Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 315 Selection (Part 2)

The smile on the wind warrior's face froze before it disappeared, because he was surprised to find that after his tomahawk struck the fire-resistant ring, it was like cutting into a huge piece of rubber. The strong rebound force and Its strength prevents it from moving forward at all. The next moment, how fast the sprint is, how big the reaction force is.

The resistance to the ring of fire and the rapid charge collided, and the wind warrior was directly thrown away at a faster speed than when he came, like a stone shot from a slingshot. Moreover, although the fire-resistant ring was not hard, the backlash made his chest feel tight, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body fell into a brief state of dizziness.

A group of flaming skeletons flew out at this moment, but they did not attack the wind warrior. They just circled in the air and returned to Lin Xin's fire crystal staff.

The referee stopped the game and ruled that Lin Xin won. Obviously, if the fire spell just fell on the wind warrior, he would be half disabled even if he didn't die. That's level six magic. The magician's sixth-level magic attack power is not comparable to the warrior's sixth-level skills.

Following Chen Yinger, Lin Xin also won the first game.

Lin Xin was stunned when he walked back to the rest area. When he saw Li Xin beside Long Haochen, he was slightly startled, and the smug look on his face suddenly faded a bit. No one saw it. There was a hint of warmth flashing deep in his eyes.

Daughter-in-law, why are you here? Lin Xin sat down next to Li Xin politely.

Li Xin said angrily: Who is your wife? Are you still shameless?

Lin Xin chuckled and said, I just want a wife, no shame.

You..., I'm leaving. As she said this, Li Xin stood up and headed back to the General Level 22 Demon Hunting Group.

Lin Xin hurriedly took her hand and said, Don't go, don't go. Why don't you stop if I don't say it? I will listen to you. As he said this, he immediately changed to sit upright, looking like a good baby.

Looking at this living treasure, Li Xin really couldn't do anything about him.

Others couldn't help but smile when they looked at them, even Cai'er smiled.

The game continued. After a few games, it was Sima Xian's turn for the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group. People who are familiar with their demon hunting group can't help but wonder in their hearts, could it be that their entire group has signed up?

Sima Xian strode into the venue. His appearance was indeed a bit shocking. With his majestic figure, half-armor, and the huge metal ball in his hand, many people couldn't help but wonder, what kind of weapon is this?

Sima Xian's opponent is a knight.

Both parties have the same names and professions. The referee asked as usual. Asking about occupation was in reference to the distance between the two sides at the start of the game.



Well, the knight and the priest are competing, the distance between the two sides..., wait a minute, are you the priest? The referee looked at Sima Xian in shock.

Sima Xian's face suddenly looked a little ugly. This was the main hall of the Priest Temple! He said with a tigerish face: Why can't I be a priest?

The muscles on the referee's face couldn't help but twitch, and he said solemnly: For the fairness of the game, you need to be verified. Please show your priest's credentials.

Sima Xian snorted, raised his left hand in the air, and a pure sacred light bloomed from his body.

This is an authentic priest skill that cannot be learned by people from other temples. Warriors and knights will not learn this skill.

Are you really a priest? the referee asked again hesitantly.

At this time, Ling Xiao, the leader of the Priest Temple who was sitting in the front row, quit, We haven't competed yet, what are we waiting for? This guy is the Priest.

Yes, Lord Ling. The referee's heart twitched. This guy doesn't look like a priest at all!

Priest vs. Knight, the two sides are fifty meters apart. The game begins.

Sima Xian majestically withdrew fifty meters away, waving the Power Pill of Light in his hand.

A huge three-foot-long chain was connected to a one-meter-diameter light power pill. As soon as it was waved on the field, it immediately brought up waves of evil wind. The sharp whistle of woo woo made all the spectators twitch in their hearts along with the referee, oh no! Is this really a priest?

The one who felt the deepest feeling was naturally Sima Xian's opponent at this time. He stared at Sima Xian's Light Power Pill in dumbfounded amazement. This knight was not that confident when he launched the charge.

His mount is a red-armored earth dragon, which can be considered a tall and powerful level six monster. However, when he rode his red-armored earth dragon towards Sima Xian, he felt that his momentum was completely suppressed.

Sima Xian also strode towards the other party, making a muffled sound with every step he took. His own momentum is increasing rapidly. The intense golden light became stronger and stronger on his body, and the hovering light pill bloomed with dazzling golden light like a small sun.

rest area.

Ling Xiao had already covered his face with his hands, Is this guy really a priest? It's so embarrassing. Who trained this kid? No, I must expel him. Definitely. Such a guy To remain in a priestly temple is simply a disgrace to the temple.”

