Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 345 Spirit Furnace Synthesis (Part 1)

The reason why the Temple Alliance dares to allow the demons to enter is that they are not afraid of them getting more spiritual furnaces. The synthesis of more than three spiritual furnaces will be extremely dangerous. The chances of passing are quite slim. What's more, Dream Paradise itself rejects dark attributes.

Unfortunately, the senior leaders of the Temple Alliance and the Priest Temple did not expect that the Demon God Emperor would be able to intervene and rescue those powerful demons. As a result, the plan failed, and this time most of the powerful demons would also enter the dream. The demon hunters in Paradise killed. In terms of losses, both sides suffered considerable losses. However, it is obvious that the demons are bigger. Those who died were all the heirs of the demon gods of various clans in the demon clan.

Groups of green light started on their own, and they were green light groups suspended behind everyone. Along with flashes of green light, their bodies disappeared one after another in the green light.

Long Haochen was the last one to disappear. Ye Xiaolei waved to him and said softly, Thank you. How could she really be ungrateful? It's just that he doesn't want to admit it.

A strange feeling occurs to everyone, and everyone is in a separate green space. There is only endless green in this space, but there is endless restraint. I can't leave, I can only sit there cross-legged. Complete the fusion of their respective spiritual furnaces.

Everyone absorbs the spiritual furnace differently, and the process of fusion is naturally different. The test of this process was directly canceled by Ye Xiaolei. Therefore, they skipped the test process and directly became the fusion with the spiritual furnace.

The most relaxed among them is undoubtedly Long Haochen. He did not obtain any new spiritual furnace in the dream paradise. Therefore, after just staying here for a while, the light flashed and he entered the next space, a green and blue space. In the rippling blue pool. Begins his final spiritual furnace synthesis test.

Others were not so relaxed. During the process of fusing the spiritual furnace, Wang Yuanyuan and Cai'er each fused a spiritual furnace. Except for them, everyone else has to fuse as many as two spiritual furnaces. Although there is a sequence for fusion, continuous fusion of spiritual furnaces is also a considerable test for their bodies.

Cai'er can fuse the spiritual furnace very quickly. As the owner of the physique of the Saint of Reincarnation and another person favored by the gods besides Long Haochen, it is no difficulty for her to fuse a spiritual furnace with attributes that are consistent with her own. Although this spiritual furnace is already the third one she owns.

The spiritual furnace Cai'er fused this time was naturally not comparable to the Samsara Spiritual Furnace she owned, but it was also a spiritual furnace of the same level as the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace.

The name of this spiritual furnace is: Shadow of Truth.

It is only suitable for assassins. Because only the assassin's shadow clone skills can fully unleash the power of this spiritual furnace. When the Shadow Soul Furnace of Truth is used, it can make the assassin himself transform into a phantom and become a real existence. The elementary Shadow Soul Furnace of Truth can make the phantom appear for about three seconds. With the evolution, this The time will be extended.

Its biggest function is that this virtual shadow can have the same combat power as the real body. Although it is only three seconds, there is no doubt its role in some critical moments.

With Cai'er's strength and such a real shadow, her high attack power on the battlefield will undoubtedly double again. Just imagine, what a terrible thing it would be if she used the Shadow of Reality at the same time as she used the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace. Of course, this spiritual furnace cannot be used casually. It can only be used up to three times a day.

Unfortunately, this spiritual furnace will be synthesized with Cai'er's other two spiritual furnaces soon after the fusion. Whether the synthesis can be successful will be the biggest problem facing Cai'er. She is also the only one among the eight people who has to complete the synthesis of three spiritual furnaces this time.

The shadow of reality was quickly absorbed, and the next moment Cai'er appeared and soaked in the same blue-green pool water as Long Haochen. A strange halo spread from her body.

Wang Yuanyuan was only a little slower than Cai'er in merging the spiritual furnace. She only needed to fuse one spiritual furnace, and the Space Gate Spiritual Furnace matched her attributes. After completing the fusion quickly, she even directly crossed the blue-green pool water. , the first to appear in the natural temple. She only owns one spiritual furnace and does not need to go through the synthesis process. Therefore, she became the first beneficiary to come out alive after entering the dream paradise. Of course, she would not leave the Dream Temple at this time, and would have to wait for her friends to come out, especially Long Haochen. It is not convenient for them to go directly to the road and they must leave through the Tower of Eternity.

Sima Xian's process of integrating the spiritual furnace can be described as fiery. The purple thunder and lightning almost cooked him, and the hair on his body, well, except for his hair, all stood on end from the electricity.

There is no doubt about the offensive power of the Purple Thunder Spiritual Furnace. This spiritual furnace is enough to be ranked as a second-level spiritual furnace. Its power can be imagined. What's more, Sima Xian himself is not a thunder attribute! There are almost no humans with lightning attributes in this world. Therefore, it becomes more and more difficult for him to integrate. Just the fusion of a Purple Thunder Spiritual Furnace made him miserable.

