hello, are there any legendary equipment for sale now? Any kind is fine. We would like to buy some. Long Haochen said to the staff.

The staff member was stunned for a moment, seemingly shocked by his wealth, Please wait a moment, I want to check.

Soon, the staff came back, There are currently two pieces of legendary equipment that have not been sold and have not been inspected. Another two pieces are being inspected. Do you need to inspect them?

The inspection he refers to means that the demon hunter checks and evaluates the equipment by himself before deciding whether to purchase it. The two items being inspected should be the other demon hunters in front of the counter.

Long Haochen nodded and said, We need to check both items.

The staff member said: Please pay the inspection fee of 20,000 merits first. If you finally decide to purchase these two pieces of equipment, the inspection fee can be converted into the cost of purchasing the equipment. If you give up the purchase, the inspection fee will not be refunded.

Lin Xin quit and shouted: You guys are too shady. Just looking at it requires 10,000 merit points. Why don't you go and grab it? Do you know how difficult it is for us to get merit points from killing enemies in the Demon Clan?

The staff member said with an unchanging expression: I'm sorry, this is the regulation of the trading center. Because legendary equipment involves many problems, if we check it casually, our work will be difficult. If you still have questions, you can contact the trading center for law enforcement Negotiate everywhere.”

Lin Xin wanted to say something else, but Long Haochen raised his hand to stop him, Forget it, Lin Xin. Give it to him.

Lin Xin has always been known for pursuing maximizing profits, but he could not go against Long Haochen's words, so he had to trade 20,000 merit credits unwillingly. However, his eyes were moving around, not knowing what he was thinking.

Please wait a moment. After collecting 20,000 merit points, the staff's attitude immediately became more respectful. If they were willing to spend 20,000 merit points to check the equipment, it proved that they had real purchasing power. The slight contempt for them because of their youth suddenly stopped.

There were a lot of handsome demon hunters around, and the movement here also attracted the attention of many people. You know, not every commander-level demon hunting group has the courage to spend tens of thousands of gold coins to check out legendary equipment, otherwise there would be two pieces that are not within the scope of the check.

After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, the staff member returned behind the counter, accompanied by two other older staff members. Both of them are wearing white robes, they are at least fifty years old, and they have an air of dignity. Each person holds a box in his hand.

The staff member said to Long Haochen and the others: If the three of them are from the same demon hunting group, they can go in together for inspection.

Thank you. Long Haochen and the others were not polite. They walked behind the counter through the side door opened by the staff, and entered a room at the back under the leadership of the two older staff.

The room was not big, and it looked like it was used for the staff to rest. Two staff members placed the boxes in their hands on the table. Then he made a gesture of invitation. At the same time, the two men each had a flash of light, and two layers of light, one silver and one gold, spread out, blocking the outside atmosphere from the inside. This is naturally to prevent the spiritual power of the legendary equipment from leaking out.

One of the old men said: You can start the inspection. The total inspection time for the two pieces of equipment shall not exceed half an hour.

Long Haochen winked at Lin Xin, and they each came to a box, opened the button on it, and slowly opened it.

The lid is heavy and it seems like the entire box is made of special metal. When Long Haochen saw the size of these two boxes before, he understood that these two pieces of legendary equipment should be weapons.

When Long Haochen opened the box, a strong stream of water vapor hit him, and a water-blue staff appeared in front of him.

This staff is not long, only about one meter and two meters. It is made of crystal blue color, and you can’t tell what material it is made of. The staff has a soft streamline shape, getting thinner and thinner from bottom to top. When it reaches the tip, it is There is a white snowflake, exuding a cool breath.

The shape of the staff is simple and smooth, but it gives people a refreshing feeling full of nobility. Long Haochen carefully took it out of the box, and immediately felt a wave of extremely cold breath coming from the staff into his body. The most bizarre thing was that the blue color on the staff dissipated into mist as he moved, revealing the pure white body inside. Was that blue color before actually the almost solidified water element? It is indeed a legend!

This staff is called Ice and Snow Pride. It has only two skills, but they are both extremely practical. One is water condensation and the other is ice pride. The water condensation skill can directly convert the magic cast by the water magician into The more powerful ice type, and Ice Pride has an explosion effect. Any water type skill can explode through Ice Pride, thus increasing the combat effectiveness of the skill itself. Simply put, if an ice cone pierces the enemy's body, and then triggers Pride of Ice, then the results can be imagined. How powerful the power is depends on the strength of the user. The use of this staff requires a water magician with an inner spiritual power of more than 8,000. The price is 2 One hundred and fifty thousand meritorious service.

The old man standing aside briefly introduced all aspects of this legendary staff.

