Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 342 The Physique of God’s Favorite (Part 1)

For the sake of Long Haochen's safety, Cai'er actually explained in a low voice: He was forced to do so.

Ye Xiaolei didn't buy it, I only saw the facts. It's so annoying, I can't leave here now.

Listening to her words, Cai'er was a little confused, but she still asked, How is Haochen?

Ye Xiao said tearfully: There is nothing wrong with him. He just used abilities beyond his own endurance. However, you should be envious of his current state. This is a deep understanding that has nothing to do with his own attributes. Although There is some danger of his body collapsing. But with the injection of my life force, he is fine. Just let him stay like this. If I am not wrong, it is very likely that he is about to awaken.

Awakening? Cai'er looked at Ye Xiaolei in surprise, What is awakening?

Ye Xiaolei smiled and said, Let me tell you. Take off your veil and show me how beautiful we are.

Cai'er was stunned, a little confused about whether to laugh or cry. However, she could tell from Ye Xiaolei's tone that it was a good thing for Long Haochen to stay in his current state. But she still pulled down her veil. She didn't understand anything about awakening. This information was obviously very important to Long Haochen.

Looking at Cai'er's beautiful face, Ye Xiaolei was stunned for a moment, and said with some annoyance: It's really annoying, I just can't grow up, otherwise I won't be worse than you. Obviously, she thinks she can't compare. Go to Cai'er.

Looking at her cute and cute look, Cai'er couldn't help but touch her head gently, Then why don't you grow up?

Ye Xiaolei's face changed, I won't tell you, it's a secret. However, I keep my word. You don't know about the awakening. It's a waste to have such a good talent. Aren't you and him both blessed by gods? Don't awaken. How can you exert the abilities given to you by the divine constitution?”

The physique of a god? This is undoubtedly a new term. If Long Haochen could hear it now, he would definitely recall hearing the word god's favor in Electrolux's message in the Tower of Eternity.

Are you saying that those with an innate spiritual power of over 90 are considered to have a divine body? Cai'er asked curiously. This was no longer just about Long Haochen, it was also about herself.

Ye Xiaolei said in a daze: I don't know what the innate spiritual power is. Anyway, I can feel it. It's just that you and he both have the physique of the gods. Maybe it's because they have different opinions. As the name suggests, the physique of the gods is obtained. God's favor is the best talent you humans can get. However, the God's favor physique must be awakened before it can exert its full capabilities. For example, if he had already decided on his own talent, the guy before might not be able to do it one-on-one. He is his opponent. However, that hateful, dirty dark creature is really disgusting, and there is actually another space that can temporarily tear open this space.

When she mentioned the Demon God Emperor, she couldn't help but show a hint of fear in her eyes.

Cai'er said: That's the Demon God Emperor of the Demon Clan. What good will it do if Haochen and I's physiques are awakened?

Ye Xiaolai said: There are many benefits. After the divine body is awakened, it means that you can borrow the power of the god who cares for you. Of course, the degree of borrowing will be different depending on your own strength. Oh, you are so ignorant. , I will go into more detail. The origin of the divine physique is said to be the successor chosen by God. If you practice to the extreme, you will become a god-like existence.

God? Is there really a god? Cai'er murmured.

Ye Xiaolei stuck out her tongue and said: Of course there is. But there is nothing good about becoming a god. To become a god is to be with heaven and earth. Completely integrated with the attributes you control. It is better to be a human. . God seems to be in charge of everything and dominates everything, but is he still unable to break the rules? Otherwise, the godhead will collapse. How can your human life be as free and colorful as yours? So, God can be considered to exist or not to exist. Of course, there are also some guys who, in order to escape, do not allow themselves to become gods completely, but just maintain the state of demigods and live freely in the world. However, such demigods will be suppressed by gods. Sooner or later, they will still become gods.

Oh, what I said makes me feel confused. Anyway, I will tell you that becoming a god is not a good thing. As the favored ones of gods, you should not be too powerful. Otherwise, once the godhead comes, what will remain is endless loneliness and loneliness. . It is also subject to powerful rules. To put it simply, every element around you is actually a part of God. Our world is built by the fusion of various gods. To truly become a god, there are even Maybe even the original memory has disappeared.”

Cai'er said: Just now when the Demon God Emperor tore apart the Dream Paradise and rescued those demons, he mentioned the Godhead, and you also mentioned the Godhead. He seemed to really hope to get the Godhead. Why did you say it's not good to become a god?

