Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 341 The True Form of the Demonic Dragon (Part 2)

Lin Xin quickly stuffed two pills into his mouth, while Han Yu gathered a healing magic that had just recovered and fell on Zhang Fangfang, helping him temporarily stabilize his injury. However, both of them did not stop. They nodded apologetically to Zhang Fangfang and quickly returned to Long Haochen.

Yes, they all saw something was wrong with Long Haochen. The battle was over. Long Haochen, who had struck out with a shocking sword and truly put an end to Abao's delusion of capturing Ye Xiaolei, now didn't know what happened.

Just standing there, his eyes seemed empty, his ethereal eyes looking into the distance, and his whole body maintained the chopping posture, like a statue standing on a mountain.

No one dared to touch him, because everyone was afraid that he would fly into the air like broken blue rain or hibiscus of light.

Yating was also suspended there blankly, and streams of healing magic were continuously released from her body, falling on Long Haochen.

As a light elemental elf, although her magic cannot attack enemies or assist others, it can directly act on her master. However, no matter how she treated him, Long Haochen still stood there motionless despite streaks of golden light rising from his body.

The only thing that gave everyone some relief was that the blue and gold light spots of Blue Rain and Hibiscus of Light dispersed in the air and slowly integrated into his body from his chest, showing that he had not really collapsed.

Cai'er stood quietly in front of Long Haochen and looked at him. Her eyes seemed calm, but if you look closely, you will find that her hands, which are always extremely stable, are actually trembling. Who else could be more concerned about Long Haochen's condition than her?

She could see that sword clearly, like an antelope hanging its horns, moving like a star. That sword had completely surpassed Long Haochen's realm. It did not belong to any of Long Haochen's original skills. What he struck with that sword was entirely a kind of understanding.

This was by no means an ability that Long Haochen could use in his normal state. The only explanation was his state at that time. Pressure, environment, understanding and the stimulation of Abao's constant advancement. All kinds of comprehensive factors were added together, and the light element elf Yating helped him integrate with the entire dream paradise, and he had that seemingly calm, but earth-shattering sword.

However, no one knew the price Long Haochen would pay for that sword strike. The world is fair, when you gain something, you are destined to lose something. For example, professionals have gained great strength, but have lost the time to enjoy human life.

Cai'er, what should I do? Chen Ying'er asked Cai'er anxiously.

Cai'er took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down her emotions, Don't be anxious, everyone. Let's recover our spiritual power first. Han Yu, help Zhang Fangfang continue his treatment. Haochen, none of us can touch him now, we can only wait. .”

Sima Xian said impatiently: How long will it take?

Cai'er glanced at him coldly, Am I not more anxious than you? This is a dream paradise. Naturally, we have to wait for Xiaolei to wake up that night. We fight for her, and she knows this place best.

Sima Xian hesitated, nodded and said nothing.

If Long Haochen convinced his friends, then Cai'er was majestic. The person who everyone admired the most was Long Haochen, but the one who feared the most was Cai'er.

Although Cai'er's words were a bit scolding, Sima Xian sounded a bit taken for granted. During the mission to the Horror and Howling Cave, when Long Haochen was away, Cai'er exerted her ultimate strength in order to save everyone. For this reason, she lost all four senses for seven months. She is absolutely deserving of her title as deputy leader. Therefore, in the team, everyone may not be as convinced of her as Long Haochen, but in terms of authority, she is no less convinced than Long Haochen. Whenever Long Haochen is unable to command the team, she will surely take over the command smoothly.

The roars of the monsters gradually subsided, and they crawled down facing the top of the mountain, but none of them wanted to come up. The eyes looking at Long Haochen, Cai'er and others were even softer. Apparently he fully recognized them.

Gradually, a strange light green light set off the seven or eight groups of spiritual furnaces that slowly flew up, and did not stop until they reached the top of the mountain.

No one tried to absorb these spiritual furnaces, but they all sat down cross-legged quietly. Seeing that her companions were not coveting these treasures, Cai'er's eyes softened. This is a group of good partners that you can completely trust! She subconsciously looked at Sima Xian, whom she had scolded before, Sima.

Ah? Sima Xian looked at her doubtfully.

Cai'er said: I'm in a bad mood, don't mind.

Uh... Sima Xian froze instantly, and the others couldn't help but look at Cai'er with strange eyes. The atmosphere became a little weird for a while.

Cai'er turned away and focused her gaze on Long Haochen again.

Sima Xian instantly turned to look at Lin Xin and whispered: I, I heard you right. Did the deputy captain just apologize to me?

Lin Xin glanced at him with contempt and said, Looking at your potential, I think it would be better for the deputy captain to scold you.

Yes! Yes! I feel more comfortable that way. Sima Xian surprisingly did not refute Lin Xin's words, but nodded in agreement.

