Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 314 Selection (Part 1)

What is a bloodthirsty maniac? A strong member of the mad demon clan among the demon clan. Compared with ordinary mad demons, the truly powerful bloodthirsty mad demons have a cultivation level as high as sixth level. He is one of the few demons who relies solely on physical attacks to fight.

The words Lin Xin used to describe Sima Xian are more suitable for the bloodthirsty maniac. This guy is full of muscles.

However, don't forget that no matter how obvious the shortcomings of the bloodthirsty madman are, not being good at long-range attacks and not knowing magic attacks, he is still a sixth-level strongman after all! How can we not have some basis?

The tyranny of the body makes up for the lack of elemental control, and the terrifying physical attack power is even more invincible on the battlefield. Even if there were other sixth-level demons, absolutely no one would be willing to go head-to-head with a lunatic like the Bloodthirsty Demon. Once it launches an attack, the bloodthirsty demon will not stop fighting, whether it is against humans or demons.

When a human magician is rushed forward by a bloodthirsty demon, and then a ferocious face approaches, and the spikes on his arms are pressed against his neck and he roars, it is already good if he does not become incontinent.

The water magician was very direct, his mind went blank, and he fell down.

Chen Ying'er curled her lips in the distance, It's really useless. I should have known I wouldn't need the sixth-order magic crystal. It's a waste.

However, before she finished speaking, her voice immediately became urgent and sharp, Ah! Referee, don't do anything, that's not a demon.

A bloodthirsty demon appears inside the priest's temple. What is going on? The bloodthirsty maniac appeared so suddenly that the eighth-level referee had no time to think about it. He rushed in front of the bloodthirsty maniac and punched him away.

The reaction of the bloodthirsty maniac was not slow. His feet seemed to slip, and his whole body fell down immediately. However, the toes of his spiritual orifice touched the ground, and at the same time a pair of spikes pushed the ground, and the huge body flew upside down. out. During the flight, the demon hunters who were watching the battle saw clearly that his body was shrinking at an alarming speed. When he flipped and landed again, he had turned into the appearance of the previous piggy, flying towards him as if flying. Chen Ying'er ran over, looking like she was frightened.

That's an eighth-level powerhouse! One hit, and even McDull Piggy in a bloodthirsty state would probably be doomed. It was originally extremely dissatisfied with its experience in the Tower of Eternity a few days ago. The feeling of being abused every day was too painful, but now it is deeply grateful. It can be said that the improvement of its combat skills was caused by the abuse of the red skull. Of course, this is the result of experiencing the risk of turning into a roasted suckling pig every day.

The referee was really stunned this time. This was the first time he had seen this situation with his eighth-level cultivation! He quickly strode towards Chen Ying'er to ask clearly.

Before the referee could speak, Chen Ying'er had already transformed into Little Pepper, What are you doing? You do it before you understand it clearly? Can you afford to pay for hurting my McDull? Do you know how important McDull is to me? It's My natal summoned beast. Even if I haven’t seen it, I’m still so reckless. Have you never seen a magical beast that can transform? Are you so stupid? Hmph!”

After saying these words, Chen Ying'er angrily shook her two braids on the back of her head and walked directly back to the rest area.

Her voice was so loud that all the demon hunters in the rest area could hear her clearly, and laughter immediately broke out. This girl was so fierce that even an eighth-level paladin dared to scold her. How could she be so awesome?

The referee was also very depressed and thought to himself, who asked you to imitate the demons? Moreover, I have never seen a magical beast that can transform!

Han Qian called to his depressed men, stood up while holding back his laughter, and said, Okay, the game continues. Number 36 wins this time.

Who is Chen Yinger? That's Grandma Sanshui's granddaughter. Grandma Sanshui's character made even him and Ying Suifeng offend. It's strange that the granddaughter she taught has a good temper. Of course, it is impossible for Chen Yinger to have any collusion with the demons. Who would doubt her!

However, McDull Piggy's performance still surprised the big shots present, not only because of its transformation ability, but also because of its fighting skills in the game. Even the eighth-level Paladin's attack was dodged by it, and it was able to dodge and move in front of the Ice Rain Technique before. This is no ordinary Warcraft! Is Chen Ying'er's natal monster really interesting?

After sitting down again, Han Qian glanced at Long Haochen calmly, thinking to himself that Haochen's friends seemed to have become stronger as well.

Yang Wenzhao opened his mouth wide and looked stunned. Is Ying'er already so strong? Is that her natal summoned beast? In other words, she is no longer the unreliable summoner she was before. For a moment, he couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart.

