Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 337 The First Demonic Pillar?

Women understand women best, and they are also the most sensitive in their hearts. At that moment, Cai'er felt that Yue Ye treated Long Haochen differently. Although she had absolute trust in Long Haochen, that feeling still made her feel uncomfortable.

Subconsciously, she moved closer to Long Haochen. But at this time, Long Haochen just turned around and said, Cai'er, listen to me, you are not allowed to activate the power of your spiritual furnace under any circumstances, you know? If there is nothing we can do, we will take the risk of using the eternal melody to carry the night. Let’s go with the little tears.”

Ah? Cai'er came back to her senses, but her pretty face turned red. Fortunately, with the veil, it's not so obvious. Me, am I actually jealous?

Long Haochen said in surprise: Cai'er, what's wrong with you?

Cai'er quickly lowered her head, I'm fine, I will listen to you.

Long Haochen thought she was worried about him and gently hugged her waist, We tried our best. No matter what the final result is, at least we worked hard for Dream Paradise.

Yes. Cai'er agreed softly, but the jealousy in her heart disappeared inexplicably. yes! There is no need for me to worry too much. Who can snatch him away? He is just my fool!

The battle in the field became more and more fierce. After Abao discovered that the strength of his partners began to decline, he immediately made a decision and stopped moving forward. In this way, their pressure was reduced a lot in a short period of time. At the same time, purple-black gems flew out from his chest and flew towards each of his companions.

These purple-black gems seem to be extremely beneficial to the demons. After taking them, everyone's energy and spirit will be restored at an accelerated rate.

Lin Xin's eyes widened and he said, Is that a demon pill? I really want to get one and study it.

Wang Yuanyuan said angrily: Then you go ahead. No one will stop you.

Lin Xin chuckled and said: You are so cruel, Yuan Yuan, we are our own people. Can you bear to see me fall into the tiger's mouth?

Wang Yuanyuan chuckled and said: Okay, stop talking nonsense. They are getting closer, prepare to fight.

Long Haochen had already mentioned his Brilliant Holy Shield, Blue Rain, and Light Hibiscus at this time.

After eating the purple-black gem, the strength of the eight demons has obviously recovered. Although the attacks of the demon beasts are still fierce, they are not as brave as before as they are consumed. The number is constantly decreasing.

Without Ye Xiaolei, not only would there be no command, but also no continuous support. According to the current speed, Abao and the others will be able to reach the top of the mountain in ten minutes at most. At this time, less than half an hour had passed. In other words, it is obviously not realistic for Long Haochen and the other eight of them to stay here for more than half an hour.

Gently touching the eternal melody on his chest with the back of his hand, Long Haochen sighed inwardly. It seemed that he really had to make that choice.

Of course, this is the last trump card, and he won't play it unless absolutely necessary.

Glancing at Ye Xiaolei, who was still surrounded by orange light, Long Haochen suddenly recalled the words he had said to his father: I want to be a guardian knight, because I want to protect all the people I want to protect.

Thinking of this, the seriousness on Long Haochen's face gradually relaxed. Come on, since you are coming, let's all come.

Orders began to come out from his mouth, and everyone quickly arranged their formations.

Chen Yinger was sitting in front of Ye Xiaolei. She and Ye Xiaolei were protected in the center by their friends. McDull Piggy seemed to be asleep, and slept very soundly.

Long Haochen stood at the front, behind him was Zhang Fangfang, and behind him was Han Yu. The three knights actually stood in a row. On both sides of Long Haochen were Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian, while Cai'er quietly disappeared into the air. Lin Xin was at the back, and at this time he had begun to mutter a spell. Since it is released by a spell, it is definitely not an attack magic.

Every step Abao takes will leave a deep footprint on the mountain. His body has been dyed colorfully by the blood of monsters, but his eyes still reveal the darkness and nothingness, as if before All the killings seemed to have nothing to do with him.