Han Qian said leisurely: What a shame? Well, I'll talk to this guy later and let him join our Knights Temple. Anyway, his affairs in the Haochen team cannot be changed.

Huh? Ling Xiao put down the hand covering his face and looked at Han Qian with a puzzled expression, You old guy has always been unprofitable and can't afford to be early. If this kid is expelled from the priest temple by me, then it will be terrible. It’s just a joke, are you still willing to accept him?”

Han Qian glanced at him disdainfully, Don't ask me, I will never tell you that this child's innate spiritual power is eighty.

Ahem——, you, what did you say?

Han Qian covered his mouth and said, I didn't say anything.

When Ling Xiao turned his head to look at Sima Xian again, his eyes had completely changed. It looked like he had seen some rare treasure.

Han Qian teased from the side: Old Ling, you must keep your word. When this trial is over, expel him as soon as possible. We need as many talents as we have in the Knights Temple. Look, he is a He doesn’t know healing magic, and staying in your temple is just a joke. We are not afraid of him. He will be trained and cultivated, and he will definitely be a good disciplinary knight. Even if the weapons are a little weird, it won’t matter.

Shut up, don't even think about it. Ling Xiao said viciously, When did I say I was going to fire him?

Han Qian's eyes widened and he said, You just said that!

Ling Xiao snorted and said: What the hell, you're hearing hallucinations. This kid is from our priest temple, no one can get involved. So what if he doesn't know how to treat? He can definitely serve as a discipline priest. As the guardian of the temple. After the competition is over, I plan to accept him as my personal disciple.

Ying Suifeng, who was sitting silently on the other side of Ling Xiao, suddenly sighed and said, Old Ling, your thickness of skin is almost as thick as that of Old Han.

Han Qian laughed and said: It's okay, I don't have the same experience as him. The reason why he said that Sima Xian's innate spiritual power was eighty was naturally intentional. Sima Xian is Long Haochen's partner, and he is also Long Haochen's knight. His strength means that Long Haochen is safer. Of course, if you can help, I will help.

Sima Xian's opponent is a guardian knight. Tragically, what this guy is good at is also strength. His cultivation level has just reached the sixth level. Therefore, looking at the powerful light pill whistling in the evil wind, he could only rush over. Knights themselves are not good at long-range attacks.

The result was obvious, when the knight used his spirit demon level shield plus divine block and holy light shield to encounter Sima Xianguang's Daliwan smashing skills plus ripples of light. The result is that the shield is shattered and people are flying.

It's not that this knight can't block Sima Xian's attack, it's just that he suffers too much from the weapon. After being knocked away, his household registration exploded, his chest felt tight, and he almost spurted out a mouthful of blood. More importantly, he was knocked away, but his red-armored earth dragon was still there.

Seeing the powerful pill of light being swung round and hitting the red-armored earth dragon, the knight who felt sorry for his mount had no choice but to shout and admit defeat.

The first round of the competition went very quickly. Long Haochen and the seven members of the Demon Hunting Group No. 21 were actually very lucky. They did not encounter any senior handsome demon hunters, and they all passed the first round smoothly.

More than seventy games have been played in this round, and it is already noon. Ling Xiao announces that the second round will continue in the afternoon. Go to lunch first.

I don’t know if all my luck has run out, but during the drawing process in the afternoon competition, Lin Xin actually got Sima Xian, and Chen Ying’er got Cai’er…

As a result, Sima Xian and Cai'er, who were more promising, naturally advanced, and Long Haochen, Wang Yuanyuan and Han Yu also defeated their opponents. It is worth mentioning that Wang Yuanyuan barely won after a hard battle. And he still managed to win unexpectedly with the help of the Shield of the Giant Spirit version of Shura Slash.

Compared with the first round, the second round is obviously much more difficult. However, after two rounds, there are still five people left in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group, which is quite extraordinary. There are only thirty-eight remaining contestants now. Except for Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian and Han Yu, all the other promotions are at the sixth level.

The third round started on the second day, and the competition in this round became obviously more intense. Long Haochen directly met Wang Yuanyuan, so naturally he, the team leader, advanced. However, both Han Yu and Sima Xian lost the game. Han Yu met a powerful sixth-level summoner, and was finally attacked by many powerful summoned beasts. Sima Xian was unlucky enough to meet a sixth-level peak magician. After widening the distance, he failed to get closer. Finally drank in hatred. After this round, only Long Haochen and Cai'er advanced.


Although it's April Fool's Day, Lao San will definitely give everyone a solid reason to vote! Please vote for me, the outbreak will continue.

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