Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 338 The True Body of the Demonic Dragon (Part 1)

The long roar of the dragon shocked the entire audience. Along with the loud roar, a layer of dark purple halo suddenly spread from A Bao's body, forcing all the surrounding monsters to stop attacking, and there was a brief moment of fear. Back away.

Taking this opportunity, the five remaining demons who still had fighting ability quickly gathered together, and another dragon roar sounded. When Abao exploded, she also exploded.

A rich purple-black color spreads from their bodies, and at this time, the gap in cultivation between them can be seen. The purple-black light radiating from Abao's body was obviously much stronger than Leng Xiao's.

The purple-black sword levitated from Abao's hand. As his upper body floated down, his whole body expanded rapidly, his scales enlarged and thickened, and his already tyrannical aura became more solid.

Although his internal spiritual power fluctuations did not seem to have increased much, it gave people a stronger sense of danger.

Huge wings spread out from behind, four claws fell to the ground, and a majestic, ferocious and terrifying appearance was displayed on the mountainside.

Raising his head to the sky with a powerful dragon roar, Abao's body expanded a bit again, reaching a length of more than ten meters from head to tail.

Yue Ye lowered her head slightly, and no one saw the look of disgust flashing in her eyes. In her heart, no matter how powerful Abao is or how high his status in the demon clan is, there is still the existence of the heaven-defying demon dragon. In other words, he is the real him now. But Yue Ye treats herself more as a human being. The body of the Moon Demon Clan is almost the same as that of humans. Especially since she has human blood, she maintains a certain dislike for most demons.

When Abao ordered the heir to the Star Demon Tribe to use the great prophecy technique, Yue Ye felt a chill in her heart. What she felt at the time was that if one day Abao encountered a life crisis, would she, as his wife, also be affected by him? give up? For the demons who only care about profit, this is very likely to happen. But what if I were that person's wife? What would he do?

Women's thoughts are always different from men's. On this tense battlefield, Yue Ye would actually have random thoughts. Moreover, this thought was mushrooming in her heart like mushrooms after rain, so that when she raised her head again and looked at the top of the mountain, When looking at someone, his eyes became much more intense.

The changes on the mountainside are rapid. Compared with the surrounding magical beasts, the ten-meter-long Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon may not have much advantage in size. However, its real strength is not comparable to the common seventh- and eighth-level magical beasts around it. . Especially when the last boost Ye Xiaolei gave them was quickly disappearing.

Looking up to the sky with a dragon roar, the purple-black long sword that Abao had previously fell from the sky suddenly fell directly on his forehead, turning into a purple-black horn about more than one meter long. The dragon's mouth opened wide, and it breathed out a purple-black breath towards him. Spewing out from the front.

Amidst the loud noise, a violent roar exploded in front, and at least three huge monsters were knocked away. The body disintegrated quickly in the air, melting in an instant.

After blowing out this breath, one could vaguely see that the horn on Abao's forehead seemed to be burning with a layer of purple-black flames. The wings behind his back suddenly spread out, clinging to the mountain wall and flying toward the top of the mountain.

The moment before he pounced, he looked back at Yue Ye and nodded to her.

Of course Yue Ye understood what he meant, and with a sudden thought, she shouted, Be careful.

These two words were very useful to Abao's ears. With the care of his beloved woman, his fighting spirit became even higher even when he was surrounded by heavy siege.

But this sound had a different taste in Long Haochen's ears, because Abao, who had her back to the moonlit night, did not see that when she shouted this sound, her eyes were looking at Long Haochen. !

Abao exploded. After revealing his true form, his strength skyrocketed again, as if he had returned to his previous peak state. Not only that, the power of his external spiritual power increased to the extreme. Although the total amount may still be 20,000, the physical ability is far beyond what it can be compared to when it was in human form. Those monsters that blocked the road were directly smashed into pieces when they collided with it, especially the horn on his forehead. It is even more indestructible.

Long Haochen took a deep breath and slowly took a step forward. A rich golden mist rose around his body, gathering momentum.

Not only him, the same light mist also appeared on Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan.

The skill of accumulating momentum can be learned by any melee profession. For ordinary warriors and knights, it may be considered useless, but in the hands of Long Haochen, it can be transformed into countless fighting methods.