As the fatigue of his friends showed, the purple-black gem could only support them for a while, and Abao took the initiative to take on more responsibilities. But the strength he showed became more and more terrifying.

The scales on his body have already shown some damage. After all, he is not an indestructible body. However, his attacks became more and more fierce.

When they reached the halfway point of the mountain, the number of monsters that Bao had killed in one hand was enough to equal the total number of other people. The corpses of monsters kept falling and being thrown away by him. He had already taken back that strange magic sword in order to save his spiritual power.

You must know that although Abao has not truly reached the ninth level of strength, his true inner spiritual power exceeds 50,000. In this constant consumption, most of it has been consumed.

Of course, this is also because they are in the dream paradise. Here, Long Haochen and the others can get double supplies, but the demons cannot get any supplies and can only rely on elixirs and skills to restore their souls. force.

Despite this, it still hasn't shaken Abao's belief that he will win. He has sacrificed two companions, who are the heirs of the Star Demon Clan and the Demon Clan. He must succeed. As long as he can capture Ye Xiaolei and take him back, then , both the Demon God Emperor and him will definitely become the rulers of the continent in the future. even……

Less than fifty meters away from the top of the mountain, the emptiness in Abao's eyes gradually became solid. There was a quality in him, just like Long Haochen's bright quality. His characteristics are persistence and perseverance.

Once he identifies his target, he will move towards it with all his strength and will never flinch even if he ends up with a bloody head.

An incompetent being, even the son of the Demon God Emperor, would never be able to rule the Demon Clan and inherit the glory of the first Demon God.

Just as the distance was getting closer and they were about to reach the top of the mountain, suddenly, a jet of black-gold light suddenly burst out.

That jet-black golden light was so huge that the thick beam of light was ten miles in diameter. The moment it appeared, the originally bright sky instantly turned into darkness. The moment the huge light pillar rose, the sun disappeared without a trace as if it had been shot down.

The entire mountain was shrouded in this black-gold color, and the entire dream paradise seemed to turn into black-gold color. The sudden change made both the Warcraft and the eight powerful demons change their colors in shock.

The monsters were just shocked, but their attacks still came quickly, but the expressions of the eight powerful demons changed completely. Even the calm, determined, persistent and unyielding Abao couldn't help but take a few steps back at this moment. , eyes full of surprise and uncertainty.

The black golden light pillar quickly completed the process of connecting the sky and the earth. Everything around it is dark, and only the black-gold light emitted from it can bring a glimmer of light to the world. Therefore, the changes in this black-gold light pillar look more and more obvious.

It is so big that you can clearly see its appearance from a long distance. The huge pillar of light, which was completely black and golden, was engraved with countless strange runes. The most important thing is that on top of this huge pillar of light, there is a giant dragon with a black-gold color all over its body.

This, this is clearly the highest ruler of the demon clan, the rank of the Demon God Emperor, the first Demon God Pillar!

Your Majesty, it's Your Majesty. The one who spoke was the demon in the form of an earth dragon on the left side of Abao. His eyes were instantly full of fanaticism. Together with the demon with a very similar appearance on the right, he actually ignored the attacks from both sides. The coming monster immediately fell to the ground.

Yes, for the demons, the Demon God Emperor is their totem. With the Demon God Emperor around, who can hurt them? What do these weak monsters count for?

It wasn't just the two of them who were lying on the ground, there were also two strong demons in the form of a giant bear and an angry lion on the left and right of Leng Xiao. Only Abao, Leng Xiao, Yue Ye and the red-clothed witch had doubtful looks in their eyes.

When the four demons knelt down, the demon beasts were also in a state of surprise, and at this moment, Yating's clear voice sounded in the air. In Elvish language, there is only one simple command, attack!

The attack of the monsters broke out again, and at this time, due to the worship of four powerful demons, the original strict formation was completely destroyed.


A terrifying monster like a giant elephant suddenly raised its front hooves and trampled hard on the back of a strong demon in the form of an earth dragon.

