Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 335: Great Prophecy (Part 2)

Long Haochen turned to look at Zhang Fangfang and said in a deep voice: Brother Zhang, if nothing can be done later, you can activate the Dream Gem and leave. We will find a way to leave.

Zhang Fangfang nodded. From the look on Long Haochen's face, he knew that the young Captain Long was confident, at least he had already thought of a way out. Naturally, he wouldn't ask if it was related to other people's secrets.

Looking at the battle below, Long Haochen's eyes became more and more solemn. After being amplified by Ye Xiaolei, many monsters in the dream paradise increased in strength. Some monsters' cultivation level directly broke through to level eight, which is equivalent to about the seventh level of human beings. Although most of them only have fighting instincts, hundreds of monsters surrounding eight people are still extremely ferocious.

But even in this situation, the battle is still like a meat grinder.

Among the eight demons, Abao is in the front and center position. His fighting method is simple and direct. He does not dodge the attacks from the demon beasts at all. He directly attacks with attack. Every demon beast is difficult in front of him. Escape the fate of being torn apart. At the same time, he also relied on his own strength to block most of the frontal attacks, just like Long Haochen's role in the team.

Beside him were two extremely strong demons. The two demons looked a bit similar. They were not human-like. They looked a bit like earth dragons, but they were much smaller. They were both two meters tall. About five years old, with a long big tail trailing behind it.

However, being smaller than the Earth Dragon does not mean that their strength is lower than that of the Earth Dragon. On the contrary, these two guys who attack completely in the form of hand-to-hand combat do not look much inferior to Abao. Their thick forelimbs and their huge mouths that can grow into obtuse angles are both deadly weapons. Each has black scales with extremely strong defense.

Just the three of them blocked all frontal attacks.

Behind the eight people, there were also three melee fighters. Among these three melee fighters, Leng Xiao was the core. The two on Leng Xiao's left and right were also demons that looked a bit like mutated monsters. One was a majestic figure, like a giant bear. His body was constantly emitting a deep yellow light. Whenever there were many attacking monsters, he would stomp the ground hard, sending out strong shock waves, and large cracks would continue to appear on the ground under his bombardment.

On the other side of Leng Xiao was a powerful demon with the head of a lion and the body of a lion, who also had extremely strong offensive and defensive abilities.

Yue Ye and another demon woman were in the middle. Unleash their magic. The core of the entire team is Abao, but the commander is Yue Ye. The staff in her hand has been changed to a different one, and it is dark purple in color. The rich magic power fluctuations continue to spread, applying amplifying magic to other demons, while constantly making up for the loopholes.

The other demon woman next to her was dressed in red. She looked no different from a human, but her figure was much hotter. She wore a soft fish-scale armor on her body, which was supported by her plump figure. Her breasts were as plump as two big watermelons, but her waist was extremely slender, and then she had extremely perky buttocks. This kind of figure is impossible for humans to grow.

This woman held two coral-like staffs in her hands. She swayed as she moved. Dark red rays of light continued to shoot out from her pair of staffs. Any monster that was hit would receive an extremely brutal blow. The attack power is very powerful. It's just that her attacks are all single-target, and there is no group attack magic.

The cooperation between these eight people was definitely not a tacit understanding. Obviously, the cooperation time was very short, but under Yue Ye's control, there was no loophole. Even if they did, they made up for it with their own tyrannical strength.

Through this period of observation, Long Haochen discovered the secrets among them. Except for Yue Ye and the red-haired woman in red clothes, the external spiritual power of the other demons must be quite powerful, so among the many monsters They were able to survive the attack.

Without Ye Xiaolei's command, the attacks of the monsters gradually became chaotic. However, the crazy attacks would definitely cause crowding. The army of monsters lacking a brain was actually pushed forward by eight demons. No matter how crazy they were, There is no way to stop the progress of these demons.

Long Haochen still stood there without moving, his eyes falling on Yue Ye from time to time. If he could command the monsters, he might be able to block enemies like before, but he can't. All he can do now is rely on the terrain and wait for the strong demons to rush over.

An hour is quite a long time, and under the influence of Abao's halo, these powerful demons don't seem to feel tired at all, and they keep moving forward step by step. With every step forward, there will be many broken corpses of monsters mixed with blood and internal organs scattered in all directions.

After Ye Xiaolei was sealed by the Great Prophecy, the number of monsters coming from all directions for reinforcements was obviously reduced. This is also very bad news.

Cai'er quietly came to Long Haochen and whispered, Do you want it?

