Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 336 Great Prophecy (Part 2)

However, they have the help of so many powerful monsters on the battlefield, and these monsters are the real main force blocking the enemy.

An hour, they need an hour.

A faint light flickered, and Long Haochen's eyes showed a glimmer of cold light. At this moment, Abao looked up to the top of the mountain. Their eyes collided in the air, and countless sparks suddenly burst out.

Although Long Haochen was far inferior to him in terms of strength, he was not inferior at all in terms of momentum. Especially in terms of mental strength, Long Haochen was not inferior to his opponents in the slightest.

Abao glanced coldly at Long Haochen on the top of the mountain. In fact, he was more shocked than Long Haochen. He watched helplessly as Long Haochen and others climbed to the top of the mountain without being blocked by any magical beasts.

In his opinion, this must be a human conspiracy. Long Haochen's ability to bring so many people into Dream Paradise exceeded his expectations. Moreover, it seemed that the relationship between Long Haochen and others and the monsters in Dream Paradise was unusual. Not only were they not attacked, but they were also support.

This is also an important reason why Abao forced the strong star demon who used orange-red magic to use the Great Prophecy Technique. Long Haochen and others reached the summit, which made him feel a strong crisis. Once Ye Xiaolei fell into their hands, all his previous actions would be in vain. That's why he had to sacrifice an extremely important partner and make a heavy promise.

At this time, the distance to the top of the mountain was getting closer and closer, and Abao's judgment of the situation was particularly clear. It seemed that Long Haochen and the others did not know the importance of Ye Xiaolei, and they were on the same side as Ye Xiaolei. They just wanted to stop it.

With this discovery, Po felt much more relaxed. Although there were many monsters besieging him, he was still confident of attacking the top of the mountain. He still vividly remembered the injuries Long Haochen had caused him yesterday. Although he can be flexible and flexible, and choose the most correct course of action at critical moments, it does not mean that he does not hold grudges. On the contrary, he has not been injured for many years. Now that the injury is in the hands of Long Haochen, how can he Are you willing?

Looking coldly in the direction of the top of the mountain, Abao's attack became more powerful. Although it was slow but steady, it attacked towards the mountain bag step by step.

Yue Ye glances at the top of the mountain from time to time. If there is anyone whose mind is the most unstable on this battlefield, it must be her.

When she saw Long Haochen joining this operation, she felt a sigh of relief in her heart. In her heart, she actually hoped that Long Haochen and the others would win. If Long Haochen and the others win, they will not suffer any losses. On the contrary, what if Long Haochen and the others face a desperate situation? So what will they do with themselves? That terrifying murderous woman is also there, she can take her own life at any time!

If he really attacks and allows Brother Bao to complete his goal, he will probably die. No, we must start taking action. The guy from the Star Demon Clan said that his seal of great prophecy can only last for one hour. I want to help Long Haochen and the others delay.

Thinking of this, Yue Ye's attacks and commands gradually became weaker. Not only that, she also made an extremely dangerous mistake, and was almost attacked by a strong monster that broke through their defense line. For a moment, the complete formation of the eight demons suddenly became somewhat scattered.

Of course Yue Ye knew that by doing this, she could not really stop the progress of the powerful demon clan, but as smart as she was, she naturally had a purpose. She was telling Long Haochen that she would try her best to help them.

Yue Ye, what are you doing? Abao shouted coldly, turned around and glared at her fiercely, but soon released a purple-black light and fell on Yue Ye. Suddenly, Yue Ye became powerful, and his magic power instantly returned to its peak. state.

Thank you, Brother Bao. I'm fine. Don't worry. Yue Ye said gratefully.

Speaking of which, the relationship between Yue Ye and Brother Bao is very subtle. Logically speaking, there should not be any intersection between her and Brother Bao, but things just happened to happen. As she is half human, she should not have interacted with her. I was supposed to see Abao, but I met him by accident.

Abao didn't know what was going on. There were countless demon beauties for him to choose from, but he only fell in love with Yue Ye.

However, this marriage cannot be truly completed. The Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan itself has extremely high requirements for blood purity. Generally speaking, only within the clan can marry, and even if they marry outside the clan, they cannot be listed as the head wives.

It would be easier if Yue Ye was just an ordinary demon girl. Being able to become Abao's woman, no matter which clan she belongs to, can be described as an honor, even an honor.

However, Yue Ye’s father is the Moon Demon God, the second demon god of the demon clan! She herself is the most beloved daughter of the Moon Demon God. How can I be a concubine for Po?