Even though this demon had extremely strong spiritual power, he was already exhausted. Coupled with the shock and excitement of seeing the first demon pillar, he had no defense at all.

The ear-piercing sound of broken bones sounded, and the entire chest of the strong demon in the form of an earth dragon was trampled and collapsed. Although it is not humanoid, it still has vital points! At this time, its internal organs were trampled into minced meat, and even the healing magic at the level of forbidden spells might not be able to save him.

His incredible eyes almost popped out of his sockets, but he still murmured in the end: No, no... it's possible, Your Majesty, have you abandoned... your... people...

Another strong man in the form of an earth dragon was slightly better, because Po who reacted in time saved him.

That's not His Majesty the Demon God Emperor, that's an illusion. Get up and fight.

Unfortunately, his voice was still a little late. Although the rescue action was timely, there were too many magical beasts around.

Another strong man in the form of an earth dragon had his arms and legs crushed by a stampede, and his chest and head were hit hard. Although he was forcibly rescued by him, he immediately fell into a coma due to serious injuries.

The demons at the back were relatively lucky. Leng Xiao and Yue Ye also reacted quickly. Yue Ye landed a defensive spell on the giant bear. It's not that she doesn't want to save the angry lion demon, it's really because the lion man's defense cannot be compared with the bear man, so saving him may not be useful.

The result was obvious. The lion-man demon clan was torn into pieces by the monsters. The giant bear was rescued, but one of its paws was bitten off. After a crazy counterattack with Leng Xiao, he barely stabilized his position.

All these changes happened so fast that the eight demon clan members, even Abao, the son of the Demon God Emperor, could not react immediately.

On the top of the mountain, Zhang Fangfang was even more stunned. The moment the dark golden light pillar appeared, he was frightened, let alone the demons below.

However, the dark golden light pillar was fading rapidly at this time. Demon God Emperor? Not even a shadow was seen.

With a tired look on his face, McDull Piggy got into Chen Ying'er's arms and fell into a deep sleep.

Yes, this was Long Haochen's arrangement, letting McDull simulate the appearance of the Demon God Emperor and disrupt the minds of the eight powerful demons.

The final effect even exceeded Long Haochen's judgment. McDull's simulation can actually be said to be a failure. Even if it is just a simulation, the terrifying Demon God Pillar when the Demon God Emperor appears is too difficult. It took three level seven magic crystals to simulate an approximate result, and it only lasted about ten seconds. You know, McDull's simulation can only simulate appearance, but it cannot simulate momentum and coercion, at least not with its current level of cultivation. Even so, it still consumes a lot of money.

Despite this, the strong men of the demon clan were still fooled, because the Demon God Emperor's status in the demon clan was too high.

Two were killed and two were injured, and one was seriously injured and unconscious, and the other also had a broken arm. Such a blow can be considered devastating to the entire demon team led by Abao.

Their steady progress was stopped almost instantly. No further progress can be made. Not only that, the increasingly fierce attacks from the monsters have made them irresistible.

Long Haochen's eyes were always fixed on Abao, and he did not relax because of the suddenly optimistic situation in front of him. As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights, let alone a demon prince?

Abao's originally empty eyes suddenly became extremely deep, and the demons who were familiar with him understood that this was a situation where his anger had reached its extreme.

To simulate the appearance of the Demon God Emperor, it was a great shame and humiliation for the demons. What's more, the losses suffered by the demons in front of them were already something that even Po could not afford.

The purple-black sword appeared again, but this time it appeared directly in Abao's hand. His other hand was still holding the seriously injured and unconscious companion, but the killing intent was increased to an unprecedented level. Every attack He has almost reached the peak of nearly ten thousand internal spiritual power, and his external spiritual power has exploded in full. You can vaguely see that the scales on his body are constantly flickering with light.

It can be said that Abao withstood most of the monster attacks with his own strength. At this moment, he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out a long dragon roar, and his originally tall and slender body suddenly began to change rapidly.


This chapter is four thousand words long.

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