However, the tenacity of Sima Xian's character is by no means worse than anyone else in the team. If he didn't have inner persistence and tenacity, as a priest, how could he carry out the violence to the end?

This guy was shouting that it felt so good while merging with the Purple Thunder Spiritual Furnace with all his strength. Perhaps it was his toughness that conquered the heart of Zi Lei Spirit Furnace. Finally the process of gradual integration began.

It would be much easier to fuse his other spiritual furnace. The other spiritual furnace is called Ghost of Light. Long Haochen carefully selected it for him after asking Ye Ye Xiaolei. This is an auxiliary spiritual furnace with only one function. It can be used to repeat any attack. There is also a limit to the number of times it can be used, and it can be used three times a day. The ghost of light coupled with the purple thunder furnace is naturally for the high explosive power that Sima Xian pursues. His outburst was positive and something the team needed.

Compared with Sima Xian, Lin Xin is much happier. The fit between his two spiritual furnaces was astonishingly high. Without him having to do anything, the two spiritual furnaces started to merge with his body at the same time. Moreover, Lin Xin's control over the fire element is far superior to ordinary people. When fused together, he was like a fish in water. He completed the fusion process of the two spiritual furnaces less than half an hour later than Wang Yuanyuan, and entered into the synthesis of the spiritual furnace. In the turquoise water.

Among his two spiritual furnaces, in addition to the Heart Flame Spiritual Furnace he obtained previously, the other is the Flame Eagle Spiritual Furnace, which is a strange spiritual furnace that integrates offense and defense. The Flame Eagle Soul Furnace can release a giant flame eagle to help him attack and defend, and it is completely under his control. The compatibility between the Flame Eagle Spiritual Furnace and the Heart Flame Spiritual Furnace seems to be very high, which is also an important reason why he can absorb two spiritual furnaces at the same time.

Han Yu also had a very smooth fusion of spiritual furnaces. His two spiritual furnaces were the Light Guardian Spirit Furnace and the Light Gathering Spirit Furnace. One is mainly for defense, and the other is mainly for auxiliary training. They are all relatively peaceful spiritual furnaces. Moreover, the two spiritual furnaces he fused can directly increase his own spiritual furnace cultivation. Therefore, during the integration process, Han Yu's strength also gradually improved. With an innate spiritual power as high as 80, he vaguely felt that he might be the smoothest one in the subsequent synthesis of the spiritual furnace.

Chen Ying'er's fusion is relatively difficult. In addition to the substitute spiritual furnace, she also got another spiritual furnace called the Time Spiritual Furnace. It is a spiritual furnace that is very suitable for summoners. With this spiritual furnace, it can extend the life of summoned beasts. capabilities and duration. To put it simply, if it acts on McDull, then McDull's strength after absorbing the magic crystal will not last ten minutes, but twenty minutes. It's a very practical skill. Coupled with the almost double summoning of the substitute soul furnace, Chen Ying'er's strength will be greatly enhanced.

However, it is not easy to absorb these two spiritual furnaces. Their attributes are not very consistent, so it is naturally difficult to absorb them. However, Chen Ying'er's personality is actually the exact opposite of Wang Yuanyuan's. Wang Yuanyuan is tough on the outside, but she is actually tough on the outside and soft on the inside. She is very sensitive on the inside, while Chen Yinger is soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

After having McDull Piggy, her role in the team has significantly increased. However, she has always been able to only serve as an assistant or deliver a blow at critical moments. Chen Yinger has always cared about her performance in the team. She always felt that she had not fulfilled her obligations as a summoner. The better her friends treated her, the deeper she felt in her heart. At this moment, the fusion of these two spiritual furnaces caused her great pain, but she gritted her teeth and showed no intention of backing down. The determination in his eyes left no room for compromise. With firm willpower and the spiritual furnace, he continues to complete the process of integration.

Everyone's circumstances are different, but they are all working together.

There are always some opportunities that will appear in a person's life, and almost everyone will have them. But whether you can seize the opportunity when it arises depends on your ability.

There is no doubt that now is the best moment for everyone in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group to seize the opportunity. As long as they can successfully complete their journey to the dream paradise, they will surely stand out from the Tongji Demon Hunting Group.

The synthesis of the spiritual furnace was something that Long Haochen and the others had never experienced before. Rarely even heard of. Even when Long Xingyu was explaining the secrets of the spiritual furnace to Long Haochen, he only briefly mentioned the synthesis of the spiritual furnace.

Theoretically, there is no limit to the number of spiritual furnaces that each person can absorb. As long as the body can bear it, it can continue to absorb it. But in reality? Generally speaking, if a strong person can absorb three spiritual furnaces, he has basically reached his limit. This is only possible if you are lucky enough to get three spiritual furnaces.


Hey, it’s been synthesized, it’s been synthesized, guess what spiritual furnace you can synthesize? If you want to feel good, vote. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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