Therefore, the relationship between the two became delicate. Abao personally argued with the Demon God Emperor many times over this matter. Maybe it’s because the less you get, the more you crave. Instead, he became more determined to be with Yue Ye, and said that he must let Yue Ye be his legal wife.

For this reason, the Demon God Emperor was furious and almost deposed him as heir. It's a pity that the Demon God Emperor only has one son. If his succession is abolished, then Leng Xiao will have to succeed him.

The father and son have been fighting over this matter for nearly two years.

When Long Haochen first met Yue Ye, it was Leng Xiao who acted as a messenger for his brother to bring a message to Yue Ye.

Abao's strength gradually took effect. He was the crown prince of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan. He was not only powerful but also wise and intelligent. He was usually deeply loved by the Demon God Emperor. For the sake of marriage, the father and son were so unhappy, but it was the Demon God. The emperor didn't want to see it.

Although Leng Xiao's talent is not bad, it is still far behind A Bao. Especially in recent years, A Bao has begun to stand out, and his bloodline abilities have gradually exploded, and his prestige among the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan has gradually increased. .

Demons are different from humans. If a human king sees that his prince is too strong, he will definitely find a way to weaken the prince's strength and deepen his rule. But the Demon Clan is just the opposite. Every ruler of the Demon Clan hopes that his son will become stronger as soon as possible. The best case scenario is that he has the ability to kill himself and take the throne.

Therefore, the Demon God Emperor was finally convinced by his son. What he wanted to talk to the Moon Demon God that day was the marriage between the two parties.

The Demon God Emperor's workaround is also very simple. He can agree to his son marry Yue Ye as his wife, but requires his son to choose two more concubines from within his clan, and assures the clansmen that Abao's future heirs will give priority to concubines. Choose among the heirs born.

The Demon God Emperor's position in the Demon Clan is so powerful that there is nothing wrong with his flexible approach. Even if there were some differences of opinion, they were quickly suppressed by the father and son working together, so this matter was considered confirmed.

Although the Demon God Emperor compromised with his son, he also killed two birds with one stone in this matter. Not only did he fulfill his son's wish, but he also deepened his relationship with the Moon Demon God, making his dominance even stronger.

It was precisely because of the change in their relationship that Abao was able to bring Yue Ye to participate in this operation. Otherwise, with Yue Ye's current strength, the demon clan would naturally be able to select a more suitable candidate than her.

What about moonlit nights? Does she like Abao? Neither the Demon God Emperor nor Abao thought about this issue at all. Even the Moon Demon God has never thought about it. In their view, this is not a problem at all. Among the demons, who else can compare with Abao?

It was precisely because of A Bao's deep feelings for Yue Ye that she felt confident and dared to make mistakes at such an important moment. If it had been anyone else, A Bao might have turned around and slapped her, but for her, it was a treatment that did not hesitate to consume her own potential.

Brother Bao, you are really good to me. But why can't I fall in love with you? Maybe, I will be your wife. However, I don't love you. In my heart, you are more like a brother than a husband.

Yue Ye secretly thought in her heart that she couldn't make mistakes all the time, that would be too pretentious. Performance became mediocre again. The progress of the demons continues.

However, at this time, it can also be seen that the eight demons have begun to show fatigue after a long period of consumption.

Yue Ye looked up to the top of the mountain and saw Long Haochen standing there at a glance. At this time, Long Haochen was staring at Abao intently and did not see Yue Ye's eyes.

Looking at him, Yue Ye's eyes suddenly became a little hazy. She didn't know what kind of mentality she had towards Long Haochen, but at least she was sure that in her heart, how often did this young human knight appear? Definitely more than Abao.

what to do? What should I do? Yue Ye sighed secretly in her heart. She was always smart, but now her heart was a little confused.

Of course, Long Haochen didn't know that Yue Ye was struggling in her heart, but he saw her previous series of performances. Of course I understand what she means.

This woman cannot be sacrificed. Long Haochen had already made a decision in his heart. Even if the operation fails in the end, Yue Ye cannot be sacrificed. This woman is very smart. Having such an insider among the demons is really important for the future actions of her demon hunting group.

Cai'er also saw Yue Ye's behavior, but her eyes became a little cold because she happened to see Yue Ye looking at Long Haochen with some resentment.

At that moment, she even had the idea of ​​​​activating the ban in Yue Ye's heart immediately. Kill her, she is a powerful threat. In terms of appearance, Yue Ye is not inferior to Cai'er, and is even more mature.


The outbreak began, with a total of three updates and 10,000 words. The third child will conquer you in the most powerful way! ! In the new week, monthly tickets and recommended tickets are all for our God’s Seal!

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