Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 313 Martial Arts from Ancient Era (Part 2)

After all, she doesn't need to confront the red skull as often as Long Haochen. Long Haochen and Cai'er teamed up and tried several more times. With their tacit cooperation, they were able to persist in front of the red skull for a full five minutes.

Although these five minutes are quite exhausting and stressful for them, don't forget that both of them can recover in the Tower of Eternity. Moreover, the greater the pressure, the greater the effect. That red skull doesn't know how to kill. Long Haochen persisted in fighting for ten times before teleporting back to rest in pain as if his body was about to break.

There is no place like a podium in this trial ground. Zhennanguan and the leaders of the alliance are sitting in the front row.

Seeing that everyone had almost arrived, Ling Xiao, the master of the Priest Temple, walked into the trial venue.

Dear demon hunters of the demon hunting group, everyone already knows the matter, so I won't go into details here. I just want to emphasize that you are all saviors to Zhennanguan. You have also just completed a mission not long ago. This battle has become the mainstay of our Zhennanguan defense over the past month. On behalf of the Priest Temple and Zhennanguan, I thank you.

Even though Ling Xiao always kept a straight face, as a ninth-level strongman and the master of the Priest Temple, he actually bowed to the demon hunters who were not even the most handsome level present. This magnanimity is heartbreaking.

Naturally, the demon hunters couldn't help but stood up collectively to return the favor to Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao said in a deep voice: The previous battle almost caused a devastating blow to our Zhennanguan Pass. You are the saviors of Zhennanguan Pass, but what about each other? What are you? They are Paoze and comrades-in-arms. Lie. You all know how high the death rate of the demon group is. This time, the spiritual furnace in Fantasy Paradise has a fatal attraction for any profession, but it is a foreign object after all. Today's selection is to select talents , instead of asking you to fight to the death. I solemnly warn everyone that in the competition, killing the opponent is never allowed, nor is disability damage allowed. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless. I will remind you The Alliance recommends that the guy who kills you should be removed from the demon hunting group.

When he said the last sentence, although he was a priest, his eyes clearly shone with a cold light, and the terrifying coercion of the ninth-level powerhouse suppressed the more than a hundred people present in silence.

After a moment of silence, Ling smiled and said: There is another rule, that is, no flying is allowed. Flying is not allowed in Dream Paradise, so we also require all contestants in this trial not to use spiritual wings to fly in the air to fight. Let's start the lottery. I saw him A wave of his hand also means that this selection competition is official.

The drawing ceremony is very simple. A wooden box is carried into the field, with number plates inside, and consecutive numbers are played against each other. Lots are drawn again every round. Ensure fairness.

One hundred and fifty people participated in the draw, which was quite a spectacle. When the seven of them in Long Haochen lined up and walked out, they couldn't help but miss the advancement of the Holy Alliance Grand Trial Ground.

The whole drawing process lasted for a quarter of an hour. The game also officially started. As the law enforcement referee, he was an eighth-level paladin. Obviously, although Ling Xiao had given enough reminders before, the demon hunters present could be said to be the most precious resources of the alliance, so he still let the eighth-level powerful The person will act as a referee to ensure that no injuries or deaths occur.

Long Haochen and the others were lucky enough to draw lots in the first round. At least the seven of them were not consecutive numbers, thus avoiding the tragic situation of killing each other.

The first game started quickly.

This is a competition for demon hunters, not the trials for new demon hunters. Sure enough, the competition was extremely fierce from the beginning. Most of the participating demon hunters are sixth-level experts.

Although they were not flying, the battle was still extremely fierce, and strong spiritual power erupted in the field, so much so that the eighth-level paladin had to release his glorious body and be ready to intervene in the game at any time.

The game goes very quickly, and the difference in strength is naturally the key to victory. After all, it is rare to draw a player whose strength is close to that of the opponent.

The one with the smallest number among the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group was actually Chen Yinger, so she naturally became the first one to take the stage.

Enter the competition on the 35th and 36th.

Number 36 is none other than Chen Yinger.

Lin Xin shook his hair, looked at Chen Ying'er and said, If it doesn't work, just admit defeat and don't waste the magic crystals. Your opponent is a sixth-level expert.

Bah, why should I admit defeat? I'll just use it. Chen Ying'er rolled her eyes at him and walked directly to the field with McDull Piggy in her arms.

Although there were also members of the general-level demon hunting group who participated in the previous battle, the winners were almost all sixth-level experts from the handsome-level demon hunting group. At this time, Chen Ying'er, a pretty little girl, walked into the field, which immediately surprised most of the demon hunters.