The game continues. Although the game just now was exciting, today's game is related to vital interests, and everyone is going all out. Focus on yourself as much as possible so you don't care much about other people's situations. Moreover, although McDull Piggy's ability to transform into a bloodthirsty demon is quite good, the flaws of the bloodthirsty demon are also obvious, and he does not have any equipment. As long as he is prepared, it is not difficult to deal with it.

The second member of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 was Lin Xin. I don’t know what happened. In the order of their drawing, the two with the weakest direct combat effectiveness actually appeared first.

Holding the fire cloud crystal staff, Lin Xin shook his long flowing hair, smiled slightly at Li Xin not far away, and then strode towards the venue.

Li Xin naturally came to such an important competition. Of course, she didn't put any pressure on herself. After all, she had just broken through to the fifth level. Although her spiritual power had been increased to more than 3,000 by relying on the Holy Spirit Pill, it was obviously unrealistic to finally qualify in this level of trials.

Seeing that Lin Xin was actually going to play, Li Xin couldn't help but be shocked, with a trace of anxiety on her pretty face. She quickly walked over to the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group and sat down next to Long Haochen.

Brother, how can he go up to compete? He can't even attack? Li Xin whispered.

Long Haochen chuckled and said: Sister, it's okay. Even if you can't win, you will definitely not lose the game. Just watch. Lin Xin has made great progress recently. He said that in order to be worthy of you, he would You have to practice hard.

Bah, are you even making fun of your sister? What is worthy or not? Li Xin blushed, but she still couldn't help but look at Lin Xin in the venue.

Lin Xin has the potential to be weak, and he is known as a well-behaved and honest person in front of Li Xin. In addition, he works hard to please, and often gives some small gifts to Li Xin. Li Xin was resigned to the situation. Gradually, he gained a certain place in Li Xin's heart.

At the beginning, Li Xin mainly sympathized with Lin Xin because of his miserable situation, but as the contact increased, she found more and more that Lin Xin was good in many aspects. Although this guy was a little narcissistic, his appearance was really good. There are redeeming qualities. Moreover, his talent in refining medicine can indeed be described as extraordinary talent. More importantly, this guy is easy to bully!

At this time, Lin Xin had already walked to the center of the field, and his opponent was a warrior. But he is a warrior who looks a bit thin. He wore simple leather armor and held a small battle ax in each hand. Obviously, this fighter is taking the speed route.

Magician versus warrior, the distance between the two sides was thirty meters. As soon as the referee announced that the match had begun, the soldier had already charged towards Lin Xin.

Lin Xin's luck was obviously not as good as Chen Ying'er's. The person he met was an out-and-out sixth-level strongman. A pair of small cyan spiritual wings were released from behind. They did not fly, but they pushed his body. It was like a green stream of light rushing straight in front of Lin Xin.

A rich red light instantly appeared on Lin Xin, and he was not seen chanting any spells. The fire crystal staff in his hand was inserted directly into the ground. The red light was released by him and the staff together. The strong spiritual power fluctuations give people a strong sense of oppression. But no one could tell what kind of magic this guy was trying to achieve.

The warrior himself has a wind attribute, and coupled with a pair of wind spiritual wings, his speed can be imagined. With his sixth-level cultivation, he didn't take Lin Xin, who didn't even have spiritual wings, into his eyes at all. The speed increased sharply in the air, and he rushed towards Lin Xin with an indomitable momentum.

Speed ​​and attack power are directly proportional. The battle ax in the warrior's hands was ready to deal with Lin Xin's magic. His pair of battle axes have the effect of destroying demons, and their spiritual power is not weak. At this time, the pair of battle axes have turned blue under the injection of spiritual power. What he was thinking about now was where to cut Lin Xin. After all, this was not a life and death fight, and he couldn't maim his opponent.

To everyone's surprise, Lin Xin did nothing when the opponent rushed towards him. Just watching the other party come over.

Of course, the wind warrior was also very fast. He was in front of Lin Xin in just a few blinks, and a pair of battle axes were raised.

A smile of victory appeared on the face of the wind warrior. The magician was approached by the warrior, which was destined to end the game. However, he was not careless at all, and was still full of spiritual power to prepare for Lin Xin's possible counterattack.

Just when the distance between the two sides was only about two meters, Lin Xin finally reacted, and a rich red halo suddenly spread from his body.

Resist the ring of fire. A low-level skill. It has no attack power, and its most important function is to shake the enemy away to avoid the enemy's attack on itself. It is one of the self-protection skills of fire magicians.

Seeing that the opponent actually released a resistance fire ring after waiting for a long time, the wind warrior couldn't help but laugh. You want to stop me by resisting the ring of fire? The battle ax in his left hand slashed forward. In his opinion, with the demon-breaking effect on the battle ax, it was easy to split this resistant fire ring.

Is this really the case?


The explosion has begun, the first update, everyone can count how many explosions there are in total.

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