Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 343 The Physique of God’s Favorite (Part 2)

Nine light patterns gradually appeared on Long Haochen's forehead. They were purple at first, but soon turned into gold. The surface of his skin also seemed to be inlaid with a layer of gold foil, and even its appearance could not be clearly seen.

The sunlight became stronger and stronger, and the golden color on Long Haochen's body became more and more intense. Under his feet, a diverging golden halo gradually took shape.

This halo is very special. In the gorgeous golden light, the lines on the edge are like diverging sunlight, thick gold, colorful texture, and the place under Long Haochen's feet in the center is even more golden.

An illusory golden light gradually appeared above his head. The figure looked somewhat similar to the light elemental elf Yating, but it was very illusory and could not be seen clearly. The body with a height of about three meters, exuding a soft golden halo, slowly descended and gradually merged with Long Haochen.

A low moan came from Yating's mouth. She has been floating in the air since Long Haochen entered the awakening state. Just when Long Haochen officially started the awakening ceremony, her face was already full of surprise.

Seeing the golden light and shadow blending into Long Haochen's body, Yating's body also began to change. Drops of golden liquid separated from Long Haochen's body and merged into Yating's body. Her entire body seemed to have been reshaped, the size remained the same, but the original illusion was completely lost. Not only that, there is a small golden staff in Yating's right hand. The style of the staff is very simple, with a straight handle that is about the same height as Yating, and a diamond-shaped golden gemstone on the top.

In addition, there is also a golden gemstone in the middle of Yating's forehead. There was also a small halo under his feet, which was exactly the same as the golden halo under Long Haochen's feet.

But these are not the biggest changes in her. The biggest change in her is her breath. Originally, she only had the aura of elements, but at this moment, she actually exuded a strong aura of life. She is no longer an intelligent light elf, but a real elf, a light elf.

From this moment on, she was no longer Long Haochen's auxiliary spiritual furnace, but an elf with the ability to directly attack enemies, amplify teammates, and have her own life.

Of course, she is still Long Haochen's contracted soul furnace, and this will not change. If she leaves Long Haochen and loses the blessing of the Son of Light, the God's Favorite, then she may have no choice but to change back to her original appearance.

A long moan suddenly sounded from Long Haochen's mouth. Yating also raised her head and moaned like a murmur. Immediately afterwards, a strange scene appeared. It first appeared on Yating.

Under her original two pairs of light wings, another pair of light wings appeared. The delicate new wings gradually unfolded, and her overall aura suddenly changed drastically, and her figure became a bit taller again. , already close to one meter. The gem on his forehead became a little more angular, and some gorgeous textures began to appear on the staff in his hand.

Yes, with the help of Long Haochen's awakening, Yating evolved again. This is already her third evolution after following Long Haochen.

The change not only happened to her, but what was even more strange was Long Haochen. Behind him, the original huge light wings slowly rose up, and another pair of light wings actually poked out from under the original light wings, and Yating's The light wings are similar, with the tip of the sword extending out. The golden feathers on the two teams of spirit wings became much denser, and between the gentle flapping, there were faintly magnificent golden lines emanating from them.

The spiritual wings of a strong human being can actually become two pairs?

At this moment, a golden beam of light suddenly shot into the sky not far behind Long Haochen.

It was Zhang Fangfang. Under the rich golden light beam, his body slowly floated off the ground. The golden spiritual wings behind him suddenly expanded a bit. His whole body became transparent in an instant, and then slowly returned to normal. . His right arm still remained transparent, as if it were carved from a piece of golden crystal.

Brilliant body! Yes, under the influence of Long Haochen's awakening of the body of the God's Favorite, coupled with his own savings and the stimulation of successive battles, Zhang Fangfang finally broke through the seventh-level tranquility that had restricted him for a long time, and successfully broke through and became a A seventh-level Templar. This can be said to be an unexpected surprise.

Although Han Yu and Sima Xian, both of the light element, have not made such impressive progress, the light element aura around their bodies has obviously become much more solid.

The straight golden light beam gradually dissipated, and the sun shone on the earth again, bringing light to the dreamy paradise. Long Haochen also slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, there seemed to be two golden lightning flashes in the air, but he soon returned to normal.

Turning to look at Cai'er who looked concerned, Long Haochen said apologetically, I made you worry.

Cai'er didn't say anything, she just leaned against his shoulder silently and held his hand tightly.