Although she didn't say it clearly, Long Haochen understood what she meant. He shook his head gently and said, This is not the time.

Cai'er nodded and said nothing more.

Long Haochen turned to look at Han Yu and gestured to him.

Han Yu understood immediately, stood beside Long Haochen, and slowly chanted the spell. At the same time, Yating behind Long Haochen also started singing.

At this time, the eight demon clan members had gradually advanced to the bottom of the hill, only more than a hundred meters away from the top of the hill. Of course, as they advanced, the attacks of the monsters became even more frenzied. Ye Xiaolei was on top, and they would never back down even if it cost them their lives.

A faint golden halo spread from the mountain and enveloped the battlefield.

Moisturized by this golden light, the injuries on the monsters were immediately healed to a certain extent, and their power suddenly increased a bit.

Immediately afterwards, another stronger golden light swayed down, and more monsters received deep treatment. The sudden reinforcements made the group of monsters in Dream Paradise become even more ferocious. The forward momentum of the eight demon clan members also stalled.

These two magics were naturally released by Long Haochen and Han Yu. Long Haochen doesn't know group healing magic, but Yating does! Although Yating cannot use magic directly, she can use it through Long Haochen after completing the spell.

Ever since they met Ye Xiaolei, they seemed to have become a part of Dream Paradise and received the full support of Dream Paradise. In this case, everyone can recover their spiritual power much faster.

Long Haochen turned around, called Chen Ying'er to his side, and whispered a few words.

Chen Ying'er nodded after a brief moment of silence. The look in Long Haochen's eyes became a little strange.

Sima Xian and Wang Yuanyuan had already arrived at Long Haochen's side and were ready for battle. The distance of 100 meters seems long, but in fact it may only be a few sprints in front of a strong person.

Streams of healing magic began to leak out from the top of the mountain. With the support from the top of the mountain, the monsters not only recovered from their injuries, but also gradually calmed down their scattered hearts. The presence of healing magic on the top of the mountain meant that Ye Xiaolei was fine. As long as their backbone is still there, they are not afraid of these powerful enemies in front of them.

Long Haochen said to Yating: Tell them in a language they can understand that Ye Xiaolei is only temporarily sealed. It will take time to wake up, at least for an hour.

Yating nodded slightly and flew to Long Haochen, chattering something. Her voice was spread far away by the light element.

Hearing Yating's voice, the group of monsters suddenly roared loudly, and they all seemed to be enraged. Ye Xiaolei was sealed by these enemies, which was a great shame and humiliation for them! Suddenly, the morale became high again. With the assistance of the healing magic on the mountain, the attacks of the monsters became more powerful.

It's not like Long Haochen never thought of commanding these monsters with the help of Yating. But this will obviously not have any good effect. Because he was not familiar with these monsters, he didn't know what each monster was good at, and he couldn't even name them. If he really commanded them, the group of monsters might become even more chaotic. Therefore, what he can do is to treat the monsters and improve their morale.

On the other side, Chen Ying'er didn't know when she was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with McDull Piggy crawling on her lap, and they were communicating with each other. Immediately afterwards, Chen Yinger took out several large magic crystals and placed them in front of McDull Piggy.

McDull seemed a little scared, but soon he made a decision with Chen Yinger's encouragement, swallowed those few seventh-level magic crystals into his belly, and then closed his eyes.

Zhang Fangfang also joined the ranks of healers. To be honest, his healing magic is not as good as Han Yu. After all, he has a full-time priest in his team. As a guardian knight, he does not need to spend too much time on treatment. . However, after all, he is a sixth-level peak powerhouse. He can still do simple big recovery spells. If he can't heal a group, he can always do it alone. Each of his great recovery spells always landed on the more seriously injured monsters. In conjunction with Yating and Han Yu's group treatment, it provides support to the group of monsters.

With their help and the news that Ye Xiaolei had been sealed, the monsters stopped the charging pace of the eight demons. Especially their group healing skills, which are all light-based. It is no different from attacking magic when it falls on the demons. Although it cannot really hurt these demons, it weakens Abao's dark skill that can amplify all companions. Still very effective.

Long Haochen raised his head and glanced at the sky, then looked at Ye Xiaolei beside him, and his confidence became a little stronger.

This is not the first time he has commanded a battle or even a war, but this time it is obviously the most dangerous. Once the eight people of Abao rush forward, it is hard to say how long they can resist. At least for now, their strength is not strong enough to last for long.


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