There was clearly a hint of fear in Ye Xiaolei's eyes, That guy is different. His aura obviously does not belong to our world, nor is it restricted by the rules of our world. But he also cannot gain access to our world. The arrival of the godhead. If he really gets a godhead that merges with himself and makes a breakthrough in strength, I am afraid he will truly become the eternal master of this world. No one can limit him.

Speaking of this, Ye Xiaolei's eyes suddenly turned deep. She looked at Cai'er and then at Long Haochen beside her, her brows furrowed as if she was thinking about something.

Cai'er could tell that this little girl seemed to have something very important that she hadn't said yet. However, for her, being a god or a god was still a very distant thing.

Doesn't the divine head only belong to gods? Why can any divine head be robbed by him? Cai'er asked doubtfully.

Ye Xiaolei suddenly became a little irritable, There are some special circumstances. Okay, don't ask, I've told you everything I need to tell you. Anyway, it's best for you not to become gods in the future. As for that Guy, he is just wishful thinking. It is not that easy to win the godhead. The worst I can do is... At this point, her words suddenly stopped. She glanced at Cai'er warily and then fell silent.

However, Cai'er refused to give up and asked, What is the limit of becoming a god?

Ye Xiaolei glanced at her, but did not answer this time.

Cai'er suddenly smiled slightly, Actually, I know.

Ye Xiaolei snorted disdainfully, With your current strength, how could you possibly know.

One million spiritual powers, right? Cai'er said with a smile.

Uh... Ye Xiaolei looked at her in surprise, her expression betraying her thoughts.

Instead, Cai'er didn't ask any questions, walked over to Long Haochen, sat down cross-legged, closed her eyes and started practicing. Since Long Haochen was fine, she was relieved.

The others had been listening to the conversation between Zhe Cai'er and Ye Xiaolei, and their expressions were changing. However, this state only lasted a short time. After all, God was still too far away from them.

Time gradually passed in the dream paradise, and Ye Xiaolei sat aside as if she was bored. A total of eight spiritual furnaces were quietly rotating around her body, as if they were obeying her orders.

She did not indicate that the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 would absorb these spiritual furnaces, nor did she take them back. No one knows what she is thinking about now. However, it can be seen from her eyes drifting towards Long Haochen from time to time that what she is thinking must be related to Long Haochen.

The day passed like this. Finally, when the first ray of dawn appeared in the distant sky on the third day, a change appeared on Long Haochen.

The dawn is full of joy of new life. When the soft light gradually appeared, Long Haochen's body also lit up, as if he was another rising sun. The pair of spiritual wings that could shine brightly spread out quietly behind him.

The soft wings of light extended slightly, seeming to be larger than before, and the dawn light also shrunk strangely, falling only on him. Whether it was Dream Paradise or others, they all felt that it was originally brighter. The sky suddenly darkened, and only the straight golden light connected Long Haochen and the rising sun.

Ye Xiaolei sat on a branch as if she was weightless, and her eyes shone because of the strange changes that occurred in Long Haochen's body.

Yes, he has really awakened.

Bathed in the golden light, Long Haochen gradually retracted his chopping movements, stood up straight, opened his arms to both sides of his body, and bathed in the increasingly bright golden sunlight, his whole body was also rendered into gold.

The dense golden light spread over his body, gradually forming circles of golden ripples rippling from his body.

Sima Xian and Han Yu naturally sat down cross-legged ten meters away from Long Haochen. A golden pattern lit up on their foreheads, which was obviously affected by the slave contract, and it was definitely a good thing.

The spiritual wings behind the two people quickly stretched out, bathed in the faint golden halo emitted by Long Haochen, and quickly entered a state of trance.

Zhang Fangfang's body has basically recovered, but he is still a little weak. With Wang Yuanyuan's help, he looked at the three of them with envy, and slowly closed his eyes, feeling the changes in the light elements in the air.

At this moment, he only felt that his body seemed to be immersed in the ocean of light, with only endless light elements around him gently beating his body. That kind of beauty was something he had never experienced before, and every trace of realization came with him. came to my mind. Transparent golden light gradually emanated from his body, and he quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, with a pair of spiritual wings that were much larger than Sima Xian and Han Yu spread out behind his back.


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