Long Haochen had never expected this surprising change before. Witnessing Abao's persistent attack on the top of the mountain, feeling the thick breath of life in the air, and the mist of light element attracted by Yating, he felt that he had entered a wonderful state.

When he saw Abao transformed into a heaven-defying demonic dragon, he already had the intention to retreat, and he had to take responsibility for his friends. Therefore, he was ready to activate the Eternal Melody in advance and take his friends and Ye Xiaolei to teleport to the Tower of Eternity.

However, when he entered that wonderful state, he suddenly felt that if he just retreated, he would definitely lose something important. Under the guidance of that strange understanding, he did not back down, but led his companions to face the difficulties and began to activate the charging skills. That sword was slashed out completely under that strange state of perception. At that moment, he only felt that his essence and spirit were completely integrated into one, which was different from ordinary people's mental power, his own spiritual power, and all the outside world that could use it. The light elements were completely integrated into that sword. Even when his sword that contained the truth of heaven and earth struck out, Long Haochen even felt the magic of being one with heaven and earth and holding the sun in his hand.

It was the sword that borrowed the power of heaven and earth that caused him to completely fall into a strange epiphany, and also began the process of awakening the Son of Light. Countless strange pictures kept appearing in his mind, and enlightenments lingered in his heart.

When he woke up again, the secret of the Son of Light was deeply imprinted in his mind as if it belonged to him originally.

The Son of Light is a person favored by the Goddess of Light, and is the spokesperson of the sun. Wherever the sun shines, he can temporarily use the power of the sun and the power of the Goddess of Light to make up for his own shortcomings. This is the true legend of the Children of Light. Otherwise, if you just practice a little faster than ordinary people and have a stronger sense of light elements, then the Son of Light's physique will be too fragile.

The moment he truly awakened and became the Son of Light, his innate inner spiritual power also rose to its peak, the true hundred, the true perfection.

Long Haochen finally understood why the Son of Samsara was able to severely damage the Demon God Emperor with less than one-third of his spiritual power, and ultimately led to the fall of the Demon God Emperor of that generation. Because the original son of reincarnation must have awakened. If Long Haochen relied on the power of light, then Son of Samsara relied on the power of killing. He is the favored one of the God of War!

Long Haochen's awakening was in this dreamy paradise full of rich light elements and the friendly atmosphere of nature. If Cai'er, the saint of reincarnation, wants to awaken, then it must be on a battlefield full of killing and blood. . Only through constant fighting, in a world full of killing, can she truly understand the secret of the Saint of Reincarnation.

All the golden light finally converged completely. The two pairs of spiritual wings behind Long Haochen spread slightly, and his figure levitated about half a foot off the ground before falling back again. It seemed that he was not quite used to his four wings. .

Thick light elements circulated in the air. Long Haochen's temperament seemed to have become calmer and more mature, and he seemed to have grown taller. If he only looked at his appearance, no one could tell that he was only fifteen years old. More like a young man in his twenties.

After awakening, the Son of Light is no longer just stunningly handsome, but has a strange attraction. Anyone who looks at him will be unconsciously attracted by his special affinity.

Hey, let's talk. Ye Xiaolei's voice sounded from the side.

Long Haochen turned around and retracted the four wings behind his body. The light element elf Yating also threw herself into Long Haochen's arms with a moan full of excitement and disappeared directly from his chest. After awakening, Long Haochen was like the mother of light that nurtured her growth.

Looking at the eight swirling spiritual furnaces beside Ye Xiaolei, Long Haochen nodded.

Follow me. Ye Xiaolei waved to him and walked down the hill.

Long Haochen gestured to his friends to wait a moment and immediately followed them.

Ye Xiaolei didn't go too far. She seemed to be worried. This expression seemed a bit strange on a girl who was only six or seven years old.

Stopping in the middle of the mountain, Ye Xiaolei turned around, and a layer of green light full of life spread out, covering her and Long Haochen's bodies.

Little sister, what do you want to say to me? Long Haochen asked with a smile.

Even though Ye Xiaolei looked like a six or seven-year-old girl at this moment, she couldn't help but be stunned when she saw his sunny smile. He couldn't help but said: You are so good-looking, even the elves are not as good-looking as you.

Long Haochen's eyes twitched slightly, Please describe me as handsome. Good-looking is used to describe girls.


Don't worry, Xiaolong and the others still have to pass the final test. Guess what it is. But it's not easy.

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