The voice of another old man also sounded at this time, The wings of the fire dragon are made from the bone marrow of the ancient fire dragon's wings as the core, supplemented by a variety of precious materials, and then spawned by the soul of the fire dragon, finally becoming this legendary treasure. Suitable for fire warriors and magicians. Enhances the condensation speed of fire elements by 100%, increases the flying speed of spiritual wings by 100%, comes with the skill Fire Dragon Guard, seventh-level fire defense magic, solidification. Can be used three times a day. Requirements for use, internal spiritual power eight More than a thousand, the price is 320,000 merit.

One water, one fire, two legends, Lin Xin is undoubtedly much more lucky. Fire Dragon Wings has a total of two enhancements and one skill, which is considered a very powerful legendary equipment.

Lin Xin was seen holding a pair of palm-sized fiery red mini wings in his hand, and asked the old man next to him doubtfully: Senior, how do you use this thing?

The old man said: Close to your vest and connect with your inner spiritual power and heart fire, and its power will show itself. However, although you are a fire magician, do you have eight thousand inner spiritual powers?

Lin Xin shook his head helplessly and said: My inner spiritual power is only 5,000. It seems that I won't be able to use this good thing for a while. Boss, what should I do? The last sentence was naturally asked to Long Haochen. .

Long Haochen smiled calmly and said, We want both of these.

Ah? The two old men were also surprised, and looked at each other with a bit of disbelief.

Long Haochen continued: If the other legendary equipment is not purchased after being inspected by the demon hunter, we also hope to continue to inspect it. Lin Xin, first pay the merits of these two legendary equipment to the two seniors.

Lin Xin looked at Long Haochen dumbfounded and said: Boss, there's no need to be in such a hurry. This is 570,000 meritorious deeds! We have saved most of it. Besides, we don't need an ice staff in our team.

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: Just do as I say. His prestige in the team has been built up through life and death. Lin Xin himself was very convinced of him. He endured the pain and put the two pieces of equipment together. The required merit was paid to the two old men.

The two old men were still very surprised until now. One was surprised by how young Long Haochen and the others were, and the other was naturally surprised by how wealthy they were. Even if those senior handsome demon hunting groups want to spend more than 500,000 merits, it is not an easy task!

You know, killing a sixth-level demon usually only results in one or two thousand merit points. Is it so easy to accumulate more than half a million meritorious deeds?

Long Haochen said to Lin Xin: Try if you can use the wings of the fire dragon.

Lin Xin asked doubtfully: Didn't it say that eight thousand spiritual powers are needed to use it?

Long Haochen said: Have you forgotten your Xin Yan? Your flames are different from those of ordinary magicians, and the requirements for using some equipment should be reduced. Give it a try, and if it doesn't work, just save your strength and use it later.

That's right! Why didn't I think of that? Lin Xin's eyes lit up. As he spoke, he sent the mini wings with a restrained halo and a faint golden-red brilliance to his vest, and at the same time urged his own spiritual power to blend with them. .

Pfft. A layer of blue flames suddenly rose from Lin Xin's body. Suddenly, the temperature in the room rose at an alarming rate. The two old men were startled. They looked at each other and couldn't help but express their emotions. With admiration, they could naturally feel the high temperature of the flame.

A slight dragon roar emanated from the Fire Dragon Wings, and blue flames were injected into it crazily. Suddenly, the originally golden-red Fire Dragon Wings gradually exuded a dark blue luster. In the process of change, it seemed to have It seems to be melting.

Lin Xin let go of the hand holding the Fire Dragon Wings and exerted all his spiritual power. This lasted for several minutes. The Fire Dragon Wings suddenly became radiant, and the dark blue flame light suddenly burst out and then suddenly subsided. Lin Xin seemed to be affected by it. His own spiritual wings emitting blue flames stretched out behind his back and merged with the wings of the fire dragon.

Suddenly, Lin Xin's spiritual wings at least doubled in size, and looked much more solid than before. A layer of dragon scales could be vaguely seen on the spiritual wings, and the dark blue wings were much thicker. As long as it's cool, it'll be cool. The aura he exuded also suddenly changed, with a faint hint of dragon power, and the flame of his own heart became thicker.

It feels so good. Lin Xin let out a long sigh of relief, It is indeed a good thing with 320,000 meritorious deeds! Even if I don't practice, my spiritual power seems to increase faster than when I practice. It feels so good, Wow haha, it’s so cool.”

Seeing him dancing with pride, Long Haochen smiled and said: Okay, put away your spiritual wings. It's time for us to go out. Maybe they will also gain something. As he said this, he put his spiritual wings in his hands. The Pride of Ice and Snow was put back into the box, closed the lid, and stored it in the Eternal Melody. After once again emphasizing their desire for legendary equipment to the two old men, they left the room and returned to the third-floor trading center.


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