Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 344 The Physique of God’s Favorite (Part 2)

Ye Xiaolei stuck out her tongue and said, What does it matter? Aren't you still calling me little sister? If we were to judge age according to your human way, I would have been alive for at least ten thousand years, and you are just a brat in front of me. Woolen cloth.

... Long Haochen looked at her speechlessly. He believed that what the little girl said was true, but it was obviously unrealistic for him to regard her as an ancient ancestor who lived thousands of years ago, because the girl's behavior was not much different from that of a little girl.

Seeing his deflated look, Ye Xiaolei seemed to be very satisfied. Even the sadness in her brows had dissipated a lot, but she soon became angry again and said angrily: You are so annoying.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said: If I remember correctly, it seems that we have just helped you. Why do you hate it?

Ye Xiaolei said matter-of-factly: Of course I hate it. You are a child of light, but why do you want to be infected with the aura of a necromancer, and you are also a very powerful necromancer. Are you crazy? Aren't you afraid of your own heart of light? Destroyed?

Long Haochen looked at her seriously and said, If you can help me remove the connection with him, I will be very grateful.

Ye Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, Please tell me the process of communicating with the Necromancer, and I will listen.

At the moment, Long Haochen told in detail how he entered the Cave of Fear and Lamentation and what happened later in the Tower of Eternity.

After hearing what he said, Ye Xiaolei looked at him blankly for a long time without saying a word.

This, how is this possible? A necromancer with light attributes. Oh my god! Could it be that, like you, that guy is also a favored person of the goddess of light? It's incredible. A favored person of the goddess of light actually chose to do this Necromancer, something must have happened to him.

Long Haochen said in surprise: Only a light mage with the constitution of a son of light can become a light necromancer?

Ye Xiaolei nodded seriously, Yes. Necromancer is a dirty profession, dealing with corpses and death. It is the greatest blasphemy to the light. Only the purest child of light physique can never be destroyed. With that filthiness, you can keep your heart pure and become a necromancer of the light system. This is more difficult than inheriting the mantle of the Goddess of Light. That guy is simply the greatest genius among you humans.

Long Haochen already had some understanding of what God's Favored One was, and she didn't need any further explanation. However, he was still surprised. Could it be that the Holy Law God of the Dead and the sleeping natural disaster Electrolux was also a favored one? The favored one from thousands of years ago...

Long Haochen and Ye Xiaolei just stared at each other blankly, their hearts filled with shock. They all have a common question, what made the Sleeping Scourge, who also has the constitution of the Son of Light, choose to become a necromancer?

I can't help you. Ye Xiaolei said with some difficulty. This Sleeping Calamity Electrolux is too powerful. The fact that he can leave behind a mage tower that tears apart space means that he has reached the level of a demigod. It is far beyond what I can compete with. Even if my sister is still there, It can't dissolve the relationship between you and him. If you want to know what happened to him, then you have to go to the top of the tower. When you accept his true inheritance, you should get some of his memories.

At this point, she sighed softly, Even if he is a light necromancer, he is still a necromancer after all! Death is opposite to life. As a life attribute, I can't leave here with you. It's such a pity. After waiting for so many years, I finally met a person favored by God like you, but I can't leave. Do you think you hate it? I've been waiting for tens of thousands of years.

Long Haochen was speechless and didn't know how to answer her words. He could only look at her helplessly.

Ye Xiaolei looked at him dissatisfiedly for a long time with her mouth pouted, and then said: Okay, how about I make a deal with you?

What deal? Long Haochen looked at her warily. Although this little girl only looks six or seven years old, she is probably the guardian of this dreamy paradise.

Ye Xiaolei said angrily: Are you so nervous? There is no harm to you at all. There are only benefits. Do you see it? She pointed to the eight spiritual furnaces beside her.

Long Haochen nodded seriously.

Ye Xiao said tearfully: I will give you all these spiritual furnaces. Moreover, I can also exempt you from the next round of tests when you leave heaven. You can directly accept the final test. In this case, as long as you people are not too greedy, you will get the spiritual furnaces. If there are too many, there will basically be no problem. The benefits are huge.

Seeing her exaggerated expression and the way she spread her hands in a big circle, Long Haochen remained unmoved and asked seriously: Then what do I need to do?

Hey. Can you do it? You don't have the energy of a man at all. Just promise me that you will die? Ye Xiaolei said very dissatisfied.

Long Haochen shrugged his shoulders and said: I am not only responsible for myself, but also responsible for my partners.

Ye Xiao cried: It has nothing to do with them. It's just you. I want you to maintain a spiritual connection with me. When I need your help, you can't refuse.