The dream paradise gradually returned to normal. Strangely, the corpses of those monsters gradually merged into the earth, and the originally strong bloody smell was gradually washed away by the fresh air.

Time passed minute by minute, and Long Haochen remained the same without any change.

The orange light on Ye Xiaolei's body gradually faded. Finally, with a soft sound of wave, the last wave of light dissipated and turned into dots of light that dissipated in the air.

Because of Long Haochen, no one could truly continue practicing. Ye Xiaolei broke through the seal of the Great Prophecy Technique, and everyone immediately stood up.

Of course, except Zhang Fangfang. With Han Yu's treatment and Lin Xin's elixir, his injuries could only be considered stable, but he still looked very weak, especially the injuries on his fingers and arms, and injuries like severed limbs, even for high-level injuries. There is nothing the priest can do and must cooperate with medical treatment. Han Yu could only rely on light magic to keep his severed limbs alive and prevent them from dying. At this time, he was sleeping in Wang Yuanyuan's arms.

Wang Yuanyuan's lips were pursed tightly all the time, and her heart was a little confused. In her mind, the scene of Zhang Fangfang resolutely blocking her body kept reappearing. And the calmness in his eyes after he was seriously injured. The arm was so badly damaged, it was a fatal blow to a knight! But he can still comfort others.

Ye Xiao burst into tears and jumped up from the ground. Without saying a word, she swung her hands towards Zhang Fangfang and Long Haochen at the same time. Two soft green lights suddenly shot out from her palms and fell on the two of them respectively.

Zhang Fangfang hummed softly, and soon woke up from his coma. The pink Ye Xiaolei came to him, and a pair of smart little hands began to move quickly.

Her movements were fast but extremely coordinated, and she continued to connect the scattered limbs under the rich green light. What's even more strange is that wherever she touches her hands, the wounds will heal quickly, and muscles and bones will be regenerated. Such heavy injuries will heal at an astonishing speed.

Lin Xin whispered in surprise: This is life magic.

Sima Xian asked in a low voice: What is life magic? Why haven't I heard of it?

Lin Xin said: Your brain is full of muscles, what can you know? Life magic is a lost magic. It does not have any offensive power, but it is cast with vitality. In terms of healing ability, your light system Priests are scum in front of life magicians!”

Sima Xian snorted, The impact is a bit big! I'll talk to the teacher later. Humph. Since that day's competition, he got Ling Xiao's recognition and directly became Ling Xiao's teacher. Although he originally had a teacher, he had no influence in the priest temple. Just like Long Haochen's teacher is not just Ye Hua. Han Qian and his father can also be regarded as his teachers.

While they were talking, Ye Xiaolei had finished treating Zhang Fangfang, and finally shot a ball of green light into his chest, then retreated quietly, while Zhang Fangfang fell into sleep again. middle.

Long Haochen was also bathed in a layer of green light, but he still remained unchanged and remained the same.

Ye Xiaolei frowned slightly, came to him, and pointed the front finger of her right hand on Long Haochen's chest.

Cai'er's hands had already been clenched subconsciously. Long Haochen's stunned state filled her with panic, but she suppressed it and didn't show it. At this time, Ye Xiaolei finally released the seal. If she couldn't do anything, she might be in trouble.

A soft green light lit up on Ye Xiaolei's fingertips, but the next moment, a rich golden light flashed from Long Haochen's chest and actually flicked her fingers away.

Hey. Ye Xiaolei exclaimed, and she came closer, raising her two small hands to try to tear off the glorious holy armor on Long Haochen's body, but her stature was too short to reach...

It was a bit ridiculous to look like that, a little girl with pink makeup hanging from Long Haochen's armor.

Let me help you. Cai'er said quickly and immediately took off Long Haochen's glorious holy armor.

When Ye Xiaolei pulled open Long Haochen's front and saw the eternal melody on his chest, her face couldn't help but change, and she raised her right hand again.

She reached out with her index finger and made a few empty strokes in the air. This time it was no longer a simple green light, but a group of blue-green flames jumped between her, trying to light on the eternal melody again.

The rich golden light burst out again, and he forcefully flicked her finger away. Long Haochen, who had always maintained that movement, also trembled.

Ye Xiaolei's face looked a little ugly. She glanced at Cai'er beside her and snorted: The dignified Son of Light actually got the inheritance from that kind of person.


Today is Tangtang’s birthday. Three years ago, in the year when I wrote Douluo Dalu, my dear little baby, my elf, you came to the world. It has been three years and my love for you has grown stronger every day. In my heart, you are an irreplaceable treasure and angel. I love you my baby and wish you a happy birthday. My biggest wish is to watch you grow happily every year, every day, and every second. You will always be daddy’s favorite baby.

I’m not asking for votes, I’m just asking for a simple blessing in your book review, thank you.

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