Sima Xian took a slight step back. He did not gather any momentum, but the Power Pill of Light in his hand quickly coiled up. Lin Xin's spell is still continuing from the moment he chanted it to now. This shows the difficulty of his spell. You can clearly see that his forehead is covered with sweat. He has just broken through the sixth level of cultivation, but it is still so difficult to chant this spell.

Cai'er was still missing, and Chen Ying'er's spell had already begun. Holding the crystal ball in both hands, the Gate of Life began to release.

The eight people each have their own identity, but they all exert their strongest strength in the battle. They must make their last effort to withstand the enemy's attack.

Zhang Fangfang's eyes also became solid. He also knew how to accumulate momentum, but he did not use it. Instead, he stood there quietly, staring at Abao who was frantically killing monsters and rushing towards the top of the mountain. The whole person seemed to have entered a strange state. Thick golden light quickly liquefied all over his body. It could be clearly seen that his left hand holding the shield was quietly becoming transparent.

The glorious body is the symbol of a seventh-level knight. Although Zhang Fangfang's current strength has not yet reached the seventh level, as a peak sixth-level man, he can barely move beyond the level by relying on his own operation and control of spiritual power. The knight has powerful abilities.

It's getting closer, Abao is getting closer. After transforming back into its true form, no monster present could stop its progress. Everyone knew that the pressure it was under now was huge, but there was no doubt that as long as he caught Ye Xiaolei, Long Haochen and the others would still be defeated.

Abao's purple-black dragon eyes were filled with endless coldness and anger, and the pressure he endured in his heart was far greater than that of Long Haochen. Behind him, whether it was Yue Ye or Leng Xiao, he could never give up. Moreover, so many of his companions died this time. If he could not take Ye Xiaolei back, his reputation would be greatly affected, and his father would definitely punish him severely.

In this situation, Abao had no other choice. He could only try his best. He also believed that he had the strength. With the help of Long Haochen and others, can humans like them stop him? That's absolutely impossible. He has no revenge in his heart now, his only target is Ye Xiaolei.

Finally, he took the example that the top of the mountain was less than five meters away, and its heavy breathing full of darkness could already be heard in Long Haochen's ears. The moment he raised his head, he happened to be in contact with Long Haochen.

Abao could see the golden mist very clearly. Of course he knew what these humans were doing, but even so, what did it matter? Such a difficult process has been accomplished, is this last-minute explosion still needed?


The purple-black flames burning on the horn on Abao's forehead instantly spread throughout his body, causing his entire body to be enveloped in flames.

This is the innate skill of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan, it’s heaven-defying!

With this skill, he can burst out with more terrifying combat power in a short period of time. Although the rules of Dream Paradise suppressed him very much. However, the moment the purple-black flames burned, the air around his body became violently distorted. It actually temporarily blocked the constraints of the Dream Paradise rules on him.

Of course, this time cannot be too long, but for him, it is enough. A terrifying purple-black light suddenly bloomed in the surroundings, knocking away all the attacking monsters. With its wings spread again, it flew boldly towards Long Haochen above.

Long Haochen had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Behind him, Yating's voice was hoarse because she sang the spell too quickly. And the golden light on Long Haochen's body has become as strong as his pair of spiritual wings. Son of light, he is the true son of light!

Holding the hilts of Lan Yu and Light Hibiscus with both hands, he stepped forward with his left foot, faced Abao who was flying forward, held the sword with both hands, and struck down.

This sword strike seemed to follow the mysterious principles, and twisted light flickered around Long Haochen's body, and his whole body seemed to have entered an ethereal state.

This sword seems to have no aura of dominance, but it is like an antelope hanging its horns without a trace. However, the moment he struck out with his sword, the surrounding light seemed to dim, as if all the light elements were absorbed by his sword. At this moment, it seemed that only the light shining on him was golden.

In the sky, there was a faint golden light falling from the sun, shining on Long Haochen, and on his own forehead, nine purple lines appeared, but they completely turned into... gold.

This was Long Haochen's knowing sword. It was not just an all-out effort, but also a complete understanding.

Faced with tremendous pressure, Long Haochen seemed to have entered a special state at this moment. But with this simple chop, he seemed to be beyond the rules of Dream Paradise.


Blue Rain, the Hibiscus of Light, and the single horn on the forehead of the Heaven-defying Dragon Prince Abao collided together. The air seemed to stand still for an instant, and the attacks of everyone around him and the monsters also paused for a moment.


The third update, the third update is 10,000 words, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes for the new week.

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