For example? Long Haochen did not relax, but asked.

Ye Xiaolei's eyes widened, What else do you want?

Long Haochen said: I hope to know the worst possible outcome.

Ye Xiaolei suddenly said with an angry face: If the worst happens, it will only be to take advantage of you, and you will not lose anything. No wonder you look like a woman and your personality is as tough as a woman's. It’s so annoying. Just forget it if you don’t want to trade.”

Oh. Long Haochen didn't get angry, and turned around and walked toward the top of the mountain.

You... Ye Xiaolei was really pissed off by him. Stomping his feet, he still followed after all, If the worst happens, if you don't help me, you humans will be doomed.

Long Haochen turned around again, looked at her with a smile, and made a gesture that he wanted to hear the details.

About half an hour later. When Long Haochen and Ye Xiaolei returned to the top of the mountain together, their faces seemed to become very calm. It was as if nothing had happened.

Long Haochen looked at his friends with a smile, including Zhang Fangfang who was currently practicing, Come on, let's all separate into the spiritual furnace.

The eight spiritual furnaces that were originally beside Ye Xiaolei were now hovering above Long Haochen's head.

The members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 looked at me and I looked at you. The next moment, they rushed over amidst cheers.

Long Haochen turned to look at Ye Xiaolei and said, Sorry to trouble you.

Ye Xiaolei snorted angrily, I know. As she spoke, she clicked her fingers together, and green lights fell on everyone. Everyone felt as if their bodies were immersed in viscous liquid, and they were suddenly unable to move. Immediately afterwards, they watched the spiritual furnaces flying towards them.

Not everyone has obtained a spiritual furnace, not Long Haochen. Cai'er got one, and among the others, Wang Yuanyuan didn't get another spiritual furnace. Instead, Han Yu, who had never obtained a spiritual furnace before, directly obtained two. There are two more staying at Zhang Fangfang's side.

Ye Xiaolei waved her hand and said: I will distribute the most suitable ones according to your attributes. Each of you can absorb it. Then you can leave here.

Cai'er gave Long Haochen a puzzled look, as if asking why he didn't get even a spiritual furnace.

Long Haochen smiled at her and shook his head, saying, I have gained enough this time.

Ye Xiaolei snorted and said, There is nothing suitable for him. Hurry up and hurry up.

Others began to quickly absorb their own spiritual furnaces. Wang Yuanyuan, who was idle, subconsciously looked at Zhang Fangfang who was practicing in the distance.

At this moment, Zhang Fangfang slowly opened his eyes, with a faint golden light emitting from his eyes. Just as he met her eyes, Wang Yuanyuan's facial expression froze slightly, and then he nodded to him.

Long Haochen said: Brother Zhang, absorb it quickly. These two spiritual furnaces belong to you.

Among these spiritual furnaces, it is certainly not that there are none suitable for Long Haochen to absorb. There are five light spiritual furnaces, one for Sima Xian, two for Han Yu, and two for Zhang Fangfang. Long Haochen can absorb and use all of them. However, according to Ye Xiaolei, these low-to-mid-level spiritual furnaces absorbed too much, which actually restricted his future development. Moreover, with the awakening of his son of light, the body of the God's Favorite, Long Haochen also felt the gap between himself and his partners. He also wanted to help his partners grow up quickly. We are a team. If the gap is too big, it will be very difficult. It is not conducive to future development. Therefore, before coming back, he told Ye Xiaolei that he had given up, and used her words to tell him that there was no spiritual furnace suitable for him.

Because it was only the initial absorption, the absorption process was very simple. Soon, everyone completed the initial integration with the spiritual furnace with a happy face.

When the last person completed the spiritual furnace fusion and opened his eyes, Ye Xiao said tearfully: Okay, you can return to the temple. Remember, although I can erase the spiritual furnace test you have to go through, let you and the spiritual furnace Directly carry out the final fusion. However, the final test of Dream Paradise is indispensable. That is, the synthesis of spiritual furnaces. Anyone who has more than two spiritual furnaces must use great perseverance to complete it. Once it fails, it is best to The result is that all the spiritual furnaces will fly away, and may even threaten your lives.

Yes, this is also one of the biggest mysteries of Dream Paradise. No matter how many spiritual furnaces you get here, they can only be combined into one in the end. This is a crisis but also an opportunity. The power of the synthesized spiritual furnace will be greatly improved, but if it fails, there will be a huge price to pay.

Those demons who were taken away by the Demon God Emperor might be able to use some special means to fuse the spiritual furnaces in their bodies, but they also lost the chance of synthesis. This secret is also the greatest strength of the Priest Temple.

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