Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 340 The True Form of the Demonic Dragon (Part 2)

No light spread, but it could be clearly seen that the golden light on Long Haochen and the purple-black flame burning on the body of the heaven-defying demon dragon prince Abao were extinguished at the same time. Even the light in their eyes dimmed instantly.

Not to mention the demons, even Long Haochen's companions were stunned. None of them expected that Long Haochen could actually strike a sword that would destroy Abao.


A strange buzzing sound sounded at the same time, from the horn on Abao's forehead and the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in Long Haochen's hand.

The next moment, countless blue and golden light spots shot out from in front of Long Haochen, turning into dots of light and spreading in the air. On the other side, above Abao's head, there was a crisp cracking buzz. A crack spread from the top to the root in an instant.

Roar—— As if he had been fatally injured, a roar of pain suddenly erupted from Abao's mouth, and his huge body was raised high back.

At this moment, the attack from Long Haochen's companions arrived.

The first is Wang Yuanyuan’s Shield of the Giant Spirit God. The shield of the giant spirit god turned into a giant ax and struck Abao with the terrifying power of Shura Slash.

Without the protection of the purple-black flames, Abao's body was cut with a huge wound. This was followed by Han Yu's long-awaited Shura Thorn. Although Abao tried his best to protect himself, his left wing was still pierced by the Shura Thorn.

The Light Power Pill roared out at this moment, and with a loud bang, it hit Abao hard, sending his ten-meter-long body flying backwards. Smash and Ripple of Light were used to the extreme by Sima Xian, along with his priest attack skills. Where Abao's body was bombarded, the scales were broken and large pieces of minced meat appeared.

This is an attack fully prepared by four sixth-level experts! After the collision with Long Haochen, Abao seemed to be in an extremely weak state, and even his defensive ability disappeared. Only then was he hit hard and sent flying.

However, it must be said that his willpower is astonishing and his inner persistence is even more indomitable. Even at the moment when his body was blown away, a purple-black crystal bead spat out from his mouth. Instead of attacking Long Haochen, it went straight towards Ye Xiaolei behind him.

The moment he was blasted away, Abao felt that he was probably going to fail, but he was unwilling to give in. No one could get what he couldn't get. He wants to destroy her, destroy...

At this moment, a figure as black as ink appeared silently above A Bao's body. Countless strands of cold white light mixed with a dark golden light melted into one in an instant, and struck hard from the back of A Bao's neck. Enter and pick it directly into the depths of his brain.

Cai'er finally appeared. She disappeared in the air and appeared at Abao's most vulnerable moment.

This was the task given to her by Long Haochen. Long Haochen told Cai'er that she could only attack when Abao was repelled.

This blow was a strike that had been tempered many times. After breaking through the sixth level of cultivation, Cai'er's Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace evolved accordingly and reached the second level. The second level Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace can be described in four words, Thousand Strikes in One. With this blow, coupled with Cai'er's Overlord Thorn, her attack power has been maximized.

Among the six major temples, the Assassin Temple is undoubtedly the one that best understands the key points of each demon race. The hardest part of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan is the head. If you want to truly kill them, their brains must be destroyed. Only by attacking from the back of the neck is it possible to destroy the brain.

Abao, who was in a state of weakness, was suddenly stabbed in the vital part. He screamed in agony. His huge body suddenly erupted with an indescribable force. A crisp shattering sound sounded, and a black token shattered into pieces in the air. Then, a force that seemed to come from ancient times suddenly erupted and shook Cai'er's body away. After all, her dagger failed to really penetrate into Abao's brain.

On the other side, the top of the mountain.

Chen Ying'er's spell had been completed a moment ago. She was lucky and this time she summoned a level six magical beast.

This monster immediately rushed to the path where the purple-black bead must pass, but it only stayed there for a moment before it turned into fly ash and disappeared into the air.

A fiery red light shot out and fell directly on the ground. This fiery red light looked very strange. It turned out to be a human-shaped energy body. The moment it appeared, an indescribable majesty also appeared. In his hand, there was only a huge shield, even bigger than Wang Yuanyuan's Shield of the Giant Spirit God.

Lunge, block.

There was no roar, only a strange spiritual shock wave, and the next moment, the fiery red figure also disappeared.