Is this little girl twenty years old? Don't you go wrong? Probably from the sergeant-level demon hunting group.

Chen Ying'er was really lucky. Her opponent was a water magician from a veteran general-level demon hunting group. The strength is around level 5 and level 8.

The referee glanced at Chen Ying'er, and then said solemnly: I emphasize again, no cruelty is allowed. The game begins. When he said this, he was completely facing the water magician, which showed that he was not optimistic about it. Chen Yinger.

The magician and the summoner were fighting, with a distance of fifty meters between the two sides.

The water magician laughed when he saw that his opponent was such a little girl. No one, let alone him, even those who knew Long Haochen and his team would think highly of Chen Ying'er.

In the rest area, Yang Wenzhao's face looked extremely ugly at this time, and he murmured: What is Long Haochen doing? How can Ying'er be allowed to participate in such a competition? What if she gets injured?

However, when the game actually started, those who were not optimistic about Chen Yinger quickly became sluggish.

As a demon hunter, although the water magician looked down upon Chen Ying'er, he was not careless after the game started. For a demon hunter, carelessness means death, so he sang the elemental water shield very carefully. magic. Then he saw that the little pig that Chen Ying'er was holding jumped out of Chen Ying'er's arms, and then ran in his direction.

Is this little pig a monster? No way. This water magician considers himself well-informed, but he doesn't remember the existence of such a magical beast.

The elemental water shield was quickly completed, and a layer of blue light enveloped the water magician's body. Pointing forward the staff in his hand, he instantly fired an ice arrow towards McDull.

It has to be said that among demon hunting groups at the general level, there are few who are as wealthy as Long Haochen and others. The staff in the hand of this water magician is still at the spirit level.

When he fired the ice arrow, the magician glanced at Chen Ying'er, but found that the little girl had no intention of chanting the spell at all.

This was the first time he encountered such a battle, and he was really confused.

As soon as the ice arrow arrived in front of McDull, he kicked the ground with all four hooves and suddenly made a sideways pounce. As soon as his round body touched the ground, he completed a roll in an instant, and then pounced towards the magician again.

The timing of McDull's jump was extremely good, and he jumped out just at the moment when the ice arrow was in front of him, so that even a water magician who wanted to control the ice arrow attack on it couldn't do it. It hit the ground directly and broke into pieces.

Hey. The water magician clicked the staff again. This time, he immediately cast a fourth-level ice rain skill. This was also a skill attached to his staff and could be used twice a day.

The Ice Rain spell does not drop water droplets, but ice cones. The large ice picks directly enveloped McDull's small body.

At this time, McDull was still about thirty meters away from the water magician.

A shocking scene appeared. At this moment, McDull showed a strong dodge ability. His body curled up as much as possible, his speed increased sharply, and he continued to slip through the gaps in the ice pick while dodging. At the most dangerous time, some ice picks even passed along its back.

Magicians all have their own inertial thinking. In their opinion, area magic cannot be avoided. But at this moment, McDull taught all magicians a lesson. Who said area magic couldn't be dodged?

McDull's body is only about a foot long and has never grown up. No matter how dense the ice picks are, there are still gaps, otherwise it will be a piece of ice wall smashed down.

While he was dodging around, he was still moving forward.

The ice cone technique somewhat interfered with the water magician's sight. By the time he saw the piggy's powerful dodge movements clearly, McDull was only a dozen meters away from him.

A trace of uneasiness finally appeared in the heart of the water magician. This little pig rushed towards me persistently, it must have a purpose. Although he did not feel any spiritual energy fluctuations on McDull, as a demon hunter, his keen judgment on the crisis allowed him to react immediately.

This time it was really the Ice Wall Technique. A three-meter-wide ice wall suddenly erected in front of McDull, blocking its way. Just as it was about to rush into the ice wall, the water magician's understanding and control of spells came to light. Three ice walls rose up instantly, blocking the other three directions, artificially creating an ice prison and accurately sealing McDull, who was less than ten meters away from him.

Just when the water magician was breathing a sigh of relief, suddenly, a fear from his heart suddenly appeared. The next moment, a strong explosion came from the ice wall.

A huge figure came out fiercely, and two awl-like weapons instantly reached his chest.

Resist ice rings. The water magician panicked and released his magic immediately. Unfortunately, the opponent he faced was not something that could be stopped by an ice ring.


The ice ring and elemental water shield were almost broken one after another. The body was three meters away, and the bloodthirsty maniac wielding a pair of powerful spikes was already in front of him.



I'll meet you all at Tangmen at eight o'clock later. There will be a big explosion at twelve o'clock tonight. Don't forget to watch. In the last few hours of the month, please vote for me.

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