This is the seventh-level defensive magic that Lin Xin exerted at great cost by taking a precious elixir that could only be taken by himself, the Vulcan Shield! This is a magic with certain intelligence. However, facing the purple-black beads, they were still annihilated.

However, the Vulcan Shield is known as the strongest defensive magic below the eighth level of the fire system. After the purple-black beads destroyed it, its own light also dimmed obviously, and it no longer looked so shiny.

Wang Yuanyuan was the closest to Ye Xiaolei, and without even thinking about it, she blocked Ye Xiaolei with the giant spirit shield in her hand. In fact, she had just activated all her abilities by accumulating momentum, and she didn't have much spiritual power to support her Giant Spirit God's Shield.

At this time, there was no one in the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 who could help her resist. Ever since Long Haochen struck out with that sword, he stood there motionless as if he had been cast a immobilization spell. Sima Xian, Han Yu, Lin Xin, and Chen Ying'er had all exhausted their abilities, and they were unable to help. she. Cai'er was in the process of chasing down the strongest enemy, Abao, and everything happened too fast. Who would have thought that Abao could deliver such a terrifying blow?

Wang Yuanyuan knew very well what she was about to face, but she still stood in front of Ye Xiaolei. She could not let her partners' efforts go to waste. Her last resort now was the life sharing of the soul chain. As for her physical ability Whether she could withstand this blow was no longer in her calculations. So what if you die in battle? This girl with a boyish personality has never known what fear is.

At this moment, a tall figure suddenly blocked all light and stood in front of Wang Yuanyuan. What Wang Yuanyuan saw was just broad shoulders.

It's him.

Wang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, the strong body in front of her slammed into her, hitting her giant spirit shield. Blood also burst out in the air.

That's right, the person standing in front of Wang Yuanyuan was Zhang Fangfang. The shield in his hand was completely broken, and the hands holding the shield were also broken. You can clearly see the stubble of Bai Sensen's bones exposed, and all of them are broken. The broken bones are only connected to the hand by a little flesh. Not only that, his arms also hung down softly. Even the armor on the chest was pierced by several broken shield fragments. The blood spurted out from his hands and chest.

The rich golden light passed instantly, and Zhang Fangfang fell on Wang Yuanyuan. His pupils tended to dilate almost instantly.

Wang Yuanyuan was stunned. At this moment, she was really a little dull. She was not afraid of death, but this was the first time she had been saved by someone so directly.

The moment Zhang Fangfang stood in front of her, she could clearly see the transparent gold on his left hand. The body of brilliance is already completely close to the seventh level of strength. But even so, the blow he blocked was still so brutal. What if the purple-black beads were shot on my own shield of the giant spirit god?

At this moment, an extremely majestic aura appeared in the dreamy paradise, and the sky really darkened this time. However, it only dimmed for a moment, and a strong green light suddenly burst out from the earth, colliding hard with the black light.

A crack appeared in the void, and a powerful suction force appeared instantly. The severely injured Abao and the few remaining members of the demon clan were all forcibly sucked into the crack and disappeared under the action of this terrifying suction force.

Goddess of Nature, I will come again. I will determine your divine status. The soft and calm voice was full of majesty that seemed to be able to command the heaven and earth.

Everyone in the General-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 is very familiar with this voice. Because this is exactly the voice of the Demon God Emperor! He was actually able to forcefully tear open the barrier of Dream Paradise and rescue Abao and others.

As if stimulated by the sound, the green light in Dream Paradise suddenly became stronger, the black cracks disappeared in an instant, and the black in all spaces was swept away. There were only seven or eight white lights floating in the air.

This is the spiritual furnace left by the dead demons. They are floating in the air amidst the roars of the beasts.

All the filth seemed to disappear with the departure of the darkness. The monsters gradually calmed down amidst a series of angry roars, looking sadly at the corpses of their companions. The rising green light gradually weakened and slowly returned to its original appearance.

Han Yu, Lin Xin, help him quickly. Wang Yuanyuan's anxious shout broke the brief calm.

Han Yu and Lin Xin quickly turned around and couldn't help but gasped when they saw Zhang Fangfang's miserable appearance.

Zhang Fangfang was not unconscious, but his face was as golden as paper. He was lying in Wang Yuanyuan's arms and said with a forced smile: It's okay, I can't die yet. Although he said it easily, the corners of his mouth kept twitching and his body was shaking. The spasm betrayed him.


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